• Birmingham. Short review of Britain's #2 city..


Rae West   20 April 2023   & September 2023   &   March 2024

24 September 2023 The Birmingham possibility of bankruptcy was announced some time ago. Obviously this is analogous to the situation in the USA. I'm interested in publicity, and reviews/mensa is my look at Mensa and its shenanigans.
      Even if you like Mensa, you may understand how it has been made so useless - RW

The 'Royal Shakespeare Company' is of course a propagandist outfit, both anti-British and anti-truth.
Two of us went on holiday. To Birmingham—not everyone's choice, I admit. Birmingham was praised by Jane Jacobs sixty years ago for its variety, unlike the monoculture of Manchester. A long weekend. Several changes of transport included Liverpool, where Aintree racecourse was having its Ladies Day, with slightly portly males in slightly small suits, and slightly portly ladies in flamboyant clothes, parading through the station, a tribute (in a way) to surplus nutrition. And ending in New Street Station, Birmingham, also called Grand Central Station, which has internal plastic domes and reflecting (and distorting) exterior cladding.
      There's a distinct hotel area; suggesting there's a confined outcrop of rock allowing a zone of very tall buildings. And Birmingham is said to have more canals than Venice, though I'm uncertain if this refers only to total length. We found on a narrow boat tour that canal edges are rather decayed—but there was some rather crude new housing fairly near the centre. Maybe land prices are higher than might be guessed.
      I sometimes try to think about economic and biological mathematical entanglements: considering necessary human inputs and outputs, and mobility and size, and objects to be shifted around, are there logical links imposing limitations on numbers and activities? I think there must be, and they must vary with technology and raw materials and climate. Sometimes I watch crowds of people, vehicles, and what have you. I wonder about leakages and badly-fitting operations and slow build-ups of problems. And about the mental shackles which corral thoughts.
      How for example have Jewish belief systems, promoted for many centuries, successfully imposed Christian and Muslim absurdities? At present, Birmingham has Muslims—an article by Tobias Langdon (March 29, 2024, Occidental Observer) does a valuable job of exposing harm). What percentage of economic effort is necessary to give a parasitic system stability? How does the logic of legal ownership show itself in the abstractions of sets, some separated, some intersecting, some enclosed in others?

Since writing this, an email told me that Birmingham (or rather its planners) has produced a plan for afforesting Birmingham. (A 'forest' is actually an area of ground allocated to nobles for hunting; and has no necessary connection with trees.) So much of the town may become impassible to heavy vehicles. This seems to be an idea made up by fanatical types, who really seem to believe in global warming and carbon dioxide, a tiny fraction of the atmosphere, as an evil. This sort of thing happens now and then: there was a fashion for follies; the Arts and Crafts, and the later Garden City movement of around 1900; the skyscraper movement of Le Corbusier; the Spanish architecture of Gaudí. Now there's a difference of scale and government power, pushed in essence by Jews, printed money, and fanaticism. I hope this won't cause cities to be ruined.

I was delighted to find a copy of Industrial Process News at the lowest level of the Jew-controlled 'newspapers' on display in the hotel, such as the Guardian, which always follows such Jewish policies as forcing immigration at the expense of whites, while pretending it costs nothing, and omitting all mention of housing. At least Industrial Process News seemed entirely appropriate for the town. Subjects included powder coatings (noticed in IKEA), corrugated cardboard improvements (I've used it to pack books), and global stainless steel production (I have praised this material, not always to a comprehending audience.)
      And in a rearward view, it's interesting to see a steam railway going to Stratford on Avon (tickets only, staffed by enthusiasts), making rail seem old, in the way black and white photographs, though of course at the time it was a leading-edge novelty, as far ahead of 'Shakespeare' as modern times postdate that British innovation.

