william luther pierce

William Luther Pierce   1933-2002

Important Note:   Click (loads in another tab) for pdf file of English transcripts of Pierce's talks. They're probably accurate and can save enormous time—the audio files in total are much slower to listen to.

Pierce (say Internet sources) was of English, Scottish, and Irish descent, the family being on the southern side in the 'Civil War', and part of the southern aristocracy, reduced to a 'working class existence'.
      He was too young both for the Second World War and Korean War; he graduated in physics in 1955 at Rice University, Houston. In 1962 he got a PhD from Boulder University, Colorado; I don't know details of his thesis. Easily-accessed online biographies are mostly by Jewish race/group supremacists—the ADL, SPLC, (((British))) Guardian newspaper, and so on. He could have claimed to genuinely be a 'rocket scientist'. He reminds me of the transistor man, William Bradford Shockley Jr. (1910 – 1989) who of course was older.
      I haven't found clear online evidence of his attitude to issues including the following:–

Pierce was famous for his part in the National Alliance (1974), and for writing two books: The Turner Diaries (1978; written as Andrew MacDonald) and Hunter (1989; also written as Andrew MacDonald, about a 'Vietnam Veteran'). And he was famous for involvement with a now-notorious fake activist. He also invented 'cosmotheism', based on Charles Darwin and Bernard Shaw, for which he got tax-exempt status. Amusingly, some Jews said it was a bogus religion—they prefer to reserve bogus religions for themselves.

Pierce was over 60 when he started his broadcasts, which became technically possible with the advent of Internet in about 1997. He lived through the time of Clinton and 9/11, but died at 68 in 2002, too early to watch the 9/11 fake story develop, with the resulting (((American))) Wars. I'm not aware personally of ever hearing of him around 1997.

It is possible he was just another agent, part of 'intelligence': he doesn't sound like a novelist, he sold the rights to a Jew, he doesn't seem to have done much about US wars of aggression, his struggles over the Oklahoma bombings may have been planned, his broadcasts were partly (but not very) suppressed, he did not do much work on the 'Civil War', his southern ancestors might have been allied with Jews, he doesn't seem to have done anything on Lincoln and Kennedy and other fake assassinations, he didn't do much on the Vietnam War, he did nothing on China; at least, I get these impressions. But after all he died about twenty years ago, when many whites were pitifully ignorant, and many complications weren't well known.
      But below I've listed his talks (which were scripted, not spontaneous) so far as they seem to exist. American Dissident Voices is supposed to have had a weekly radio broadcast, presumably by wireless transmission, by Pierce, but the digital recordings here start in 1996. They are about 25 minutes, in .ogg format, the mp3-style compression technique which is unrestricted. They came as one single zip file, but it may have been too large to upload.

I tend to regard these talks as types of sermon, aiming to change people's minds as a continual, long term process.

Here's the text of Pierce in Feb 16 2002 on financial frauds, Jews, and Gentiles: Enron, Fastow, and the Looting of America. Michael Milken, Ivan Boesky, Marty Siegel, Dennis Levine, Martin Frankel, Sholam Weiss, the New Square Four - Chaim Berger, Kalmen Stern, David Goldstein, Jacob Elbaum. And Marc Rich, Pincus Green. This file should presumably be Pierce-20020216-EnronFastow....ogg, but isn't in my list. Possibly therefore it's a version edited by Jews; I don't know. But if the list was edited, I'd guess missing files might be the best files, and the most carefully researched.
      I don't know if there's a definitive list. But American Dissident Voices (Feb 2021) is at a Wordpress site called racskins which has transcripts, edited by Shane Webster. Here's the same pdf of Pierce's American Dissident Voices, about 10MB of transcripts, moved to this site. It says for Europeans and not for sale; so I presume copyright is OK.
      For more details, I can only suggest searching for 'American Dissident Voices' and 'National Alliance'.

Note on videos: I found this video, edited by 'Norsewolf', dated I think 2001, from Dr William Pierce TV.   It's about 250 MB long.   It's based on a 'paper' from someone called Steinlight on the Jewish policy of forced immigration into the USA. I haven't been able to find whether his video channel(s) ever flourished.

