by mooninquirer » 25 May 2011 05:09
rerevisionist ----- I'm with you on this one as well, Further, we have to ask ourselves, "what is the motivation on the lie about history ?"
When we say that the "Cold War is a hoax," we mean that both the US and the Soviet Union at the time of the Cold War were controlled ultimately by Jews, and its purpose was to justify America's support for Israel, and a huge investment in a military-industrial complex, so that Israel will ALSO be given a lot of weapons, to fight her more local neighbors. NOW, with the Soviet enemy gone, the Jews needed to create another bogus enemy to justify America's support for Israel.
When we say that WW I or WW II is a hoax, we are doing historical revisionism; we are not claiming that these wars did not occur, that there was no killing, etc., but that their PURPOSE has not been explained fully explained. WW I is just a war that cries out for explanation, especially from the perspective of why the US should have given even a rat's ass about entering it. One does not need to have seen / heard the Louis Farrakhan famous speech on the Federal Reserve, the Rothschilds, the international bankers, and WW I, OR need to have heard the BENJAMIN FREEDMAN SPEECH ( just google that ), to think that America's entry into WW I was VERY unjustified. This is one thing that the Jewish propagandists in the media, and who direct the curriculum taught in schools have done a very bad job, from their own perspective. The Jews did a good job of convincing Americans that WW II was a "good war," that America needed to enter because the Germans and Japanese were taking over the world, but that argument does NOT apply to WW I, and I daresay, that asking people why America entered WW I is a good way to shake up Americans, and to introduce historical revisionism, and the fact that elite Jews in power have pulled strings in getting America into wars, in this case for two purposes ---- to help create the state of Israel, and to bankrupt America, to make her more dependent on the newly created Federal Reserve to borrow money.
I would like to add that I don't think it would be possible for America to engage in any kind of WW I today, on the very flimsy excuse given ( the sinking of the Lusitania ). WW I involved a DRAFT. In modern times, the Zionists TRIED to use the attack upon the USS Cole as an excuse to get America to fight the Muslim world, with targets like the ( weak ) Taliban in Afghanistan, and especially Saddam's Iraq, as states that "harbored the terrorists" that attacked America. The hard line Zionist Jewish warmongers, which included several Jews in Bill Clinton's own cabinet, tried to get Bill Clinton to go along with war in Iraq in late 1997 and 1998. Clinton's Secretary of Defense, Bill Cohen, famously went on the show " This Week" and held up a 5 pound bag of sugar asking the hosts to imagine that it was a bag of anthrax spores, and that Saddam would dump this on a city. ( Cokie Roberts asked Bill Cohen "could you put that bag down, please ?" ) This was in November of 1997, and in January, the PNAC groups of neo-cons delivered a letter to Bill Clinton asking him to go to war with Saddam. Now, Bill Clinton did not ( except for lobbing cruise missiles at Iraq in December of 1998 as he was also being impeached by the House of Representatives ). But let's suppose that Bill Clinton went along with the full scale war, invasion, complete overthrow of Saddam, and occupation of Iraq, that the Zionists really wanted, in late 1997 and early 1998. Then, you BEST BELIEVE that there would have been NO constant reporting on the news of Bill Clinton's affair with Monica Lewinsky.
Also, the Jews wanted to measure the American public's appetite for war. That is why the three Jews, Bill Cohen, Madeleine Albright, and Sandy Berger, went around the country conducting town hall meetings to drum up support for a war with Iraq, in the winter of 1998, and the response they got was overwhelming disapproval. The look of disappointment on their faces is a real classic, and can be seen in this documentary ---- google : PBS FRONTLINE THE WAR BEHIND CLOSED DOORS.
The above documentary ALSO gives a very important clip of GW Bush telling his cabinet, at Camp David, on Sept 20, 2001, a few days after 911, that "Bin Laden is the PRIME SUSPECT." This should strike people as a rather odd thing for the commander in chief to be saying, given that America actually DID go to war in Afghanistan, and all of the fuss made in the media the next day after 911, that Osama bin Laden was responsible, with his face on the cover of EVERY magazine, and his face constantly on TV, and the current repetition in the media that Bin Laden was the mastermind behind 911. Note that GW Bush did not tell his cabinet that it was an absolute certainty that Bin Laden was behind 911, as the media had told the America public.
These are modern examples of historical revisionism, and I am giving them as examples of the string pulling that the Zionist Jews in power have done to orchestrate these wars. We have to ask ourselves, with respect to historic revisionism of China, what the Jews or anyone else in power has gotten from telling lies about history. I do NOT see China as being a puppet state of the Jews, because it is NOT going along with any type of warmongering toward Iran, and has a very large trading relationship with Iran. Further, the banking and media are state controlled in China, and there is no lobbying. There are very few Christians, let alone evangelical Christians in China, so I do NOT see that the Jews have access to the levers of power in China, like they do in America. Despite this, a half Jew, Gordon Duff, who I USED TO think was a good truth teller, put out a scare piece in which he stated that after the Jews destroy America, they are just going to go to China, and parasitize that country, and make it a puppet of Israel. I don't think that is going to happen at all, and while the Jews might go to another country like Canada to escape intense anti-Jew rioting in America ( as a result of a possible war with Iran, draft, food rationing and economic disruption ), I do not think they will be able to get any other country to be a puppet of Israel and to fight its wars. Without America, Israel will have nothing, and even assuming that any type of war with Iran is "won," it would require a MAINTENANCE of troops. Even assuming Israel completely gains control of the oil in the middle east, it would still have to DEFEND that from other countries, and without America as an ally, it will be in very dire straits.
I think the Jews should be much more circumspect in doing things that are going to greatly weaken America, because without America, Israel has no other friends in the world, that would also be willing to send LARGE numbers of troops to fight wars for Israel. This is stated by the late Tony Judt at the end of the following video ---- google : THE ISRAEL LOBBY