Casual and careless planning led us to discover that many places were unexpectedly closed: the main museum, for example, was being refurbished, over several years. I'd been interested to find that Birmingham University, a few miles south-west, had no book written upon it, unlike Manchester—which I've done my best to review in detail, to show its successes but also cowardice—and also Liverpool. But now I think of it, Cambridge, London and Oxford don't have books summarising their work, very possibly because it seemed like too much effort to encompass. I've put (below, from www.birmingham.ac.uk) some critical remarks on Birmingham University's website.

Birmingham's apparently big public library is part of a side of a plain rectangular space of no obvious use. Its design seems to be somewhat standard for some modern buildings, containing a huge amount of wasted space, like a sardonic comment on airheads or vacuity. It seemed to be staffed by blacks of low ability. If there was any sort of history of Brum University, evidence could not be found there, just a smallish area with not much on sale. The fourth floor seems to be an archival zone, with an enquiry area staffed by someone identifiable by the trained mind as a Jew. The entire building is sheathed in a metal grille, giving the impression of one of these Jew mysteries, an eruv, a ritual halakhic enclosure in the words of Jewish-controlled Wikipedia.

      The Lunar Society was once a collection of the learned—I'd guess all male—who met once a month on moonlit nights, electric light being then in the future. I was interested to see informative boards about this organisation in what I suppose is the concourse, informing the reader about slavery—carefully avoiding the issue of Jewish ships and companies that transported them and sold them. The invention of steam power was probably enormously more useful that slaves, enough to alert the traders to dump slavery except in areas unable to use steam, is not (I think) mentioned by anybody except me, nor the compensation for Jews and not slaves. It's a significant aside to the possibility that industrialised life may crumble as the the officially-educated Oxford PPE and Harvard/Yale types know nothing about the modern world—electricity and its supply, food and its supply, water and its supply, shelter, thermodynamics, mining and so on, apart from money only valuable if backed by concealed forces.
      The 'Lunar Society' has been reformed, in 1991, by Dame Rachel Waterhouse, but I doubt if any of the members will approach the level of their supposed predecessors. (Which reminds me of the very saddening failure of Mensa.)
Birmingham public library Matthew Boulton 1728-1809 James Watt 1736-1819 William Murdoch 1754-1839 Info board Boulton Watt Murdoch
Watt's bicentenary was in 2019.

Now I see churches (and mosques) as career-providing schemes for a clique of establishment frauds. No wonder they work hard at keeping their rubbish, even if they do little other work.

This WW2 monument records 77 air raids and 2,241 deaths. Compared with bombings of other countries, including France, these figures are tiny, but needed to pretend the wars (there were many) were justified.

exchange university
A building which appears to have no connection with universities. Probably implicitly invites non-whites to operate Jewish schemes.

The National Trust and English Heritage, the first generally buying up country houses and land; the second uninhabitable monuments and such places as Stonehenge and Maiden Castle, are worryingly blind about the past.
      I have their yearly handbooks for 2023 in front of me. Birmingham is not represented much, as is typical of heavily built-up areas, since monuments tended to be selectively destroyed there. Birmingham has some surviving back-to-backs houses, Roundhouse where horses were stabled (not like London's Round House in Chalk Farm, which winched trains uphill).
      But what I have in mind are country houses, many of which date from after the Dutch invaded England under Cromwell, the Bank 'of England' was established, and the rather farcical 'Restoration' of a different monarchy entrenched the new system. I don't think I've ever seen a guidebook or architectural guide which gave information on how the new buildings were designed, commissioned, and paid for. Pevsner's guides are a perfect example of Jewish intrusiveness, censorship, and high-pressure selling, to the exclusion of genuine understanding.

