Emailed to me by Zoran Dimic.
Has links with Dr Mensur Omerbashich, apparently a geologist who includes solar system work and charges. But I couldn't find a summary of his work. Just an attack by 'rationalists'.
I've copied the site's English appearance, should it vanish. The copy isn't complete; too much work!
I found this site interesting & presenting a newish perspective on Jews.
Sites like this Bosnian one may form a nucleus of world-wide truths about Jews, giving information (which won't exist in CIA handbooks!) on countires and towns noted for Jews. And ancient Jew obsessions—Babylon, Egypt, Armenia, Greece, Rome—ought to be well-known.
Annual Jew calendars should be published and circulated, with important dates marked.
Some of this may need to be secret or semi-secret.
Interesting points include:
• Early history origin Illyria;
• Split between Ashkenazi & Sephardim;
• NATO as reborn East India Company;
• Examples of destruction characteristic of Jews;
• Entire Papacy presented as Crypto-Jewish;
• Second World War as collection of Jewish frauds.
• The sheer numbers of them!
• The COVID fraud & other tricks
• There are some points reminding me of Jewish Marxists: 'feudalism', 'apartheid', 'racism'.
And more. I don't say all this is true. I don't say it includes everything. I don't say it's original, either.
–Raeto West 2024
• Stecak - a witness of the resilience of the Old Bosnian Civilization since the dawn of time • Stecak as the sign of resilience of Old Bosnian Civilization since the dawn of man
CRYPTO-JEWS - a 0.2% minority that rules the Balkans under apartheid • CRYPTO-JEWS - a 0.2% minority which rules the Balkans in the last apartheid
Crypto-Jews of the Balkans
The Jews are a small desert nation created by the consolidation of Semitic (Arab) Bedouin tribes into the Kingdom of Israel around 3200 BC. They received culture, writing and civilizational values ??such as state organization and metalworking from the Illyrians , whose proto-civilization was at its peak around 4000-2000 BC. The map shows the optimal ie the safest route (always sticking to the sea coasts - the Black, Caspian, Aral and all the way to the Indian) spread of the Slavic (Illyrian) language, administration system, bronze metallurgy, etc. into the Yamnaya Bronze Culture (which is generally accepted as the Russian proto-culture and the core of the Russian proto-statehood). Then, facing the Himalayan range , they followed the same route, followed the Caspian Sea further to the southeast and thus emerged in Mohenjo-daro in the valley of the Indus River, where they created the Harappa culture - the Indian proto-culture as well as the core of the Indian proto-statehood under the Illyrian Kuru dynasty. This expansion of the Illyrians "from sea to sea" became the basis of all later mythological motifs of " journey to the end of the world ". The map also shows the directions of expansion of imperial penetration into other parts of the pre-Dantic world, where the Illyrians transferred the technology of the Bronze Age, i.e. Metal (civilized) age and set up their dynasties, including Egypt , Greece , Israel , Sumer - Assyria - Mesopotamia and Libya , with which the civilizations there began to exist. This concept of establishing dynasties will be plagiarized by the Romans (Vatican), Great Britain , etc.
The Jews are a small desert nation created by the consolidation of Semitic (Arab) Bedouin tribes into the Kingdom of Israel ca. 3200 BC as one of the original states founded by the Illyrians by setting up their dynasties - a proto-civilization that at its peak in 4000-2000 BC achieved imperial penetration into other parts of the pre-Dantic world and transferred to them the technology of the Bronze i.e. Metal (civilized) age . Since the climate in Africa and the Middle East was pleasant then, and the deserts were much smaller than today and only on the coast of the Mediterranean, the Illyrians established their dynasties practically simultaneously in Egypt , Greece , Sumer , Mesopotamia , and Libya , which is how the civilizations there began to exist.
The main tribes of Jews in the world today are: Ashkenazi or the London stream (11 million) and Sephardi or the Pope's stream (2.3 million), while Mizrahi (4.5 million) and others. the tribes are found only in Israel or are few in number. According to legend, the Sephardim were the most numerous Jewish tribe until the 8th century. when the more numerous Hunnic nomadic tribe of the Khazars (today's Georgia) collectively accepted Judaism and called themselves Ashkenazim. In reality, the Khazars are newly Germanized and largely assimilated Sephardi of Germany ( Ashkenazi means German in Hebrew ). The Sephardim do not recognize the Ashkenazis and seek to destroy them: the animosity of the Ashkenazi (hereinafter: Ashkenazi) and Sephardic elites (hereinafter: Sephardi) is more intense and terrible than the hatred of non-Jews towards any Jews in history, so for the last 1000 years these tribes have often been exterminated - e.g. Sephardim were capos in concentration camps in the Second World War. war where they helped identify/exterminate the Ashkenazis to biologically reduce the influence of the Ashkenazis. The animosity is also reflected in Israel, where the leading political parties are actually ethnic-tribal [2] , and the Ashkenazis, who founded Israel independently (under the influence of the London Ashkenazi elite), hold absolute control with barely 30% representation (down from 45% in the 1970s) - to the general displeasure of the other tribes who are trying to take over Israel by birth and immigration.
Jews achieve their global geopolitical influence through Crypto-Jews as the bearers of supremacy in numerous countries ( Jews who falsely accept the religion of the new environment while secretly still practicing Judaism [3] ). They came to power by first appointing members of their convert families as Roman popes , who would then appoint other members of the same family to influential positions, these again others, etc. Crypto-Jews further exercise their political influence (on the ground) through Freemasonry , which the Great Jewish elites created on the basis of data on ancient sects, and which they also finance. The most influential tribe of Jews today in Europe and the USA are the Ashkenazi/Crypto-Ashkenazi, while the most numerous and influential European Sephardi/Crypto-Sephardi are those in France , and globally those in South America and Asia (thanks to the penetration of the Jesuit Order of the Catholic Church). [4] [5]
The very project of global domination of the Jews arose in the Antiquity from frustration due to the loss of their homeland and persecution from the countries where they would try to settle, and this frustration was brought to unimaginable proportions by a strong tradition culture. At first perhaps justified as a way of biological protection of the people, the project of Jewish global domination was soon distorted. For example, there is no room for claims that Jewish globalism was of great general benefit to humanity through the funding of the liberal arts and sciences that supposedly enabled the Renaissance and progress, since that support was and remains almost exclusively directed at loyalists to the Jewish global project (Crypto-Jews and Freemasonry - a total of only 5 million people ), while the vast majority of humanity and its most creative individuals were systematically pushed into oblivion , and the same is being attempted today - e.g. when it comes to fundamental discoveries in physics [6] that nullify [7] the status of Ashkenazi Zionist (great Jewish chauvinist [8] ) Albert Einstein as the "Saint of Science " [9] in the chauvinistic myth of Jews as "genetic geniuses" which he openly spreads the Great Jewish elite [10] [11] [12] [13] . The chauvinism of that elite can best be seen from the (locked) article about Jews on the English Wikipedia, in which it blatantly lies that Jews are the authors of the Bible and the creators of Christianity, Islam and civilization . In reality, many independent sources indicate the Jewish state ie. the elite as sponsors of terrorism and as terrorists [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] . Zionism is a great Jewish movement founded by a genetically mentally ill person , probably on the basis of extremist ideas spread by a rabbi in Zemun [22] .
Historians have documented that during the past millennia, Jews were expelled 1030 times from (almost all) countries and territories of the world for the purpose of undermining society as they are doing again today.

Representation of the Sephardim [1] in the countries to which their Great Jewish elite and the Vatican under the Crypto-Sephardic popes strategically deployed them in the period between the XV-XVII centuries. For the approximate number of Crypto-Sephards in those countries (except Israel), multiply the Sephardic numbers shown by 10 .
1 Deployment of Crypto-Jews to the Balkans
2 Crypto-Jews - absolutist rulers of the Balkans
2.1 Crypto-Jews in the government and society of the Balkans today: racist staffing
3 Methods of colonial rule of the Great Jewish elite
3.1 From Frescobaldi to the Medici to the Rothschilds
3.1.1 Jewish Popes
3.2 Principles of dictatorial power
3.3 Methods of Jewish supremacy in the world
3.4 Methods of supremacy of Crypto-Jews in the Balkans
3.5 Brutality
3.6 Culturocide
3.7 Urbicide and Dark Vilayet
3.8 Suppression of resistance
3.9 Tricks
3.10 Consolidation of positions using global crises
3.10.1 Attempt to abuse the 2020 fake pandemic
4 The solution of the Great Jewish problem
5 Related articles
6 For further reading
7 References
Deploying Crypto-Jews to the Balkans
The infamous Rodrigo Borgia (Pope Alexander VI, 1492–1503), a Crypto-Sephard from the south of France who, as pope, appointed a number of his relatives to the most influential positions of that era, and thousands more Sephardim to key positions in the Turkish Empire ruled by the Ottoman dynasty and Western European Crypto-Jews wanted to use it as a Trojan horse to conquer Europe. He was made a cardinal by his uncle Alfonso Borgia (Pope Callixtus III, 1455-1458).
Alfonso Borgia (Pope Callixtus III, 1455-1458), a Crypto-Sephardic from southern France who, as pope, appointed a number of relatives to the most influential positions of the era, including two cousins ??as cardinals, one of whom would become the infamous Pope Borgia (Alexander VI, 1492– 1503).
Jews become a global factor in the XVI-XVII centuries. when the Sephardim gain control over the financial market of England and its colonial campaigns under the guise of the East India Co. (today the NATO pact ), with its headquarters in the City of London - an autonomous city-state in the heart of England where Sephardi/Crypto-Sephardi dominated in the beginning and today it is almost entirely privately owned by Ashkenazi/Crypto-Ashkenazi families who are on the financial market of London penetrated before the Napoleonic Wars at the end of the 18th century. [23] At the same time, the Sephardi elite succeeded in appointing a Crypto-Sephardi from the south of France (converted to Catholicism) Rodrigo Borgia as the infamous Pope Alexander VI (1492–1503), who was appointed cardinal by his uncle Alfonso Borgia (Pope Callixtus III, 1455-1458 ) but who became pope in his later years and ruled for a short time, so the Great Jewish elites did not get to take advantage of his position.
Therefore, as in a game of global chess in which they put the chessboard under their absolute control, through Rodrigo Borgia, immediately after his installation, they took advantage of the "persecution of the Spanish Sephardim " that happened earlier in the same year, and they, as at that time a rarely literate elite, in in agreement with the Turkish sultan (and instead of the local nobility killed in the eliticide), they put them in charge of numerous countries throughout the Empire, including the province of Rumelia (Balkans), where they received permits to settle in the cities: Istanbul, Sarajevo, Thessaloniki, Edirne and Preveza; in western and northern Anatolia in the cities: Bursa, Aydin, Tokat, Amasya, as well as along the Adriatic coast: Jerusalem, Safed, Damascus, as well as in Egypt and others. [24] [25] [26] In the period 1520-1550, Portuguese Sephardim immigrated to Istanbul (from Pyrenean Galicia after it fell under the influence of Portugal), among them over 300 families who, after gaining enormous financial power in Istanbul, publicly embraced Islam in 1666 while secretly continuing to practice Judaism, thereby becoming Dohnme (Turkish false ), i.e. Crypto-Sephardi. Thus, in search of a new source of great profit, as (false) Muslims, they spread much more easily to Thessaloniki [27] [28] . There, under the auspices of the pre-Masonic lodges from Italy, they founded the " Balkan Committee ", through which they created new strongholds in Belgrade (and to a lesser extent in Zagreb ), from where they began to threaten the position of the Spanish Sephardim/Crypto-Sephardim who were previously brought to Sarajevo (between 1492-1500) and who are in meanwhile established a firm supremacy in Bosnia . Most of the Dohnma Sephardi (falsely) received Orthodoxy. The majority moved to Belgrade, and a smaller number remained in Montenegro, where New Orthodox families became new Montenegrin brotherhoods, some of which later also migrated to Belgrade.
Although Crypto-Judaism is researched and scientifically analyzed in the West and wherever clean accounts rule, in the Balkans it is still a forbidden topic - in schools and universities, in the media and public life in general - which is proof that the Balkans are still ruled by Crypto-Jewish families through the intelligence services and synagogues that run their family trees. The majority of crypto-Jews in the Balkans are still in Belgrade, Zagreb and Sarajevo. On average, 10% of Sephardi did not agree to the orders of their rabbis to change their religion, so to get an approximate number of Crypto-Jews in the countries where Borgia and other Crypto-Jewish Popes strategically placed them, you need to multiply by 10 the official numbers of Sephardi in the countries where they are present, i.e. where they "rule from the shadows" (exercise supremacy). According to the archives of the Ottoman Sharia Court in Sarajevo , the earliest mention of Jews in Bosnia is from 1565 - in a note about a certain Raphael , i.e. Avram son of Isaac [29] [30] , so all the Sephardim who came to Sarajevo between 1492-1565 became Crypto-Sephardi .
Crypto-jews – absolute rulers of the Balkans
The deployment of Jews/Crypto-Jews to the Balkans as a new elite instead of the majority of the domestic nobility killed in elitistocide . The Sephardim/Crypto-Sephardim invaded mainly from Pyrenean Galicia with the Turks: from Spain to Sarajevo (1492-1500), from Portugal to Istanbul (1520-1550), and from Istanbul to Belgrade (1566-1650). Ashkenazi/Crypto-Ashkenazi raided mainly with Austrians from Polish-Ukrainian Galicia (but also from Lithuania and Belarus) into Serbia and Bosnia (XVIII-XIX centuries), and then from Austria/Hungary and Germany into Croatia and Bosnia (XIX - XX century). The Portuguese Crypto-Sephardim (Dohnme Sephardim) will fuel the Serbian nationalist movement from Belgrade and Zagreb in order to seize Bosnia from the Spanish Crypto-Sephardim. The struggle for supremacy over the Balkans will be complicated by the arrival of Ashkenazis and Crypto-Ashkenazis in large numbers with Austria and then Austria-Hungary, who will try to seize the Balkans from both Crypto-Sephardic currents with the help of ideology ("leftism"; "communism"). If the Sephardim or Ashkenazis would put Balkan Freemasonry under their control through the world's Great Jewish elite, then great changes would occur in the Balkans, and lodges that would reject the new intra-Jewish redistribution of power as a reflection of that of the world would be declared "unrecognized". The main motive of the global Great Jewish elite in the Balkans is to hide the truth about the Illyrian proto-civilization , which in truth cancels the myth about the Jews as the "heavenly people" and about Catholicism (the most profitable investment of the Great Jewish elite ever) as the source of all civilization, and proves that the Jews have no historical right to the Balkans or global and regional rule except perhaps the historical right to Israel.
Göke , the sultan's luxurious 3-deck (three-story) admiral ship and the first galley of the Ottoman Empire, commanded by Admiral Kemal Reis (1451–1511) with 32 guns and a crew of 700 sailors. And this ship, among others, was sent by Sultan Bayazit II personally to pick up the Spanish Sephardi , which he did for relatives or highly important personnel (otherwise, as refugees of that time, they would have traveled with a bundle and by road). Therefore, it was not about any refugees or endangered people, but about a new elite that was brought by the occupier, i.e. uninvited by domestic sovereigns. The distribution of Sephardim throughout the Ottoman Empire was even so important to the sultan that he promoted Kemal Reis to Kapudan Pasha (Admiral of the Fleet) - the highest rank of the Navy - for his efforts in this multi-year mission.
The Sephardim were brought to the ( occupied ) Balkans with the task of maintaining the Roman division of the Balkans ( Illyricum ), where, as the new most educated class, they became the elite instead of the local nobility, who had mostly been killed (e.g. by fraud at the Bloody Council in Sarajevo in 1500 ). Numerous Sephardim brought with them great wealth [31] , and even entire Crypto-Sephardic banking dynasties such as the Mendes family immigrated , who, convinced that through the Ottoman Empire they could prosper as its new elite much faster than in papist countries, 1552 transferred as many as 85,000 gold ducats to Istanbul [32] , and soon after became the most influential banking family in Istanbul and the entire Empire, where they practically independently controlled the entire import-export [33] . They were so powerful that they imposed trade sanctions on Papist countries in the name of the Ottoman Empire in retaliation for the occasional persecution of Crypto-Sephards there [34] . It is obvious then that the relocation ( bringing ) of Sephardi and Crypto-Sephardi to the Ottoman Empire (and thus to the Balkans) was exclusively an economic migration with a geopolitical and economic motive of already powerful "exiles" driven by the desire for personal enrichment and the acquisition of even greater power. - and as can be seen from the above example of the Portuguese Dohnme Crypto-Sephards who settled in Belgrade in 1666 from Istanbul, where they took control of the capital and all of Serbia. [27]
During the Turkish rule in the Balkans, mostly thanks to the long duration of that occupation, the Crypto-Sephards had the greatest influence in Bosnia and Serbia, through the Janjicars as a pre-Masonic sect of the Bektashis . Later (XVIII-XIX centuries) the Ashkenazis/Crypto-Ashkenazis from London will make a strong inroad into the Balkans, and as part of their geostrategic rush, they staged the First Serbian Uprising of 1804-1813, which brought the Crypto-Ashkenazi Mason Karadorde and his dynasty to power. encouraged by the success of the Uprising of Husein Gradašcevic in Bosnia in 1831, who was a member of the Turkish pre-Masonic sect of the Bektashis , which in the meantime the English Ashkenazis put under their control, as well as the Janissaries , who were then disbanded by the sultan and the Bektashis banned. Those uprisings were an attempt by the Ashkenazis/Crypto-Ashkenazis to, after taking over the Bektashis and Janissaries, seize the Balkans from the Crypto-Sephards, who throughout history held onto the Roman popes and Turkish sultans as their best investments ever.
The royal monograms of Ðorde Petrovic "Karadorda" the founder of the Karadordevic dynasty (left) and Miloš Obrenovic, the founder of the Obrenovic dynasty (right). Both monograms are calligraphic derivatives from frequent symbols of Hebrew heraldry: Chai - the symbol of life first used "in the 18th century Eastern Europe originating from the Iberian Sephardi" [35] , and Hamsa - the ancient symbol of "the hand of God that brought the Jews out of Egypt". [36] . (Note that only the (supposedly Cyrillic) letter "Ð" is stylized on Karadorde's monogram - but not "P" because he did not have a surname at all - which historians assigned to him after his death after his father Petar). About the origin of Karadorde, i.e. There are many theories about the lineage of the Karadordevic family, so their origin is not officially known . About the origin of Miloš Obrenovic, i.e. the only source of the Obrenovic lineage is from 1900 and was issued on the occasion of his self-proclamation as king (which is why the Ashkenazis formed the "Black Hand" organization in 1901, which will kill him in 1903), and which claims that the lineage is descended from migrants from Montenegro for 14 generations back , which places the origin of Obrenovic in the first half of the 17th century. ie at the time of the arrival of Crypto-Sephards in Serbia from Turkey via Thessaloniki in 1566-1650. Also, the incidence of cancer in Karadordevic is high and is in line with the average of the general Jewish population, e.g. Prince Tomislav Karadordevic (1928–2000), King Aleksandar Karadordevic (1888–1934), and others. On the other hand, a number of Obrenovics suffered from severe genetic diseases, such as we find mostly in Jews, e.g. Princess Jelisaveta Obrenovic (1814–1848), Prince Milan Obrenovic II (1819—1839), Prince Jevrem Obrenovic (1790—1856), and others. By the way, Miloš Obrenovic was in his time the richest man in Serbia and one of the richest in the Balkans [37] [38] so he was almost certainly a member of the mentioned Portuguese Sephardic Mendes banking dynasty that spread from Istanbul via Thessaloniki to Belgrade and Zagreb [32] . (By the way, since their incursions into the Balkans first with the Turks and then with the Austrians, during various historical periods Crypto-Jews will always be the richest caste, e.g. after Obrenovic, the richest will always be Jews and Crypto-Jews, as at the end of the 19th century. it was the wholesaler Lazar Dunderski ( Lazar Dunajer ), at the beginning of the 20th century Miloš Savcic ( Miloch Savchik [39] ), and today Miroslav Miškovic ( Mirosch Mischkowitz ), Nijaz Hastor ( Neiaus Hast ),Jawitz Todris ), Davor Lukšic ( Dawer Luks ) and others) Just as if Crypto-Jews were to become popes or prime ministers of Great Britain, Miloš Obrenovic, immediately after coming to the head of Serbia, began to massively bring rich Jews from the entire Ottoman Empire, such as families Davico , Pijade and others. to whom he gives prominent state functions, including the Royal Treasurer [40] , and they later give the highest officials of his and all subsequent regimes in Serbia, and later in both Yugoslavias, including the Quisling government during the occupation of 1941-1945.
Not long after the enthronement of the Karadordevic dynasty, the Second Serbian Uprising took place in 1815, which was actually a coup by the Crypto-Sephards in which they killed Karadorde to bring their own Obrenovic dynasty . Its founder , Miloš Obrenovic , otherwise the richest Serb [37] (as a member of the mentioned Sephardic Mendes banking dynasty ), in a private agreement with Belgrade Vizier Marashli Alipasha and in the spirit of the Mendes family tradition as wholesalers who tied themselves to the sultans, buys the status of an exclusive cotton trader for the whole Empire and himself the formal status of a vassal prince-regent , i.e. viceroy (with absolutist powers like those of the "High Representative in BiH"), becoming a de facto dictator who personally ordered numerous murders and massacres. Later, the Ashkenazis will exterminate the Obrenovic family in a massacre in which, not long after the assassination in which they brutally liquidated the king and queen Obrenovic in the summer of 1903, in less than 48 hours they captured and liquidated 123 members of the Obrenovic family in Serbia , which extinguished it [41] . Since both Karadordevic and Obrenovic Crypto-Jews arrived in the 16th century, neither of them traces their origins to the founder of late medieval Serbia, Nemanjic , and especially not to the founder of early medieval Serbia, which was very unusual for European dynasties that all trace their origins to the Middle Ages. . Thus, those two supposedly Serbian dynasties are actually the only Jewish dynasties in the post-Christian world , while the sessions of the National Assembly of Serbia today resemble the sessions of the Israeli Knesset (Parliament), which are also dominated by the fights between Sephardim and Ashkenazim, that is, between the false government and its false opposition in the case of Serbia.
