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Oscar Wilde  on  The Rise of Historical Criticism

c 1879 but amended/emended later

This piece by Wilde is found in his Complete Works collections. What's below is from my How Master Race (i.e. 'Jews') Won WW2 and I've put the relevant part in bold. I had intended to write a longer review, but must have found something else, more pressing, to do. Wilde wrote on Christianity, including the search for the historical Jesus and other aspects of religions. I must have noted Wilde on Jews, and financial scandals (cf. An Ideal Husband), but must have found little. Wilde's play Vera, or the Nihilists contains Russian references, such as 'Ivan the Czar', the 'Prime Minister of Russia', a Baron, Count, Marquis, Colonels, a peasant or two, and others; but the suggestion of Jews as an active threat, or as a component of the aristocracy (as suggested powerfully by Miles Mathis), seems to be entirely missing. A triumph of Jewish propaganda. I suspect the prosecution of Wilde had some connection with the exposé of the connection of Cromwell with Jews and Amsterdam, which had been revealed and published by Lord Alfred Douglas. By the way, The Picture of Dorian Gray has references to a greasy theatre impresario Jew.

A related file is: The soul of Man under Socialism by Oscar Wilde

One of the strengths of Jews has been the myopic inattentiveness and gullibility and venality of various groups of non-Jews. Here's a random selection of notes:
      A website of elderly ex-employees of 'Her Majesty's Stationery Office' in Britain (now gone) has many anecdotes on offices, working-practices and what have you; they helped produce endless state propaganda and lies, but have not the slightest awareness of the real world. Various teachers I've known had not the remotest idea of the effects of (e.g.) Gove, when he was politically involved in education; just one example. I remember meeting Mike Todd, responsible for the technology of the BBC's broadcasts; he had zero idea of the influence of Jews in the world, and thence on the BBC. I recall a story of a woman near death, looking at the miscellany of badly-qualified immigrant nurses, saying "Who would have thought it would end like this?"
      Jewish secrecy has been an astonishing success. One of the first modern books on the subject, The Jews by Hilaire Belloc, was first published in 1920. Obviously, censorship by Jews has been hugely influential; the US film industry, which has never had any serious treatment of Jewish power, illustrates the point; so does e.g. my look at Jewish propaganda books in Britain around the Second World War.

      A view of 19th century history is given in Oscar Wilde's mistitled The Rise of Historical Criticism. Which is almost entirely concerned with historians. Wilde was a classicist, but also familiar with French and German literature: Victor Cousin, L'Art de Vérifier les Dates, Mommsen, and Hegel make appearances. Wilde has Herodotus and Thucydides and many others, including philosophers (Plato, Aristotle ... Herbert Spencer). And attitudes including miracles and rationalism, cycles typically with deluges marking restarts, bookish people vs men of action, ends, laws, order, oratorical and poetical presentations, critical comparison, eclectism, and attractive analogies from science. There is not the slightest trace of awareness that human groups may be parasitical. Wilde finishes with praise at the opening of the sixteenth century, from the little Venetian printing press came forth all the great authors of antiquity, each bearing on the title page the words Aldo Menuzio, a Roman and a lover of Greece... The reference to Venice must chill any serious modern revisionary. Note that Wilde omits Maitland, an historian of the laws of Britain, who may have had some insight into the invisible aspects of history—ownership and its enforcement, rents, payments, expiry dates, impositions on populations.

      I've just read from Studies in Contemporary Biography by James Bryce (1903) (of the Bryce Report, atrocity propaganda against Germany during the Great War) the chapter on Sir George Jessel (1824-1883), a Jew who was made 'Master of the Rolls', part of the intrusion into the British legal system. It's agonising to revisit the 19th century, and observe the indolent incuriosity, and the cowardly backing away, from all Jewish issues, including financing of subversions and wars, and financing of religions. Especially as Bryce was aware, to some extent, of the facts.
      Two generations later, A J Toynbee continued the tradition—though to an astonishing extent; he must have been selected for the 'Royal Institute of International Affairs' precisely because of his lack of percipience. Toynbee on Bertrand Russell. Both were useful idiots. The only exceptions I've found were Russell on the Belgian Congo, Russell's Vietnam War work, and Russell on Palestine.

RW 30 Sept 2020 - uploaded as short standalone article