Pierce-19961221- Get Ready For War
Pierce-19961228- The End Of The Millennium
Pierce-19970104- The Rule Of Law
Pierce-19970111- Thoughts On Discrimination
Pierce-19970118- Hope For The Future
Pierce-19970125- Skating On Thin Ice
Pierce-19970201- Shakespeare And Democracy
Pierce-19970208- Thoughts On The Holocaust
Pierce-19970215- Time To Stop Listening
Pierce-19970222- The Nature Of Patriotism
Pierce-19970301- The Jewish Problem
Pierce-19970308- On Church-goers
Pierce-19970315- How Liberals Think
Pierce-19970322- Time To Do Whats Right
Pierce-19970329- Focusing Our Anger
Pierce-19970405- What Terrifies Americas Enemies
Pierce-19970412- Toward A Healthy Society
Pierce-19970419- Remember What Happened To Anwar Sadat
Pierce-19970426- Allen Ginsberg Media ModelFo
Pierce-19970503- Marriage And White Survival
Pierce-19970510- Slime At The Top
Pierce-19970517- The Clinton White House
Pierce-19970524- The Women Of Monte Cassino
Pierce-19970531- Right And Wrong
Pierce-19970607- Day Of Infamy
Pierce-19970614- The Morality Of Immigration
Pierce-19970621- Why Our Government Is Corrupt
Pierce-19970628- The Campaign Against Hate
Pierce-19970705- The New World Order
Pierce-19970712- The Importance Of Courage
Pierce-19970719- Patriots Vs. Jews
Pierce-19970726- The Meaning Of Affirmative Action
Pierce-19970802- The Psychology Of Political Correctness
Pierce-19970809- Closer To The Broom
Pierce-19970816- Who Are The Haters
Pierce-19970823- The Feminization Of America
Pierce-19970830- The Giant Gold Robbery
Pierce-19970906- Time Of The Bonfire
Pierce-19970913- Contrasts
Pierce-19970920- The Looting Of America
Pierce-19970927- The Wages Of Liberalism
Pierce-19971004- Race And Slavery
Pierce-19971011- The Slippery Minority
Pierce-19971018- In Your Ear Mr.Clinton
Pierce-19971025- The Promise Keepers
Pierce-19971101- The Wrecking Of Our Schools
Pierce-19971108- The Lesson Of Haiti
Pierce-19971115- The Tragedy Of Chautauqua County
Pierce-19971122- Exposing The Warmongers
Pierce-19971129- What Is A Patriot To Do
Pierce-19971206- The White Farmers Of Zimbabwe
Pierce-19971213- Brainwashing Our Children
Pierce-19971220- Toward A Sane Society
Pierce-19971227- The Criminal In The White House
Pierce-19980103- Thoughts On free Trade
Pierce-19980117- Why Society Is Nuts
Pierce-19980124- Jews And The White Slave
Pierce-19980131- Responding To Evil
Pierce-19980200- A Question Of Sanity
Pierce-19980207- Bill And Monica
Pierce-19980214- Sinking Of The Wilhelm Gustloff
Pierce-19980221- Bill Monica And Saddam
Pierce-19980228- Jewish Policy Against Iraq
Pierce-19980307- Check Your Blankets And Candlese
Pierce-19980314- Clintons Legacy
Pierce-19980321- The Theft Of Our Freedom
Pierce-19980328- Replacing Shakespeare With MalcolmX
Pierce-19980404- Judicial Insanity And Schoolyards
Pierce-19980411- Building Understanding
Pierce-19980418- The Mestizo Menace
Pierce-19980502- The School Problem
Pierce-19980509- Cowardice And Individualism
Pierce-19980516- Paying The Organizatsiya
Pierce-19980523- Nationalism Vs. The New World Order
Pierce-19980530- How To Improve Our Souls
Pierce-19980606- The Lesson Of Africa
Pierce-19980613- The Genocide At Vinnitsa
Pierce-19980620- Democracy
Pierce-19980628- Lew Bill Tupac And Mitchell
Pierce-19980704- More On Reparations
Pierce-19980711- Thinking About A White Future
Pierce-19980718- Thoughts On The Fourth Of July
Pierce-19980725- Superman Volkswagen And Laza
Pierce-19980801- The Romanovs Child Porn And
Pierce-19980808- The Lesson Of Amy Biehl
Pierce-19980815- Media Myths
Pierce-19980822- David Geffen Steven Spielberg Jeffrey Katzenberg
Pierce-19980829- The Fayetteville Murders
Pierce-19980905- The Russian Economy
Pierce-19980912- The Coming Of The New Elites
Pierce-19980919- A Confluence Of Crises