Mutual accounts of those two currents (Karadordevic and Obrenovic) from the end of the 18th century. actually shaped Serbia as we know it today , and the Greater Serbia project , with which those elites incited Serbs against other Balkan nations, for a long time encountered resistance from the majority of the people in Serbia, who were deeply suspicious of those two elites because they were in no way similar Serbian . None of the dynasties had aristocratic origins , so they built their credibility on promises about Greater Serbia, i.e. the production of chauvinist sentiment through cheesy pamphlets, the organization of pseudo-chivalry tournaments, etc. While the two elites were firmly committed to the annexation of Bosnia and differed only in the details of how and when to achieve it, the peasant masses of Serbia showed very little sympathy for the nationalist project of expansion into Bosnia - in which the Muslim elite itself was mostly directly descended from the medieval Bosnian nobility . In addition to the peasants (practically all of Serbia), the intellectual class of Serbia stood against the elites, who claimed that all the inhabitants of the Balkans were the same people who spoke Old Serbian (Old Slavic) before the Ottoman aggression and that the Serbs (Slavs) were the first and oldest people of Europe. And in Bosnia itself, neither during the Ottoman nor Austro-Hungarian times, there were no inter-religious or inter-ethnic conflicts, and they will begin with incitement by the elites of Serbia and Croatia. For example, although the elites of Serbia invested huge resources in the chauvinist movement " Unification or Death ", it will gather barely 30,000 supporters in all of Bosnia, but most of them were not in favor of conflicts either. [42] And the English classicists of that time (before the Berlin Congress in 1878, the results of which were shaped by the British Prime Minister and Sephardic extremist [43] Benjamin Disraeli and, among other things, declared the Balkan Slavs to be settlers from the VI/VII century, thus falsifying the historical right of their Crypto-Sephardim to Balkans) believed that the Pannonians (today's Croats/Slavonians and Serbs) originated from Lower Illyria [44] i.e. Bosnia [45]
Thus, the Crypto-Sephardic popes strategically distributed about 10 Sephardic families each in Serbia, Croatia and Bosnia, as well as numerous other countries from Albania to Azerbaijan and Belarus, where they still exercise supremacy through left and right-wing parties (i.e. always through extreme positions because it is strongest when you are a distinct minority), and the intelligence sector, which is designed to control the armed forces (in which indigenous people necessarily make up the majority), i.e. permanently preventing any possibility of armed rebellion. In maintaining the division of the Balkans into false nations according to the matrix of Rome from the XI century. ( The Great Schism , i.e. the schism of Christianity on the Drina as the border of the Western and Eastern Roman Empires), Freemasonry in the 18th-19th centuries. revived nationalist projects through the prominent freemasons Ilija Garašanin and Vuk Karadžic (who, as a mercenary of foreign governments, under the pretext of "language/writing reform" will throw out the original letters and words, i.e. distance the natives from their traditional historical roots ) on the one hand, and the freemasons Stjepan Radic and Ante Starcevic on the other hand. Thus, as was said, the London Ashkenazis put the Crypto-Ashkenazi Karadordevic dynasty in power in Serbia , which the Crypto-Sephardi and the Vatican will replace with their Crypto-Sephardic dynasty Obrenovic , whose extermination will then be organized by the London Ashkenazis. Similarly, the London Ashkenazis later in their October Revolution of 1917 organized the extermination of the Russian Romanov dynasty in order to establish a Masonic (Jewish Soviet) republic that they could control at will, and more recently the extermination of the Nepalese Shah dynasty in 2001 for the same reason.
When republicanism proved to be more profitable for the Great Jewish elite, e.g. the enslavement of France in this way, and Josip Broz was brought to the Balkans with World War II , who was surrounded by Jews and who, in his own words, although he was not a Mason, "often listened to the advice of Masons-leftists" [46] . But Broz, with his Slavic kindness/naivety, did not understand that the ultimate goal of the Great Jewish elite is to use the bloody example of "failed alternatives to capitalism" to convince humanity that capitalism is the only right one (because they can be absolute masters only in capitalism ), and that all ideologies are even left-wing ones were only one of the methods to achieve that ultimate goal. For example, that elite skillfully used the unions - first to get rid of the feudal lords by bringing the labor movement to power , and then to disempower the workers - after which they quickly replaced feudalism with their capitalist quasi-feudalism, which they labeled only as nepotism and against which they allegedly fight systematically ie so they never fight because all feudalism is based on individuals with a first and last name. Thus, in addition to the intelligence sector and religion, the key to mass control over the natives lies in the control of unions . In order to achieve the ultimate goal , the October Revolution was carried out grandiosely - i.e. in order to bring "communism" (in reality: state dictatorship painted in red) to the scene, and then after they convinced the world that "communism is evil" - in an even more grandiose way they "overthrew" it. The mental games that the great Jewish elite perform globally are for the vast majority of people without any benefit and represent the most ordinary collective experience over humanity , which has been going on for centuries. The results of these centuries-long activities lead to the conclusion that the Ashkenazi and Sephardi elites are united in a common interest, and that the tribes themselves were compartmentalized all the time , i.e. they had no idea about the activities of the other tribe.
In the Balkans, the control of the division of geospace is carried out through Belgrade and Zagreb - where historically the most numerous Crypto-Sephardic families are converts to Orthodoxy and Catholicism and where they have supremacy (absolute), while in Bosnia the convert families have never managed to fully impose themselves since Islam is openly conflicted according to Judaism, since the suppression of the Ottomans, in Bosnia and other countries with a Muslim majority such as Iran [47] they have to work very conspiratorially, i.e. without the greater help of Freemasonry and, through it, Jews from abroad. Freemasonry is a Quislin organization that gathers mostly the worst pupils and students in the Balkans, i.e. semi-intelligence that is eloquent enough to give the impression of intelligence while never trying to define processes and call them by their proper name, i.e. dumb enough to be controlled suprasystemically. In the Balkans, the heads of "lodges" (a term that gives the impression of nobility) are doctors [48] [49] .
Prominent Balkan Crypto-Sephard and "leftist" Zlatko Lagumdžija ( Zlotko Lachondz [50] or Legum [51] ), in making a pilgrimage (obligatory for all Jews at least once in a lifetime) to the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem, Israel. [52] Pilgrimage to Jerusalem was also made by members of other influential Crypto-Jewish families in the Balkans, e.g. the grandfather of Crypto-Ashkenazi Alexander Vucic, Andelko Vucic , whom the Bosnian Muslims of Bugojno called "Adžija" in their naivety. [53]
Crypto-Jews have established a quasi-feudal system in the Balkans in which members of the same bloodlines are always in the highest positions, regardless of the regime. A classic example is the Gavrankapetanovic family , whose members are "reputable" doctors, court presidents, etc. - in the administrations of the Ottomans, Austria-Hungary, the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, the Nazi administration, SFRY, as well as in the Protectorate of Bosnia and Herzegovina . Other characteristic examples are the Lagumdžija family (leading politicians in four successive regimes), then the family of the well-known Semir Osmanagic , who gained world fame when he was given globalist, i.e. masonic media broadcast his project about hills as pyramids - and whose father was a minister in the SFRY, grandfather in the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, great-grandfather mayor in Austria-Hungary, etc. It is obvious, then, what is the motive of those vile people to deceive entire nations for so long and persistently and at all levels [54] : by abolishing meritocracy , they would prevent the indigenous people from realizing their full potential, thus guaranteeing a life of prosperity and luxury for their descendants without much trouble or learning and regardless of the amount of suffering of the indigenous population whose land they do not feel nor can feel as their own (anthropology teaches that a people must spend at least 50 generations (about 1000 years) in an area in order to begin to consider that area as their own and "feel" i.e. emotional part of consciousness and not only rational).
Another characteristic by which Crypto-Jewish lineages are recognized is the higher frequency of severe genetic diseases compared to indigenous populations, which has been scientifically established for the most severe types of cancer in Jews [55] . At the same time, Ashkenazis get cancer more often than Sephardim, but mortality from cancer is higher among Sephardim. [56] [57] [58] In addition to the increased frequency of the most severe forms of cancer compared to the general population, Jews and Crypto-Jews often suffer from a multitude of otherwise very rare genetic diseases and disorders, which is all a consequence of practicing endogamy , i.e. practicing sexual relations and marrying relatives. [59] [60]
Crypto-Jews in the government and society of the Balkans today: racist staffing
The most influential politicians and others. public figures in the Balkans are appointed by blood origin, i.e. in the racial policy of "pure blood" (apartheid of the purity of the racial minority for power over the racial majority, where apartheid is a remnant of the Turkish and Austrian occupation , when Jews/Crypto-Jews invaded the Balkans with the occupiers for robbery). The next over 500 people were Crypto-Jews recruited before and after the projected collapse of Yugoslavia [61] . All surnames originated in the early Middle Ages and far from the Balkans , so they are not indigenous but non-assimilated Jewish families (who kept the Hebrew surname and kept their religion in secret), only somewhat adapting the surname to the language of the new environment - e.g. Germanisms in the surnames of families who entered the Balkans with the Austro-Hungarian administration. The Ashkenazim are "absorbed" [62] by the Sephardim notorious for brutality whenever global opportunities arise such as world wars and crises. Practically entire governments are also listed here, e.g. in addition to the current ones such as the entire Government of Fadil Novalic 2018- (real name: Fadim Neuwald ) and the entire Government of Radovan Viškovic 2018- ( Radwan Weisskopf ), there are also the entire former Government of Mladen Ivanic 2001-2003 ( Mlodek Iwan ) and the entire former Government Dragan Mikerevic 2003-2005 ( Dragon Mick ). There is also the entire composition of the Council of Ministers of BiH Zoran Tegeltija 2018- ( Zoren Teger ) and the entire former convocation of the Council of Ministers of BiH Denis Zvizdic 2014-2018 ( Denister Swist ), then the entire composition of the Constitutional Court of BiH (including all foreign judges), as well as the entire composition Central Election Commission (CEC) of Bosnia and Herzegovina - so it's not a matter of coincidence, but of racist staffing . More importantly, there is also the entire convocation of both houses of the Parliamentary Assembly (PS) of BiH , whose members, i.e. The "representatives" then obviously all just represent a minority and an unelected one (since even the voters could not know who was a Crypto-Jew on the lists, so the elections were clearly and completely falsified by the Central Election Commission of Bosnia and Herzegovina during the final count). This also means that PS BiH is illegal and illegitimate , i.e. she could not and cannot decide on behalf of the state or people (indigenous majority). As you can see, all High Representatives in Bosnia and Herzegovina are Crypto-Jews (and even the very abbreviation of the seat of their function, OHR - a Jewish surname from Galicia), exceptPaddy Ashdown , who, as a protestant, dismissed numerous Crypto-Jews at the top of politics at the time, such as Dragan Covic ( Dragon Chowis ), Dragan Kalinic ( Dragon Kalin ), Mirko Šarovic ( Meierkop Schar ) and others. - that Crypto-Jews like Milorad Dodik ( Milrad Dodik ) and Vojislav Šešelj ( Weisler Sessel ) never forgave him, while other Crypto-Jews in the role of "angry Serb-haters" gloated as, for example, Bakir Izetbegovic / Izet-beg Jahica ( Bäker Jahwetz ).
On the other hand, indigenous people make up the absolute majority in the government at the municipal and cantonal level, which further exposes apartheid and the small number of oppressors of only 0.2% (i.e. barely 40 thousand Crypto-Jews - compared to 20 million indigenous people of the Balkans), but also their excellent distribution in society - since intelligence services are practically exclusively made up of (all) persons in public life, and managers in the media, academia, economy, culture/art, sports, etc. It should be noted here that the association on the basis of Crypto-Jewish origin in political and others. purpose of interest, in fact, false representation for the purpose of achieving material, etc. uses - which is designated as a serious crime by Criminal Laws in practically all jurisdictions of the world . From that serial crime, by association , racial segregation arose , which reinforces the impression of the large number of the ruling minority, such as, for example. in South Africa for centuries until 1994. This racial segregation in the Balkans today means that for every successful (or "successful") individual there were at least 500 equally qualified or talented natives - but who never got their chance and for whom no one ever heard. And while they accused entire religions and other peoples of savagery and the politics of a pure race, such as Muslims and Protestants, and especially Americans, Englishmen and Germans, all that time, i.e. centuries ago, the biggest racists were actually Jews, e.g. in the Balkans. The Great Jewish elite is trying to impose its racist order globally, in which - as can be seen in the example of the Balkans, Hollywood and others. - only people of Jewish origin can be successful in politics, art, business, sports, science, etc. This is difficult for them in Protestant countries (where the majority of the indigenous people are aware of the problem of Jewish racism) and countries that have sovereign rulers, and where they succeed - their regimes are regularly hated. For example, in the most hated state of the Arab world - the emirate of Qatar - Crypto-Jews are in power, and at the moment it is the emirTamim bin Hamad Al Thania ( Taumim Chamades Than ) - even the name Qatar itself is actually a Jewish surname. Qatar is the biggest lobbyist and sponsor of Crypto-Jews in Bosnia, through whom they make inroads into the Balkans, i.e. Europe, and is also the backbone of Great Jewish imperialism in the Islamic world, e.g. disinformation via Al Jazeera . This is irrefutable proof, since for the vast majority of people, their first and last names are found in the AVOT Directory of Jewish Surnames . Jewish surnames are given in parentheses, with Germanized names belonging mainly to Ashkenazim and non-Germanized names mainly to Sephardim. Jewish surnames from the Pyrenees (mainly Sephardic) and Polish Galicia (mainly Ashkenazi surnames) are shown, and where there is doubt, an additional source is given for a surname closer to the derived form. The majority of non-Sephardic names/surnames are phonetically closest to the corresponding form in the Belarusian language and transcriptionally in Lithuanian , so the largest number of non-Sephardic Jewish immigrants (e.g. Crypto-Ashkenazi Vuk Karadžic ( Byk Karach )) is from those countries (along with Poland) and is in "language reform " ( culturecide ) of the natives threw out a considerable number of original letters and rules, and introduced characteristic letters from Lithuanian as their mother tongue). Here one should distinguish between the Spanish (until the 16th century Portuguese) province of Galicia, from which the Sephardi invaded the Balkans with the Turks (from the 15th-17th centuries), from the Polish province of Galicia, from which the Ashkenazis invaded with the Austrians (from the 18th-20th centuries). : [63]
