• Edward Dutton: Race Differences in Ethnocentrism. Book Review by Rerevisionist
Edward Dutton ethnocentrism cover

a few arktos authors

Edward Dutton.   Race Differences in Ethnocentrism

Rae West reviews a 2019 paperback published by Arktos

Unimpressive. Sadly ignorant of the way the world operates. Pretence at science by theologically-minded joker.
I first heard of this book, and of Dutton, in a book review by Andrew Joyce in the Occidental Observer website. Here: https://www.theoccidentalobserver.net/2019/05/23/review-of-ed-duttons-race-differences-in-ethnocentrism/ . Joyce said the book is ‘one of the most informative, formidable, pressing, intriguing, and poignant monographs I’ve read in years’ and ‘is a work of science underscored by an inescapable sense of social and political urgency’. Dutton wants to answer questions, including ‘Why are Europeans currently so low in ethnocentrism?’
Dutton has a simple view of the world: countries are all inhabited people mostly with the same genetic attitudes, so that vast immigration into A must mean that A's inhabitants are 'low in ethnocentrism'. In fact, of course, as the Occidental Observer (of Kevin MacDonald) should know, mass immigration is a Jewish policy, originated by Jews, not by the dwellers in A.

I looked up Arktos on Internet. Apologies for a longish quotation: ARKTOS was officially launched to the public on 1 May 2010. Since that time, we have published more than 50 titles in four languages and circulated them globally, both through our own Web site and through our distribution channels. Arktos has established itself as the principal publisher in English of the writings of the European “New Right” school of political thought. We have also issued the first translations into English of the prominent Russian geopolitical thinker Alexander Dugin, who has served as an adviser to Vladimir Putin, as well as several works by the noted Italian traditionalist philosopher, Julius Evola.
      Arktos focuses primarily on works pertaining to politics and political philosophy, traditional spirituality and religion, history, philosophy, culture, and literature. We have done reprints, original translations and also published original works.

Dugin of course says nothing about Jews in Russia, an essential topic. Evola is a verbose oddity. 'Traditional spirituality and religion' seems to offer a space for Dutton, who 'studied theology' at Durham even if he hasn't a clue about Jewish history.
      Wikipedia has a strange entry about Arktos. A founder an 'Alt-Right'-er was Daniel Friberg, born in 1978, who co-founded Arktos in 2009. I won't quote anything else, but it's clear to me that Arktos is a fake site, designed like the BNP to attract disaffected white 'natives'. Wikipedia adds a few hooks: &lbsp;it is now, according to The New Yorker, the world's largest distributor of far-right literature’. Sure. Of course it is. It sounds a bit like the Jew Gollancz's 'Left Book Club', aimed at well-meaning people before the Second World War.

So I distrust Arktos. And I'm saying this after reading Dutton's book. Which incidentally is one of about six, including a book on Churchill's education, presenting Churchill as an heroic figure. Dutton looks to be like someone taken on to fill publishers' niches. Arktos's website has information about many of their authors; who seem to be miscellaneous Europeans (or Jews). See my screen capture image, to the right.
      Arktos's website has at present a quotation from Guillaume Faye on War: ‘War is the force and the red sun that restores the vigour of peoples. Without it, there would be neither friendship nor love, no dynamism, no creativity, no collective emotions, and no meaning for the lives of peoples and men.’ This looks like a wearying rerun of Jews promoting war for others, while making money for themselves. I hope discerning people will see that this version of 'Alt-Right' will fail.

The Occidental Observer Feb 9, 2022 has a new promotion by F Roger Devlin, Ph.D. of another title by Dutton, on the sad shortage of genius. I haven't read or seen the book, but judging by the description, Dutton is amusingly ambivalent about 'genius'. He seems to accept Newton and Mozart; but what about Einstein, Marx, Lenin, Rothschilds? A problem that need not concern us...

OK. Let's look at Race Differences in Ethnocentrism. Dutton presents an English-style version of US volubility; he has a Youtube site, which is a red flag in itself.