Pierce-19980926- Fashion For Genocide
Pierce-19981003- A Closer Look At The Enemy
Pierce-19981010- The Anti-defamation League
Pierce-19981017- The Millennium Bug
Pierce-19981024- Corruption Of Americas Police
Pierce-19981031- Hate Crimes
Pierce-19981107- The Lesson Of South Africa
Pierce-19981114- Aesops Fables The Rules Of Engagement
Pierce-19981121- Why War
Pierce-19981128- What We Owe Sam Dash
Pierce-19981205- Tribes
Pierce-19981219- Time To Water The Tree Of Liberty
Pierce-19981226- Clintons War
Pierce-19990102- The Holocaust Shakedown
Pierce-19990109- The Clinton Popularity Polls
Pierce-19990116- The Limits Of Toleration
Pierce-19990122- When The Barriers Come Down
Pierce-19990130- Choosing A Barbie Doll
Pierce-19990206- Thoughts On Accepting Responsibility
Pierce-19990213- Aids And The Cult Of Equality
Pierce-19990220- Lawyers
Pierce-19990227- Odysseus Way
Pierce-19990306- A Trial In Jasper
Pierce-19990313- Special Treatment
Pierce-19990320- What Theyre Aiming For
Pierce-19990327- Stopping The Hijacking Of America
Pierce-19990403- Hands Off Yugoslavia
Pierce-19990410- Why The Jews Want War
Pierce-19990417- What Makes Madeleine Run
Pierce-19990424- The New World Order
Pierce-19990501- Lies Murder And Jews
Pierce-19990508- The End Of Patriotism
Pierce-19990515- The Bigger War
Pierce-19990522- The Value Of Talk
Pierce-19990529- Fooling The People
Pierce-19990605- State-sponsored Terrorism
Pierce-19990612- Our Revolutionary Right
Pierce-19990619- How They Rule
Pierce-19990626- Smell The Blood
Pierce-19990703- Lies And Consequences
Pierce-19990710- Hate Speech
Pierce-19990717- The Division Of America
Pierce-19990724- Enemies Of Liberty
Pierce-19990731- Kennedy Barak And Revolution
Pierce-19990807- Authoritarianism And Oz
Pierce-19990814- BoschbinLaden
Pierce-19990821- Killing Little Children
Pierce-19990828- Bat Guano And Hate Speech
Pierce-19990904- Jewish Democracy
Pierce-19990911- Shuffling Toward The Slaughter
Pierce-19990918- Seeing The Forest
Pierce-19990925- The Jews And The Senators
Pierce-19991002- Hardheaded Altruism
Pierce-19991009- Hypocrisy And Democracy
Pierce-19991016- Individualism And Alienation
Pierce-19991023- Clintons Call For Tolerance
Pierce-19991030- The New Protocols
Pierce-19991106- Fighting Together For The Future
Pierce-19991113- Germany And America
Pierce-19991120- Tribal Thinking
Pierce-19991127- A Better Future
Pierce-19991204- Books And Freedom
Pierce-19991211- Thoughts On Government
Pierce-19991218- Deliberate Deception
Pierce-19991225- Woe To Our Peoples Enemies
Pierce-20000101- How To Bring Down The House
Pierce-20000108- Illusion And Leverage
Pierce-20000115- Capitalism And Equality
Pierce-20000122- Avalanche
Pierce-20000129- Reality Check
Pierce-20000205- Lies And The History Channel
Pierce-20000212- The Club
Pierce-20000219- The Hurricane
Pierce-20000226- Elites Vs. Masses
Pierce-20000304- Fear Of The Smear
Pierce-20000311- The Killing Of Kayla
Pierce-20000318- The Health Of The Nation
Pierce-20000325- Returning Fire
Pierce-20000401- The Wages Of Selfishness
Pierce-20000408- Storm Break Loose
Pierce-20000415- Zimbabwe Liberal Consequences
Pierce-20000422- Horror In Rhodesia
Pierce-20000429- To Be Or Not To Be
Pierce-20000506- Shielding Evil
Pierce-20000513- Moral Aids
Pierce-20000520- Our Task
Pierce-20000527- Termites
Pierce-20000603 -Basics
Pierce-20000610 -Images
Pierce-20000617- Music Of Rebellion
Pierce-20000624- Black Is Good White Is Bad
Pierce-20000701- The Evil Among Us
Pierce-20000708- The Nature Of The Beast
Pierce-20000715- Rubes And Carnies
Pierce-20000722- The Jewish Mob In America
Pierce-20000729- Faustian Spirit And Political Correctness
Pierce-20000805- Survival Essentials
Pierce-20000812- The Significance Of The Holocaust