BOSNIA : Dževad Adžem ( Gewand Ascheim ), Sadik Ahmetovic (Sephardic Cadique Amato [64] , Slavicized Sadik [51] Ahment ), Anis Ajdinovic ( Anis Eiden ), Dragan Andan ( Dragon Andermann ), Dušan Antelj ( Deuch Antel ), Damir Arnaut ( Damir Arnaut ) [65] , Suad Arnautovic ( Sward or Sud Arnautov [65] ), Avdo Avdic (Sephardic Avigdor Avigdor [64] , Slavicized Avid Avdic [65] ), Boro Babic ( Bor Babicz ), Zaim Backovic (Sephardic Zeimer Backoffen , Slavicized Zajm Bachowicz [50] ), Esad Bajtal (Sephardic Asad Baitel [64] , Slavicized Esod Bajtel [51] ), Jasna Bajraktarevic b. unknown ( Jasne Beirach b. unknown), Anis Bajrektarevic ( Anis Beirech ), Reuf Bajrovic (Sephardic Rauf Bayer , Slavicized Reuf [66] Barowicz [50] ), Željko Bakalar ( Zehl Bakalarz ), Ante Bakovic ( Ante Bakowski ) [50] , Milorad Balaban ( Milrad Balaban ), Irma Baralija b. unknown ( Irm Baral b. unknown), Sergej Barbarez ( Sergej [51] Barbar , Sephardic Barbarias [64] ), Aida Baruchija b. unknown (Sephardic Eidam Baruch [64] , Slavized Ajda Baruch [66] b. unknown), Denis and Zijad Becirovic (Sephardic Denister & Zeider Becher , Slavized Denis & Zyd Bachrowicz [50] ), Senaid and Zlatan Begic ( Sendik & Zlate Berg ), Asmir Begovic ( Axmeier Berger, Slavicized Asmer [50] ), Omer Behmen ( Behm , Slavicized Omer Behman [50] ), Ivan Bender ( Iwan Bender ), Marijan Beneš ( Marin Benesch ), Ljubica Berak ( Lubcze Berak ), Mersad Berber ( Mersand Berber ), Ljubomir Berberovic ( Laubmann Berber ), Enis Selim and Šefik Bešlagic ( Enis Selmen & Schefrig Beschläger , Sephardic Selim [64] , Slavicized Beshlag [51] ), Halid and Ljubo Bešlic ( Hald & Laub Besslich [67] ), Vjekoslav Bevanda ( Wieksler Bleiwand , Sephardic Ben Vanda [64] , Slavicized Vekslev Bevent [51] ), Hasan and Edhem Biber ( Hasan & Edelheim Biber ) [64] , Edhem Bicakcic ( Sephardic Edelheim Bichachi [64] or Ashkenazi Biczaczer ), Enver Bijedic ( Ehrnwerth Biedermann , Slavicized Enber [68] Biedach [39] ), Nermin Bjelak ( Niedermann Bielan , Slavicized Nerman Bielak [50] ), Vanja and Milovan Bjelica ( Weiner & Mil Belicer , Slavicized Vanya [68] and Malowany Bielica [50] ), Ivan Boban ( Iwan Bob ), Dragan Bogdanic ( Dragon Bogad , Slavicized Dragan Bogdanik [39] ), Bogic Bogicevic ( Bogacz Bogacz , Sephardic Bagaco Bagaco , Slavicized Bogeicz [50] Bochkevich [51] ), Branislav Borenovic ( Branis Borenstein , Slavized Bronislaw Bornowicz [ 50] ), Muhamed Borogovac ( Mamet Borochowicz , Slavicized Mukhamed Borochowicz [39] ), SemihaBorovac ( Semis Borowski , Sephardic Semha Barrow [64] , Slavicized Semik [66] Borowec [50] ), Mladen Bosic ( Mlodek Bosyk , Slavicized Mlodin [39] Bosik [51] ), Mladen Boškovic ( Mlodek Boskowitz , Slavicized Mlodin [39 ] Boskovich [51] ), Lidija Bradara ( Lida Brader , Slavicized Lydia Brodrer [50] ), Aleksandar Buch ( Aleksander Buch , Slavicized Aleksa [65] Bucha [50] ), Pero Bukejlovic ( Per Bucheister , Sephardic Pero Bouchkila [64] ) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , Dalida Burzic b. unknown ( Dalet Burzynka , Slavicized Dalid Burzic [50] ), Mustafa Busuladžic ( Muster Burschlag , Slavicized Mustafa Buslak [50] ), Svetlana Cenic ( Swetsch Zehn , Slavicized Swiatla Cennik [50] ), Mustafa Ceric ( Muster Czercz , Slavicized Mustafa [ 50] Zerich [66] ), Muharem Cero ( Muhrer Caro , Sephardic Marom Zer [64] , Slavicized Mahram Czer [50] ), Selmo Cikotic ( Selmann Zucht , Sephardic Saalom Chiquito [64] , Slavicized Selme Cikot [50] ), Igor Crnadak ( Iger Zinader , Slavicized Egor Zarna [50] ), Željka Cvijanovic b. Grabovac (Zehl Cwitowski b. Grabowski , Sephardic Zelkha Civita b. Garboua [64] , Slavicized Zelka [50] Chwojanowska [66] b. Grabowecka [50] ), Ilija Cvitanovic ( Elias Cwitowski , Sephardic Eliya Civita [64] , Slavicized Ilie [50] Zvyatin [66] ), Aljoša Campara ( Aloch Schampanski , Sephardic Allush Camp [64] , Slavicized Aliozs Czomber [50] ) , Asim Mirsad and Sulejman Camdžic ( Agisim Mersand & Sulem Chamadis , Sephardic Acim Mercado & Suleiman Chame de [64] , Slavicized Ausiam Mersaud and Suleman Chamajdis [50] ), Semra Cavaljuga ( Semis Chawales , Sephardic Semaria Cavallio [64] , Slavicized Semrau [51] Chapalyga [65] ), Marinko Cavara (Sephardic Marinho Chwara [64] , Slavicized Marianko Chawer [66] ), Oleg Cavka ( Ollech Chawkin , Sephardic O Uelho Chouka [64] , Slavicized Oleg Cewka [66] ), Salih Cavkic ( Salisch Chawkin , Sephardic Salih Chouka [64] , Slavicized Sali [66] Cewka [66] ), Šefkija Cekic ( Schafkopf Czeczyk , Sephardic Safik Cachiche [64] , Slavicized Szyfkie [66] Chekhchik [39] ), Hasan Irfan Muhamed and Rubina Cengic ( Chasan Irfeld Mamet & Rubin Chenkus ), Goran Cerkez ( Gorn Tscherkus , Sephardic Goren Corcoz [64] , Slavicized Goran Cherkez [66] ), Branko Cešljic ( Bran Czesz , Slavized Bran Cieslik [50] ), Bariša Colak ( Barisch Czolek , Sephardic Barrish Colaco [64], Slavicized Barissa Cholak [51] ), Alma Cholo (Sephardic Alam Colaco [64] , Slavicized Alma [66] Chol [50] ), Nihad Colpa ( Nicht Kolp , Sephardic Nieto Colpo [64] ), Eldar Comor ( Eld Chomer , Sephardic Elder Chamorro [64] , Slavicized Eldar Chomer [50] ), Dragan Covic ( Dragon Chowis , Sephardic Drahan [64] Covo-zade [69] , Slavized Dragan [50] Covich [51] ), Sabina Cudic b. unknown ( Sabner Czudak , Sephardic Sabin Cadique [64] , Slavicized Sabina [51] Chudik [66] ), Osman Catic ( Osmann Chatiner ), Nermina Cemalovic b. unknown ( Niedermann Chmielowicz b. unknown), Mirsad Ceman ( Mersand Zemann ), Predrag Ceranic ( Prediger Tscherner ), Šacir Cerimagic ( Schacher Czeremche ), Petar Corluka ( Peter Choril , Slavicized Peter Czerlucha [50] ), Nerzuk Curak ( Nezach Zuri( c)k , Sephardic Chouraki [64] , Slavicized Narczyk Churach [50] ), Sonja Davidovic ( Sonne Dawidowicz ), Ranko Debevec ( Rank Debówker , Slavicized Ranko Dubovec [68] ), Rasim Delic ( Ras Delmann , Slavicized Rasin Delik [65 ] ), Šemsudin Dedic ( Schames Deich , Sephardic Shamah-Sutton Deddouche [64] , Slavicized Shamshtein Dedyuk [51] ), Elvira Dilberovic b. Cemalovic ( Elwer Diler b. Chmielowicz ), Luftija Raif and Zijo Dizdarevic ( Luft Reif & Zion Diesendorf ), Milorad Dodik (Milrad Dodik ), Branko Dokic ( Bran Deuch ), Azra Kolakovic alias Donna Ares ( Esra Kolaczkowski - and her alias is literally composed of two Jewish surnames Donn Agres from Galicia), Krunoslav Draganovic ( Krynicer Dragon ), Ramiz Drekovic ( Ram Drecker ), Vesko Drljaca ( Weisch Drilech ), Ednan Drljevic ( Edelmann Drehlich , Slavicized Edna [39] Drylewicz [51] ), Atif Dudakovic ( Tif Dudaków ), Zora Dujmovic ( Zoref Daumann , Dymonitz ), Milan Dunovic ( Mil Dynowicer ), Enes Esad Ferida Camil & Nijaz Durakovic ( Enes Eisbard Friede Kamil & Neiaus Dorschowitz , Slavicized Enes [50] Esod [51] Ferda [50] Czmil [50] and Nyas [66] Durakov [51] or Dorkhovich ), Ferid Džanic ( Ferd Gans ), Šefik Džaferovic ( Schefrig Jaff ), Senad Džambic ( Sen Dambic ), Edin Džeko (Sephardic Eden Chico [64] , Slavicized Ejdyn Dziecko [50] ), Nermin Džindic ( Niedermann Jing ), Aleksandar Džombic ( Aleksander Gombin ), Ahmed Džubur ( Ahment Judenburg ), Mato Ðakovic ( Mat Jadkowicz - and his TV show is literally a Jewish surname Telering from Galicia), Vahidin Ðaltur ( Weiden Galet ), Edita Ðapo ( Edit Gapel ), Zoran Ðeric ( Zoren Jerich , Slavicized Zoran Jerich [50] ), Osman Ðikic ( Osmann Dieck , Dzik ), Risto Ðogo (Sephardic Richty Diogo [64] , Slavicized Rist [51] ), Petar Ðokic( Peter Joczes ), Dženan Ðonlagic ( Genendel Göngel ), Abid Ðozic ( Abinder Gózik ), Nedo Ðuric ( Neigut Gure ), Jasmin Emric ( Jasmin Emrech ), Amir Fazlic ( Amer Fasslich ), Šacir Filandra ( Schacher Filender ), Darijana and Muhamed Filipovic ( Dar & Mamet Filip , Slavicized Mukhamed [39] ), Salih Foco ( Salik Focher ), Edin Forto ( Eden Fort , Sephardic Eden Forte [64] , Slavized Ejdyn Forta [50] ), Alen Fukelj ( Alemann Fuchtel ), Nurudin Gackic ( Nordwind Gaszka ), Rahim Gadžic ( Rahm Gajer ), Jakov Petar Valerija & Zoran Galic ( Jakob Peter Waler & Zoren Gal , Slavicized Jakow Peter Valer and Zoran Galich [50] [66] ), Dževad and Miralem Galijaševic ( Gewand & Mirem Gilyashevich [51] ), Ejup and Mirza Ganic ( Ejup [66] and Mirza [51] Ganich [39] ), Halid Genjac ( Halit Genau ), Vlatko Glavaš ( Wlodek Glavach [65] ), Gradimir Gojer ( Grad Gajer or Geuer , Slavicized Gradzimier [50] ), Teufik Goletic ( Teufel Gole ), Srebrenka Golic b. Krivokuca ( Srebrny Golik b. Kriwerutschka ), Mirko Grbešic ( Meierkop Grabscheich [50] or Gerobeysik [39] ), Zdravko Grebo ( Zdorovak [51] Grabo [65] , Sephardic Zederbaum Greub ), Josip Grubeša ( Josiper Grubstein ), Ankica Gudeljevic ( Anker Gutheil), Irena Hadžiabdic b. unknown ( Eren b. unknown), Senad Hadžifejzovic ( Sen Khejfetsovich [51] ), Hadžem Hajdarevic ( Hajem Heider ), Nijaz Hastor ( Neiaus Hast ), Nijaz and Zukan Helez ( Neiaus & Zuchman Helzel , Slavicized Helz [50] or Heles [ 50] ), Arminka Helic (Sephardic Armany Halac [64] , Slavicized Armencha [65] Helich [50] ), Fikret Hodžic ( Fichert [50] Hotsch ) - and the name of his company is literally composed of two Sephardic surnames Srebrny Malina [64 ] , Svevlad Hoffmann ( Sewald Hoffmann ), Mustafa Hrvic ( Muster Horwitz ), Mirsada Hukic d. unknown (Sephardic Mersand Huk , Slavicized Mirza Huchik [51] ), Zlatko Hurtic ( Zlotko [50] Hurtik ), Nedžad Ibrišimovic ( Nachtsatz Ebrisch ), Ramo and Arnel Isak ( Ramo [50] and Arnel Isak [64] ), Mladen Ivanic ( Mlodek Iwan ), Željko Ivankovic ( Zehl Iwanowcer ), Alija and Bakir Izetbegovic /Izet-beg Jahica ( Al i Bäker Jahwetz ) and by mother Halida Repovac ( Halit Repan ), Milan Jelic ( Mil Jelin ), Josip Jerkovic ( Josiper Jerchower ) , Mato Jozic ( Józef , Joczes ), Senka Jujic b. unknown ( Sencer Jewitz b. unknown), Enver Jukanovic ( Ehrnwerth Jochanowicz , Slavicized Enber [68] ), Duška Jurišic b. unknown ( Deuch Jurisch b. unknown), Ismir Jusko ( Juskowicz ), Diana Kajmakovic b. unknown ( Dien Keim, Sephardic Diana Keim [64] , Slavicized Diana Heimukowicz [50] ), Halid Kajtaz ( Halit Keitz ), Jovan Kalaba ( Jofe Kahlberg ), Dragan Kalinic ( Dragon Kalin ), Husnija Kamberovic ( Hausner Gamber , Sephardic Husni Combier [64] , Slavicized Kuznya Kamber [51] , Cemberowicz [50] ), Nives Kanevcev ( Niwes Kanowicz ), Salmir Kaplan ( Salaman Kaplan ), Radovan Karadžic ( Radwan Karach ), Elvir Karajbic ( Elwer Charab ), Siniša Karan ( Sinicer Charan ), Fahrija Karkin ( Fahrer Kark ), Anton Kasipovic ( Antmann Chasin ), Fuad Kasumovic ( Fouad [64] Kassmann , Slavicized Kasmaevich [39] ), Enver Kazaz ( Ehrnwerth Kaz , Slavicized Enber Kazesz [68] ), Elvir Kazazovic ( Elwer Kaz , Slavicized Elver /Elvira Kazesz [68] ), Safet Kešo ( Saft Chess ), Marijan Klaic ( Marin Kleis ), Predrag Kojovic ( Prediger Kewicz ), Zlatan Klokic ( Zlate Clawke ), Ðemal Kolonic ( Gems Cholonei ), Nikola Koljevic ( Nik Kolawitz ), Snježana Komar ( Snieg Komar ), Ivo and Željko Komšic ( Ivah [68] & Zehl Kamche ), Dino Konakovic ( Dino [66] Chonakowicz [50] ), Boro Kontic ( Bor Kontusch ), Nedžad Korajlic ( Nachtsatz Koralik ), Dario i Ivan Kordic ( Kordisch ), Staša Košarac ( Steisler Koscher ), Delvin Kovac (Delfin Kwacz ), Muhamed Kozadra ( Mamet Kozner , Slavicized Mukhamed [39] ), Kemal Kozaric ( Kemel Koz ), Predrag Kožul ( Prediger Koziel ), Momcilo Krajišnik ( Mome Kreiss ), Zlatko Kravic ( Zlotko [50] Krawicz ), Enver Kreso ( Ehrnwerth Kres , Slavicized Enber [68] ), Mijo and Ružica Krešic ( Miehl & Rozycki Kresch ), Borjana Krišto b. Krželj ( Krisch r. Kriegel ), Anis Krivic ( Anis Kriwes ), Zijad Krnjic ( Zyd Czrnicki ) [50] , Zdravko Krsmanovic ( Zederbaum Kesmann ), Bojan Ljubiša and Slaviša Krunic ( Boin Lubasch & Slaf Krynic ), Osman Krupalija ( Osmann Krupel ), Asmir Kujovic ( Eismeier Kujawski ), Mirsad and Slavo Kukic ( Mersand & Schlau Kuchcik ), Sifet Kukuruz ( Cheifetz Kukuruz ), Emir Kusturica ( Emer Kustin , Slavicized Emir [50] Kustura [65] ), Rajko Kuzmanovic ( Reich Kunzmann , Slavicized Rajko Kochmanowicz [66] ), Zlatko Lagumdžija ( Zlotko Lachondz [50] or Legum [51] ), Denis Lasic ( Denister Las ), Džemaludin and Nedžad Latic ( Jam & Nachtsatz Lat ), Senadin Lavic ( Sendzen Lawitz ), Miro Lazovic ( Miro Lazowitz ), Boško Lemez ( Bosko Lem ), Refik Lendo (Slavized Rofeika [39] or Revich Lendau [66] , Sephardic Lando [64] ), Željko Ler ( Zehl Ler ), Davorin and Ivan Lesko (Dawer & Iwan Lesko ), Jozo Leutar ( Józef Leuter ), Dobrota and Saša Losic ( Dobrosz & Sass Losz ), Nikola Lovrinovic ( Nik Löwer ), Dragan and Dragan Lukac ( Dragon & Dragon Lukatscher ), Vladimir Lukic ( Wlad Luki ), Božo and Mariofil Ljubic ( Bocz & Maier(h)of Lubicer ), Irfan Ljubijankic ( Irfeld Lubianker ), Tatjana Ljujic Mijatovic ( Tatan Louis Miodovich [50] ), Saša Magazinovic ( Sass Magazin ), Seid Maglajlija ( Seid Machler ), Melika Mahmutbegovic r . unknown ( Melic Mühlberger b. unknown), Arzija Mahmutovic ( Arzt Mammet ), Dušanka Majkic ( Deuch Majk , Slavicized Dushenko [39] Makich [66] ), Vojislav Maksimovic ( Weisler Maksymowic ), Vjekoslav Mandic ( Wieksler Mand , Slavicized Vekslav Mandich [ 51] ), Nermin Mandra ( Niedermann Mander ), Zvonko Maric alias Bajram Demic ( Zworn Mär alias Baram Dem ), Mirjana Marinkovic – Lepic ( Mirejnis Marin – Lep ), Boris and Damir Marjanovic ( Boris & Damir [65] Marianowski ), Josip Martic ( Josiper Martschis ), Damir Mašic ( Damir [65] Mashiach [66] ), Ljubiša Savic aka. Mauzer ( Lubasch Sawicki - and his nickname is literally the Jewish surname Mauser from Galicia), Mijo Matanovic ( Miehl Metanowski ), Darko Matijaševic ( Dar Matias ), Srdan Mazalica ( Sieradz Meiselis , Slavicized Surgan Mazlc [51] ), Osman Mehmedagic (Osmann Memes , Slavicized Mamaydakh [65] ), Šemsudin Mehmedovic ( Schames Memes ), Dragan Mektic ( Dragon Mech , Sephardic Drahan Meguideche [64] , Slavicized Dragan Makhtyuk [39] ), Mufid Memija ( Mahfoda Memmi or Mamiye ) [64] , Mico Micic ( Mieck Mysz , Slavicized Micko [51] Miczyk [66] ), Dragan Mikerevic ( Dragon Mikler , Slavicized Dragan [39] Michriewicz [51] ), Stjepan Mikic ( Stepner Mik ), Branko and Mario Mikulic ( Bran & Marin Mikulincer , Sephardic Branco & Maurao Mcculoch [64] , Slavicized Brank & Maro Mikulich [39] ), Zlatko Miletic ( Zlotko Milet ) [50] , Jelka Milicevic ( Elke Milich , Slavized Yolka Melikhevich [39] ), Draško Milinovic ( Drach Malinowicz , Slavicized Draszke [50] Milinovich [66] ), Duško Milunovic ( Deuch Mühlthau ), Ljubica Miljanovic ( Lubcze Meilen ), Cvijetin and Vojin Mijatovic ( Zweiter & Wein Mietz , Slavicized Zvyatin and Voin [66] Miathowicz [50] ), Vojin Mitrovic ( Wein Mittler , Slavicized Voin [66] Mitrovich [51] ), Pramod and Lakshmi-Niwas Mittal ( Laks-Niwes Mital ), Nada Mladina ( Nadel Mildi(e)ner ), Adi and Nedžad Mulabegovic ( Adel & Nachtsatz Mühlberger ), Ivan and Stanko Musa ( Iwan & Stank Musales ), Albin Muslic ( Albin Muszlin ), Dino Mustafic ( Din Muster , SlavicizedDino [66] Mustafa [50] ), Edin Mušic ( Eden Muschel , Sephardic Eden Mussache [64] , Slavicized Ejdyn Musszys [50] ), Bakir Nakaš ( Bäker Nakas , Sephardic Baker Naccache or Nakash [64] ), Alija Nametak ( Al Namet ), Mario Nenadic ( Marin Nenadel , Slavicized Maro [39] Nenedik [50] ), Nenad Nešic ( Nenadel Nesch ), Margarita Nikolovska ( Margel Nik ), Damir and Nermin Nikšic ( Damir & Nerman Nikshich ) [65] , Sakib Nišic ( Sack Nisichis ), Momcilo Novakovic ( Mome Nowak , Slavicized Monczel [50] Novakovich [66] ), Snježana Novakovic – Bursac ( Snieg Nowak – Bursch , Slavicized Novakovich - Bursak [66] ), Fadil Novalic ( Fadim Neuwald ), Sredoje Novic ( Schreter Nowicki , Slavicized Szrejd Nowicz [50] ), Senka Nožica b. unknown ( Sencer Nog , Sephardic Sanco Nouchi [64] , Slavicized Senka Nozica [50] ), Sead Numanovic ( Seid Neumann , Sephardic Saad Nauman [64] , Slavized Seid Neumanowicz [50] ), Jusuf Nurkic ( Jusef [63] Nurk [ 51] , Sephardic Yousef Norca [64] ), Angelika Nussberger ( Angelczuk Nussberger ), Šefkija Okeric ( Schafkopf Oxer ), Naser Oric ( Nasser Orech , Slavicized Naser Orich [50] ), Amar and Ivica Osim ( Amarand & Jawitz Osmann , Sephardic Anar & Jawitz Osimo [64]), Goran Opsenica ( Gorn Opsfeld , Slavicized Gorn Opoczyncki [50] ), Adil and Ismet Osmanovic ( Adler & Isler Osmann , Slavicized Adel & Ismut Ochmanowicz [50] ), Sulejman Pacariz ( Sulem Pachciarz , Sephardic Suleiman Pacheco [64] , Slavicized Suleman Pacharz [50] ), Muhamed Pandža ( Mamet Panzer , Slavicized Mukhamed [39] ), Tudor Pantiru ( Tüder Panter ), Žarko Papic ( Zarkower Papier ), Zoran Paprica ( Zoren Paprycz , Slavized Zoran Pabrich [50] ), Boris Pašalic ( Boris Pasch ), Mirsad Peco ( Mersand Pezel ), Nermin Pecanac ( Niedermann Peczeniak ), Mirko Pejanovic so-called. Trišo ( Meierkop Payanoff - and his nickname is literally the Jewish surname Trisch [50] ), Dario and Mira Pekic ( Dar & Mira Pek ), Marina Pendeš ( Marin Pentek , Pundek ), Pero Peric ( Per Per ), Vjekoslav Petricevic ( Wieksler Petyche , Slavicized Vekslev Petricevich [51] ), Obren Petrovic ( Obermann Petrowicz ), Aida Pilav ( Ajda [66] Piallav [51] ), Aida and Sejo Pitic (Sephardic Eidam & Seya Pitoque [64] , Slavicized Ajda and Szojo Pityukh [66 ] ), Biljana Plavšic ( Bilan Plawka , Slavicized Bilian [50] Plavchik [39] ), Haris Pleho ( Harz Plehr ), Fikret Ploco ( Fichert [50] Plocker ), Sifet Podžic ( Cheifetz Poczeges ), Hakija and Hamdija Pozderac (Hacker & Hummer Poster ), Sanela Prašovic - Gadžo ( Sanel Präss - Gandz ), Jadranko Prlic ( Jad Perlis ), Lazar Prodanovic ( Lazar Prodanov [65] ), Svetozar Pudaric ( Swerzer Puder ), Srdan Puhalo ( Sieradz Puhacz , Slavicized Surgan Pukhal [51] ), Nebojsa Radmanovic ( Neubau Radmann , Slavicized Nebsha [51] Radmanowicz [50] ), Igor Radojicic ( Iger Radocki ), Fahrudin Radoncic (Sephardic Fardjoun [64] Radwanitz , Slavicized Radionchik [39] ), Martin Raguž ( Martiner Radgoszczer ), Srdan Rajcevic ( Sieradz Rauchbach , Slavicized Surgan Rejzevich [51] ), Edin and Emir Ramic ( Eden & Emer Ram ), Ane Rašcic ( Aner Rasch ), Lejla Rešic ( Lei Ressis ), Mehmed Midhat and Muhamed Ridanovic ( Memes Miet & Mamet Reigenbogen ), Vlado Rogic ( Wlad Rogalik ), Husein Rošic ( Husen Rosch ), Ramiz Salkic ( Ram Salkind ), Asim Sarajlic ( Agisim Sara ), Džerard Selman ( Gerard Selmann ), Behaudin Selmanovic ( Backhaut Selmanowitz ), Rusmir Sendic ( Rusmann Sendik ), Vahid Sendijarevic ( Weid Senderowicz ), Asaf Serdarevic ( Alsefron Sertschar ), Camil Sijaric ( Kamil Sierot ), Haris Silajdžic ( Harz Seeliger , Slavicized Haris Sliedzik [50] ), Goran and Mario Simic ( Gorn & Marin Sim ), Miodrag Simovic ( Miehl Sim ), Zijad Sipovic ( Zeider Szupowicz, Slavicized Zyd [50] Sipovich [66] ), Abdullah Skaka ( Abdallah [64] Schach ), Nijaz Skenderagic ( Neiaus Schenderfer ), Rasim Smajic ( Ras Smajowicz ), Safet and Senad Softic ( Saft and Sen Sofer ), Kemal Sokolija ( Kemel Sokol ), Fahrudin Solak ( Facher Sol ), Ibrahim Spahic ( Iberahl Spach ), Zijad Srabovic ( Zeider Schrab , Slavicized Zyd Srubowicz ) [50] ), Miladin and Perica Stanic ( Mil & Peritz Stanik ), Draško Stanivukovic ( Drach Sztejnwak , Slavicized Draszke [50] Sztejnwak [50] ), Nenad Stevandic ( Nenadel Stebenaus ), Tomica Stojanovic ( Tom Stojanower ), Salem Šabic ( Salemann Schabs ), Aziza and Muhamed Šacirbegovic ( Azie & Mamet Schatzberger , Zuckerberger , Slavicized Mukhamed [39] ) , Željko Šajn ( Zehl Schein ), Ahmet and Aleksa Šantic ( Ahment & Aleksander Scheinstein ), Mirko Šarovic ( Meierkop Schar , Sephardic Merqui Sarafic [64] , Slavicized Mirc Scharowicz [50] ), Selvedin Šatorovic ( Schwed Schatter ), Vehid Šehic ( Weid Schech ), Alen Šeranic ( Alemann Schermann ), Davor Šešic ( Dawer Siess ), Boris and Stjepan Šiber ( Boris & Stepner Schieber ), Rifat Škrijelj ( Rift Skorel [39] ), Dragan and Miloš Šolaja ( Dragon & Miloch Schol ), Nikola Špiric [70] ( Nik Spir ), Feda Štukan ( Fecher Stük ), Slaviša Šucur ( Slaf Szczur ), ŠemsoTankovic ( Schames Tang , Dankowicz ), Bakir and Danis Tanovic ( Bäker & Dünst Tan ), Milan and Zoran Tegeltija ( Mil & Zoren Teger , Slavicized Milan and Zoran Tagliat [50] , Sephardic Teglia [64] ), Adnan Terzic ( Eidemann [ 50] Terzi [66] ), Zoran Tešanovic ( Zoren Teschner , Sephardic Zorn Teissune [64] , Slavicized Zoran Tachnowicz [50] ), Sulejman Tihic ( Sulem Tihl , Sephardic Suleiman Tache [64] , Slavicized Suleman [50] Tychika [39 ] ), Blaško Topalovic ( Blaschko Topolski ), Ðuro and Tanja Topic ( Geuer & Tanne Top ), Srda Trifkovic ( Sercarz Trif ), Mirko Trifunovic ( Meierkop Trif ), Jelena Trivic ( Jelin Trywisz , Trevich [39] ), Milan and Natalija Trivic ( Mil & Neutaler Trywisz , Trevich [39] ), Rodoljub Trkulja ( Rödel Terkel ), Nedo Trninic ( Neigut Thorn ), Kasim Trnka ( Trink , Trinkaus ), Amel Tuka ( Ameldank Tuch , Sephardic Amele Tuck [64] , Slavicized Amel Tyka [50] ), Nermin Tulic ( Niedermann Tül ), Danijel Tulumovic ( Daniel Tül , Slavicized Tylym [50] ), Fuad Turalic ( Fouad [64] Tur ), Bisera Turkovic ( Perla Turk ), Sulejman Ugljanin ( Sulem Ulan ), Nihad Uk ( Nicht Uk , Sephardic Nieto [64] Uk [51] ), Seid Memic alias Vajta ( Seid Memis- and his alias is literally the Jewish surname Weiter from Galicia), Hanka Vajzovic ( Hank Weiss ), Slobodan Vaskovic ( Slobidker Waszkowicer ), Rajko Vasic ( Rajko Vasich [51] ), Gordana and Zora Vidovic b. unknown ( Gordon & Zoref Widowitz b. unknown), Simeun Vilendecic ( Simon Weiland ), Mirsad Vilic ( Mersand Vil ), Radovan Viškovic ( Radwan Weisskopf ), Božo Vreco ( Bocz Weirach ), Božidar and Slavko Vucurevic ( Bocz & Slaf Wucher ), Zlatan Vujanovic ( Zlate Wojner ), Nikola Vucic ( Nik Wuchs ), Nebojša Vukanovic ( Neubau Wolkenstein [67] , Slavicized Nebsha Vukanovich [51] ), Duško Vukotic ( Deuch Welkotsch ), Tomo Vukšic ( Tom Wuks ), Sanja Vulic ( Sann Wulich ), Mirsad Zaimovic ( Mersand Zeimer ), Berko Zecevic ( Berk Zech ), Branislav Zeljkovic ( Branis Zehl , Slavicized Bronislaw Zelkowicz [50] ), Salko Zildžic ( Salkind Zilz ), Emir and Muhamed Zlatar ( Emer & Mamet , Slavized Emir [50 ] & Mukhamed [39] Zlatar [68] ), Aleksandar Zolak ( Aleksander Zol ), Enver Zornic ( Ehrnwerth Zorn , Slavicized Enber [68] Zornik [50] ), Krešimir Zubak ( Kuresch Dziubak ), Amir and Ibrahim Zukic ( Amer & Iberahl Zuch ), Denis Zvizdic ( Denister Swist , Slavicized Denis Zwist or Zwiszadt [50] ), Mehmed Žilic ( Memes Zilich ), and others.
