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Hedingham Castle interior. Click for brief account
Interior of Hedingham Castle, showing the Great Hall and Norman arch. Home of the young Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford.
Photo: M. Fowler. (Click pic for account of castle)
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Important note on Jews and laws
John Payne Collier; forger. Possible Jew?   Aug 2024
  De Vere News
Introduction & Overview of Case for de Vere
David Roper on the Stratford Monument
Coded Sonnets Dedication? Dr. John Rollett et al.
Derran Charlton: biog notes, and his reply to Kathman
Charles Burford: Importance of This Issue
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De Vere Society   AGM Apr 2000   Sep 2000   Jan 2001   AGM Apr 2001

1994 talk     2011 'Anonymous' - the film - reviewed     Later: Civil War, Great Fire

Update May 2024

Jews, their attitude to Laws, and relationship to Shakespeare authorship   A starting-point is law and the prophets, a phrase which has wormed its way into the west, possibly from Egypt or Babylon. 'Law' in the Jewish sense is imposed in a Kahal or Ghetto, in effect by a legal advisor, and is implacably hostile to outsiders, with no consideration for them (except fears). The West seems to have genuinely been concerned with truth and equity. But his was always unstable, and liable to be subverted by powers given to kings and others. Rule by lawyers or judges is Jewish.
      The idea of 'natural law' must have had such attitudes hiding in the wings, no doubt causing confusions.
      'French' revolutionists were Jews without clients: Danton, Desmoulins, Robespierre. The 'Russian revolution' was led by Jewish lawyers.
But what can this possibly have to do with Shakespeare? Well, start with The Merchant of Venice, which of course had lots of amateurish crits and comments. Shakespeare was considered an important writer, a supreme playwright and poet. He flourished at a time where changes in religions, nations, techniques, occurred, and also when Jewish incursions were threatening to grow (de Vere death, 1604; Civil Wars started 1642).
      It's all but certain that a serious writer would consider Jewish questions. Now, I read but can't relocate, an account of a 19th-century forger in England, name not known to me—I'll insert if someone finds it—who caused so much damage that the true originals may never be recovered, if indeed they existed. I'm making the obvious comment that such activity would be natural to a Jew anxious to hide facts about Jews.
      Back to The Merchant of Venice. I refer to the shetar, the 'Jewish Gage', a lien on property giving a huge bias to Jews. There must have been a lot of such legal material; and de Vere had studied Law and is praised for getting accurate fine detail in his plays.

Update November 2023

There's a 'new' BBC series supposedly on Shakespeare, in a number of parts. I can't be bothered to download them for reference. However, the outline appears to be the standard format for BBC 'history': A Jewish 'expert'*, a collection of people who know nothing and so are able to deliver absurd lines, and an adequate budget to be distributed to not-very-grateful hangers-on.
      There are a few relatively intellectual Jewish actors, opposing the ordinary view, such as Derek Jacobi, who I suppose may put in an appearance later. I'm out of touch with the de Vere Society, if it's still intact, and don't know if they have a corner assessing the Jewish part in life then. I doubt it.

Watch for the absence of anything on the propaganda power here, for example on war with Spain, Jews in Portugal, the 'pale' around Poland, and the Catholics and Reformation. It's odd to find no mention of the takeover of church assets, which was recent, then.

And watch for the 'expert', a Jew, Shapiro, from the USA, doing what comes naturally to Jews, viz. the endless repetition of past lies. Backed up by people such as Martin Freeman. And the old lady types such as Dench.
      *Jewish 'expert'? People unused to this factual and critical approach might consider Simon Schama, 'expert' on British history. Michael Portillo, ditto. Attenborough. Richard Dimbleby, David Dimbleby, Jonathan Dimbleby wheeled on without comment. Robert Winston, Jewish 'expert' on 'God'. Bradley Walsh, television presenter. Stephen Fry, homosexual presenter of conventional wisdom. Tony Robinson as front man, keeping out difficult questions. Even Mandelson (or similar) did a mock-thoughtful thing. And—a different branch of entertainment—Kissinger chairing a supposed 9/11 investigation. And Phillips and Krebs of the BSE 'Inquiry'. The Hallett/ Connah look at 'COVID' will of course fail. It's a variation, relying on police freemasonry as a distancing method from Jews.

Maybe I'll look at this another time, immersing myself cautiously in recycled shit. The only interest is in calculating what the point is in doing all this; clearly Jews are the absent centrepiece.

RW   10 Nov 2023

MAGNIFICENT NEW Theory! October 2017!!
Edward de Vere is by far the most plausible candidate for the authorship of the ‘Shakespeare’ canon. Find out why and investigate the sad mire in which the academic world has been stuck for several centuries.
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