Let me list (in no special order; and not remotely comprehensive) Jewish influences over the last few centuries--
** Participation in science frauds: AIDS, NASA, nuclear matters, cell biology, climate science . There's a long list in which there is considerable Jewish participation and also of course considerable Jewish obfuscation
** Financial frauds, generally involving credit and paper money, and generally with collaboration from lenders or politicians - the 'Fed', and recent PFI schemes in Britain, being just two examples
** Systematic propaganda aimed against non-Jews in ways which dominant Jews seem to think is in their interest
** Economic propaganda deception of the sort where e.g. African assets are controlled by Jews
** Systematic media dishonesty, dating back almost to the start of modern mass printing methods
** Social engineering: e.g. the Hart-Cellar Act type in the USA (designed to force immigration into the USA), and the dumbing-down of education in the UK - the 'look say' method and removal of grammar schools being typical examples, in which public schools (in fact schools outside the state system) and specifically Jewish schools were exempt
** Control of mass murder in the USSR and gradations - e.g. Jewish cliques in Poland, Hungary etc
** Control and influence and profit in post-1945 US wars
** Different techniques - financial, debt, divide-and-rule, fomenting wars, control of essentials, corrupting the legal system - as applied to different states: thus Poland, France, Netherlands, Spain, Germany, Britain, the USA have had different interventions, all of which ought to be studied as facets of essentially the same aims. The same analysis should be applied to the entire EU
** True history of so-called Jews, mostly involving eastern Europe, has been mostly suppressed
** Truth of Jewish 'holy books' which has also of course largely been suppressed
** Jewish role in slavery, notably in the USA
** ... plenty more
There clearly ought to be careful study of the effects of Jews, at least if history, sociology, and economics are ever to become serious subjects. As things stand, it seems impossible that a set of departments across the world could be set up to co-operate on serious research, possibly with some central organisation situated in an intellectually liberal country - if there is one. It's conceivable (I suppose) that China or India might form a seed, as happened, in part, with the AIDS fraud, and may well happen with nuclear frauds.
The purpose of this section is to discuss re-revisionist treatment of Jews.