- Montenegro : Milo Ðukanovic ( Mil Jochanowicz ), Vuk Vucko Borilovic ( Byk Wuck [50] Borillo , Sephardic Borullo , Brilovich [51] , Borelovich [39] ), Marko Carevic ( Mark Caro , Carewicz [66] ), Janko Dimic ( Jankew Dim , Sephardic Young De Mitz [64] , Slavicized Ianko Dymish [39] ), Ranko Krivokapic ( Rank Krywólka ), Andrija Mandic ( Ander Mand ), Jakov Milatovic (Sephardic Iakov Mellado [64] , Slavized Yakov Miltovich [51] ), Slavko Perovic ( Slaf Perowicz ), and others.
Sephardic Jakob Finci was appointed the first director of the BiH Civil Service Agency (2001-2008) by the High Representative (colonial governor) Wolfgang Petritsch [71] , himself a Crypto-Ashkenazi ( Potrich [63] ). Finci then appointed and employed mainly citizens of Jewish origin to key positions and jobs, including his successor, who has held that position since 2009 until today. Then, in the same year (2009), he wrapped himself in a perfect cloak of vulnerability in the form of the Sejdic-Finci verdict [72] , which was the only possible one given the legal system, so it was just a well-used cover. That's how he became a gray eminence , i.e. de facto ruler of Bosnia and Herzegovina . Thus, the role of the High Representative in Bosnia and Herzegovina could be reduced to a minimum, since the administration system then became fully controlled (according to the model of the Austro-Hungarian administration) and Bosnia is managed from the shadows (therefore illegally under international law ) by Jakob Finci as its governor by blood (racial ) right ie. in classic apartheid in which - as in all apartheid regimes of the Balkans and otherwise - the indigenous majority is prevented from governing, while the right to employment under equal conditions is not guaranteed. At the same time, in an obviously rigged election process (mass "participation" of deceased persons, unequal funding and media representation of parties, manual voting and counting, etc.), smaller parties serve to create an impression of legitimacy to election "winners" (fraudsters).
- CROATIA : Dražen and Vladimir Anzulovic ( Dreizner & Wlad Anczulowicz ), Mislav Bago (Sephardic Meslawi Bagiaio [64] or Bagho [64] , Slavized Mislov Bag [51] ), Milan Bandic ( Mil Bandis ), Ivo Banjac ( Ivah [68] Beina(c)ker ), Rafael Boban ( Rafel Bob ), Mile Budak ( Mil Buda ), Rudi Cajavec ( Rudi Chaiowicz [50] ), Ivan Cermak ( Iwan Tschermak ), Ivan and Petar Cobankovic ( Iwan & Peter Czoban ), Ljubo Cesis zv. Rojs ( Laub Ches - and his nickname is literally the Jewish surname Rojs from Galicia), Martina and Zlatko Dalic ( Martiner & Zlotko [50] Dalicz ), Ivan Ðikic ( Iwan Dieck ), Jure Francetic ( Jures Franz ), Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic ( Kolin Grabarz ), Mate Granic ( Mat Granik ), Zlatko Hasanbegovic ( Zlotko [50] Hassenberg ), Hrvoje Hegedušic ( Horwiz Hegedüss ), Franjo Kluz ( Freiner Kloz ), Rade Koncar ( Rad Gonchar [51] ), Josip Kraš ( Josiper Krach ), Eugen and Slavko Kvaternik ( Eugen & Slaf Kwater ), Vjekoslav Luburic aka. Max ( Wieksler Luber , Slavicized Vekslev [51] Lubric [50] - and his nickname is literally the Jewish surname Max from Galicia), Davor Lukšic ( Dawer Luks ), Josip Manolic ( Josiper Manulik [51] ), Zoran Milanovic ( Zoren Milanovich [ 39] ), Ivan and Marko Malenica ( Iwan & Mark Mielnica ), Zdravko Mamic (Zederbaum Mame ), Ante Markovic ( Ante [50] Markowicz ), Stjepan Mesic ( Stepner Mesis , Sephardic Messiqua [64] , Slavicized Stepan [65] or Styp Mesik [50] ), Ante Nobilo ( Ante [50] Nobel ), Milka Planinc b. Malada ( Milke Planing [51] b. Mellado ), Andrej Plenkovic ( Andreu Palenker ), Vesna Pusic ( Wessner Pusch ), Ivica Racan ( Jawitz Rach ), Stjepan Radic ( Stepner Radd ), Željko Raguž ( Zehl Radgoszczer ), Ivo Lola Ribar ( Ivah [68] Riber - and his nickname is literally the Jewish surname Lola ), Ivo Sanader ( Ivah [68] Sander ), Aleksandar Stankovic ( Aleksander Steinkopf ), Ante Starcevic ( Ante [50] Stark , Starkschal ), Božo Sušec ( Bocz Suschek ), Dinko Šakic ( Dinkes Szacker ), Vladimir Šeks ( Wlad Schek , Seks ), Zvonimir Šeparovic ( Sephardi , Szeparowicz ), Rade Šerbedžija ( Rad Sauerberg ), Miroslav Škoro ( Mirosch Skóra ), Martin Špegelj ( Martiner Speigel ), Mika Špiljak ( Mik Spilek ), Stipe Šuvar ( Stipel Schwarz ), Ivica Todoric ( Jawitz Todris ), Franjo and Miroslav Tudman ( Freiner & Mirosch Tuchmann ), Goran Višnjic ( Gorn Wischnitz ), Dušan Vukotic ( Deuch Welkotsch ), and others.
- SLOVENIA : Andrej Bajuk , Alenka Bratušek ,Miro Cerar , Stane Dolanc ,Janez Janša , Jelko Kacin , Edvard__ _ _ _ _ _ _ Kardelj ( Edvard [73] Khardel [65] ), Sergej Kraigher ( Sergej [51] Kreiger ), Milan Kucan ( Mil Kuchen ), Borut Pahor ( Bort Paczornik ), Lojze Peterle ( Lauzker Peterling ), Janez Potocnik ( Janess Potocznik ), Marjan Šarec ( Marian Schar ), Slavoj Žižek ( Slachowoj Dzyczek , Zizes ), and others.
SERBIA : Neda Arneric ( Nieder Arner ), Cedomir Antic ( Chudemer [50] Antik [51] ), Vuk Bacanovic ( Byk Bakanowicki ), Ljubomir Bandovic ( Lubczer Band ), Miloš Bikovic ( Miloch Bikower , Slavicized Milosh [51] Biekovich [39 ] ), Sonja Biserko ( Sonne Biser , Perla [29] ), Rustem and Zafir Beriša ( Rüster & Zafir Berisch [50] , Sephardic Rusten [64] ), Svetlana Bojkovic ( Swetsch Bojko , Slavicized Swiatla [50] Bojkovich [51] ), Dragoslav Bokan ( Dragon Bocan , Bok ), John Bosnic ( John Bochnik ), Goran Božovic ( Gorn Bocz ), Ana Brnabic ( Anhalt Birnbauch , Slavicized Ana Bernabch [50] ), Zorica Brunclik ( Zoref Brynze , Slavicized Zorich [39] Brunsslik [68] ), Fahreta Jahic alias Lepa Brena ( Fahr Jahwetz - and her alias is literally the Jewish surname Bren from Galicia), Nenad Canak ( Nenadel Chanak ), Vasa Carapic ( Vas Charap ), Nebojša Covic ( Neubau Chowis , Sephardic Covo- zade [69] , Slavicized Nebsha Chowicz [51] ), Dobrica Cosic ( Dobrisch Chocz ), Ivica Dacic ( Jawitz Daches ), Vladan Dankovic ( Wlad Dankowicz ), Ljubodrag Dimic ( Lubiner Dim , Sephardic Lubbe De Mitz [64] , Slavicized Lobodyuk [51] Dymish [39] ), Mladan Dinkic ( Mlodek Dinkes ), Branko Dragaš ( Bran Drag), Vuk Draškovic ( Byk Dereschowitz ), Dušan Dunder ( Deuch Dunajer ), Lazar Dunderski ( Lazar Dunajer ), Milovan and Dragan Ðilas ( Mil & Dragon Chill , Gielso(h)n ), Zoran Ðindic ( Zoren Ginzich , Jüng ), Snežana Ðurišic ( Sneg Jurisch ), Dragan Džajic ( Dragon Jeitzis ), Ilija Garašanin ( Elias Grassmann , Charasch ), Marko and Slavko Gavrilovic ( Mark & ??Slaf Gawrilowicz ), Vuk Jeremic ( Byk Jeremiasz ), Borisav Jovic ( Boriczower Jawicz ), Radovan Kalabic ( Radwan Kahlberg ), Nataša Kandic ( Nates Kandel ), Vuk Karadžic ( Byk Karach ), Nenad Jankovic alias Nele Karajlic ( Nenadel Jankowicz - and his alias is literally the Jewish surname Koralik from Galicia), Jelena Karleuša ( Jelin Czarnolewski ), Nenad Kecmanovic ( Nenadel Kesmann ), Mihalj Kertez ( Michal Czertez ), Slobodan Komazec ( Slobidker Chomczuk [50] ), Miloš Kovic ( Miloch Kowis ), Žarko Korac ( Zarkower Korach ), Tomislav Kresovic ( Tom Kreszower ), Albin Kurti ( Albin Kurtz ), Radomir Lukic ( Radom Luki ), Siniša Mali ( Sinicer Maly ), Branko Mamula ( Bran Mamulik ), Milomir Maric ( Mil Mär , March ), Goran Milic ( Gorn Milich ), Nikola Milnovic ( Nik Milner , Milnowets [50] ), Slobodan Miloševic ( Slobidker Miloch ), Miroslav Miškovic ( Mirosch Mischkowitz), Željko Mitrovic ( Zehl Mittler , Slavicized Mitrovich [51] ), Milan Mojsilovic ( Mil Mojslowitz ), Slavoljub Muslin ( Slaf Muszlin ), Milan Nedic ( Mil Nedler ), Novica Negovanovic ( Nowicki Neugewürz ), Branimir Nestorovic ( Bran Nestrowicz ), Srdan and Rajko Nogo ( Sieradz & Reich Nog , Slavicized Surgan [51] and Rajko Noga [66] ), Goran Novakovic ( Gorn Nowak ), Novak Novak ( Nowak Nowak ), Dositej and Boško Obradovic ( Docht & Bosko Oberard ), Aleksandar Pavic ( Aleksander Pavich [39] ), Nenad Prokic ( Nenadel Prokisz ), Aleksandar Rakovic ( Aleksander Rakowicz ), Željko Ražnatovic aka. Arkan ( Zehl Rozniatowski - and his nickname is literally the ancient Jewish surname Arkan also recorded in Poland [50] ), Jovan and Ljubiša Ristic ( Jofe & Lubasch Rister ), Sinan Sakic ( Sina Sak ), Ljubiša and Slobodan Samardžic ( Lubasch & Slobidker Sam ) , Nikola Sandulovic ( Nik Sandel , Slavicized Nikolai Sandulovici [65] ), Predrag Sarapa ( Prediger Sara ), Miloš Savcic ( Miloch Savchik [39] ), Milan Stamatovic (Sephardic Milan [64] Stam , Slavized Stamatov [65] ), Ivan and Petar Stambolic ( Iwan & Peter Stambulka ), Nemanja Starovic ( Neimann Star ), Nikola Šainovic ( Nik Scheinowitz ), Aleksandar Šargic ( Aleksander Scharga ), Nemanja Šarovic ( Neimann Schar , Sephardic Neiman Sarafic [64] , SlavicizedNeman Scharowicz [50] ), Šaban Šaulic ( Szabo Schaul ), Marija Šerifovic ( Mareim Scherf ), Vojislav Šešelj ( Weisler Sessel ) and by mother Danica Misita ( Danzer Messite ), Dragan Škobalj ( Dragon Schöbs ), Hašim Taci ( Hachs Tachmann , Sephardic Hassin Tacchi [64] , Slavicized Hochm Tacy [50] ), Marinika Tepic ( Marin Tepich ), Teša Tešanovic ( Teschner Teschner ), Branislav and Sergej Trifunovic ( Branis & Sergej [51] Trif ), Aleksandar Vucic ( Aleksander Wuchs , Slavicized Vuchikh [ 51 ] ) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (Sephardic Maimarao Zucker , Slavicized Mamer Sukor [50] ), and others.
and in the Balkans there are also, for example: Alic ( Al ), Belan ( Belan ), Bilic ( Bilis ), Boršcak ( Borschak ), Boškailo ( Buchheim ), Brajlovic ( Brailower ), Burek ( Burek ), Cosic ( Czosnik ), Dazdarevic ( Düsendorf ), Demic ( Dem ), Domazek/Domazet ( Domaszek ), Duranovic ( Durmann ), Džeko ( Jekel ), Fajkovic ( Fajczewicz ), Festic ( Fest ), Gabela/Gabeljic ( Gabel ), Gajic ( Gajer ), Glotic ( Glotz ), Gudelj ( Gutheil ), Heldic ( Held ), Ibralic ( Iberahl ), Ibrišimovic ( Ebrisch ), Jakubovic ( Jakubowicz ), Janjuš ( Januschower ), Jelic/Jelinic/Jelinovic ( Jelin , Jelinik , Jelinowicz ), Kahriman ( Kohrmann ), Kamenica ( Kamen , Kamenicer ), Karanovic ( Charan ), Kokoška ( Kokosch ), Komar ( Komar ) , Kopic ( Kop ), Kostic ( Kost ), Kecman ( Kesmann ), Kulina ( Kula , Kuli ), Lajšic ( Leich ) , Lipa ( Lipa ), Lisak ( Lisak ), Maslic ( Masler ), Mešetovic ( Messite ), Moric ( Moritz ), Mileusnic/Mulahusic ( Mülaus / Muhlhausek ), Mulic ( Mühl ), Muslic ( Musler ), Novak ( Nowak ), Nurikic/Nurkovic ( Nurek ), Osmanlic ( Osmann ), Pejakovic ( Pejsachowicz ), Petrov ( Petrow ), Popovic ( Popowicz ), Poturak ( Pulturak ), Prženica ( Przenica ), Rondic ( Ron , Rondelstein ), Rubinovic ( Rubinowicz ), Rudic ( Rudich ), Sabotic ( Sabat ), Salikovic ( Salik ), Selmanovic ( Selmanowitz ), Sidran ( Sidrer , Siedmann ), Sijercic ( Sieraczyk ), Soldin ( SoldanSoldo _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , Vejzovic ( Weiss ), Višnjic ( Wisznicz ), Vrce ( Werz , Werzer ), Zlatar ( Zlate ), Zrnic ( Zorn ), Zunda ( Zung ), etc. [63]

Those who shaped World War II had Jewish surnames : [63] from XIV-XVIII c. This is irrefutable proof that there is a conspiracy of the Great Jewish elite for world domination and absolutist control of humanity by all means.
- POLITICAL COMEDIES : Al Jazeera ( Jezerza ), Avaz ( Waz ), Blic ( Blitz ), ( Faktor ), Big ( Big ), Glas Srpska ( Glas ), Gracija ( Graz ), Hayat ( Hayat ), Index . rs ( Index ), ( Index ), Kalman ( Kalmann ), Kameleon ( Kamel ), Klix .ba ( Klicz ) founded by a CIA agent and "sold to domestic owners", Pink ( Pink ), Raskrinkavanje .ba ( Rajzgrin ) a portal financed by the Rothschild family through its pawns Soros and NED, Sesame ( Sez ), Vecernji list ( Wecher ), Vecernje novine ( Wecher ), Vjesnik ( Weissnicht ), and others. So, for example, and the name of the Great Jewish propaganda television N1 is actually a play on words: N1 ? N-Ein ? Nein [68] which is literally an Ashkenazi (Germanized) surname and which at the same time signifies negation, i.e. Not even the name itself exposes the media whose purpose is to spread anti-news or fake news (disinformation).
- LOBBYISTS (since "the fall of communism") : Carl Bildt ( Karl Bild ), Francis Anthony Boyle ( Sephardic Francis Antonio Boyle [64] ), Serge Brammertz ( Sieradz Brammer ), Gent Cakaj ( Gen(t) Czak ), Recep Erdogan [74 ] ( Rech Erd , Erdmann ), Tanja Fajon ( Tanne Fein ), Johan Galtung ( Johanes Galat ), Michail Sergejewitsch Gorbatschow ( Michal Sergej [51] Gorbaczynski ), Antonio Guterres ( Antmann Guterr , Antonio Guterz ), Valentin Inzko ( Walenstein Inzer ) , Jean-Claude Juncker ( Janar-Klau Junker ), Sebastian Kurz ( Sabas Kurz ) , Bernard Kouchner ( Bernard Kussner ), Miroslav Lajcak ( Mirosch Leich ), Sergey Viktorovich Lavrov ( Sergej Viktorovich Lavrov ) [51] ,Emmanuel Macron ) [51] , Angela Merkel ( Angel Merkel ), Federica Mogherini (Sephardic Fadrique Magrini [64] , Slavicized Fedorako Mogorin [39] ), Eric George Nelson ( Erich Georg Nelson [50] ), Mike Pence ( Mik Pencer ), Wolfgang Petritsch ( Wolfgang Potrich ), Mike Pompeo ( Mik Pompeus ), Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin ( Vladimir Vladimirovich [39] Putin ) [51] , Johann Sattler ( Johannes Sattler ), Christian Schmidt ( Kristian Schmidt [64] [51] [39] [ 50] [66] [68] [65] ), Olaf Scholz ( Olff [64] Scholz [67] [51] [50] [66] ), Christian Schwarz-Schilling ( Kristian Schwarz-Schilling ), Daniel Serwer ( Daniel Serwer ), Jens Stoltenberg ( Jentes Stolzenberg ), Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani ( Taumim Chamades Than - and the name of his emirate Qatar is literally a Jewish surname from Galicia), Carlos Westendorp ( Karl Westen ), Alma Zadic ( Alma [66] Zadich ), and others.
- Conspiracy theories (about anything and everything except Zionism), fake media, fake science , fake art : Walt Elias Disney ( Walt Elias Disney ) [64] , Anthony Fauci ( Antony [66] Fau ), Goran Božovic ( Gorn Bocz ) - frontman of YouTube channel FES TV ( 36 million views and 142,000 subscribers), David Icke ( David Ichel ) - "leading expert on aliens and reptiles", Alex Jones ( Alexander Jonas ), Dejan Lucic ( Dajen Luchs ), Nikola Milnovic ( Nik Milner , Milnowets [50] ) - frontman of the YouTube channel Idiokratija aimed at children and young people ( 86 million views and 373,000 subscribers), Krešimir Mišak ( Kuresch Misch , Slavicized Chroszmier [50] Myshak [51] ) - editor of the TV show On the Edge of Science , Semir Osmanagic ( Semer Osmann ), Goran Šaric ( Gorn Schar ), Aleksandar Šargic ( Aleksander Scharga ) - frontman of YouTube channel Serbia Global ( 11 million views and 50,000 subscribers), Teša Tešanovic ( Teschner Teschner ) - frontman of YouTube channel Balkan Info ( 156 million views and 296,000 subscribers), Trent Toulouse ( Trentscher Tolz ) - Rational Wiki website, Dejan Petar Zlatanovic ( Dajen Peter Zlate ) - frontman of the YouTube channel Srbin info ( 59 million views and 92,000 subscribers) and Centar ( 14 million views and 37,000 subscribers), and Ph.D.
In addition to the above, the following YouTube channels (without a frontman) were founded in just a few years - apparently as part of a project for mass control of the Balkans with disinformation and conspiracy theories :
- Documentary Broadcasts Balkans ( 182 million views and 169,000 subscribers)
- Balkan UFO ( 39 million views and 148,000 subscribers)
- Balkanska Oštrica ( 34 million views and 99,000 subscribers)
- ukBalkan Taraba ( 12 million views and 49,000 subscribers)
Slavija info ( 6 million views and 26,000 subscribers)
- Slavija Special ( 3 million views and 11,000 subscribers), and others.
By the way, all such channels of the intelligence services mostly owe their "attendance" to the so-called bots ie. computer programs that adjust the dials of visits to the desired number. By the way, this is completely commercialized in the world, so "attendance" and "likes" (likes) of a video or post on the so-called are sold according to the publicly available price list. social networks like [75] . Depending on the budget of a person or entity, or the ability of hackers (including intelligence services), visits to certain targeted information on the Internet are arranged. Notorious for buying fake visits in Bosnia is e.g. YouTube channel Face TV , and a characteristic period when you can easily follow the flow of fake success trade is during political election campaigns. In the world, the largest center for bots and fake commenting on targeted posts and articles is in Lyon , France - the largest Jewish (Sephardic) city in Europe, where MOSSAD runs a telecommunications center that occasionally employs over 10,000 people, mostly Jewish students with knowledge of several languages, who , especially during important political campaigns, create the impression of mass support or mass smearing of a candidate, news, information, etc. The same center is run by MOSSAD and MI5 in London under the auspices of the "people's" (Crypto-Jewish) Government of Great Britain, only that it is filled mainly by Ashkenazi students, while the operation itself is financed by the local Ashkenazi elite.