Dutton's book has eleven chapters, plus about 25 pages of references, without descriptions of these books. And an index of names, but not of ideas. The names include Richard Lynn, who contributes to the cover blurb, which is perhaps a mistake.
      I'll ignore the chapter titles, which enclose commentaries on other 'research' in a rather dull style, and imply a continuity between chapters which in my view is not real. I think Andrew Joyce has little knowledge of science; when Dutton talks of receptors, or DNA, or testosterone, or genes, it's a characteristic he shares with Joyce. In fact, Joyce's selected quotation from Dutton: “Those who advocate Multiculturalism seem to have lost an important instinct towards group — and thus genetic — preservation. Once a society, as a whole, espouses Multiculturalism as a dominant ideology then the society is acting against its own genetic interests and will ultimately destroy itself” relies on 'instinct', meaning religious feeling, and on omission of propaganda and money power. Dutton read Theology at Durham and did a PhD in 'religious studies' and I'll interpret him in this review as a credulous believer in Jewish theology from which he never outgrew.

Dutton starts with the 'Great War', and praises the 'huge propaganda campaign' in England which 'successfully persuaded thousands of young men to fight for their country'. Well, that's the simple version. The figure he uses is absurdly low. And they were paid, more than they were getting generally. Being paid is not exactly the same thing as fighting, though from the Jewish viewpoint it's what they promote: they're not going to fight themselves, are they! Dutton says they 'fought for their country', but this is debatable, at least be intelligent people. They fought and killed for Jews, without knowing it. Perhaps like Dutton. And once it was started, conscription was introduced, with severe penalties against deserters and so on. Using this as evidence of ethnocentrism makes a different point, about Sutton—that he takes the conventional line according to newspapers and hack historians. In practice, for centuries, this has meant the views of Jews in the official and popular media.

I could produce endless other examples. From the power structure point of view, this was a multiply-cornered struggle, of which Dutton leaves the Jewish financial component unmentioned. It's a bit like discussing a legal battle between A and B, without mentioning lawyers' fees and self-interest.

On the religious aspect, Dutton provides no index of ideas, and I don't want to spent time fishing up appropriate quotations. He seems to think high religion shows high ethnocentrism. He probably doesn't know that Christianity was imposed by force, one area picked off at a time. I think Lithuania was the last formally Christian country in Europe, about 1300. I don't see Dutton arguing the ethnocentrism of pre-Christians, though no doubt he has some dismissive name for them. But note that it suits the Jewish outlook to make such claims of religion. And of course of the Jewish, exclusively one person, aggressive 'G-d'.

So far as I could see, Dutton doesn't bother with 'pathological altruism', which Kevin MacDonald employs to prevent whites in the US 'Civil War' were impelled by moral considerations to wreck big chunks of the country.

He mentions such things as 'social security' for Turks, Arabs, African blacks, and others made to move by Jewish stratagems. Many of these people get more money than the locals, probably essentially in fact to carry out Jewish orders. They even get votes. Dutton doesn't go into the reasons for this, and pretends lack of ethnocentric feeling is the reason.

A note on 'Genetic Similarity Theory'—how these people love their carefully-crafted memes and slogans, designed to avoid difficult issues. The Jewish view is that 'goyim' are negligible scum, and therefore presumably 'identical', though science has made some impact against this idea. But for these purposes let's look at the disjunction between genes, which are digital, and what I suppose is the simple early idea that a person imposes his or her entire being on any offspring. The fact is that Jews have a high proportion of 'special' offspring, what more honest phrasing would consider 'defective'. Do Jews feel similarity with their defective offspring? A question Dutton's quoted meme evades.

I couldn't see anywhere Dutton looking into 4 'wives' of Muslims. I don't think he mentioned 'chain migration', in which relatives, and fake relatives, get access to Europe, thanks to Jews.

Dutton mentions the Yanomani as a supposedly aggressive group; who knows. I do recall that they live in a region exceptionally low in salt, and die young as a consequence. Facts about climate, biology, endemic hazards, defensiveness (or otherwise) of territory, are of course generally unknown to the Jewish mindset, and its related Christian and Moslem notions.

An amusing aspect of books of this sort is their excoriation of 'free riders'. Considering they are themselves something of the sort—in the mid-19th century, half of all Oxbridge graduates went into the Church of England.
      In fact of course, Dutton's rôle is not to extend understanding. And in a sense my review is irrelevant to him. He is paid his small percentage to produce their crap.

It's a pity, and a crime, that such huge issues as forced migrations and wars should be reduced to the level of pitiful hacks squabbling over petty details, when they aren't collaborating amongst themselves over lies. And it's a pity that the occasional well-made point is lost in the torrent of parrotings. The Occidental Observer gave space to Andrew Joyce's ad for this book. It has not given space to such writers as Miles Mathis, C Bjerknes, or Chris Caskie.

HTML, research, scanning, styling, Rae West - first upload 4 Feb 2022