Specimen of Jewish 'Social Engineering': Derren Brown 'Sacrifice' and British TV
Sacrifice (Netflix 2018). Netflix is of course a Jewish-controlled Internet media outlet, presumably translated into numerous languages mainly by voiceovers. This 'special feature' explicitly has a cast, leads listed as Megan Affonso & Bob Cable, and screenplay (claimed to be Stephen Long—no other info—with Derren Brown). Without inside knowledge it's impossible to know if Brown is basically honest, or just revealing his previously-muffled Jewish agenda, but I'd guess the latter. I note he appeared on TED, July 2019, but it's impossible to guess if this is careerism or support for propaganda. Anyway, here is part of a critical comment on Sacrifice by WotW, Way of the World, at present on Bitchute. (Removed from Youtube, nominally because of a copyright claim by AuxiliaryMode).
Note: compare the Jewish material with supposed Christianity; in fact there was a large component of violence in the forcing of Christianity into the Mediterranean. And note the complete immersion: in Sacrifice ALL the people are actors, and behave in the same way—like the actors in the 'Asch Conformity Experiment'. (These things are always given Jewish names).
.... and, wouldn't you know, the biker has only one bullet. Watching from the car in horror, Phil is then played his trigger sound through the car radio and jumps into action.
He puts himself in front of the gun, shielding the Mexican bike vandal from harm. He will not be moved and promptly gets shot. With a blank. A fake blood pouch explodes inside his new jacket and poor Phil lies on the ground covered in blood trying to comprehend he's about to die. [Note: probably a radio-controlled explosion makes more sense; a blank might cause harm, or miss].
But fear not. Derren walks onto the set for the big reveal.
Phil's not been shot. He's not going to die. And, best of all, he's officially no longer a racist.
He is now a true hero of our times, and can hold his head up high.
He has seen the light. He has understood that he represents the old order that must be replaced because of kindness and compassion, or something.
He now accepts that he should die to protect any brown stranger who wants to illegally enter his country.
And the cherry on top is the appearance of his pregnant wife to congratulate her husband on being prepared to leave his young family fatherless and in poverty. This is the ultimate virtue signal.
All of which has been achieved through subconscious psychological manipulation, How proud she must be of him. She certainly looks pleased.
Ask yourself what you would do and what you would expect your wife or husband to do if you were placed in this position.
And what of the triumphant Derren? What reaction does he receive for all the heartache and trauma he has just caused?
Well, no one has a bad word to say about him.
Neither Phil nor his wife saw fit to assault Derren for the nightmare he is supposed to have put them through.
Everyone just seems to automatically accept his moral superiority and his right to treat people as mere pawns in his career.
Oh how they laugh together just minutes after
Tell me, how did we come to live in a world where Derren's behaviour is seen as anything less than psychopathic?
What a farce this show is at every level.
The question of whether or not it's fake is largely irrelevant. The real target is you, the white person sitting at home.
It's not meant to cause anything other than our total demoralisation and we must resist ... nationalism is our society's immune response
By chance I watched a TV episode made between 2001 and 2008, with 'Nathanael Parker' and 'Sharon Small'. (Who knows if the names are genuine?) This involved illegal immigrants, of course treated as on-criminals, their free money and rented housing and health care, from the British, via Jewish paper money, going unmentioned. There was a sort of internal mini-climax, I suppose synchronised with advertising breaks, with two fast sea-going launches, the first an illegal on his way to Frankfurt, where he had 'contacts', with a young daughter. Followed by the intrepid duo. Then oops, the daughter goes overboard—no seat belts? Anyway the hero immediately dives in after removing his jacket. Risking death from the screw of the other boat, but, hey, who cares. Obviously the script used Jewish guidelines. Without his action, says the actor, "It would be MURDER!" though I don't recall activity by any of them on murders in war or by Jews. The parallel with Derren Brown struck me. Maybe the actors in future will be thrown out and their houses repossessed. Or perhaps doctors with fake diplomas will kill them. It's what they deserve, after all.
There's nothing new about this; since Jews took over paper money in 1913, all their propaganda effort has gone into persuading goyim to get killed and kill others. If you haven't noticed, watch for it!