At the same time, it should be emphasized that social networking via the Internet is actually about fake social networks , i.e. fake social networks, as well as in the case of "mainstream" (major Jewish) media - private companies for spreading fake news, i.e. propaganda (disinformation) in special warfare in the interest of financial and others. of the great Jewish elite, which itself acquired "wealth" in a false (speculative) economy , i.e. the so-called trade shares as a method for artificially (falsely) increasing the book value of an entity hundreds of times compared to the market (real) value. However, like any fraud, this "wealth" only exists as long as there are enough of those who believe it exists, which is why these elites are busily working to bring down the Shet economy in a desperate attempt to transfer their non-existent wealth to real estate in numerous countries where, according to the Greek scenario, Crypto-Jews have some kind of political etc. role. For this, they used various other frauds, such as "Global Warming", and fake viral or seasonal flu/cold pandemics from the HPAI ("bird") and COVID groups, which through their private (fake) as well as state media where in power, Crypto-Jews try to present it as disasters by spreading panic.
- Real conspiracies (World War II): Winston Churchill ( Winstein Tschertsch ), Adolf Eichmann ( Adolf Eichmann ), Joseph Goebbels ( Josef Gebel ), Hermann Goering ( Hermann Geringer ), Heinrich Himmler ( Hein Himmler ), Adolf Hitler ( Adolf Hitler ), Chiang Kai-shek ( Chanzes Kaisch ), Benito Mussolini ( Benet Muszlin ), Vidkun Quisling ( Weidhorn Questler ), Franklin Roosevelt ( Frankl Rosenwald ), Joseph Stalin ( Josef Stal , born in a Jewish village in Georgia as Ioseb Besarionis dze Dzugasvili , i.e. Jewish Iosef Bashariants Chee Doxwell ), Bruno Zatler ( Brun Zatler ), Mao Zedong ( Möwes Zedner ), and others.

Nijaz Hastor ( Neiaus Hast ), the richest citizen of Bosnia and the owner of a private bank and auto accessories factory. The property of this Crypto-Jew is estimated at over 500 million Euros . He was convicted of extortion in Germany [76] . The origin of the wealth is unknown. According to the matrix developed by the Medici, in public he is cloaked in the mantle of humanitarian and patron.
False Muslim nobility : After the invasion of the Balkans with Austria-Hungary (after Turkey was driven out), Crypto-Jews with previously Germanized surnames adapted the same by converting the frequent Germanic suffix berg or berger - into begic or begovic , thus creating a false higher social status since the Ottoman administration took away most of the records so it was practically impossible to expose the fraud. Although it is not a rule, the autochthonous Old Bosnian/Old Serbian/Old Illyrian nobility (as well as the Turkish nobility created by the Islamization of the same) is recognized by the fact that a suffix is ??added to the common (unabbreviated) name of the first noble of a certain line. Otherwise, it is most likely fiction. So are the false Muslim nobles with us: [67] [77]
Ajdibegovic ( Eidelberg ), Ajnibegovic ( Einberger ), Alajbegovic ( Eilberger ), Albegic ( Alberg ), Albegovic ( Alberg ), Alibegic ( Alinberg ), Alinbegovic ( Alinberg ), Altibegovic ( Altberger ), Asibegovic ( Ausberger ), Azabegic ( Aussenberg ), Bajrambegovic ( Bierenberg ), Balbegovic ( Balberg ), Balibegic ( Balberg ), Becirbegic ( Bauchberg ), Becirbegovic ( Buchberger ), Begic ( Berg ), Begovic ( Berger ), Berbegovic ( Bierberg ), Berinbegovic ( Berenberg ), Bešibegovic ( Buchberger ), Bilajbegovic ( Bleiberger ), Bilalbegovic ( Billberg ), Dalbegovic ( Dalberg ), Dambegovic ( Domberger ), Dautbegovic ( Deitschberg ) , Davudbegovic ( Dawidberg ) , Dolibegovic ( Dolberg ), Ðanbegovic ( Günzberger ), Ðelbegovic ( Gelberger ), Ðulbegic ( Dulberg ), Ðulbegovic ( Dulberger ), Enisbegovic ( Eisberger ), Feridbegovic ( Friedberger ), Ganibegovic ( Ganzberg ), Ganibegovic ( Günzberger ), Gazibegovic ( Geisberger ), Hadžibegovic ( Hochberg ), Hadžibegovic ( Hochberger ), Hafizbegovic ( Hofenberger ), Hainbegovic (Heinberger ), Hailbegovic ( Heilberger ), Halibegovic ( Halberg ), Halibegovic ( Halberger ), Halilbegovic ( Hallenberg ), Hambegovic ( Hamberger ), Isabegovic ( Isenberger ), Kalbegovic ( Kalberger ), Kulbegovic ( Kühlberger ), Kulenbegovic ( Külenberg ), Mulabegovic ( Mühlberger ), Nihbegovic ( Nichtberger ), Nuhbegovic ( Nachberger ), Nubegovic ( Neuberger ), Nurbegovic ( Nürnberger ), Razbegovic ( Rosberger), Reisbegovic ( Reisberger ) , Rejhanbegovic ( Reichenberger ) , Rizvanbegovic ( Risenberger ) , Saidbegovic ( Seidberg ), Salibegovic ( Salzberger ), Sanibegovic ( Sandberger ), Šacirbegovic ( Schatzberger , Zuckerberger ), Širbegovic ( Schurberg ), Tosunbegovic ( Tozenberg ), Tosumbegovic ( Tozenberg ), Zimbegovic ( Zimberg ), and others.
Crypto-Jews in the Balkans can be traced in censuses after the 16th century, e.g. The famous Turkish travel writer Evlij Çelebi in Belgrade records Crypto-Sephardic surnames: [69] Afo-zade ( Afe [63] ) i.e. today Afic , Lafo-zade ( Laufsand [63] ), i.e. today Lafic , Šit-zade ( Schitz ) [63] i.e. today Šitic , Covo-zade ( Chowis ) [63] i.e. nowadays Covic and Jagdži-zade ( Jaged ) [63] i.e. today Jagdžic , and during a visit to Sarajevo in 1660: [69] Lub-zade ( Lubcze ) [63] i.e. today Ljubic , Filip-zade ( Filip ) [63] i.e. nowadays Filipovic , Koski-zade ( Koschitz ) [63] i.e. nowadays Koskic , Lafi-zade ( Laufsand ) [63] i.e. today Lafic , Covo-zade ( Chowis ) [63] i.e. today Covic , Junak-zade ( Junk ) [63] i.e. nowadays Junic , and Dešo-zade ( Desser ) [63] i.e. today Dešic . [69] Here zade in Hebrew means " seed " for a genus or lineage. [78] Similarly, the census of about 1000 craftsmen in Sarajevo in 1841 showed that only 11% of the majority Muslims then had surnames, while already in the same repeated census from 1848, about 90% of them also had surnames. [79] This happened due to the sudden influx of Crypto-Ashkenazis to the Balkans before the Congress of Berlin, when (1850) in preparation for a change of administration, the occupying authorities in Bosnia changed their name to the colonial name "Bosnia and Herzegovina" . Just as the Sephardim invaded Bosnia with the Ottomans earlier - about 90% of whom became Crypto-Sephardim, Ashkenazis invaded with the Habsburgs - practically all of whom became Crypto-Ashkenazi.
Thus, the new i.e. the Austro-Hungarian administration, practically entirely composed of Crypto-Jews, by several imperial decrees of the court of Vienna, will conduct population censuses in which they will literally impose Slavicized Jewish surnames on the non-Jewish majority who had never had any surname before. Namely, the very concept of a surname was not known in the Balkans, and the lord used it for practical-legal reasons (inheritance of sovereignty). That is through skillful manipulation, i.e. with the stroke of a pen and in just a couple of decades, the 90% non-Jewish majority was transformed into a "Jewish" one. At the same time, the condition for appointment to the highest positions in the occupation administration remained racial purity , which is proven by an authentic and not newly Slavicized Hebrew name and surname (where it is Slavicized even today, it is also a requirement for an ordinary position in state institutions because it proves that a person is not of noble origin i.e. her actions are not superior to the protector state), then by whether the ancestor of the person in question was on the passenger list of the galleys in which the sultans brought the new, Jewish elite from Spain and Portugal ("the right of the first usurpation" as of course a quasi-right but necessary for the organized maintenance of the usurpation i.e. the organization of the protectorate), as well as whether that family is located in one of the early occupation i.e. pre-Austrian censuses such as that of Evlija Celebija . This created classes of "more" and "less" valuable eligible individuals in the racist "ordered" (therefore permanently unordered and all the more unstable) Balkans - where, regardless of the regime, society remains essentially class-based for centuries . At the same time, only the descendants of the domestic nobility have almost no rights (for example, the Parliament of Croatia or the Assembly of Serbia has only the lower house, because according to international law, the upper house can only be filled by members of the Croatian Noble House, i.e. the old Serbian nobility, which was "dissolved" in 1921 by Krypto-Ashkenaz Aleksandar Karadordevic, which is a simple bluff), and they often do not even have basic human rights, while they are automatically considered unfit - all of which is a reflection of the strong hatred of usurpers that they pass on from generation to generation.
It is worth noting here that today crypto-Jews are most easily recognized by the fact that they have retained the unchanged root of the Jewish surname for their full surname (e.g. Covic, Dodik, Uk, etc.), while non-Jews who were once given Jewish surnames were imposed by the crypto-Sephards led by grandfather Jakob ( Jakov) Finland as the strong governor Benjamin Kalaj (while today's Finns are strong to Valentin Inzko and other colonial governors - from which it is best seen that geostrategy is a family business!) they are mostly recognized by the fact that they are Slavicized and/or have a name at the root ( eg Mehmedovic as a Slavicized form of Memes, etc.) and as such they are extremely annoying to the real crypto-Jews-usurpers of power in the Balkans, the last apartheid in the world .
Surnames of Crypto-Jews in the Balkans today, in addition to the mentioned Gavrankapetanovic , Lagumdžij and Osmanagic , also include: Begic, Behar, Boškovic, Dajanovic, Habibovic, Haim/Hakim, Hasanagic/Hasanovic, Kaplan, Obad/Obrad, Pardo, Peralta, Pinto, Seferovic , Špiric, Zafranovic, et al. [70] Some of the Crypto-Jewish surnames were created by turning Hebrew into apparently non-Hebrew surnames: Atijas into Zekic , Levi into Livic , Mušon into Mušan / Mušanovic , Nakas into Nakaš , Papo into Papic , Perla into Biserko (as well as proper names: Biserka ) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Peric , Sadic , Simonovic , Zumbulovic , etc. [29] By the way, Crypto-Jewish families, apart from the unusual root of the surname, are recognized primarily by the fact that they name their children after traditional surnames , especially their first-born sons - e.g. Milorad ( Milrad ) [63] Dodik ( Dodik ), Lakshmi Niwas ( Laks Niwes ) [63] Mittal ( Mital ), etc. In order to make sure that they did not make a mistake when naming their children, they often name them after their parents or their parents or relatives, or after their surname - for example Avdo Avdic ( Avigdor Avigdor ), Bogic Bogicevic ( Bogacz Bogacz ), Mico Micic ( Mysz Mysz ), Novak Novak ( Nowak Nowak ), Pero Peric ( Per Per ), Teša Tešanovic ( Teschner Teschner ), etc.
Jewish communities keep precise records and genealogical trees about the mentioned and other surnames of Crypto-Jews in the Balkans, so that they know at every historical moment how to recruit in a way to maintain illegal supremacy over the Balkans . Those surnames are decisive in the appointment to responsible positions and employment in better jobs in politics, academia, media, judiciary, economy, etc. As in Bosnia under Austria-Hungary, racist staffing was also used when filling positions in the administration of today's Bosnia, so the Agency for the Civil Service of Bosnia and Herzegovina as its first director , i.e. from its formation in 2001 until 2008, it was managed by a certain known Jew, Jakob Finci , who was appointed to that position by the High Representative in BiH (colonial governor) Wolfgang Petritsch [71] (himself a Crypto-Ashkenazi - Potrich [63] ). Finci then appointed and employed mainly citizens of Jewish origin to key positions and jobs, including his successor, who has held that position since 2009 until today. Then, in the same year (2009), he wrapped himself in a perfect cloak of vulnerability in the form of the Sejdic-Finci verdict [72] , which was the only possible one given the legal system, so it was just a well-used cover. That's how he became a gray eminence , i.e. de facto ruler of Bosnia and Herzegovina . Thus, the role of the High Representative in Bosnia and Herzegovina could be reduced to a minimum, since the administration system is completely controlled according to the Austro-Hungarian model and Bosnia is governed from the shadows ( illegal under international law ) by Jakob Finci as its deputy by blood (racial) law .
In order to solve the main problem - extreme small numbers (about ten thousand Crypto-Jews compared to 3.5 million natives of Bosnia), the Finns and their representatives in the judiciary automatically release their tribesmen (usually after spectacular arrests to alleviate public anger, i.e. the natives), and in the executive branch and legislative power, in order to occupy positions, they massively acquire fake diplomas and fill positions, e.g. ministers , regardless of professional qualification (for a specific department). They all rotate positions together , and use various other practical tricks which Jewish elites historically used after the loss of Israel, i.e. in countries that they would try to conquer from the inside, and because of which Jews were repeatedly expelled from a large number of countries. E.g. one of the classic scams in countries where Jews participate in the supremacy is the legal obligation to enter the mother's maiden name in various forms - in order to determine the right to privileges (on the basis of race), since according to Jewish law or customs the condition for someone to be considered Jewish is that his/her mother is Jewish. At the same time as using the dirtiest methods to occupy positions of power in countries where they are a minority, the Jewish elite abuse the power thus acquired to prevent anyone who tries to take that power away from them in the same way - eg. when members of parliament try to change their religious or ethnic affiliation on their own initiative during their term of office (as a procedure to which they are already accustomed in their family environment in order to gain benefits), they are energetically prevented (most often in an emergency procedure) and publicly shamed through Crypto-Jewish media such as the Klix portal . ba (also named after the Jewish surname Klicz ), e.g. the case of Crypto-Jewish MPs Nermin Bjelak ( Niedermann Bielan ), Sabine Cudic ( Sabner Czudak ), Haris Pleha ( Harz Plehr ) and Rasim Smajic ( Ras Smajowicz ) [80] . Another characteristic example that exposes the psyche of Crypto-Jews is the case of MP and former journalist Zvonko Maric alias Bajram Demic ( Zworn Mär alias Baram Dem ), who according to his own testimony does not even know how many times he changed his official name, but each time it was either out of self-interest - e.g. the current (freshest) name brings him significant income as a "Croatian MP" since, as an ethnic Albanian by origin, according to the laws of BiH, he would not be able to participate in the Quisling government, so it is grotesque (historically, grotesqueness is a characteristic of every Quisling government because they naturally always suffer the most from lack of quality personnel) - again changed his name and surname.
Racist recruitment also has an important preventive role in Great Jewish geopolitics and politics, when a certain official who is not aware of the reason for which he was appointed to an important position is informed at an opportune moment that he is of Jewish origin. This can have a decisive influence on his/her psyche and thus politics, which, for example, proved correct when revealing the "secret" about her Jewish origin to the then US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright - less than two weeks after her nomination was confirmed in the US Senate. [81] This was immediately followed by all the mainstream (Jewish) media, and thus significantly influenced her and indirectly the attitude and policy of the USA towards Israel and thus also towards the JJ global geostrategic goals during the next four years.
Methods of colonial rule of the Great Jewish elite
From Frescobaldi to the Medici to the Rothschilds

Popes from the Medici Italian Crypto-Sephardic banking family (from left): Giovanni de' Medici (Pope Leo X, 1513–1521), Giulio di Giuliano de' Medici (Pope Clement VII, 1523–1534), Giovanni Angelo Medici (Pope Pius IV, 1559–1565), Alessandro Ottaviano de' Medici (Pope Leo XI, 1605). All four placed countless Crypto-Sephards in the most influential positions in the Church and the state, and in various ways strengthened the position of Sephardi and Crypto-Sephardi in the Ottoman Empire. It is estimated that during the 300 years of their power, the Medici and their predecessors, the Frescobaldi , during their 350 years of power (XI-XIV centuries), managed to buy the papacy for at least 25 more popes , through whom they would exercise and spread their influence on world events. Such subversive activity within the Church was continued and expanded by other banking cartels after the Medici, primarily the Rothschilds, so it can be assumed that by now they hold a significant part of the highest positions, if not the majority, in the College of Cardinals, i.e. the Conclaves for the election of popes and elsewhere - as well as in top of other religions - taken over by Crypto-Jews . Thus, all popes from the last Medici pope from 1605 until today are Crypto-Jews (see table). The Frescobaldi , Medici and Rothschilds are probably one and the same family, which, according to the royal lines, only changes its surname every few centuries in order to adapt to the changing historical conditions and contexts that as such threaten their unhindered operation.
The British royal family (actually the German royal line that the Vatican and the Crypto-Jews planted with the English through Queen Victoria, i.e. the Protestants) collaborated with the German Nazis in World War II. war in an attempt to remove the Ashkenazis/Crypto-Ashkenazis from England, which would allow the Vatican, i.e. the Crypto-Sephardis, to dominate the financial flows of Great Britain and, through it, gain full control over the USA. For example, when the Crypto-Sephard Milorad Dodik [63] spits on the English, he only reflects the hatred towards the Ashkenazis that the Belgrade Crypto-Sephards for whom Dodik works through the Masonic lodge there and who brought him to power in a coup (with NATO tanks) at a time when the Vatican independently controlled NATO through the White House (neoliberals - mostly Catholics or Papists). Namely, the Crypto-Sephardis are still first-class geostrategic partners for the popes thanks to old and deep financial ties since Borgia, which are strengthened by ties with the banking Crypto-Sephardic Medici dynasty , which is only from its own family through corruption, i.e. by buying votes installed four Roman popes (and at least 25 more popes from whom they also bought the papacy) which strengthened ie. entwined the interests of the Papacy with Judaism to the point of inextricability.
Medici have been since the beginning of their banking dynasty in the 15th century. provided refuge to Jews exiled from other countries, e.g. The Grand Duke of Tuscany Cosimo I de' Medici gave protection to Jews, as early as 1551 issuing permits to entire Jewish families to settle in Florence at a time when Jews (and especially Marranos , i.e. Crypto-Jews) were prohibited from staying in Italy and beyond, and when was the provision of refuge to Jews/Crypto-Jews was so dangerous that the presence of a single Jew in an Italian city put the entire city in a very delicate situation and exposed it to possible sanctions from the Pope and even military reprisals. Therefore, the Medici themselves were forced from time to time to expel the Jews from Florence, but they would always leave the Jewish merchants and bankers, expelling only those who did not have financial power, thus building a halo of "good Catholics" who would serve them in front of the popes. as protection to then provide shelter to Jewish financiers even more and more often. Considering that these petty Jewish bankers actually kept pawnshops, their capital was insignificant for the Medici themselves, so their profile as "bankers" (actually moneylenders) only served the Medici as an excuse for settling at least some Jews. Later, when the Medici started buying the papacy for their family members, they also stopped expelling Jews from their cities. The entire time they were being protected, the Medici treated the Jews who settled in their cities very intimately, i.e. as towards members of one's own family. [82] Recent DNA analyzes of the remains of 50 members of the Medici dynasty found that the Medici also had a number of serious genetic diseases . [83] [84]
Jewish Popes
Since from the last Medici pope in 1605 until today, all popes have had Jewish surnames, today it is practically impossible to say whether the Church controls the Sephardim/Crypto-Sephardim, or they control the Church. It turned out that, in this monstrous symbiosis, the Crypto-Sephardic elites are the ones who most support the traditional (backward) currents within the Church, since the Church as such, i.e. with a pope that is relatively easy (with enough money) to install and remove, the best investment of crypto-Sephardic elites ever . (For example, as soon as the Crypto-Jews stabilized their control over the papacy in 1605, already in 1611 they began to falsify the history of Eastern Europe by creating an "extra" chapter of the alleged historical writings of the Eastern Roman Emperor Porphyrogenet [85] [86] [87] , which is still used today as a means of domination over the Slavs by shaping their collective consciousness through and thus falsified education.) The same practice, which penetrated the financial market of England between the XIII-XV centuries. developed by the Frescobaldi Crypto-Sephardic banking dynasty [88] [89] [90] (which financed all the Pope's crusades to the Balkans), continued and expanded by other banking cartels such as the Medici up to today's Rothschilds and others, so it can be assumed that until now a good part of the highest positions - if not the majority - in the very College/College of Cardinals and elsewhere as well as at the top of other religions - have been taken over by Crypto-Jews. Today, this symbiosis is reflected in the phantasmagorical "battles on the global stage" in which the "evil" supposedly want to exterminate billions of people and leave a "golden billion", and then the "good" always appear and supposedly save humanity. As a reminder, the Romans faced with the collapse of their Empire, and later the Crypto-Sephards as new co-owners of the Church, changed the original Christianity beyond recognition, so its current form is the so-called Judeo-Christian philosophy (in reality: Judeo-Catholic ) subordinate(s) to imperial conquest and plunder instead of the other way around, as Christianity originally taught.