There's an elaborate bronze (presumably) showing Matthew Boulton (1728-1809), James Watt (1736-1819), and William Murdoch (1754-1839). ‘Murdock’ may be more correct. Watt (I think) more or less invented thermodynamics, the mechanical equivalent of heat, horse-power an so on. The information plaque calls them 'the golden boys', but even that assessment suggests a Jewish interpretation, and lack of appreciation—Jews being interested in money and control rather than arduous engineering and other work.
      Possibly that attitude caused civilizations to fall. If most people had no idea which predecessors had helped them most they couldn't assess what they needed. The Soviet Union provides a perfect exemplar, with guns, jeeps, and torture equipment imported at the expense of Americans by the Jews running both countries, leaving ordinary Russians with useless locks, poor plumbing, bad clothing, bad housing, intermittent electricity, and poor food.
      The present-day vulgarisation of education, and the pretences by which incompetent people are elevated, must worry anyone thoughtful. Absurdities like lunar exploration, the COVID myths, the pretence that carbon dioxide in poisonous, the insistence on race with only feeble understanding of it, the lies about wars ... will I hope be tamed. Jews rule the world and impose their lies to a dangerous and excessive extent. This is not new, and probably dates back at least to the fall of Rome and invention and rise of Christianity and then Islam. So it's not hopeless. And I don't want to pretend that education has at any time been brilliant.

foundation stone shakespeare memorial theatre
Stratford-on-Avon is known to be a fake, the original leading name having lived in Stratford, east London. My photo shows the Masonic foundation stone of the Shakespeare Memorial Theatre, dated 1929. I believe the archives relating to the whole issue are in the public library in Birmingham. I found only one person who'd even heard of the Shakespeare authorship disputes. I was amused to see a fat volume of the plays sold as The Oxford Shakespeare.
      The Jewish policy of complete silence on discussions of subjects of their concern is usually very effective. The logical problem is how to allow for complete censorship of topic(s) from discussion. I've tried to consider this topic, which is of course itself censored, here.
      The situation reminds me of the Middle Ages, when people would visit sites and collect fake bits of the true cross or watch weeping statues. An example is Lourdes though to be fair the site was not encouraged by Roman Catholics at first. They feared people might not be quite that dim.

But some things have changed; watching boats go by from their terrace, I noticed they were quiet, and have electric motors.

We did other things: noticed the Black Sabbath bridge (to compete with Liverpool); Wetherspoons Figure of 8, the name taken from canal shapes; an Oxfam purchase, unmoved by the facts on its corruption. Bought a DVD, Hitchcock (with Anthony Hopkins; 2012), which turned out to be only on Psycho, self-described as his biggest success. Emphasis on alleged working partnership with Alma, his alleged wife, played by Helen Mirren, allegedly a Russian or more likely Russian Jew. Hopkins mimics Hitchock's posture and voice. But nothing whatever on German corpses in films for Hitchcock's promotion of the 'Holocaust' fraud. Or any other Jewish themes.
      I noticed a new Mathis article on Oscar Wilde which was aesthetically feeble in my view, omitting Ideal Husband with its canal finance fraud and sinister Jew house. Miles mentioned earnest as a secret synonym for male homosexuals, possibly (my idea) as a counterpoint to 'gay' used for women prostitutes at the time. Relevant here is John Nicholson's poems, Love in Earnest. Nicholson was born within a couple of weeks of H G Wells, who of course went to within a whisker of understanding Jews, while Nicholson became a schoolmaster spending his life trying to feel schoolboys. I found Miles' inability to be amused by Wilde rather surprising.
      I also bought Gaslight just to remind me, and a 2014 US sitcom Silicon Valley to go with my 2015 video about Steve Jobs to see what if anything they made of computers. And I bought the 2022 film/movie/whatever they call these things Downton Abbey though I haven't updated my bad-tempered review, which points out how it evades facts about poor old Britain and its history. These were from a surviving HMV ('His Master's Voice') in the Bullring Shopping Mall, which adjoins the Central Station mall. The overwhelming majority of outlets are clothing and food; there may have been a single bookshop, but the punters sensibly avoid them.

From BIRMINGHAM a history of the city and its people
(Mostly images with text. Author: Malcolm Dick, 2005).
    There's no recognition in this book of Jews and their accomplices worldwide (e.g. Freemasons) as warmongers. I've noted the 'eruv' above.
Below: conventional opinion on WW2. Right: Oscar Deutsch as a Jew assisting the propaganda leading to war. The details of money are concealed. Below, middle: 'Working class women' typical contempt for whites. Below right: First World War also Jewish-promoted. White deaths and supposed help to women highlit.
    How the 'Master Race' Won WW2 is my look at the truth of WW2. My review of some books on women includes discussions on the truth of suffragists and suffragettes.

