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How to Destroy America in Three Easy Steps   by   Benjamin Shapiro
Review by Chris Caskie

destroy america
11 January 2024
Rating: 1 star

Chapter 1: The American Philosophy
Chapter 2: Disintegrating American Philosophy
Chapter 3: The American Culture
Chapter 4: The Disintegrationist Culture
Chapter 5: The American History
Chapter 6: Disintegrating American History

Ben Shapiro (I’ll call him Benny to be subtly disparaging) is a commentator in America who has received a considerable following, for example, on Youtube, amidst the chronic censorship of serious commentators. Benny identifies as a ‘modern Orthodox’ Jew. These Jews tone down some of the more archaic and embarrassing traditions, at least in the public sphere. However, they still accept many of the erroneous, absurd and supremacist fundamentals, which include unfair double standards when dealing with non-Jews. How to Destroy America in 3 Easy Steps (2020) is one of Benny’s most popular books. My motivation for reviewing it is noticing his apparent popularity and disliking his arguments and personality, like many others. So I thought I’ tackle one of his recent books from the vantage point of being Jew-aware and see how wrong it really is.

Immediately, we have 3 red flags: Published by HarperCollins, promoted on Amazon, and endorsed by the Jew York Times. HarperCollins is a hyper-conventional publishing titan. Amazon has a record of censoring books that rock the Jewish boat. At the time of writing, this book has accumulated several thousand 5-star reviews on Amazon, but perhaps some of the reviews are fake. His endorsement from the Jew York Times is brandished on the cover. According to Benny, the Jew York Times has a ‘liberal’ bias. So why is endorsing him if he claims ‘iberals’ are censoring him? In reality, it’s just one of many promotional propaganda institutions, promoting endless mediocre Jew after Jew. It’s been run by Jews since its inception, the most famous owners being the Sulzbergers. At this point, almost any non-fiction book endorsed by the Jew York Times will be inaccurate, or just plain rubbish. Let’s find out...

The cover art struck me as a bit tasteless. The colours are a nod to Benny’s promotion of blind patriotism: red, white and blue. The font is very safe. The central image looks like something lazily done in Microsoft paint or something. The formatting isn’t bad, but could have been better. The contents have subsections, but they are not denoted in the contents. The book includes many hyperlinked citations, an awful lot of famous people: US Presidents, ‘founding fathers’, ‘enlightenment’ thinkers, with some Internet articles mixed in. Here’s a sampler: Martin Luther King, Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, Alexander Hamilton, Plato, Aristotle, Adam Smith, John Locke, Thomas Paine, Abraham Lincoln, James Madison, Karl Marx, Barack Obama, Woodrow Wilson, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Lyndon B. Johnson, etc—a rogues’ gallery of Jewish frauds, whom Benny is echoing. How to Destroy America probably has too many citations, as if Benny was unfocused, which I think this book shows.

My copy is a free online PDF, without page numbers (the actual book isn’t worth 10 cents). Pretty much from the beginning, Benny pushes the left versus right paradigm in a divisive manner. Benny doesn’t point out the now well-known reality that the left versus right paradigm is part of a divide and rule strategy, implemented with worrying success by rich Jews and freemasons, notably in America. Benny must understand that much corruption is mutual on both main political sides, but yet he advocates for the republican side. Both the democrats and republicans have long been controlled by Jews, with administrations full of Jews, and heavily funded by Jews. For example, Biden and Trump’s administrations employed more than 50% known Jews. Moreover, most/all presidents have probably been Jews (this can be deduced from various things, including their relations to ‘British’ royalty, documented e.g. by Burke’s Peerage), and about a third freemasons (according to Paul A. Fisher in Behind the Lodge Door, 1994). Revisionist breakthroughs of this caliber are absent from Shapiro’s recycled tribal scribblings.

Benny’s 3 steps to destroy America are:

      1.“Convincing citizens that some people will have to sacrifice their existing rights in order for others to have new ones.”
      2.“Undermining our culture of rights in favor of a culture of protection by government.”
      3.“Convincing citizens that America represents fruit of the poisonous tree: that America was founded in evil, and that there is no arc to history.”