Until 1605, only a few popes had Jewish surnames. However, all 34 popes since the last Medici Pope from 1605 to today are Crypto-Jews. This beyond any doubt unravels the long-term conspiracy of the Great Jewish elite to dominate the world by abusing religion and money . Jewish surnames are given in brackets, according to: AVOT Directory of Jewish surnames of Galicia : [63] :
- Jorge Bergoglio alias Pope Francis ( Horches Bergglas )
- Joseph Ratzinger alias Pope Benedict XVI ( Josef Ratzer )
- Karol Wojtyla alias Pope John Paul II ( Karol Wójt )
- Albino Luciani alias Pope John Paul I ( Albin Lutz )
- Giovanni Montini alias Pope Paul VI ( Czoban Montenberg )
- Angelo Roncalli alias Pope John XXIII ( Angel Ron )
- Eugenio Pacelli alias Pope Pius XII ( Eugen Packel )
- Achille Ratti alias Pope Pius XI ( Achl Ratt )
- Giacomo Chiesa alias Pope Benedict XV ( Czak Ches )
- Giuseppe Sarto alias Pope Pius X ( Juseper Sartor )
- Gioacchino Pecci alias Pope Leo XIII ( Joachimo Pezel )
- Giovanni Mastai-Ferretti alias Pope Pius IX ( Gewand Mast-Feren )
- Bartolomeo Cappellari alias Pope Gregory XVI ( Bartmann Kappel )
- Francesco Castiglioni alias Pope Pius VIII ( Franciszkaner Kastel )
- Annibale della Genga alias Pope Leo XII ( Ahner Gengel )
- Barnaba Chiaramonti alias Pope Pius VII ( Barenberg Chomont )
- Giovanni Braschi alias Pope Pius VI ( Gewand Brasch )
- Giovanni Ganganelli alias Pope Clement XIV ( Gewand Gangel )
- Carlo di Rezzonico alias Pope Clement XIII ( Karl Reznik )
- Prospero Lambertini alias Pope Benedict XIV ( Preusser Lamberg )
- Lorenzo Corsini alias Pope Clement XII ( Lorenz Korczyn )
- Pietro Orsini alias Pope Benedict XIII ( Pietrow Orstein )
- Michelangelo dei Conti alias Pope Innocent XIII ( Mikuliniec Kontes )
- Giovanni Albani alias Pope Clement XI ( Gewand Alban )
- Antonio Pignatelli alias Pope Innocent XII ( Antmann Pinales )
- Pietro Ottoboni alias Pope Alexander VIII ( Pietrow Otto )
- Benedetto Odescalchi alias Pope Innocent XI ( Bendet Otter )
- Emilio Altieri alias Pope Clement X ( Emeril Alter )
- Giulio Rospigliosi alias Pope Clement IX ( Julius Ros )
- Fabio Chigi alias Pope Alexander VII ( Fabian Chiger )
- Giovanni Pamphilj alias Pope Innocent X ( Gewand Pamper )
- Maffeo Barberini alias Pope Urban VIII ( Mafschet Barber )
- Alessandro Ludovisi alias Pope Gregory XV ( Alexandro Ludwak )
- Camillo Borghese alias Pope Paul V ( Kamil Borez , Borg )
- Alessandro Medici alias Pope Leo XI (1605).
Principles of dictatorial rule
Organizational chart of the concept of the dictatorship of the Great Jewish elite over humanity. It does not contain a detailed description of the methods of government, nor does it reflect the internal frictions of individual executors as well as historical or regional transformations. The organizational chart is not general, i.e. was derived from academic sources on the geostrategic aspects of the rule of the Great Jewish elite in the so-called geopolitical crisis hot spots (eng. geopolitical hotspots ) in which the concept periodically and most explicitly comes to the fore. The concept is based on compartmentalization , i.e. individual executors do not know about the tasks and activities of other executors. That the organizational chart is not general can be seen from the fact that it does not apply to countries under the control of Protestants and all other free countries - from which the Papacy and Freemasonry were expelled . In the presented concept, the visible part of the Great Jewish elite consists mainly of Ashkenazis, semi-visible, i.e. the crypto part consists mainly of Sephardi, and the influence of the elites of those tribes in the invisible part of the concept, i.e. Freemasonry is mixed. While the ruling principles of the two elites are philosophically different (and therefore sometimes ideologically opposed), the ultimate goal of both elites is the same - domination over humanity . E.g. under the control of the academy in Europe, they teach future psychologists that an intellectual is mentally strong/healthy only if he chooses forgiveness instead of revenge, and if he chooses the side of "good" or "evil" - therefore he becomes either a papist (with all that matrix implies) or a freemason (thus becoming only a "freemason" thus ceases to be a free man , which is comprehensive freedom). Papist concept especially after XVI century. (the sinking of the Spanish fleet and the loss of Catholic supremacy over the seas/trade) implies the commission of numerous evils, so the "Practice with the Devil" includes a clause on forgiveness. In North America, however, the educational system of Anglo-American Protestants got rid of the Pope's false duality for easier control of people, so e.g. Freemasonry in the USA is the subject of general ridicule, which cleverly knocked Freemasonry out of the hands of the Great Jewish elite (but applicable only to large nations) as the most important lever for achieving political control on the ground, so that elite has practically only the media and Hollywood left for political self-proof.
Just as the Ashkenazis/Crypto-Ashkenazis use English Freemasonry to achieve control on the ground, so also the Crypto-Sephardim, where they have supremacy, organize themselves politically through Freemasonry. Hence, in Masonry, several types of lodges and rituals are represented, i.e. as with any association - depending on who finances them. Lodges that do not agree to submit to the Jewish tribe that is dominant at a given historical moment are declared "unrecognized". The heads of the lodges in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and Serbia are mostly doctors - faculty members, and in Balkan Freemasonry today they make up practically all heads of lodges and all freemasons of the highest (33rd) order, and since the end of the 2010s they have been joined in leadership by numerous newly-minted philosophers and theosophists , since things started to slip out of the hands of the intellectually immature doctors (regularly the worst students). Through Freemasonry and the intelligence sector, Crypto-Jewish families provide heads of political parties, directors of institutions, media editors, executives within the intelligence-security sector, etc. On the other hand, the global Ashkenazi/Crypto-Ashkenazi elite ( Soros and others) finance countless non-governmental organizations and foundations in the world, through which they then keep an eye on and generally speaking try to diminish the importance of Crypto-Sephardim by protecting human rights in countries where Crypto-Sephardim have supremacy. The main role of Freemasonry in the Balkans is that, for the Crypto-Jews, it pits the natives against each other - while drawing those ambitious and less intellectually capable individuals into Freemasonry and using it to keep the truly intellectual layer (inclined to ideals such as freedom and independence ) under control - if not through intelligence sector, then by methods of threats, blackmail and corruption, as well as through suitable rectors and deans.
Methods of Jewish supremacy in the world
The compass and ruler symbol as a trademark of Masonry ("Freemasons"), with a contour with 6 peaks, i.e. the six-pointed (David) star. According to medieval sources, the Star of David (today the symbol of the Zionist movement) was found on the prophetic Seal of King Solomon. Symbolism was especially important in the pre-IT era, when political symbols were more meaningful than emblems and logos today, so a symbol was used to convey a lot of information - about who a certain movement and ideology belonged to, who was the founder, financier or founder, etc.
After taking over the Central Bank of the USA, i.e. by turning it into a private company for renting speculative (non-existent!) money to Americans under the name "Federal Reserve" in 1913 (eliminating the richest Ashkenazi Americans of that time Benjamin Guggenheim and Isidor Strauss and the richest man in the world John Jacob Astor (Protestant) who opposed it and were sunk with the Titanic), the Great Jewish Sephardic elite led by the Crypto-Sephardic [95] Rockefeller family issued the first issue of the $1 bill in 1929 with the famous depiction of the "pyramid with the all-seeing eye" - the ancient symbol of the Catholic Church with which that elite was born and merged (the so-called . "Judeo-Christian philosophy"; in reality: Judeo-Catholic). They attributed the symbol to Freemasonry as a lever of their supremacy (e.g. it is also found on the revolutionary charters of that era, including France), so it is not a question of any mystery, but simply the logo of their company for making (fake) money . If, for example, Tuzla's Dita dd, owner of the Federal Reserve Bank, could have the ARIX detergent logo on the $1 bill.
In addition to the two World Wars, when e.g. Sephardim were capos in concentration camps in the Second World War. war to help identify/exterminate the more numerous Ashkenazis, the most famous conflict between two Jewish tribes in the 20th century. happened in the 1950s in the USA, when Senator Joe McCarthy - for whom there are witness statements that he was Crypto-Sephardic [96] - initiated the persecution of Crypto-Ashkenazi (liberals) in the State Department, Hollywood, media and academia. In addition to Hollywood, where practically all "star actors" are Jews or Crypto-Jews (e.g. the highest-paid actor in the world Johnny Depp [70] ), Crypto-Jews are also famous world multi-billionaires "non-Jews" such as once JP Morgan [70] (Jewish : Morgen [63] ) or today Elon Musk ( Elon [51] Musk [39] ). In recent times, they have exerted their influence through the Academy of Sciences and Arts , and in modern times also through the media . Thus, through the Academies , the histories of local "peoples" as well as their "national programs" were created and nurtured for mutual confrontations, which the Crypto-Sephardim will then incite whenever a global crisis occurs: in world wars, "the fall of the Berlin Wall", but also whenever if a global opportunity arises for them, e.g. "Corona" hysteria in 2020. With that constant fueling of the fire, the Crypto-Sephardim in the Balkans are trying to maintain the control gained with the help of Borgia [97] ,
The Turkish author Ergun Poyraz was arrested in 2007 for the book Moses' Children [74] (Turkish: Musa'nin Cocuklari ) and in the high-profile trial of the century, the so-called Ergenekon sentenced to 30 years in prison in 2013 . The book exposes the President of Turkey Recep Erdogan and his wife as Crypto-Jews . Poyraz is one of the most widely read authors in Turkey and deeply connected with the military-intelligence establishment of Turkey, which regularly delivered secret documents to him, so, for example, his earlier book from 1998 used as evidence to ban at least one political party. Poyraz states that through Crypto-Jews, Turkey is trying to be presented as an Islamist country. In the same year, Erdogan made a fiery statement in which he called Zionism a "crime against humanity" [91] , and which the Simon Wiesenthal Center expressly included in the "10 worst anti-Semitic statements". Former Prime Minister of Turkey Necmettin Erbakan , who was Erdogan's mentor who introduced him to politics, harshly accused Erdogan that "his harsh statements are just a facade and that he works for Israel " [92] . Faced with imminent exposure, Erdogan and his Zionist bosses staged a fake military coup in 2016 [93] in which, following the example of Hitler's burning of the Reichstag in 1933 [94] , an attempt was made to destroy all opposition to the Crypto-Jewish dictatorship , which was then in Turkey and seduced.
Benjamin Disraeli (1804-1881), prime minister of Great Britain (1868, 1874-1880) and Sephardic extremist [43] , used the authority of the then superpower to strengthen the position of his tribesmen, Obrenovic and others. Crypto-Sephards in the Balkans by imposing a false history on the natives through the Congress of Berlin in 1878, according to which they immigrated in the 6th-7th centuries, thus falsifying the usurpers of the Balkans and their compatriots the Crypto-Sephards a historical right to the Balkans (historians until 1878 considered the inhabitants of the Balkans to be natives, and the Pannones (today's Croats/Slavonians and Serbs) originating from Lower Illyria [44] and therefore Bosnia [45] ). In the same way, other Crypto-Jews are used in the highest functions, i.e. to strengthen the position of their compatriots and always to the detriment of the natives. So, for example, the banking Crypto-Sephardic Medici family settled wealthier Jews in Italy during the Inquisition, as well as appointing their own popes who would then appoint other Medici and others. to the highest positions, these to others, etc. Similarly, Miloš Obrenovic settled in the Balkans and appointed members of "prominent" families such as Davico, Pijade and others to the highest positions - including the Royal Treasurer . [40] which will later produce "reputable" managers regardless of the regime, e.g. communist leader Moša Pijada - extreme Sephardic [98] notorious for cruelty and violation of Broz policy [99] [100] , etc.
The compass and ruler symbol as a trademark of Masonry ("Freemasons"), with a contour with 6 peaks, i.e. the six-pointed (David) star. According to medieval sources, the Star of David (today the symbol of the Zionist movement) was found on the prophetic Seal of King Solomon. Symbolism was especially important in the pre-IT era, when political symbols were more meaningful than emblems and logos today, so a symbol was used to convey a lot of information - about who a certain movement and ideology belonged to, who was the founder, financier or founder, etc.
After taking over the Central Bank of the USA, i.e. by turning it into a private company for renting speculative (non-existent!) money to Americans under the name "Federal Reserve" in 1913 (eliminating the richest Ashkenazi Americans of that time Benjamin Guggenheim and Isidor Strauss and the richest man in the world John Jacob Astor (Protestant) who opposed it and were sunk with the Titanic), the Great Jewish Sephardic elite led by the Crypto-Sephardic [95] Rockefeller family issued the first issue of the $1 bill in 1929 with the famous depiction of the "pyramid with the all-seeing eye" - the ancient symbol of the Catholic Church with which that elite was born and merged (the so-called . "Judeo-Christian philosophy"; in reality: Judeo-Catholic). They attributed the symbol to Freemasonry as a lever of their supremacy (e.g. it is also found on the revolutionary charters of that era, including France), so it is not about any mystery, but simply the logo of their company for making (fake) money . If, for example, Tuzla's Dita dd, owner of the Federal Reserve Bank, could have the ARIX detergent logo on the $1 bill.
and prevent the Ashkenazim/Crypto-Ashkenazim from trying to take over the Balkans once again for these Crypto-Sephardim. The geostrategic task of the Crypto-Sephardic families in the Balkans and especially in Bosnia is to maintain a dark vilayet in the interests of the Pope, who is himself a Crypto-Jew. This is how the "moat around the Pope's marble castle (Vatican)" is maintained, i.e. "a swamp that nobody wants" - so the Balkans as a "permanent crisis hotbed" in which foreign influences ( Protestants , Russians , and other real opponents of Rome) that cannot be controlled through the Papacy and Crypto-Jewry, i.e. Freemasonry, could not/want to achieve strategic breakthrough.
With the onset of the age of abundance, the Great Jewish elites have degenerated into global moneylenders who openly try to burden people around the world with endless loans to convert their non-existent (electronic) money, i.e. money without cover (created by those elites in the failed speculative "share-economy" as a fraud of millennia) into real estate of those nations as cover : land, forests, mountains, mines, lakes, islands, etc., and according to the already tested Greek scenario . The result would inevitably be the enslavement of the people in those countries. The main problem with the global rule of any and even that elite is that humanity is not and cannot delegate the ruler/s of the whole world. One of the geopolitical hotspots - places where the depravity of the Great Jewish elites comes to the fore most painfully, i.e. with periodic eruptions of violence - and the Balkans.
Methods of supremacy of Crypto-Jews in the Balkans
Benjamin Disraeli (1804-1881), prime minister of Great Britain (1868, 1874-1880) and Sephardic extremist [43] , used the authority of the then superpower to strengthen the position of his tribesmen Obrenovic and others. Crypto-Sephards in the Balkans by imposing a false history on the natives through the Congress of Berlin in 1878, according to which they immigrated in the 6th-7th centuries, thus falsifying the usurpers of the Balkans and their compatriots the Crypto-Sephards a historical right to the Balkans (historians until 1878 considered the inhabitants of the Balkans to be natives, and the Pannones (today's Croats/Slavonians and Serbs) originating from Lower Illyria [44] and therefore Bosnia [45] ). In the same way, other Crypto-Jews are used in the highest functions, i.e. to strengthen the position of their compatriots and always to the detriment of the natives. So, for example, the banking Crypto-Sephardic Medici family settled wealthier Jews in Italy during the Inquisition , as well as appointing their own popes who would then appoint other Medici and others. to the highest positions, these to others, etc. Similarly, Miloš Obrenovic settled in the Balkans and appointed members of "prominent" families such as Davico , Pijade and others to the highest positions - including the Royal Treasurer . [40] which will later produce "reputable" managers regardless of the regime, e.g. communist leader Moša Pijada - extreme Sephardic [98] notorious for cruelty and violation of Broz policy [99] [100] , etc.
The Crypto-Jews of the Balkans perform their role without any particular consideration or emotion towards the resident population - which serves them as cannon fodder and whose awareness of their indigenous origin and exclusive historical right to the Balkans has been erased to the level of slavery , and they have also led them to believe in nonsense such as "immigration from the marshes of Belarus in the 6th/7th centuries." They performed this at the Berlin Congress in 1878, where Jewish/Crypto-Jewish diplomats led by British Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli (1804-1881) who was a Sephardic extremist [43] gave the main speech . Namely, using the authority of the highest position as the Crypto-Sephardic popes do (to strengthen the position of other Crypto-Sephardians in the world), or as the Medici did to strengthen the class of wealthy Jews in Catholic countries, or as Miloš Obrenovic did by bringing other rich Jews from the Ottoman Empire, e.g. family Davico , Pijade and others. to whom he assigned the highest state functions such as the Royal Treasurer [40] , and they then gave the highest officials of his and all subsequent regimes in Serbia and Yugoslavia (eg high communist leader Moša Pijada - an extreme Sephardi [98] notorious for cruelty and violation of Broz's policy [99 ] [100] ), and Disraeli falsified the historical right of his tribe (the then ruling Obrenovics and Dr. Krypto-Sephardim) to the Balkans in 1878 with the myth of the immigration of the Slavs, instead of the rights of the natives, which he tried to erase from both law and history with the stroke of a pen . This was done so that the local population, i.e. his intelligentsia - unaware of the existence of their own historical right over the territory - would not object (public and other protests) to the supremacy of the Crypto-Jews . Thus, according to international law, including Roman, this supremacy continued through different historical epochs, and foreign interference in it was not possible - except for bluffs such as staged NATO bombing of scrapped and rusted artillery in the 1990s in order to create the impression of international intervention as an impetus for the survival of Crypto-Jews in power and after a failed war for them. In chess language, it was a draw - since the borders of the former republics remained unchanged due to the actions of the Ashkenazis and their Badinter commission ; As a prominent Ashkenazi, Badinter's father was executed in the SS concentration camp Sobibor by the Sephardic capo, and his mother during the deportation to Auschwitz (both elites choose their personnel extremely carefully using human weaknesses - from greed to lust to the desire for revenge).
Benjamin Netanyahu in an address to Aleksander Vucic ( Aleksander Wuchs ) in 2014: " Friendship between Jews and Serbs goes back thousands of years, back to the time of the Roman Republic " [101] . By demolishing the official history of the Balkans (the false history of the Sephardi extremist Disraeli ) about the "immigration of Slavs" and awakening integrative patriotism instead of false nationalisms, Netanyahu, as one of the frontmen of Ashkenazi Rothschild, wanted to harm the Sephardim by sending a message to Vucic as also a Crypto-Ashkenazi (in agreement between the two delegations). otherwise.
During their official meeting in 2014, Benjamin Netanyahu told Aleksandar Vucic that " the friendship between Jews and Serbs goes back thousands of years, to the time of the Roman Republic " [102] [101] . By demolishing the official history of the Balkans (the false history of the Sephardic extremist Disraeli ) about the "immigration of Slavs" - and that from the highest official position in diplomacy - and awakening integrative patriotism ( Serbs = Croats = Bosnians = Bosniaks = Montenegrins = Slavs = Tribals = Illyrians = Trojans = Pannons ...) instead of false nationalisms, Netanyahu - as the frontman of the Ashkenazi Rothschilds - wanted to further harm the Sephardim through a personal message to Vucic as also a Crypto-Ashkenaz. For example, according to archeology findings, the local tribes did not clash with each other for 10,000 years - until the Papism and then Crypto-Judaism/Masonry arrived in the Balkans to "civilize" and "liberate" them . It's just a classic "good cop/bad cop" scam, so while one of the two geostrategic partners allegedly abuses the victim, the other allegedly defends her - and the victim, that is. in the end, the intelligence of the target people, so psychologically broken, trusts and obeys the "savior", while in any case the partnership wins . Roughly speaking, the Crypto-Sephardim in the Balkans control the political "right" and the Crypto-Ashkenazis the political "left" ; in Bosnia, both roles are played by the Crypto-Sephards, since they exterminated or assimilated the Ashkenazis, so the Bosnian "left" is not radical in any way, on the contrary - it is practically non-existent (in the public it was heard several times that "the children of Lagumdžija and Izetbegovic born sisters", but it was not the clearest what that means when the alleged right and left and even trade unions - were born at the highest level). After the end of World War II, with the establishment of socialist Yugoslavia as a revival of "Greater Serbia", the London Ashkenazis temporarily seized the Balkans from the Belgrade and Sarajevo Crypto-Sephards thanks to Josip Broz who, as mentioned, although he was not a Freemason according to his own words,. It was not only the Balkan Crypto-Jews who fueled hatred with crimes - e.g. and the "German" commander of the Belgrade Gestapo and member of the SS personally responsible for the death of thousands of Jews, Roma and Serbs during World War II, Bruno Zatler , was also a Crypto-Jew with the real name Brun Zatler [63] , and after the war - typical of Crypto-Jews - just received a prison sentence and died in 1972.
After the fall of the Berlin Wall, the obvious separation of Jewish interests on the global scene - such as the left and the right - no longer exist [103] , and this was also seen in Bosnia where, since the 1970s, the difference between Sephardi and Ashkenazim - once so obvious and important - has completely disappeared. deleted [104] . This happened in response to the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965), where the Church adapted to the third attempt of the Great Jewish project of merging Jewish global capital after the first failed in the World Wars. Even today's division into globalists and sovereignists loses all meaning if it is known that - although globalism is a project of the popes since the time of the Roman Empire and Sephardi/Crypto-Sephardi as new co-owners of the company Crkva dd, and sovereignty is a project of Anglo-American Protestants disloyal to the Germanic ruling family V. of Britain - the followers of those directions are mixed today.
One of the countless proofs that the Rothschilds are the direct exploiters of the Balkans (new feudal overlords) - as 68% majority owners of fictitious companies that directly carried out and still carry out colonization and robbery . [105] It is clear that this undermines the claims that Wikipedia Royalista is spreading false news about the Rothschilds with this article about Crypto-Jews - as claimed by mercenary portals, for example. commissioned article on financed by the Rothschilds through frontman Soros and NED. It is also clear that the true debunking of the Rothschilds cannot be anti-Semitism - because the sources were written by the Jews themselves (and in them they bragged about exploiting others) ( copy from Web Archive ). One of the countless proofs that Rothschilds are the exploiters of the Balkans (new feudal overlords) - as 68%-majority owners of fictitious corporations that directly colonized and robbed the Balkans , back then as today. [105] ( Web Archive copy ).
