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Architects of Deception: The Concealed History of Freemasonry   by   Yüri Lina
Review by Chris Caskie

destroy america

From ordinary architects to architects of deception: An overview of the Corrupt Deeds and Methods of Freemasons throughout history
24 January 2024

A very good Jew-aware case study of freemasonry. Long (500+ pages).

Architects of Deception: The Concealed History of Freemasonry by Estonian Jüri Lina (originally published in 2004 by Referent Publishing in Sweden) details the origins, practices, impacts and criminal legacy of freemasonry. It traces freemasonry as the common denominator in many important events where the truth has been suppressed. These include the world wars and many 'revolutions', and biased financial and propaganda controls. Lina exposes how freemasons networked, used nepotism, deceit and financial power to control puppets and take over societies.

My motivation for reviewing this book is two-fold: Firstly, I was a big fan of Lina's previous book, Under the Sign of the Scorpion: The Rise and Fall of the Soviet Empire, which preceded this book by a few years. Secondly, I was deficient in knowledge of freemasonry and its impacts. Lina's book has convinced me that freemasons were more numerous and important than I'd thought. If we consider the intellectual landscape of revisionism, freemasonry is underrated in modern discussions. Years ago, it was a more vogue topic. I think this shift in focus is due to freemasonry being far less popular nowadays than in the past: Lina cites statistics of their membership declining. An important adjacent question how freemasons have interacted with other corrupt and secretive groups, particularly Jews, whose record of unprovoked callousness is very disturbing, something Lina doesn't ignore.

First of all, I appreciate the cover design of Architects of Deception. It's artistic, featuring various freemasonic symbols, including the hideous spider creature Jahbulon (the supposed god of the freemasons). Many non-fiction books have very basic covers, which are arguably a bit boring and uninteresting compared to the likes of this cover. In terms of the formatting, Lina includes subtitles in his table on contents, which is helpful. Herein I will highlight some important parts of the book, but there's so much I think this book ought to be studied in detail.

Freemasonic Infiltration and Influence

Lina on the origins of freemasons-"The freemasons were principally stonecutters, masons and painters, which we may compare to modern-day architects, engineers and sculptors. Thus they were highly skilled. Many of the finest buildings of the Middle Ages (the Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris, built between 1163 and 1320, and St. Paul's Cathedral in London, which was completed in 1663) were built by the freemasons. (p. 62)

Scotland was an early locus of freemasonry, since the Knight's Templar founded a lodge there in 1420, after being banned elsewhere. The templars were Jews and important controllers of the crusades against Muslims pursuant of the Zionist cause of capturing Jerusalem. At any rate, the templars infiltrated guilds and made them freemasonic. Initially, masonry might not have appealed much to people, but once people saw the practical benefits of joining it, it attracted venal types. The archaic symbolism, rituals, etc were more or less residual, but no doubt still believed by some, similar to how modern Christians often downplay the spiritual aspects.

Lina pointed out—"Freemasonry spread more effectively in Christian countries due to its parallels." (p. 551) In America, the Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormons, and Christian Science church groups were all founded by freemasons.

Lina on national bans on freemasonry—"Under certain circumstances, it is the highest and holiest civil duty of the freemason to raise arms against the legal government of a nation, according to The Freemason Chronicle (London, 1875, I, p. 81). For this reason freemasonry had already been banned in several parts of Europe: in Naples 1731, in Poland 1734, in Holland and France 1735. Catherine the Great banned the activities of secret societies on 8 April 1782 and again in 1794 in order to prevent the continued activities of the lodges in Russia. The freemasons had simply refused to obey her. The lodge Osiris simply continued with their actions against Russia. Ordinary people regarded freemasons as treacherous criminals." (p. 289)

Lina on the 'French Revolution'—"When I first entered the headquarters of the Grand Orient in Paris in September in 1999, I was confronted with a large red triangle with slogans along its three sides: Liberte, Egalite, Fraternite (freedom, equality, brotherhood). This shows that the Grand Orient was behind the so-called French Revolution. The freemasons do not deny this, instead they claim in their periodical Humanisme (No. 240, June 1998) that this orgy of violence was indeed their work. The republic was declared by the freemason Jean Marie Roland on 21 September 1792. The versifier of the "Marseillaise" [French national anthem since 1792] was the freemason Claude Roget de lisle (Humanisme, No. 235, September 1997, p. 24)." (p. 282)

Moreover—"Eighteen of Napoleons marshals were freemasons, including Bernadotte, Brune, Jourdan, Kellermann, Massena, Mortier, Murat, Ney, Oudinot, Poniatowski, and Serurier (the French periodical Historia, No. 48, July-August 1997). (p. 295)

Lina is expert on the USSR. Virtually all the high-ranking commissars were freemasons, in addition to being Jews, e.g. Lenin, Trotsky, Kamenev, Sverdlov, Zinoviev. (p. 116)

Austria is an interesting case study of a freemasonic stranglehold—"There was a time when nobody could be a member of the Austrian government without being a freemason. (p. 243) Lina lists leaders in finance and media in Austria who were freemasons." (p. 244)