Pierce-20000819- Joe Lieberman And Judaism
Pierce-20000826- Behind Americas Moral Decay
Pierce-20000902- The Chinese Invasion
Pierce-20000909- The Case Of Hendrik Moebus
Pierce-20000916- Feasting On The Sheep
Pierce-20000923- Whats Important
Pierce-20000930- Justice Vs. Power
Pierce-20001007- There Will Be Hell To Pay
Pierce-20001014- Why Do They Do It
Pierce-20001021- The Corrupters
Pierce-20001028- Down The Slippery Slope
Pierce-20001104- Defying The Censors
Pierce-20001111- I Need Your Support
Pierce-20001118- LordyLordy Payback Time Is Near
Pierce-20001125- Corrupting Our Police
Pierce-20001202- Biopolitics
Pierce-20001209- Conditioning For Death
Pierce-20001216- A White World
Pierce-20001223- Race Suicide
Pierce-20001230- What We CanDo
Pierce-20010106- Those Who Care
Pierce-20010113- Draw Your Own Conclusions
Pierce-20010120- Mtv And Hate
Pierce-20010127- Racial Fitness And Survival
Pierce-20010203- Child Porn Ecstasy And Pardons
Pierce-20010217- Sharon Rape And The Wizard O
Pierce-20010224- Marc Rich And The Rule Of Law
Pierce-20010303- Law And Shamrocks
Pierce-20010310- Seattles Fat Tuesday Riot
Pierce-20010317- Poisonous Doctrines
Pierce-20010324- Countering The Poison
Pierce-20010331- Diversity Is Our Strength
Pierce-20010407- As Ye Sow...
Pierce-20010414- Shocking Differences
Pierce-20010421 - Riot And Revolution
Pierce-20010428- Patriots Choice
Pierce-20010502- Journalists And Canadians
Pierce-20010505- Feces Fetuses Etc.
Pierce-20010512- The Morality Of Survival
Pierce-20010519- Sharing The Affliction
Pierce-20010526- A Riot In York
Pierce-20010602- Scalp Dance
Pierce-20010609- Behind Liberalism
Pierce-20010616- Murdering Iowa
Pierce-20010623- The Scorpion And The Frog
Pierce-20010630- Mike Wallaces Lesson
Pierce-20010707- Fast And Furious
Pierce-20010714- Why We Deserve Their Contempt
Pierce-20010721- The Jews Are Our Misfortune
Pierce-20010728- Subverting Freedom
Pierce-20010804- Time To Blast Our Enemies
Pierce-20010811- Demonstrating For Freedom
Pierce-20010818- To Be Or To Be Nice
Pierce-20010825- The Saga Of Yahweh BenYahweh
Pierce-20010901- Self-discipline And Moral Health
Pierce-20010908- When Unreason Rules
Pierce-20010915- Provocation And Response
Pierce-20010922- Who Is Guilty
Pierce-20010929- Regaining Control
Pierce-20011006- Americas Real Enemies
Pierce-20011013- Face Crime And Anthrax
Pierce-20011020- Advice For Patriots
Pierce-20011027- Send Them All Back
Pierce-20011103- Why Revolution Is Necessary
Pierce-20011110- Terrorism And Hate
Pierce-20011117- The Value Of Truth And Righteo
Pierce-20011124- Destroying Order
Pierce-20011201- An Awakening
Pierce-20011208- Great Masters Of The Lie
Pierce-20011215- The Club
Pierce-20011222- Labels
Pierce-20011229- The Greatest Betrayal
Pierce-20020105- Journalists And Canadians
Pierce-20020112- What Is Moral
Pierce-20020119- The Culture Of Lies
Pierce-20020406- A Fatal Influence
Pierce-20020413- Tiptoeing Around Our Problems
Pierce-20020420- The Beginning Of The End
Pierce-20020427- Two Crucial Tasks
Pierce-20020504- Democracy And Propaganda
Pierce-20020511- Philadelphia And Uganda
Pierce-20020518- A Third World War
Pierce-20020525- The Big Lie
Pierce-20020601- The Importance Of Leadership
Pierce-20020608- The Fbi The Adl And Christin
Pierce-20020615- The New Extremists
Pierce-20020622- The Consequences Of Corruption
Pierce-20020629- Mossad The Jewish Problem
Pierce-20020706- How It Fits Together
Pierce-20020713- A Question Of Sanity
Pierce-20020720- Katyn

Rae West.   First upload 27 Feb 2021     6 December 2021 I changed the files to .mp3 format, keeping the previous names. I expect .mp3 is better known. Both types are online together.

Several updates 5 September 2023.

Note (11) 3 June 2024,