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Deception Psychosis

Rae West 9 March 2019. (Slightly enlarged)

H J Eysenck was born in 1916 (in Berlin) and by the time of the Second World War was in Britain. He 'worked as a psychologist at the war-time Mill Hill Emergency Hospital'. (Mill Hill, north London, has a synagogue, which played a part in anti-white 'Jew' activities). He gives evidences of Jewish ancestry, including a show-business background and dislike of Hitler as understood at the time. Both his wives, if you can find their names, probably thought they were Jewish.
      Eysenck was opposed, or appeared to be opposed, by post-war Jewish-funded street types; it's quite amusing to read about it all and try to decode the various lies and memes: Eysenck opposed the idea that all people are the same, which indeed is nonsense; and presumably believed Jews were superior, though of course he couldn't say so directly. The tomato-throwing opponents may have believed in Jewish superiority, though most of them were hired, and had little idea of the Jewish background, which was very carefully censored.
      Eysenck's lab was revealed to have obtained £800K from a tobacco fund. He wrote voluminously on psychology—at least 60 books—including on psychic abilities. He thought tough-minded vs tender-minded made sense, wrote popular books, and did his best to wreck Freud—in my view, more through the sense that Freud's absurd Jewish beliefs would tend to expose unwanted Jewishness than through unscientific bases. He wrote an essay The Psychology of Anti-Semitism (published by 1953) consisting mostly of questionnaire results from the United States and England—not from the USSR! And with nothing whatever on Jewish beliefs. A truly astonishing work of uninformative emptiness. Internal vocabulary evidence suggests it's based on, or influenced by, the 1950 book Authoritarian Personality by Adorno and others. It seems entirely possible that Eysenck was on the fringes of intelligence, probably given the rôle of following the (((British))) policy of not mentioning Jews, and torturing Germans. I'd guess he was regarded as a German or German Jewish authority; he received his PhD at 24, suspiciously young. One has to wonder about his wartime experiences; he must have seen and heard a few unpleasant things. Even his model of human personality—excitation and inhibition, stimulants and depressants, extraversion and introversion, psychosis and neurosis—has a sinister tinge: there's nothing about ideas and beliefs, which many people would consider central to psychology. (This missing aspect may have led to the promotion of Chomsky; his fake humanitarianism and timewasting stuff did nothing to help decode Jewish lies—consider the heavily-promoted, sixty years later, Jordan Peterson, whose Jewish neologisms and contorted phrasing continue to remain unexamined and unridiculed, just as most people seem unable to say useful things about sermons, ads, fake news.
      Here's my review The Battle for the Mind, a debate between a Jew, Kamin, and Eysenck. At this date, I'd suggest that interested people try to test the hypothesis that Eysenck was controlled opposition, used to suggest some absurd position, like Kamin's, was in any way serious. Something similar happened later with The Bell Curve with its featherweight treatment of Gauss's normal distribution, and its implicit individualism—if any population is a victim of mass deaths, the details of IQ hardly matter.
      Anyway, to get to the point, I remember from one of Eysenck's books something like this: "In Berlin in the 1920s there was a time of tremendous inflation in prices. One account states that a wheelbarrow of notes was needed to buy a loaf of bread. Some patients of psychologists lost track of the meaning of numbers. They would say for example that their age is 154 million, or they walked 4500 miles to the surgery. This was called Inflation Psychosis ..." (I'd be grateful for the accurate version, if a reader has it. Note that the phrase 'inflation psychosis' has been changed in meaning, in typical Jew oratorical style).

      DECEPTION PSYCHOSIS. I'd like to suggest that an effect of constant Jew-controlled propaganda is to cause large numbers of people to resign themselves to a state of permanent lack of understanding of the world. Like the victims of hyperinflation, they abandoned understanding. The 'sayanim' types who are paid to lie for Jews often enough say "You blame da Joos for everything. I suppose you blame da Joos for the weather!" The reply "I blame Jews for things they are responsible for" seems out of their limited range. But victims of deception psychosis can't manage to think of that.