Lina on freemasonry in Hollywood—"B'nai B'rith founded in the early 1920s a lodge also in Hollywood, with Alfred Schwalberg, Baranay Bapaban (Paramount), Harry Goldberg (Warner Brothers) and other leading figures within the American film industry. The lodge received the number 1366. Between the years 1925 and 1935, "the king of movies" Willy Hayes gave B'nai B'rith's president Alfred M. Cohen the option to scrutinise all scripts that had anything to do with Jews." (p. 219)

Of the 41 presidents of the United States 14 were freemasons, or roughly 30 per cent. In 1929, the year of the stock market crash, about 67 per cent of all members of Congress belonged to the freemasonry. (Paul. A. Fisher, "Behind the Lodge Door", Rockford, Illinois, 1994, p. 246). (p. 221)

Freemasons have a range of oaths and rituals, including keeping the secrets of the order under threat of being killed in a horrible ritual—"Freemasons who are accepted into the lodge must swear the bloodcurdling oath, in which the novice promises never to discuss any of the aims or activities of the order with outsiders. Neither is he allowed to visit other lodges without permission. In addition to this, he accepts that his throat will be cut, his heart removed, his tongue and entrails torn out and thrown into the sea, his body burned and the ashes spread in the wind, so that nothing of his substance remain among men and master masons, if he tells anyone what he has learned about the plans of the freemasons. "I confirm this, my oath, honestly and truthfully, so help me God to life and soul." (Sverre Dag Mogstad, "Frimureri — mysterier, fellesskap, personlighetsdannelse" / "Freemasonry — Mysteries, Brotherhood, Personal Development", Oslo, 1994, p. 281).

Freemasons Led by and Subservient to Jews

Lina on Jews spreading freemasonry—"The system was further developed primarily by the Jewish leaders, among them Estienne (Stephen) Morin. He became the leader of all the orders and in 1761 was given the assignment of spreading freemasonry throughout America." (p. 79) 3 It was no secret freemasonry was Jewish, at least amongst rich Jews, politicians, rabbis, etc. Here are some quotes Lina cites on page 81:

British Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli spoke in 1852 to the House of Commons, referring to the events of 1848: "The natural equality of men and the abolition of property are proclaimed by the secret societies, which form the provisional governments; and men of the Jewish race are at the head of each of them." (p. 81)

The rabbi Isaac Wise (1819-1900), chairman of B'nai B'rith's suborganization in Cincinnati, Ohio, explained that "freemasonry is a Jewish establishment, whose history, grades, official appointments, passwords, and explanations are Jewish from beginning to end." (Israelite of America, 3 August 1866).

The following could be read in the French masonic magazine Le Symbolisme (July 1928): "The most important duty of freemasonry must be to glorify the Jews, which has preserved the unchanged divine standard of wisdom."

To quote Lina on page 80—"Freemasonry became a Jewish-Cabbalist conspiracy, the aim of which was to subjugate the civilised Jewry and to enslave the rest of humanity. In 1869, a Jew was grand master of the Scottish Rite in Paris (Henry W. Coil, "Coil's Masonic Encyclopaedia", Macoy Publishing, Richmond, Virginia, 1996, p. 260). The Grand Orient admitted Jews without restrictions. Morin's mission was to make all gentile freemasons function as extremist Jews or as their henchmen. In any case, they serve in the interest of Zionism."

Lina's Chapter How the Freemasons Helped Hitler to Power

One of the alarming aspects about Freemasons this book unveils is how they realised their imperious malicious plans. Let's discuss the Second World War as an example. Lina takes the view (like me) that Hitler was controlled opposition (meaning ostensibly combating Jews behind a facade). Lina's evidence is the long-term plans made by freemasons to engineer wars in Europe, the Nazis success as a result of enormous funding from big industries, including America, and their ties to freemasons and Zionists, whom the Nazis supposedly condemned.

Lina traces the ideology of 'national socialism' back to Moses Hess, who coined the term and geared it towards Jewish nationalist purposes. (p. 398) Hess also advised Marx and pioneered Zionism. (p. 398)

An important book Lina discusses is De Geldbronnen van het Nationaal-Socialisme (The Financers of National Socialism) by Sidney Warburg, published in 1933, which is in the social archive of Zurich. In June 1929, bankers and industrialists met secretly in New York and agreed that French economic progress should be halted and that a 'revolution' should happen in Germany, and they decided on a 'National Socialist' regime. (p. 356) This was suitable since 'communism' failed to get a foothold in Germany in the 20s.

Lina, (pp. 363-364) on identifying the financiers—"The agreement between Hitler and the bankers in June 1929 was signed among others by John D. Rockefeller, Jr, J. H. Carter (Guaranty Trust Company, The National City Bank of New York), the banker Tommy Walker, and President of the United States Herbert Clark Hoover (1929-1933), most of them high-ranking freemasons. The press mogul William Randolph Hearst (Consolidated Publications) was also present at this meeting. This important information former economics professor Antony Sutton gives in his book "Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler" (Sudbury, England, 1976). The information was verified and made more specific by the German politician and author G. Schmalbrock."

