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Review of   Tolkien   Part of a series?

Rae West - 17 October 2023
Just brief comments on this recent movie, based on a TV viewing.

Biography of J R R Tolkien when young, at his college, plus some friends.

Broadly speaking, this is disappointing, for all the usual reasons.

The script is saddening, with waffle mostly from modern psychobabble, rather than then-contemporary undergraduate and romantic English. Much easier than unearthing phrasings of the time, despite their being available to people prepared to rummage about. There's not much excuse for slackness, since Internet has papers and books of the time. I found their use of "OK" painful, being of course more-or-less a 1945 coining.

The various bits of mise-en-scene are staged in ways which now seem inevitable conventions. The 'First World War' was done in the usual computer graphics plus figures. Nothing of course on the preparations for war behind the mask of democracy, or the obvious deliberate mass killings, or the mass acceptance fuelled by Jewish joy at war between goys. The oddity of schoolboys commanding other ranks is in there, but not commented.

All the four 'three musketeer' types, whether genuine or not, allowed lots of mutual praise, which of course is standard in Jewish film making: the audience won't know who to root for without being told. Obviously. The young Tolkien is shown wanting to switch to philology, with Derek Jacobi as the familiar white-bearded old chappie, trying to look serious after a lifetime of Jewish booming, here a professor. Incidentally the sheer rarity of professors, compared with the present day, is skated over.
      Oxbridge is treated as a slumbering arrangement of fossils; in fact it was part of the whole Jewish experiment, with Keynes as a spearhead, and with many technicians and supposed experts

I haven't checked any aspect of this film; for all I know one or two sequels may be on their way, including the Second World War, which will be treated in the established Jewish victory style—Churchill's fanaticism, sodomy and boozing cut out, Parliament's heavy control missing, brainless Americans, atrocity stories, Jewish ripples from underwater, Stalin a terrific ally—all the rubbish. At least the pronunciation of "Tolkien" was then accepted "Tolkeen".


Rae West   big-lies.org   17 October 2023 Top of Page