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imageReview of   low grade science; crypto Jew; addiction skeptic
Anthony Daniels/Theodore Dalrymple: Junk Medicine—Doctors, Lies, and the Addiction Bureaucracy (2007)

Revisionist book: heroin addiction as money-making and something of a myth, 18 May 2009

  Fourteen years later: I've added (same review, below) Jew-aware remarks  
New Gresham's Law:   “Jewish money drives out truth”
Having learned to be generally sceptical, I've had doubts for a long time whether 'addiction' really exists. I met a man some years ago who took heroin to see what it was like, but was never addicted. I sometimes have smoked: but given a change of lifestyle I feel no need to smoke. I can take or leave alcohol. Am I addicted to potatoes, chips, bacon, eggs, tea, coffee? Maybe; or maybe not. Watching people in tobacconists and as they lovingly unwrap the packaging and throw away bits of it, I'm struck by the ritual.

A note on the physical book. The designers have taken some trouble over this hardback; bright red inside page, black with red and white cover, including opaque white, grey ink. Dedications and quotations from obscure people; I don't think the book was widely approved. Publisher stated to be Harriman House of 3A Penns Road, with a Guildford postcode. Not therefore a well-known house.
      The cover blurb says it's ‘one of the UK's leading independent publishers ... on finance, business, economics, and politics.’
      About 150 pages; 3 chapters, the first being about half the book. Not in my view well-planned and almost intolerably slow and indirect. Several look-up sections, including A short Anthology of Nonsense. This is a book by someone in a profession where he seems not to fit; largely the West Midlands Poisons Unit.
      First published (a note inside states) as Romancing Opiates by Encounter Books in the USA 2006. This may indicate an 'intelligence' link.

Dalrymple (in fact, a Jew, Anthony Daniels, though of some sort of eastern European ancestry—his is an adopted name, after the fashion of 'Ashley Montagu', a well-known pseudo-scientist)—in effect states that heroin addiction is a money-making racket: the addicts and medicos interact with a synergy that provides money and a career for the supposed experts, and a lazy life for the victims. Neither side wants the relationship to end. Bribable or corrupt (or scared) doctors will prescribe. As with alcoholics, 'cures' are expensive—Dalrymple quotes someone who found that alcoholism in Scotland is no worse than in England, and was met with protests in Scotland...

Very important hypothesis. However, the book seems flawed to me.

Note on now-dead Raymond Sackler, 'billionaire and philanthropist' according to the Wikipedia joke factory. Purdue Pharmaceuticals is well-known for pushing Oxycontin, its roots, so to speak, in opium poppy fields. Possibly Dalrymple is trying to help Jewish addicts recover, without taking the daring step of discussing Sackler, and no doubt others. Or perhaps he's following a Jewish tradition of pretending to warn future victims. Decoding the meaning from Jewish lies is a tricky task, but it's probably something along these lines. There's a legal deposition online (dated 28 Aug 2015) of Richard Sackler; perhaps 'Daniels/Dalrymple' was being pre-emptive.

[1] Daniels/Dalrymple does think addiction exists. However it takes a long time to develop—typically months. In other words it is a long-term conscious decision. This is not of course the conventional picture. But it makes his book hard to assess because it's never quite clear what 'addiction' means.

[2] He states that addicts can drop heroin if they want with little difficulty. Much of his evidence is of the sort that's hard to evaluate, however. William Burroughs and Trainspotting (a film) are quoted and discussed respectively; Dalrymple regards the movie as an outrageous deception. The Man with the Golden Arm (1959 novel by N Algren) is another. Patients, some of his own, are described; however, I suppose because of patient confidentiality, or the need to hide incompetence, case studies are more or less entirely anecdotal here. So is Mao, who cured more opium addicts than all the clinics put together - by shooting all dealers, and addicts who wouldn't give up. Or so at least Daniels/Dalrymple claims; personally I've learned to be sceptical of any claims, pro or con, about Mao and China.