Today's dilemma Globalism or Sovereignty is false , ie. it is just a replacement for the spent matrix Fascism or Communism . As a century ago, today both "sides" are financed by the same great Jewish elite (and Roosevelt ( Rosenwald ) and Churchill ( Tschertsch ) and Stalin ( Stal , born Ioseb Besarionis dze Dzugasvili , i.e. the Jewish Iosef Bashariants Chee Doksvel ) and Hitler ( Hitler ) are Crypto-Jewish surnames [63] ), so that elite can only win there. The world can truly free itself from the global Jewish dictatorship only if it never again falls for the " good cop-bad cop " game and rejects both globalism and sovereignty (which is also a type of globalism) , which would bankrupt that elite . Otherwise, humanity would continue to look for saviors in that same elite, while instead of saving humanity (from itself - and that never happened and will never happen), they would continue to fertilize their false (speculator's) capital, which is not based on covering with real, i.e. . immovable goods but on the naivety of the masses who are manipulated by false leaders Crypto-Jews and Freemasonry and who are paid by that very elite. It's like a consulting firm that has (1) start-up capital and (2) a service it sells and (3) marketing/media to sell you that service and (4) fake competition (two "sides") to beat in a rigged market match price for their service - so all that is left for the company owners is to find customers. And the customers are all of us, i.e. humanity, so whoever falls - falls. In fact, it is a company - only that it operates on larger spatial and temporal scales, so it is not easy to see in our everyday life. Last time when the Great Jewish bankers sold humanity their false dilemma (" either fascism or communism "), the Balkans suffered badly . If he took the bait again (" either globalism or sovereignty "), the Balkans would go through the same way again - because "its" leaders ( with Jewish surnames ) always "fall" the hardest. An example of how the traps of the Great Jewish elite can be avoided for centuries is Sweden , which in time suppressed the efforts of Crypto-Jews and Freemasonry to turn Scandinavia into the Balkans, which resulted in centuries-long peace - from 1814 to the present day .
Biographical film Toman (2018) about Crypto-Ashkenaz Zdenek Toman (real i.e. Hebrew name Asher Zelig Goldberger [50] and second name from Poland Zoltan [66] Teumann ) - inserted into the political leadership of Czechoslovakia where he becomes the head of the Intelligence Service (1945-1948 ). The film is characterized by historical accuracy, and shows in detail how Crypto-Jews insert themselves into the highest state leadership and literally take over entire countries to achieve Great Jewish goals (with the obligatory looting of the state coffers). Immediately after being inserted into the top of the state, Toman begins the mass resettlement of Jews from Russia (via Czechoslovakia) to Israel - at that time a country in the process of being founded that the great Jewish elite recreated and populated by means of mass persecutions, e.g. in Russian pogroms . But considering that the Soviet and Russian state apart are practically entirely Jewish/Crypto-Jewish, it is clear that millions of Jews were subjected to the greatest suffering during the past century by the Great Jewish elite led by the Rothschilds . The film was accompanied by numerous troubles after it fell out of favor with the Crypto-Jews in today's top Czech Republic , who tried in every way to shut down the project even before filming, to deny it funds during filming, and to sabotage the production (saved by the great efforts of the crew) participation of the film in festivals as well as awarding.
In an effort to expel the Sephardim from the Balkans, the Ashkenazis created Yugoslavia twice (both times on the false historical basis of "Glorified as wild immigrants from the swamps of Belarus"), and the Sephardim destroyed them twice, always in the blood of the natives - through extremists as carriers designed chauvinism. Thus, while the communists were otherwise part of the global Ashkenazi project against the Roman-Germanic geopolitics of expansionism, i.e. against the financial interests of the Crypto-Sephardic, domestic fascist and nationalist movements and parties in the Balkans were the project of the Crypto-Sephardic families , e.g. The Handjar SS division, which a few days after the surrender of Fascist Italy to the Allies (i.e. after the papal/Crypto-Sephardic betrayal of Hitler as a Crypto-Ashkenazi) carried out the first rebellion in the Nazi armed forces and thus practically put itself in the service of the pope and the Sephardi/Crypto-Sephardi who were behind Hitler at first. In Bosnia, the Sephardi/Crypto-Sephardi during the Ottoman administration, in which they themselves participated, mercilessly absorbed (assimilated) [62] or physically removed the non-Sephardic Jews who arrived after the 16th century. and mostly Ashkenazis, which will be prevented by the Austro-Hungarian occupation because that administration was proud of its "civilization", which is why, after the departure of the Ottomans, the number of Ashkenazis in Bosnia increased drastically. Therefore, the Crypto-Sephardis destroy the Ashkenazis in various ways, who in fear en masse, and just as falsely as their persecutors, accept Islam and become Crypto-Ashkenazis - but even as such, the Crypto-Sephardis persecute them until today, when practically all of them have already disappeared from Bosne [62] , which is achieved in peace mostly by economic and other pressures. Immediately after the Austro-Hungarian occupation in 1878, the Ashkenazi Jewish community was founded in Sarajevo in 1879 as a separate community from the Sephardic until 1940, and the Jewish society "La Benevolencija", which was founded in Sarajevo in 1892, only opened its doors to Ashkenazis in 1923 . [104] Throughout their dominance, the Crypto-Jewish elite in the Balkans kept extremely accurate records of all births, marriages and deaths of all Crypto-Jews, and this was their main source of information for recruitment ("white lists") or culling ("black lists ").
Like their tribesmen across Europe who became capos in the SS death camps, the Balkan Crypto-Sephardim will take advantage of World War II and, as members of the Ustasha, exterminate or send the majority of Ashkenazi/Crypto-Ashkenazi Bosnia to the death camps . Those who will be saved are mostly those who joined the partisans out of fear of Crypto-Sephards and who were organized and sponsored by the London Ashkenazi/Crypto-Ashkenazis led by Churchill ( Tschertsch ) - who was Crypto-Sephardic on his father's side and Ashkenazi Jews on his mother's side, so he is considered (i) Ashkenazi according to Jewish law and for which reason, as well as due to his great loyalty to Freemasonry, he was elected to the position of prime minister. The mass flocking of Crypto-Sephards to the Ustaše and SS is not surprising if it is known that throughout various epochs Crypto-Sephards have always voluntarily and en masse joined papist armies notorious for crimes - e.g. Conquistadors . [106] - so it is about the organized approach of the Sephardic elite in order to ensure the success of the conquering campaigns of papism (in fact, the campaigns of the Crypto-Sephardic elites as the biggest investors in the Vatican), if necessary with the cruelest crimes . With the same motive, Zionists like Moša Pijade and Crypto-Sephardi like Milovan Ðilas , Mile Budak , Muhamed Pandža , Osman Rastoder ( Osmann Rast ), Sulejman Pachciarz ( Sulem Pachciarz ) and numerous others committed the biggest crimes on all sides with the same motive. , i.e. in order to strengthen the separation of one and the same indigenous people with the mutual hatred thus generated . The massacres in Srebrenica and Vukovar in the wars of the 1990s were designed with the same goal in mind, and those places were chosen because they were inhabited exclusively by indigenous people. This common characteristic of numerous pawns of Zionism (a great Jewish movement which, although it sounds incredible, was founded by a genetically mentally ill person - possibly on the basis of extremist ideas spread by a Sephardic rabbi in Zemun, Serbia [22] ) - that they are documented war criminals on opposing sides [99 ] [100] [107] - gives authenticity to the Budak-Pijade Agreement from 1935 [108] on the cooperation between the Ustaše movement and the Communist Party. That agreement was allegedly concluded during their imprisonment in Sremska Mitrovica and was found in the archives of Serbian quisling Milan Nedic., but some historians dismissed it as a forgery, although it could also have been a transcription of a witness statement about a verbal agreement, given that prison administrations throughout the world at that time were notorious for spying on their prisoners, especially political ones.
That the Crypto-Sephardis are truly unscrupulous in their supra-systemic activities, in which they plot while carrying out the orders of the Great Jewish elite using the most brutal methods, is best seen in the example of the aforementioned Muhammed Panzha ( Panzer ), who as an "ardent Germanophile" founded the SS Handjar division in 1942 , in order to immediately after the capitulation of Italy (as a tactical move to save the Vatican from the anger of the American Protestant generals against whom the Axis Powers were losing the war) in September 1943 he ordered his men within the Division - Luftija Dizdarevic ( Luft Diesendorf ) and Ferid Džanic ( Ferd Gans ) - to revolt against Hitler . (It was the first rebellion in Hitler's Armed Forces and it started the morale of Germany .). Pandža then - without any scruples - joined the partisans where he founded the Muslim Liberation Movement . [109] Like other crypto-Sephardic suprasystemic criminals ( organizers ) such as Krunoslav Draganovic ( Krynicer Dragon ), Pandža also spent the rest of his life in socialism in Sarajevo "after remorse". By the way, the division of Crypto-Jews in Bosnia still today reflects the "trench" global division of Jews into Ashkenazim and Sephardim, and is most pronounced in Sarajevo, where these communities are the most numerous. The division manifests itself in different ways, and one of the most noticeable is in the pair of city football rivals FK Sarajevo and FK Željeznicar - while in the first leading playing and managerial positions are held by Crypto-Sephardis, in the second Crypto-Ashkenazis have the leading say, e.g. father and son of Ivica and Amar Osim ( Amarand & Jawitz Osmann , Sephardic Anar & Jawitz Osimo [64] ) where Ivica's nickname - Švabo is a product of his Ashkenazi origin on his mother's side. That division is actually a copy of the rivalry between the biggest clubs in Jerusalem: Sephardic Beitar and Ashkenazi Hapoel . [110] FK železnicar was thus founded in 1921, and at the first match of the Club, played on September 17 of that year, the entire team consisted of Crypto-Ashkenazis: Milovan Adamovic ( Mil Adam ), Stefan Cicvol ( Stief Ziz ), Franjo Zvelfer ( Freiner Zweifler ), Dimitrije Dimitrijevic ( Diemetstein ), Ivan Dunkl ( Iwan Dunkler ), MilutinEgic ( Mil Egit , Slavicized Milutain [50] Egik [66] ), Katalinic ( Chatiner ), Rudolf Kefer ( Rudolf Kefer ), Ivan Krajnc ( Iwan Krajnczes ), Ludvig Leple ( Ludwig Lep ), Vilim Novak ( Willeim Nowak ), Dragutin Siber ( Drag Siber ), Milan Tomic ( Mil Tom ). [111]
Crimes also include individual assassinations. So, for example, the biggest opponents of the establishment of a private Central Bank of the USA (as all Central Banks in the world are private and are the property of the bluff of the Great Jewish elite, as opposed to the National Banks which together with their reserves are owned by the countries in which they are located) called the US Federal Reserve (which was privately owned by the Sephardic elite led by the Crypto-Sephardic [95] Rockefeller family ) were the richest Ashkenazi Jews in America at that time Benjamin Guggenheim and Isidor Strauss and the richest man in the world John Jacob Astor (Protestant). All three "coincidentally" died on the Titanic in 1912 - which was therefore probably torpedoed or sabotaged - after which the Federal Reserve Bank was immediately established, in 1913. As for the assassinations in the Balkans, there are simply too many to list, but in addition to the above on Karadorda and the royal couple Obrenovic, the assassination in modern times of Serbian Prime Minister Zoran Ðindic , who was liquidated in 2003 by the Belgrade Crypto-Sephardic families when it became clear that Ðindic intended to put the Karadordevics in power and thereby de facto take Serbia away from the Crypto-Sephardim , and by bringing under the control of the old Yugoslav intelligence sector - and the entire Balkans or its greater part.
One of the best preserved necropolises, the site of Crljivica , Imotski, on the Croatian side of the border with Bosnia. An example of culturocide by the Croatian state with the construction of a low-grade road (whose routes can otherwise be easily changed) - through the very center of the necropolis, which razed it to ashes and exposed it to accelerated destruction due to vibrations, air pollution, etc. The necropolis was declared "early Christian" by Croatia and UNESCO, although there are no clear signs of Christianity except for one stecak with a carved cross. The same method was used by the Church by the Austro-Hungarian state, which cut a path through one of the most beautiful necropolises in Radimlje , as well as others such as Rostov in Novi Travnik, and thus destroyed a considerable number of stecaks and finds.
The only archaeological find of the Illyrian fleet in the world (over 30 ships were found in different locations), sunk or anchored during a defensive war or natural cataclysm in the Illyrian harbor (dated ca. 3000 BC) at the height of the power of the Illyrian Empire. Desilo underwater archaeological site, Svitavsko blato (Donje Hutovo blato). According to Bosnian archaeologist Snježana Vasilj, the findings and documentation were alienated by the Papist-Masonic state of Croatia, after which this first discovery of Illyrian ships was censored in the west. Half of Hutovo Blat was devastated by the unnecessary conversion of Svitavski Blat into an accumulation lake of Hydroelectric Power Plant Capljina . Today's Catholic ie. Great Jewish and Great German planners, in their geostrategy of culturocide, are also trying to lay the route of the Vc highway through the middle of Hutovo Blat, thus further damaging this site as well as the famous nature park. Archaeologists have identified a culture from the early Bronze Age at the Desilo site [112], bringing it closer in importance to the site on Mount Rudnik in Serbia, where the Bronze Age is believed to have originated. The ships found are the oldest in the world and are older than the second oldest, i.e. Cheops' ship - in 500 years. And while animal watering holes and boats-canoes are presented to the world public as the oldest ships in the world , these Illyrian (genuine in terms of dimensions and ability to transport goods) ships are hidden from the world public.
One of the best preserved necropolises, the site of Crljivica , Imotski, on the Croatian side of the border with Bosnia. An example of culturocide by the Croatian state with the construction of a low-grade road (whose routes can otherwise be easily changed) - through the very center of the necropolis, which razed it to ashes and exposed it to accelerated destruction due to vibrations, air pollution, etc. The necropolis was declared "early Christian" by Croatia and UNESCO, although there are no clear signs of Christianity except for one stecak with a carved cross. The same method was used by the Church by the Austro-Hungarian state, which cut a path through one of the most beautiful necropolises in Radimlje , as well as others such as Rostov in Novi Travnik, and thus destroyed a considerable number of stecaks and finds.
In addition to denying the indigenous people their historical right to the Balkans , which is achieved through the Academies of Sciences and the resulting controlled (mis)education, the Crypto-Jews in the Balkans have been systematically carrying out cultural genocide for centuries , which can be seen from the Taliban's attitude towards cultural and historical heritage, e.g. systematic destruction of stecaks in Bosnia, Croatia and Serbia [113] , destruction of archaeological sites of supreme importance - such as Butmir [114] or Hutovo Blat [115] in Bosnia, Vinca [116] in Serbia, etc.
In a classic culturecide against the indigenous majority, the (minority) Crypto-Ashkenazi and freemason Vuk Karadžic ( Byk Karach ) removed a significant number of original letters and rules from the language of the indigenous people in the "reform" and imported (imposed) the characteristic letters C from his native Lithuanian language. ( c ), Š ( š ), Ž ( ž ), and also the letter C ( c ) from the Polish language. That the Balkans are still under the administration of Crypto-Jews can be seen from the transmission of Jewish customs, specifically traditional music . So are the so-called traditional folk music in Bosnia known as " bosanska sevdalinka " and that in Serbia known as " Serbian old town " - actually songs of Sephardic music e.g. today's hymns of Israel Hatikvah , the old Jewish song Shtu Haadarim , and numerous others. Given that minorities never in history managed to impose their culture on the majority, only the opposite transfer took place, i.e. the process of cultural fusion (assimilation) of the minority to the majority, the reverse process such as the transfer of Sephardic music to Bosnian Sevdalinka could only happen during apartheid , i.e. if that minority is in power for a long time, it imposes its customs and traditions with the instruments of the state apparatus (funds, awards, promotion, media, etc.) on the majority, which in the end - in the process of collective psychological defeat, i.e. culturocide - he accepts a foreign tradition as his own and suppresses his own, much longer-lasting tradition from the collective memory and even stops nurturing it in an organized way. For example, in the lyrics of Bosnian folk songs, in contrast to the other countries of Southeast Europe, i.e. with the exception of folk Serbian musical lyrics, there is almost no mention of the toponymy of the homeland - e.g. songs dedicated to landscapes, (numerous) mountains, rivers, lakes and other natural beauties and phenomena. It is proof of the terrible culturocide that happened in Bosnia under the Crypto-Sephardim.
Occasionally, more prominent members of the families of Crypto-Jews in the Balkans reveal themselves in the media, such as the signatories of the petition " Appeal of 140 intellectuals from Serbia incompetent for Antiquity and Pre-Antiquity [117] who support the Vienna-Berlin School of Thought (Disreali's forgery from the Berlin Congress 1878) by which they demanded that be banned(!) Old Serbian school of thought ie. the research of the first Serbian contemporary historiographer Miloš Milojevic (a regular member of the Serbian Learned Society (SUD) as the forerunner of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts (SANU)) who discovered the Decan chrisovulje [118] - an extensive document from 1330 with the oldest population census of the border zone of Old Bosnia and Old Serbia i.e. the core of the post-ancient Balkans and reliable proof of over 90% [119] historical right of the Slavs to the Balkans ), then Jovan I. Deretic and others. about the fact that all the peoples of the Balkans are one people . Otherwise, the Serbian Learned Society, in their efforts to bring it under control, was banned by the Obrenovics and the Karadordevics, and from the mentioned petition it is evident that their tribesmen today harbor the same hatred and have the same evil intentions towards the apparently oldest history of the Balkans - that of the majority indigenous people. Even today (when they are not in power) the Ashkenazi/Crypto-Ashkenazi elites only pretend to support the Old Serbians, but without a doubt their ultimate goal, as well as the Sephardi/Crypto-Sephardi, is the realization of the global interests of their Great Jewish elite at the expense of the indigenous majority.
Culturecide, in addition to using the position of usurping authorities to subvert or impose foreign traditions and customs as indigenous, can also include the transmission of social divisions that are also unnatural for our area, such as the already mentioned division into the Sephardic FK Sarajevo and the Ashkenazi FK Željeznicar, which is a copy of the rivalry of the biggest Jerusalem clubs: Sephardic Beitar and Ashkenazi Hapoel . [110]
Urbicide and the Dark Province
Since the invasion of the Balkans with the Ottomans, Sephardim and Crypto-Sephardim, who placed them under the protection of a military watchtower (Turkish: Saray ) on the slopes of Trebevic (after which their capital Sarajevo got its name), have shown extreme hatred towards the indigenous population. This hatred continues even today, and in addition to culturocide and the imposition of the petty bourgeoisie as a false alternative to culture, it is also reflected in the marked neglect of all local communities and environments, which are still largely underdeveloped today, except for "their" city of Sarajevo, which, as a result, the indigenous majority in the rest he often calls countries from the revolt by derogatory names such as Sephardistan , and for its "owners" he uses the term Sarajlijica et al. pejoratives.
It is a matter of methodology, that is. the systematic neglect of practically the entire country, to the detriment of the prosperity of the Crypto-Jewish petty-bourgeois minority concentrated in Sarajevo, which - in addition to the foreign colonial plunder of Bosnia , which the elite regularly supported with their services of "administration" (actually established apartheid through several generations) resulted in centuries-long economic desolation of the country which is therefore often referred to in literature and public discourse as the "Dark Vilayet".
Urbicide can also include the systematic neglect of medieval Bosnian architecture as well as cultural and historical monuments from Antiquity, pre-antique and prehistoric times. In addition to the mentioned neglect or destruction of stecaks as unique monuments of the world cultural heritage, half of which more than 150,000 have been destroyed , the following are also neglected or systematically damaged and destroyed: medieval fortifications and castles, Illyrian fortifications and port authorities, prehistoric cities such as Daorson , the Neolithic settlement Butmir near Sarajevo, the site of the oldest ships in the world in Hutovo Blat , etc.
Suppression of resistance
In Bosnia, where Ashkenazim and Crypto-Ashkenazim in an organized sense almost no longer exist (the latter moved to Israel in 1992 under the pressure of the Crypto-Sephardic " Bali " and " Chetniks "), since their arrival in the XV-XVI v., sabotaged the independence of Bosnia (e.g. the suppression of the Gradašcevic Uprising in blood by Krypto-Sephard Rizvanbegovic ) and also the resistance in the 1990s - starting with the liquidation of the Pozder people in order to prevent the self-organization of the indigenous people, through sabotage during the war (liquidation of commanders as well as those loyal to independent Bosnia as well as those loyal to Yugoslavia, i.e. the crypto-Ashken families of Belgrade/Zagreb, then the false breakthroughs in the siege of Sarajevo, the sale of rifles to "their" people for 1000 DEM, etc.). With the same goal, not only the wars, but also the mutual court processes for genocide after 1995 were sabotaged, and those processes were all conducted in such a way that they failed because the victory of any side would be counterproductive for the ultimate goal of the Great Jewish elite - either the annexation or the division of Bosnia into their hands Belgrade and Zagreb Crypto-Jewish families. Namely, considering that the Jews/Crypto-Jews are the only organized group in the Balkans that thinks geostrategically, if the annexation of Bosnia by the Crypto-Sephardic families of Serbia did not succeed, they would try to divide Bosnia according to the principle of half of Bosnia to Belgrade and half to Zagreb families ("Serbs" and "Croatia"). Hence the Dayton "solution" 51%:49% (practically: fifty - fifty ) as a prelude to that unsuspected division that they are trying to achieve on the ground with undiminished ferocity since the freemasons Cvetkovic and Macek (and which started as a tendency with the founding of Crypto-Jewish dynasties Obrenovic and Karadordevic).
But when the Dayton war project (annexation or division of Bosnia) designed by the Boston Crypto-Sephardic archaeologist for the Roman Empire and Illyricum Bruce Hitchner failed in their global calculation , the Crypto-Jews after the 1992-1995 war started to legally weaken Bosnia, for example. by the destruction of the Geodetic Administration and the Geodetic Institute as a legal preparation for the division of Bosnia between Belgrade and Zagreb families under conditions of peace. The Crypto-Ashkenazi families in Belgrade control the globalists there and they are more influential than the Crypto-Ashkenazi families in Zagreb, who still hold only some parts of the old intelligence services and the SDP there, while the strongest control over Zagreb today is the Pope of Rome ( Crypto-Sephardic from 1605-today ) that is, Catholic dogma and Crypto-Sephardic families through HDZ. On the other hand, the Crypto-Sephardim in Belgrade, through the intelligence sector and SNS, after a decade of cohabitation with the "left" i.e. Crypto-Sephardic Ivica Dacic , apparently set up the "right wing", i.e. crypto-Ashken family Vucic to the position of absolute power and thus managed to control the Serbian national movement ("from above"). On the other hand, as mentioned, the Crypto-Sephardic families in Croatia control the national movement there through the HDZ together with the Pope who is Crypto-Sephardic since 1605. Due to their very small number, the Crypto-Jews in the Balkans use various tricks, so it is for example bringing Islamist warriors in the 1990s aimed to create an image of Bosnia as a danger to Europe, which "Belgrade" and "Zagreb" (Belgrade's Crypto-Sephard Miloševic and Zagreb's Crypto-Sephard Tudman ) would then solve and thereby "save Europe from that scourge ", however all the efforts of the patriots (including those Ashkenazi/Crypto-Ashkenazi whose main motive is the fight against the Sephardi/Crypto-Sephardi) to preserve Yugoslavia, which was sabotaged by the Crypto-Sephardi Milosevic and Tudjman, was swallowed up by the supremacy that the Crypto gained in the West in the meantime - Sephardim and the Jewish Pope over the USA (by controlling the White House). The Crypto-Jews in the Balkans tried the same tactic in 2019 - by bringing "migrants" through Belgrade in an attempt to use the same trick to create a justification for the possible annexation/partition of Bosnia (i.e. if they could do it by bluffing in a crisis, etc., because they are numerically too weak, as they proved in 1995, so they are trying to achieve their geostrategic goals of consolidating their influence by bluffing).