      The 'Flat Earth' promotional push (Here's my 2015 post) seems to be just one test, and in fact seems quite successful in getting to people without basic knowledge of the solar system, and who seem unable to think through it, like the inflation psychosis victims.
      Suppose the earth is flat, like a big table. The Himalayas are about 5 miles high. The Himalayas would be visible from anywhere on earth—if it's flat. But they aren't. The whole thing is Jew-promoted crap.
      There is refraction and there are limits to how far the human eye can see and how close devices can bring an object to the eye. You think you can see a sun that is 93 million miles away but that is pure nonsense. There is NO proof of the curve the Earth has to have if it were a sphere. It is not a sphere. Show me proof of the curve and I will believe. Try and contemplate that every single thing in your assumption is based on faulty--no, fake--information. They tell us these things, with no evidence, because they want to discount and completely discredit God. They want us to feel small, insignificant and not special. They tell us we are animals. They say we came from nothing. They say there are billions like us. They say the Others are smarter than us. It's all fake. There is no billion miles of "space." There may not be a vacuum, I don't actually know. No one does. There is a sun and moon and there are stars in the firmament that separates the waters above from the waters below. The dome is impenetrable. The US fired nuclear weapons at it in the 1950s and nothing happened. There is one video that shows something like a crack but it heals instantly. We don't know the dimensions of the Earth but it is a circle. So seeing something billions of miles away is a theory. It is a supposition based on fake data.
      You may have been misled by the expression 'ball earth'. A 'ball' is something quite small, say a few inches across up to a foot or so. The earth is a huge sphere, not a ball
      NO. I am trying to explain to you what THEY say about THEIR THEORY that the Earth is a massive ball spinning in "space." THEY say that the Earth's circumference is 24,000 miles, yes? Therefore their math says, and I agree with this, that the Earth MUST curve 8 inches for every mile of distance squared, to achieve that dimension in a sphere. It must. There is no debate. This is not controversial. But it has NEVER been demonstrated. It is not about seeing it. It is about proving it. So they need to show the oceans or a large body of water curving to that degree over distance. Instead, all we have are ample and regular proofs that there is in fact 0 curve. NO curve. None. Zero. Nada. No curve. No curve, no sphere. It's that simple.
      It curves slowly, and you can't use a ruler to show it. And the earth's surface has irregularities. But you can see it's not straight. It's just a very big rough sphere
      [And so on...]

      Here's the lawyer and literary/historical researcher Nicholas Ennos: It is interesting to look at psychiatry in general as a Jewish fraud. I think what is essentially fraudulent about it is that people who are suffering mentally are blamed for their own suffering, whereas it is usually caused by an outside element. This avoids having to examine and criticise this outside element. In particular people live in a culture of lies which cannot be healthy for their brains.

      It's curious to see how people find great difficulty in recovering from intensive lying. I suspect this is a genetic legacy, perhaps dating back to the origins of language in early people. Possibly parasitic Jewish evolution has managed to home in on this. A perfect example is the 'Great War', started in 1914, and 1917 in the USA: large numbers of writers, commentators, 'intellectuals', soldiers and sailors, and just plain ordinary people contributed their thoughts, but the minority of Jew-aware people made hardly any impression. (Hilaire Belloc was one of the few to write on this, but even he was caught up in Roman Catholicism and French anti-Germanism).

There's a morass of semi-popular psychological material out there, dominated by Jew money. In England, this probably started in about 1880-1900, as Jews poured into London's east end, and continued to invade in the early part of the century, usually with fake names. In fact, English psychologists noticed what they called psychosis, behaviour with no conscience, but failed, or were prevented, from saying the patients described themselves as Jews. (I see I've lost my source for this).

Freud was of course another part of the Jewish infiltration of psychology. (Note the possible pun on 'Id' and yid. And the possibility of the 'Superego' being 'Yahweh'.)

In the USA, let me mention Morton Prince, on multiple personalities/ dissociative identities, who had some influence.

There must have been psychological activity in the Second World War: pilots of bombers who feared being shot down had 'weak moral fibre' or something similar stamped on their records, though I imagine there were more serious consequences too. There was of course crude censorship of atrocities, and of Jewish money, used ruthlessly to enrich Jews.

US war crimes in Korea led to popular paperbacks on 'brainwashing', regarded as Chinese and as an actual technology. Here's a piece on "Brainwashing" to hide US war crimes, though weakened by commenters unable to understand the issues.

Jews who invented anti-white material included Milgram, Zimbardo, Asch, Cohen, Aumann. Milgram has sparked some rather feeble controversy on his methods and results. It's true that any critics or commentators who don't discuss the Jewish aspect are simple controlled opposition, dancing verbally and inelegantly for paper money and credit. Such things can continue almost indefinitely—frauds like Margaret Mead and Freud and Jewish Holocaust liars and NASA illustrate the processes.
      On the other side, we have Hillman on schizophrenia who however got nowhere, the fate so far of academic psychology.