[3] Recently there was a typically short-lived press 'storm' to the effect that cured heroin addicts cost £1 million each - the cure rate being so tiny. I don't think figures of this sort occur in Dalrymple's book (published in 2007) though he could probably have calculated them.

[4] The 'liberal' view is criticised by Dalrymple. Indeed, a jacket review quotes an LSE professor, author of The Liberal Mind. It can't be often that a medical/sociology book is reviewed by an LSE man! An example of a 'liberal' is Polly Toynbee, notorious to some Britons as woolly-minded and fathomlessly ignorant.

[5] Dalrymple quotes chunks from de Quincey and Coleridge—the latter as out-of-sequence originator of 'Exaggeration and Self-Dramatization', and from French decadents; and more modern writers, who generally regard drug taking as mind-expanding and all the rest. But not Aldous Huxley, suggesting an incomplete look at the genre. He is scathing about the claims to special insight and all the rest, which is amusing enough, but doesn't count as evidence.

[6] He dislikes prisoners and criminals, and generally, who can blame him? But this seems to spill over into the question of the reality or otherwise of 'addiction'. It's not clear to me whether or not there are respectable heroin users/addicts who never become part of the prison circus.

[7] Heroin is almost entirely controlled by Muslims - Dalrymple doesn't mention this fact.

[8] A niggle is that Dalrymple seems to accept other addictions with complete acceptance: for example valium, cocaine, marijuana. This seems inconsistent.

This book therefore in my view doesn't make as good a case as (presumably) ought to be made.

Fourteen years later: Jewish implications

Fentanyl is a chemical version of an opioid—I haven't found exactly what it is, though it's supposed to be lethal in small doses. It was made famous (as far as I know) in the USA by George Floyd, a black's, death. The case was widely mis-reported by the Jewish-owned US media, and must count as part of the Jewish medical frauds syndrome, including of course COVID.

I want to emphasise the Jewish underpinnings of Daniels/Dalrymple's work, which I understated in my earlier review.
• [1] Daniels/Dalrymple constantly peddles the Jewish line on 'sufferings' of Jews, and alleged unpleasantness of whites/the English. Examples are scattered around unsystematically. They include his uncritical acceptance of Jewish post-1945 victory asseverations such as the 'Holocaust' lies and nonsense on 'concentration camps'. And he adopts the anti-white line, talking of something like ‘the English, since they adopted the thuggish subculture.’ (I couldn't relocate the exact quotation).
• [2] He says nothing relating to Jewish publication, advertising, mutual promotion, news promotion of books and the media. Since media are Jewish-owned, it's clearly their policy to push these things, while censoring Jewish activities such as the Sassoons in China and the opium wars. In the USA, typical authors are William Rosser Cobbe and Burroughs, the latter from a rich family. Daniels/Dalrymple says nothing about experimental pushing of LSD, and the manipulation of hemp in favour of cotton and synthetics.
• [3] In the medical field, he accepts Jew propaganda on WW1 'pneumonia' with allegedly 50M deaths. He of course accepts the Jewish-pushed HIV and AIDS myths. He pre-dated the bogus coronavirus and COVID mass frauds, but seems to anticipate their injection mania. It's rather terrifying to see how it's ‘normalised’, being by default assumed a suitable activity for goyim. As time wears on, it's likely that researchers into the past will find evidence of Jewish activities in wars and biological warfare, such as the 'Black Death', which is entirely compatible with Talmudic beliefs.
• [4] The economics aren't discussed (or understood, probably) in detail. But he points to bureaucracies and orthodox, expensive, medical practitioners. In short, there has been developed intentionally an under-group who are corralled and shepherded, and who collaborate to make money for pseudo-medical handlers, getting something, but not much, out of it. It's reminiscent of homosexuals getting handouts in exchange for fake 'AIDS' treatments.

Raeto West   29 Jan 2023

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