Consolidation of positions using global crises

Hitler's Chief of General Staff, General Adolf Heusinger (third in the chain of command of Hitler's army), for whom the Soviet Union issued a warrant for war crimes after the war, not only was not arrested and tried, but also became the Chief of Staff of NATO (1961-1963). . [120] Apart from the fact that NATO is a follower of Nazism symbolically (the NATO logo is a stylized swastika and NATO officially "does not know" the origin of the logo and copies of the speeches given at the ceremony announcing the logo on November 9, 1953 "have disappeared" [121] ), it is and personnel-wise, ideologically, the same as the Nazi army (Heusinger was obviously not the only officer capable of that position, so his appointment sends a message about what NATO actually is in an ideological sense ). At the same time, NATO is also a military corporation - the successor to the infamous East India Co. colonial plundering corporation. which was founded by the Great Jewish Crypto-Ashkenazi elite (about 20 families who lived in London at the time) in 1600. approved by Queen Elizabeth I and with which those elites then dragged enormous looted goods and wealth from Asia and Africa to England, which is the capital on which the City of London rests today . Namely, after the Jews themselves were expelled from England in 1290, and then through the Crypto-Sephardic banking dynasty, the Frescobaldi, with the knowledge of the court, returned in smaller numbers between the 13th and 15th centuries. [88] [89] , Oliver Cromwell in 1655 formally allowed Spanish Crypto-Sephardim to settle in London to openly aid England in colonialism [122] [123] . When colonialism became unpopular, the East India Co. was disbanded in 1874, but after a short break NATO took over its role and oversees the dirtiest operations of that elite in Asia and other parts of the world, such as the cultivation and trade of opium and other narcotics . Today, the Great Jewish elite is the biggest investor in NATO's global colonial campaigns, as it was once in its predecessor, the East India Co.
Nathan Mayer Rothschild ( 1777–1836), an Ashkenazi banker who, by creating fake news that Napoleon defeated the English in the Battle of Waterloo in 1815, crashed the prices of the London Stock Exchange and bought practically everything of value for a pittance, thus destroying countless lives and families that were led to bankruptcy and a large number of people to death. His family tried the same trick in 2020, i.e. by creating fake news about the pandemic to buy for a pittance a number of smaller economies of the world where Crypto-Jewish families and Freemasonry exercise supremacy and who, under the pretext of a pandemic, have taken draconian measures, thus stopping the economies of those countries . (In addition, they created a conspiracy theory about Bill Gates who wants to make money from vaccines, which is why he invented a fake pandemic, and with which conspiracy theory they diverted attention from the motives of the Rothschilds themselves - who are between 50-100 times wealthier than Gates and all the more powerful and have stronger motive .) Weak economies would inevitably go bankrupt, while strong ones would relatively easily withstand the stagnation and compensate their losses caused by the stagnation by buying bankrupt economies - in cooperation with the Rothschilds as always since the time of Oliver Cromwell (1599–1658), the dictator of the short-lived British Republic who has "generously allowed the Crypto-Jews to return to Britain". However, Cromwell was undoubtedly a Crypto-Jew himself, since "nothing is known about the first 40 years of his life" ie. he appeared out of nowhere as extremely wealthy and the source of his wealth could not be verified, and allegedly of noble descent from "a little-known sister of the famous royal minister Thomas Cromwell" - which could not be verified - and he himself was "the only one of ten children to survive childhood ". Cromwell's dictatorship was a failed attempt to introduce a bloody republic, but - even though Cromwell had the perfect profile of an ardent Protestant believer - the Protestants still suppressed it, i.e. saw through the game, poisoned him, and restored the monarchy.

Meeting of Slobodan Miloševic and Crypto-Sephardic banker David Rockefeller (first from left) in New York in 1979, president of the then leading Chase Manhattan bank. Also in the picture are Jacob Rothschild (next to Rockefeller, the largest investor in the US Federal Reserve, i.e. the Central Bank of the USA), and the president of the Board of Directors of the Anglo-Yugoslavan Bank in London, Borka Vucic , who organized the meeting. As a member of the Mucic family ( Muzis [51] ) - one of the richest Crypto-Ashkenazi families in Serbia, and the Vucic family ( Wuchs ) - one of the richest Crypto-Ashkenazi (merchant) families in Herzegovina, Borka Vucic was a key pawn of the Great Jewish elite in the destruction of Yugoslavia for the purpose of colonization [61] , whose task was to suppress resistance to colonization with the idea of ??"introducing modern banking and business". And while the Crypto-Sephardic Rockefellers and Ashkenazi Rothschilds are replaced every few decades in the roles of "leading globalists" and "leading sovereignists", its origin and role in the disintegration of Yugoslavia in the common interest of the Sephardic and Ashkenazi Great Jewish world elite are proof that the Great Jewish elite in practices united not only globally since the "fall of the Berlin Wall" i.e. of the USSR under the direction of the Crypto-Sephard Michail Sergejewitsch Gorbatschow ( Michal Sergej [51] Gorbaczynski ), but also in an effort to colonize the Balkans. Died in a traffic accident under unexplained circumstances on August 1, 2009.
Like the previous two such attempts during the last century (which resulted in two world wars), the state community "European Union (EU)" was a joint investment project of Great German industrialists with Great Jewish financial elites (Ashkenazim through the City of London , i.e. Ashkenazi the Rothschild and Sephardi families as the main investors in the Vatican and the USA through the Federal Reserve Bank, i.e. the Crypto-Sephardic [95] Rockefeller family ) who tried to make additional money on such a united market. Since World War I using brute force and World War II conducted by a combination of force and quisling showed that the project could not be achieved by armed means, in the 1960s the design of the "EU" using only quisling began with the Second Vatican Council (1962–65). on which the popes, who are all Crypto-Sephardi from 1605 to today , will adapt the Church to that third attempt of the same Great Jewish project. The "EU" itself was organized on the suprasystemic principle of the commissar's dictatorship , which the Ashkenazis had previously tested in the Soviet Union , in order to achieve direct supremacy on the ground (bypassing the sovereigns of the member states). But, out of historically justified caution towards the elites of Germans and Jews, the political elites of the member countries retained their rights to sovereignty in their entirety when joining the membership. The reason for the failure of the "EU" lay in the cancellation of support for the Project by American and English Protestants and the strengthening of actual (Protestant and Islamic) sovereignty. The reason for the failure was the failure of the Dayton Project as an attempt to re-colonize the Balkans with the resources of which the investors planned to fill the coffers, i.e. with that coverage in real estate to guarantee the financial stability of the "EU" [61] . According to the gravimetric survey of the Balkans conducted by the NATO pact in the field from 1992-1993 (under the auspices of war operations) and the inventory of goods conducted in the same period by experts from the University of Fairbanks from Alaska (after which they were ordered to remove the results from the University's website against which the management of the University publicly protested, but it was completely replaced, which is a rare case of open state interference in academia for the USA), the value of the resources of the Balkans is estimated at 5 trillion dollars .
In order to maintain the matrix of artificial division, Freemasonry uses world crises when it commits unprecedented crimes in the Balkans, e.g. in II vol. war, when Freemasons and Crypto-Sephards Kvaternik ( Kwater ) and Budak ( Buda ) stood out in crimes [46] [107] . The massacres in Vukovar in 1992 and Srebrenica in 1995 were carried out with the same aim - places chosen because they were inhabited exclusively by indigenous people. In short, Freemasonry controls the terrain by openly abusing the population in war, while in peace they do it more covertly - through instruments of the state and repression, such as false justice, strictly controlled media, etc. Depending on whether at a given moment the Ashkenazi/Crypto-Ashkenazi or the Sephardi/Crypto-Sephardi are more powerful among the global Great Jewish and Crypto-Jewish elites, the Balkans in such periods also fall under the dominant influence of the first or second Jewish tribe - which are then divided among themselves in a way to take over the entire Freemasonry of the Balkans, which then exercises power for the local Crypto-Jewish families as overlords of the Balkans, i.e. adapt the situation on the ground to the new mutual relationship of those elites globally.
Attempt to abuse fake pandemic 2020
The action of the Crypto-Sephardic families of the Balkans that they launched in 2019/2020 to destroy Bosnia by annexation or division was carried out as a quick response to the crisis surrounding the "Corona virus" which the London Ashkenazis wanted to use through the English Freemasonry to bring Karadordevic to power in "Yugoslavia" (Serbia + Bosnia), and where he would be a puppet of the Crypto-Ashkenazis to control Serbia in the way that the Ashkenazis control England today through the City of London and the British Government (by the Crypto-Ashkenazis providing the majority of Prime Ministers of Britain from 1901 to the present day; where it should be noted that the Jews themselves were expelled from England in 1290, while the Spanish Crypto-Sephardim were allowed to enter in the 16th century in order to help England in colonialism [122] , but until 1850 it was forbidden by law to engage in politics in any way [124 ] ). Since, as in any partnership, even in relations between Jewish tribes in the Balkans, "bags are not sisters", Sarajevo's Crypto-Sephardic families do not want FBiH to copy the moves of Vucic (who is not the madman he appeared to be during the fake pandemic, and this behavior is still a bluff, i.e. a tactical move that serves to increase the fear of his very few Crypto-Jews), but through it, the Balkan Crypto-Sephardim, by dividing Bosnia between their families in Belgrade and Zagreb, are trying to grab for themselves the biggest part of the cake in bringing Karadordevic (and what all Crypto-Jews of the Balkans consider it already a done deal because it was " agreed by the Pope and Queen Elizabeth II "). As already mentioned, the Crypto-Sephardic families of Belgrade have already prevented the Crypto-Ashken Karadordevics from coming to power once, by liquidating Prime Minister Ðindic in 2003. The Crypto-Sephardic families in the government and the civilian intelligence sector have been controlling the Serbian nationalist movement since they ousted Vojislav Šešelj from that position ( Weisler Sessel [63] ) who, although his father is an Ashkenazi Jew, due to illness/age and as a non-mason is unreliable, i.e. only somewhat controlled through the intelligence sector. Seselj is of Jewish origin (possibly Sephardic from Italy) and by his mother Danica Misita [125] ( Messite - Crypto-Jewish family from Polish Galicia as well as his father's Sessel family [63] ; also: Misita abbreviated from Misitano as in the native place common [ 29] name for the Crypto-Sephardim from the southern Italian province of Messina). They did not manage to break him even during more than a decade of illegal detention in the Hague Tribunal, which at that time was controlled by the Sarajevo Crypto-Sephardim through the Vatican (and the Pope through the White House) (Dodik's "political Sarajevo" - a derogatory name reflecting the disdain of his sponsors, the Belgrade Crypto-Sephardim, towards to the Sarajevo Crypto-Sephards who in Bosnia continue to participate in the supremacy of the Protector and the High (papal) representative , and what is more in the circumstances of the onslaught of the Crypto-Jews of Belgrade and Zagreb, i.e. Ashkenazi/Crypto-Ashkenazi from London, Moscow and Belgrade, for Bosnia favorable circumstance).
Leading German and world scientist-expert in the field of microbiology and infectious epidemiology, emeritus prof. Ph.D. Sucharit Bhakdi , who in 2020 as one of the greatest authorities in the field, completely rejected any possibility of the existence of a COVID-19 pandemic and labeled all the measures adopted allegedly to fight against the phantom pandemic as " absurd and completely unnecessary ". [126] [127] The strong position of Prof. Ph.D. Bhakdia is an example of how you should not be afraid of the Jewish elites and their "mainstream media", no matter how much Goebbels insists that something is true even though all the scientific facts say the opposite. Science is not a democracy, and in science there is no voting or majority principle; it is enough for a single scientist to challenge a position, so that position remains without consensus at the very least. The reverse is also true: historically, all scientific paradigms (directions of movement of a scientific discipline) were changed by individual scientists. For the same reason, ie. the lack of scientific consensus due to the opposition of scientists-individuals such as the world's leading atmospheric physicist prof. Ph.D. Richard Lindzen from MIT, the claim about "global warming" also failed . In November 2020, Google, as the Great Jewish monopoly and owner of YouTube, banned the channel of Prof. Ph.D. Bhakdia, which only underlines that - as one of the most respected scientists-experts in the world - he is still right, so he continues to expose the fake pandemic and the unnecessary vaccines propagated through it. [128]
The global crisis of 2020 caused by the alleged pandemic was created by the Great Jewish Ashkenazi banking family Rothschild , and according to the matrix that was created in the XIX century. elaborated by Nathan Mayer Rothschild (1777–1836). Namely, by creating fake news (so Fake News is not a modern concept but an old Jewish trick) that Napoleon defeated the English in the Battle of Waterloo in 1815, he brought down the prices of the London Stock Exchange and bought practically everything of value for a pittance, thus destroying countless lives and families that were led to bankruptcy and a large number of people to death. [129] [130] The Rothschild family tried the same trick in 2020, i.e. by creating a fake news/pandemic but this time on a global level to buy for a pittance a number of smaller economies of the world where Crypto-Jewish families and Freemasonry exercise supremacy and who under the pretext of a pandemic have introduced draconian measures, thus stopping the economies of those countries . (In addition, they created a conspiracy theory about Bill Gates who wants to make money from vaccines, which is why he invented a fake pandemic, and with which conspiracy theory they diverted attention from the motives of the Rothschilds themselves - who are between 50-100 times wealthier than Gates and all the more powerful and have stronger motive .) As a result of several months of stagnation, weak economies would inevitably go bankrupt, while strong economies would withstand the stagnation relatively easily, and parts of strong economies would compensate for their losses caused by the stagnation by buying bankrupt economies for cents on the dollar - all in cooperation with the Rothschilds, as always since the time of Oliver Cromwell (1599–1658), the dictator of the short-lived British Republic who "generously allowed the Crypto-Jews to return to Britain". However, Cromwell was undoubtedly a Crypto-Jew himself, since "nothing is known about the first 40 years of his life" ie. he appeared out of nowhere as extremely wealthy and respected in financial (and thus aristocratic) circles but whose source of wealth could not be verified [131] , and allegedly of noble descent from "the little-known sister of the famous royal minister Thomas Cromwell" - which could not be verified - and he himself was "the only one of ten children who survived childhood" [132] . Cromwell's dictatorship was a failed attempt to introduce a bloody republic (as always paid for by the money of the Great Jewish bankers), but - although Cromwell had the perfect profile of an ardent Protestant believer - the Protestants still suppressed it, i.e. saw through the game, poisoned him, and restored the monarchy.
That the pandemic was fake was evident from the behavior of the politicians and doctors themselves, including those in the crisis headquarters and other bodies for the duration of the "pandemic", and which during the duration of the so-called anti-pandemic measures massively caught in violation of them (which they themselves recommended and/or enacted). [133] [134] [135] [136] [137] So, during the "Corona crisis" (hysteria), the Ashkenazis tried to finalize the Dayton Project by bringing Karadordevic , along with the annexation of all of Bosnia to the Belgrade Crypto-Ashkenazi families. When, a few weeks after the beginning of the hysteria in the USA, where the Ashkenazi/Crypto-Ashkenazi, in the absence of Freemasonry as a factor of power, firmly control only the media (the so-called mainstream; globalists), the Crypto-Sephardis realized that the Ashkenazi game was very strong and that they could "blow off" from the Balkans (until then, the "Corona" virus was publicly mocked as a common cold, which is the case), they changed the game in a flash and with draconian measures that no country - not even the supposedly most affected by the "virus" Italy and Spain - tried and they will use the "pandemic" to bring in Karadordevic, instead of the Ashkenazi annexation, to carry out the division of Bosnia in their own interest - ie. between the Belgrade and Zagreb Crypto-Sephardic families (which, as mentioned, the Sarajevo Crypto-Sephardians do not consider as a serious geopolitical factor since, just like in 1990, the friendly forces at the disposal of the Sarajevo families are again numerically inferior compared to the nationalist movements of Belgrade and Zagreb, which is at the disposal of the Crypto-Jews there. Thus, the "measures to fight against Corona", like nowhere else in the world, included the dissolution of the National Assembly of Serbia (the executive branch dissolved the legislature [138] ), probably to prepare the transition from popular to monarchical sovereignty as a minimum common content the current interests of all Crypto-Jewish families in Belgrade (both "right" and "left" and the media and the NGO sector were all detached, i.e. imperially silent about it), and in connection with that, draconian measures such as the introduction of a curfew (because the conspirators are few ), forced "Corona treatment" for the sake of easier liquidations of patriots and prominent people who could organize/finance armed resistance locally, purges of the criminal milieu/clans so that they would not, as in 1992 in Sarajevo and Belgrade, put themselves at the head of the patriotic resistance, i.e. Broke the plans of the Crypto-Jews again like in the 1990s, etc.
In light of extreme measures never seen before and nowhere else (curfew, isolation and self-isolation, cutting off all human contact apparently in the open with unnecessary masks and gloves, etc.) which the 0.2% Crypto-Jewish minority attempted under the auspices of fake pandemic 2020 imposed on the Balkans, as well as considering their age-old terror towards the 99.8% majority of the indigenous people who systematically (periodically by using world crises and committing serious mass crimes under their auspices) always force en masse into pogroms and wartime exile - and between wars even and systemically en masse into economic exile - it is not an exaggeration to conclude that their abuse of the "pandemic" 2020 by systematically reducing the collective immunity against the next seasonal virus mutations was an attempt at genocide against the indigenous majority . Namely, similar methods of reducing collective immunity and even direct infections of Asian and American natives were organized in the past by companies owned by or with the greatest interest of the Rothschild banking families and before them the Medici and even before them the Frescobaldi (probably all one and the same family and which, according to royal lines, changes its surname every few centuries), like the infamous East India Company (today transformed into the NATO pact).
That in the case of the COVID-19 "pandemic" it was truly an orchestrated attack by the Great Jewish elite on the collective health of the majority of humanity, it can also be seen from the fact that during the decade of the 2010s) that elite invested huge amounts of money in an enormous increase in the number of feature films and TV a series with the topic of pandemics, i.e. viruses that threaten the entire human species . Thus, the public, especially in the West, was carefully prepared for easier acceptance of such scenarios, even if they were published as true by the Jewish media, and doctors (especially "practitioners", i.e. non-scientists for whom virology and epidemiology are not their field of work) to honor their call with an image of themselves as the "obvious" messianic saviors of humanity. This happened after a similar investment by that elite during the 1990s and 2000s in dramatic productions about the cataclysmic fate of the planet Earth due to " global climate change " failed because scientists from the field of geophysics such as Prof. Ph.D. Richard Lindzen of MIT.
The solution to the Jewish problem
The solution to the problem of Jewish and Crypto-Jewish supremacy in a region like the Balkans is simple and has already been tested as effective in Protestant countries such as Sweden, where, for example, the failed attempt from 2020 to use a bluff crisis (fake pandemic) and according to the Greek scenario to transfer the electronic (non-existent, i.e. fake) wealth that the Great Jewish elite "accumulated" ( it does not exist anywhere except in the minds of those who believe it exists ) in - real estate in the Balkans and elsewhere as cover for the Great Jewish speculative economy (ie mountains, forests, rivers, lakes, islands...). The solution involves banishing Papism and Freemasonry while repressively preventing Freemasonry from operating effectively.
That solution is also the best for preventing the Great Jewish elite in their efforts to establish supremacy over all of humanity. E.g. during the entire "pandemic" of 2020, practically all " mainstream media " (essentially: the Trojan horse you let into your homes - even though they are only private companies with their own interests first) were put under Stalinist control in which the claims of the leading regional and world experts-scientists like prof. Ph.D. Velet Markovski from Macedonia and prof. Ph.D. Sucharita Bhakdia from Germany that there is no pandemic at all and that the measures to fight against the alleged pandemic are absurd and unnecessary [126] [139] [127] , and instead of them, they tried to subvert "expert" opinions of mostly Masonic doctors-faculty. In November 2020, Google, as the Great Jewish monopoly and owner of YouTube, banned the channel of Prof. Ph.D. Bhakdia, which only underlines that - as one of the most respected scientists-experts in the world - he is still right, so he continues to expose the fake pandemic and the unnecessary vaccines propagated through it. [128]
The events surrounding the "pandemic" of 2020 are a reminder that humanity can slip into the abyss of extremism at any moment - but only if it is organized by the Jewish elite and the popes . (For example, as mentioned, archeology teaches that in the Balkans indigenous tribes did not war with each other for 10,000 years - until the Papacy and Freemasonry appeared to "civilize" and "liberate" them.) So for the entire duration of the outrageous media censorship during "Corona " hysteria, the Internet, as in some "parallel world", remained completely free - but only because it is under the control of the American army, i.e. Protestants (and the aforementioned Sweden is strongly Protestant and has been at peace for centuries - but only after it got rid of the Papacy, and it never allowed Freemasonry to indulge in crimes, as it has been doing in the Balkans for centuries).
Quite simply, there is no legitimate reason to fear Jewish bankers. For example, while the wealth of the Rothschild family ( Medici of today ) is estimated between 350 billion and 2 trillion dollars [140] , the largest concentration of money is far greater than their wealth (and even the wealth of all Jewish financiers combined) and is not in their hands nor in the hands of Crypto-Sephardic [95] Rockefellers: e.g. only one hedge fund in Atlanta, USA, called Black Rock , has 7.5 trillion dollars in non-existent (electronic) money [141] , while the total value of all such finances in the world in 2013 was 225 trillion .
Release of raw footage broadcasts - ultimate proof #9/11 attacks were an inside job. Original 9/11/2001 "live" (a few seconds delayed for sloppy CGI to be overlaid) vs. raw footage (no CGI). Ministry of Truth (aka Google/YouTube) keeps deleting this video
[I've been unable to successfully download the video]