• New (1998 upload) Star Trek theory: James Kirk plot ideas, Voyage etc copied from Captain James Cook?

Star Trek; New Theory?

Rae West © 1998, 2000

This idea struck me (in Jan 1994!) and I don't think I've heard it anywhere else. There's a belief that Captain Cook's voyages as recorded in log-books and journals include a passage in which Australian aborigines could not perceive the ships as they hove into view - they were literally unable to see them. Unfortunately I wasn't able to verify this attractive idea, at least with my Everyman copy: they just seemed cautious, rightly so, in fact, in view of their forthcoming 'holocaust'. (NB: this year, near Lake Victoria in Australia, tens of thousands of skeletons were discovered..) But several parallels with Star Trek (early version) occurred to me as I read:-

    On the 'crew' I've seen comments that the 'creator', at the supposed height of the 'Cold War', dared to include a Russian, Japanese, etc. Looking back, I;d suggest this is a Jewish attitude: Jews had people in capitals around the world, not in nations.

    The name: James Kirk sounds like James Cook (it's surprisingly difficult to check Cook's first name is 'James'; he almost always is brusquely called just 'Cook'. Only in an obituary notice in my book is he addressed as 'Captain James Cook'; one imagines he spent his whole life stiffly being called 'Mr Cook'.)

    He was always called 'Captain' (in fact his title was 'Lieutenant Commander')

    Cook in the Endeavour, with a lieutenant, gunner, carpenter, surgeon, and others, voyaged for four or five years, not at all unlike the Enterprise '..a five year mission to explore..'

    The Star Trek vocabulary is oddly past-regarding and nautical in many ways: 'Ship to ship', 'your vessel', Captain Kirk's 'yeoman', 'Admiral', 'hailing frequencies open', 'engines', 'shore-leave', 'tractor beam', the 'ship's bridge'. I seem to remember they even had a ceremony of piping people 'aboard'. The only reason I can think of for using ships as models is that they were the only really big transport machines when science fiction was developing.

    One of the ridiculous features of 'Star Trek' is the way in which hyper-developed technology is supposed not to apply to weapons - there was a similar absurdity in Star Wars, and of course it's probably necessary to the plot, which otherwise would come to a sudden stop. However, it is applicable to the sort of situation Cook was in. (Similarly, H G Wells's War of the Worlds could be considered a possible parable of the impact of modern weaponry on undeveloped countries).

    I found a 'James Scott' listed as one of the ships officers. There are 'Sulu Islands' somewhere in the area.

    The (supposed) missions sound similar. That is, Cook observed the odd eclipse of the sun and transit of Venus, and collected botanical information; but probably the main motives for his voyages were empire-building. (Incidentally, according to Jillian Robertson, despite the many references of Australians to Cook, Cook had no love for nor any special interest in Australia). Similarly, although the Enterprise is supposed to 'explore strange new worlds', in fact virtually no exploration is done - I suppose Trekkies are too dim-witted to notice this.

    There are parallels for pinching ideas for science fiction; Arthur C Clarke based his main series of stories on Gibbon's Decline and Fall..

    It seems possible that the sort of adventures recorded by Cook - icebergs, waterspouts, poisonous fish, scurvy, trading with natives in canoes, real or supposed cannibalism and human sacrifice, ships losing contact, kings of 'great majesty', shootings of the occasional 'native', language differences, volcanic eruptions, dexterity with spears, strange medical practices, everlasting snow, occasional sexual topics - were used to provide the basis for single episodes.

    There's an amusing filmic parallel with Hollywood films involving ships, namely that the really expensive bit is filming people getting on or off the boats. See for example the not very convincing computer graphics in the film Titanic. Similarly, Star Trek cuts down the expense here with its low-budget transporter.

NEWS!! Aficionados of the absurd will be pleased to see that the British Science Museum is to have an exhibition, apparently 'created by the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry in association with Paramount Pictures.' '.. a range of Star TrekTM related mechandise will be on sale ..'

      Their handout (©Paramount Pictures) repeats the ridiculous lie that 'science and technology in STAR TREK were based on sound scientific principles.' May their exhibition fail!

Star Trek - The Next Generation. New Theory!   © Rae West March 30, 2014

'The Next Generation' was late 1980s and early 1990s; as far as I know the full green screen and 3D computer graphics and character simulation were not yet developed. So the special effects now look unspecial. As regards plots, I suspect some of the outline *may* have been taken from Khazaria, for reasons dear to the hearts of people from that area. The Khazars became partly or wholly converted to Judaism; there were Muslims nearby, and the Byzantine Christian Empire, with its hints of Roman origin. To the north were many tribes, notably the Rus. There were Turks, Huns, and others.

    Without wishing to delve into immense detail, the Varangian Rus sound like the 'Ferengi'; the trader characters must have had real-life approximate equivalents; the Romulans sound a bit like Romans, and the Klingons like brutal Christians of the Jewish mind set. Perhaps the fighters were loosely based on Hollywood films of gladiators? Cardassians might have been suggested by other groups of the early middle ages; I'm not interested enough to compare and contrast. But maybe.

19 Sept 2018

[Anon person 14 Sept 2018]– Currently I'm watching Star Trek Voyager and I just saw an episode about historical revisionism, it was all about this historian who had created a museum dedicated to keeping the memory of the war crimes from a conflict 700 yrs earlier alive. Very, very reminiscent of a lot of the conversations happening here, there were two races on the same planet and one of them were "oppressed" (they never went into what that meant in practical terms) and they use the 700 year old warcrimes to give themselves benefits and gibs. ['Gibs' = free handout and other benefits]
      ["Living Witness" is the 91st episode of the science fiction television series Star Trek: Voyager, the 23rd episode of the fourth season.]


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HTML Rae West First uploaded 1998-04-08 Revd 1998-07-27 Science Museum 2000-10-18