Benny has (or pretends to have) nostalgia for the ideas American society championed in the past, which he argues are disintegrating. Through his boring meanderings, he, of course, omits the truth about Jewish control of the African slavetrade in America and hence the related economics (refer to work by e.g. The Nation of Islam). Why would Benny omit this fact? Many Jews in positions like Benny are insecure about truth and have a vested interest in bogus narratives. In any event, Benny would rather opine about philosophical humdrum. Benny’s comments on the American Civil War, Lincoln, etc, are, of course, unrevisionary. Benny discusses American ideals, including standing up for freedom. All the people Benny quotes are well-known people, showing that Benny hasn’t researched deeply. He just parrots generic American mantras, being intellectually bankrupt.

In discussing ethical values, Benny laughably cites Genesis from the Bible, stating that humans were created in “God’s image”. Benny, naturally, omits the kaleidoscope of evil material in the Bible, supporting mass murder, enslavement, rape, torture, human sacrifice, and so on. There are in fact commandments in Benny’s religion to kill non-Jews, because they are non-Jews. For example, commandment 598: Wipe out the descendants of Amalek—Deuteronomy 25:19. Jews have followed these. Case in point, Jews mass murdered 1.5 million Armenians in the 1910s whom they identified as ‘Amalekites’ (mythical enemies of Jews). You’re more likely to win a million dollar lottery than find Benny being honest about such issues.

Benny likes strawman arguments. For example, Benny claims critics of America say things like “American culture was racist and cruel” and “American history was a litany of abuses.” But these statements are caricatures. Do people seriously make these facile arguments? Maybe casually. It’s not that simple of a question. Benny constantly encourages thinking in black and white terms, like his old hat left versus right game. He wants you to believe something like all ‘iberals’ say X and they are categorically wrong, without attention to nuance, fixating on simple, boneheaded binaries. Benny also doesn’t distinguish between liberals who have good intentions and belligerent phonies, like much of Antifa.

Benny discusses ‘disintegrationists’, i.e. people who think that the USA should be divided into smaller countries. Benny does not mention any plans activists have proposed to ‘balkanise&lrsquo; the USA, which would make for potentially prescient material. For example, the movements for Californian independence and North-Western independence. Benny does not consider people of different political persuasions who are interested in America splitting into different factions. Different nationalist groups agree and disagree on different aspects of balkanisation. Benny missed a golden opportunity to discuss all this.

Benny apparently thinks America is the “greatest country in the history of the world.” Well, maybe for Jews. America is, in reality, far less flash than Ben makes it out to be. America is 30+ trillion in debt; has a large knowledge economy with a stupefying output of media rubbish; many Americans work excessive hours; healthcare is notoriously exorbitant; illegal immigration is out of control; the US has been at war for most of its years of existence, at the expense of taxpayers; the US has a poor quality education system, including Bible-in-schools rubbish; the US’ supposed freedom of speech is a myth, since many people are unemployed for having certain views; the US has very geographically disparate concentrations of power, with the northeast and California, for example, having far more power than other regions. On the whole, America is arguably too big of a country to manage and in practice is more like an empire. Benny doesn’t come close to offering solutions for any of these issues, being mired in passe ideas and values. Benny is a typically impractical Jewish thinker, relying on vague values and acting as if beliefs will take care of everything. Some religious Jews think America represents ‘Edom’, the successor of the Roman Empire, and they ought to be destroyed. After all Americans have done for Jews, Jews are happy to jettison them. Benny is much the same—he doesn’t really care. He’s just found a niche where he can make money and have some semblance of intellect.

Benny sells, at this time, 15 other books, such as one on how television is controlled by the ‘left’. You have to laugh. The evidence of Jewish control is monumental. Benny lies to his audience and rips them off with bullshit. Well then, what use is this book? This book is a rock-solid example of Jewish propaganda, evading truth and masquerading as revelatory. It’s a drop in an ocean of propaganda sewage, disseminated and praised courtesy of Jewish ownership and promotion. I hope people learn to discern trash books like this one in future.

CC 11 Jan 2024