"In total, Hitler received at least 32 million dollars from the American financiers (Morgan, Lamont, Rockefeller, Kuhn, Loeb & Company, General Electric Company, National City Bank and others) between 1929 and 1932 (Antony Sutton, op. cit., p. 134)." (p. 371) In 2024, that's equivalent to about $672,000,000 US, or about £527,000,000, which could be spent on e.g. propaganda.

Hitler himself was apparently a freemason. Lina's evidence (which I haven't verified, but will check later) includes Franz Bardon's book Frabato the Magician (1979); Norman MacKenzie's book Secret Societies (1967) and Rudolf von Sebottendorf's book The Magicians (1933), which the Nazis banned. Additionally, Lina discusses Hitler's supposedly non-coincidental freemasonic gestures, for example, the essential sign: arms crossed on the chest (the sign of the grandmaster, the symbol of power).

Lina also discussed how the German economy under Hitler was directed by the freemasonic director of the national bank, Hjalmar Schacht. Many Hitler advocates marvel at the recovery of the German economy under the Nazis. The economic recovery obviously helped the Nazis gain the trust of the German population. However, at the same time, the Nazis arguably wasted vast amounts of money and manufacturing capabilities to prepare for a war pursuant of Jewish interests.

Lina is good on how high-ranking freemasons in America funded both the USSR and Germany before and during World War II. For example—"Throughout the war, Rockefeller's oil tankers supplied fuel for Hitler's submarines, enabling them to successfully sink American ships. The submarines were refuelling usually in the immediate vicinity of the Canary Islands (Charles Higham, "Trading with the Enemy", New York, 1984, p. 61). The Jewish historian Ladislas Farago, at the time working for the American intelligence, agreed: "Hitler's submarine war against British-American shipping during the winter 1942-1943 was a success thanks to the help he received from Rockefeller." ("The Silent War", Stockholm, 1956, p. 77). (pp. 449-450)

Nazism created a climate in Europe that scared Jews into emigrating, often to Israel, since other countries refused to accept Jews. On the back-end of World War II, the phony 'Holocaust' helped the state of Israel gain sympathy to exist, despite their arrogation of land—"The Nazis wanted to do everything to accommodate the Zionists demand for as many Jews as possible to settle in Palestine. In 1933, the Hitler administration and the Zionist Central Organization signed an agreement for the Jewish emigration to Palestine. There were so many new settlers that many Arabs suspected Hitler of being Jewish and a crypto-Zionist. In 1934 alone, 120 000 German Jews emigrated to Palestine. Until September 1940, 500 000 Jews from Germany and from occupied Poland had emigrated to Palestine. In 1950, it was claimed from official Jewish sources that the total amount of Jews in Palestine from various European countries only amounted to 80 000. As many as 420 000 of those present were listed as gassed in the camps. Even though they were alive and well in Israel, the Zionists considered them victims of the holocaust and demanded retribution for them (Weckert, "Feuerzeichen: Die Reichskristallnacht" / "The Kristallnacht: A Beacon", Tubingen, 1981)." (pp. 399-400) However, at the same time, only a chosen few Germans were allowed to travel abroad, even in the 30s before wartime. (p. 384)

Harry Truman, President, freemason and grand master of the Grand Lodge of Missouri (1940-41) was reported in the New York Times on 24 June 1941 as stating—"If we see that Germany is winning, we ought to help Russia, and if Russia is winning, we ought to help Germany. And that way let them kill as many as possible." (p. 448) What a nasty prick. This statement implies the maximisation of goyim deaths thesis re WW2.

Flaws of this Book

Lina accepts some almost certainly nonsense concepts such as feng shui and karma, which he didn't provide any evidence for. Lina also thought Darwin's "doctrines" were false, without saying why [however, Alfred Wallace was the originator of the theory of evolution]. (p. 338) While these views aren't intrusive to the thrust of the book, when they crop up, they make Lina appear weak from an evidential standpoint.

Lina makes some assertions without supporting them with evidence. Here's an example, from page 472—"Freemasonry instigated the civil war in Switzerland in 1847-1848 to guarantee a political power base in the government." Well, how did they do it? No explanation.

Some explanations of events in this book are out of date, but for 2004, Lina did well. For example, Lina gave credence to the mythology of nuclear weapons and the (likely fake) JFK assassination, which were convincingly revised a few years later.

The introduction to the book did not rope me in. I found the book to be a bit of a slog at first until it really picked up. But it's worth pursuing for the good parts, in my view.


Here's a quote from Lina's conclusions—"Unless we understand the history of freemasonry, we are unable to understand anything important about the actual history of mankind. When we understand this, we can see that the freemasons are the enemies of mankind. The freemasons are like a virus that has entered into the weakened cells of society, taking over it, and ruling it."

Lina hopes for the future. He thought 'karma' will have a retaliatory effect on freemasons and other evildoers. Lina presented no evidence for karma, and this line of thinking is, honestly, a cop-out. In the end, if you care to discover the truth about freemasons and their immense lies and crimes, this book is a great starting point, or reference point. However, expect loose ends and take some of Lina's claims with a pinch of salt.

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