I said (above) I'd look at Birmingham University's website, at https://www.birmingham.ac.uk/university/history-and-heritage/academic-history.aspx .

Please look at my review of Pullan's 2nd volume on Manchester University (the 3rd volume seems to have been abandoned). Vol 2 covers 1973-1990, and was published in 2004. The delay about 15 years, and the subsequent abandonment, and my finding vol. 2 in a remaindered bookshop, suggests that such books are rarely written.
      I list ten examples of collective looking away:

Another interesting book is the 500+ page volume For the Advancement of Learning The University of Liverpool, 1881-1981, by Thomas Kelly, published in 1981 by the University of Liverpool Press, as a 100-year celebration.
      There are parallels between these places. Liverpool had Rotblat as Professor of Physics, part of (in my view) the Hiroshima fraud. Birmingham had the two Chamberlains, Neville having been propagandised against (poor fellow!) ever since. Manchester still has its Literary and Philosophical Society, while the Royal Institution London publication has gone; but the Lunar Society has had a come-back, which I don't want to look into for fear of what I think it is.

Relying on the website https://www.birmingham.ac.uk/university/history-and-heritage/academic-history.aspx we find Birmingham University's history, as written up by publicist types. (They seem to think vitamin C is artificial). To be clear, much university work is established and repetitious, and perhaps good work. But I like to poke about in the dark propagandist parts, which have so much potential for harm and evil, at least as viewed by honest people unmotivated by Jewish hatreds.
      Their Nobel Prize page (come to think of it, not including people who died in WW1 and WW2) includes Robert Cecil, '... of the League of Nations'; the UN later was part of the Jewish victory after World War 2 and helped deepen Jewish influence, including spreading militarism and wars. There are no Nobel 'Peace Prize' winners, mostly of course Kissinger-style phonies. There appear to be no Brum people researching into Jewish history and influences, despite their huge impact. This isn't specific to Birmingham, of course, but gives no reason to hope that it has any useful effects on the world. There's a claim they revealed 'the structure of DNA' but important work on genetics remains in the future. They seem to have had three awards in 2016, I'd guess to boost their average, in what's supposed to be chemistry and physics. This may have something to do with the 'Russell Group' of universities.
      Clicking on the plus sign 'in this section', reveals about thirty headings, not alphabetical, from '21st-Century Bodies' [an image thing, possibly to reassure fat people] and 'Reproductive health' [on miscarriages etc, and eugenics, not under that name] and 'Financial inclusion' [people's spending; everything except Jewish control on money] to 'Mental Illness' ['the stigma on mental distress'; avoids Jewish beliefs!], 'Character Matters' [campaign for compassionate, moral citizens, not mentioning Jewish hostility] and and 'Medical Heroes' ['Life Sciences' apparently aimed at non-whites; nothing on flawed research in biological sciences, and resulting failures to understand degenerative diseases].
      Their EDACS page ['English, Drama, and Creative Studies'] might have included propagandist studies—Spielberg and lies, the BBC & working class mockery, the Guardian and Jews, Defoe and debtors' morality, studying psyops and forced myths in the X-Files, facts about 'Jane Austen' et al—but of course says nothing. Instead we have Ukrainians (I'd guess Jews from Ukraine) giving views on 'Shakespeare'!
      And so on. I haven't even mentioned COVID, or worldwide wars, or Africa! I can't honestly recommend any universities for young people who would like to do non-routine work. But I hope some of them try to understand the issues and perhaps keep their heads down while learning.
      And watch for the possibility that the whole structure leans towards anti-white and pro-immigrant arrangements, for reasons you might explore, including the historical intellectual weaknesses of some groups.

Rae West   23 April 2023
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