Time Team is an apparently interesting TV thing, which has run for years, with the format of spending a holiday/ bank holiday/ vacation on an archaeological dig, often in a well-known place, with trenches, and incident tent, and no doubt sandwiches and tea. Introduced by a Jew (I heard somewhere), Tony Robinson, who used to appear in Blackadder, a bogus historical comedy, and once presented a ridiculous TV thing on Freemasons—their main site opened the doors, but of course revealed nothing. I'm told Robinson is the only voice allowed to talk to the camera, and to the various archaeologists, who seem chosen to look odd rather than competent. What worries me is that, no doubt, there is a case for censoring rare, exciting, plunderable etc discoveries. But also Jews played a disconcerting part in British history, and have no hesitation in lying and covering-up any information on any related subject. And vice versa: a ridiculous woman, I think described as a pathologist, claimed to have found a Jewish tile in a Polish forest, as a sort of informal dig. The Open University 'history' shows are full of Jew-biased fake history.
News Now I've invented a receptacle, perhaps I'll add examples of this vast system of deception. I'm prompted by a 'news' item that Jewish graves (unspecified where etc) were desecrated despite the protection of the 'Chosen People'. I remember a Christian church in Manchester having gravestones crushed to make car parks for Muslims— but I recall no 'news' on the Jewish media.
Countryfile is mainly concerned with money, as would be expected from the Jew-controlled BBC. I watched a rather annoying programme, with a pullovered tosser and back-up crew wondering about crime in the country (sinister music), including drug gangs targeting children (with close-ups of knives, powder etc). In Jewish tradition there is no discussion of why there should be more crime of a disgusting sort, and I'm guessing child abduction is unmentioned intentionally. The propensity of immigrants for crime is not discussed. What is discussed is the 'overspend' by councils, all of course short of cash. Jews of course love to lend money, providing they can charge interest and get it back. A figure of a few billion over a few years was mentioned. What it means is that Jews add to crime, then get paid for introducing it.
Schindler's List, by the maestro of Talmudic mechanical imagery, is (I think I'm right in saying) along with a TV film Shoah the first film raising public doubts, soon to be spread by Internet, of the whole fraud; there must have been a general decision to try to keep it going, still active today.
There are endless other droppings, decorating and defacing the post-1945 world. For example Stallone's fantasies, Tarantino's anti-German fantasies, even fantasies such as The Sound of Music. The vein seems to be transmuting into low-budget enclosed stuff: Captain Corelli's Mandolin and The English Patient and The King's Speech illustrate the type of thing. Mostly these seem hinged on authors, mostly Jewish. John Fowles's The Magus, for those who remember the book, illustrates something of the process. Stanley Kubrick is another Jew tosser. His promotion in effect of NASA, the faked 'nuclear' bombs in the black-and-white sequences in Dr Strangelove, Full Metal Jacket are all transparent propaganda. [There are a few things on Kubrick, Tarkovsky, Wilder here.]
I was again quite shocked to find that Miles Mathis thinks Meryl Streep (Peters?) is a wonderful actress. He even seems to have liked Sophie's Choice. Come on...
I've just noticed some promo stuff about Peter Jackson and 'colorized' World War 1 photos, and perhaps films too, to be prepared by 2018. The samples given by the press show smiling gullible soldiers in khaki, most of them presumably killed soon after. I wonder if there'll be any scenes of death, such as the rictus-faced corpses. I'd guess probably not. And I think we can be certain that the Jew bankers behind the scenes will not be shown by Jackson.
On the subject of social engineering, lies about wars are of course not the only preoccupation of Jews. Manipulating blacks has been a Jewish concern since the 1920s, but after 1945 came to its legal peak in 1965. Somewhere here I've reviewed a film with William Shatner, on Jewish agitation for things like single black women getting paid to breed, but only if males were not around. 'Woody' Allen made many films of this sort, though I doubt most whites noticed the messages, any more than whites in Britain identified Jewish actors, Jewish concerns, and Jewish lies. Allen's films are almost a script walkthrough, bullet-point by bullet-point: teasers about drugs; Jewish immigration to the USA; German cars being efficient; 'shiksas' as special targets to be f*cked. These days, we have the absurd rubbish of 'same sex marriage'—supported by Hanks, incidentally. And of course mixed races, despite all the possibilities for social, medical, and cultural disaster. Watching Love Actually I could see all such themes, including what I take to be a race between a black and a Jew to fuck Keira Knightley, with the Jew losing—as perhaps directed by his rabbi. And homosexuality. Not (yet) child sex and forced prostitution. Many people noticed the sudden media approval of homosexuality; if I can help them understand where it comes from, I'll be pleased. The extras included an interview with Richard Curtis, a rather impassively-faced Jewish propagandist, who apparently married a descendant of Freud. He co-wrote BBC TV series, long ago, with Rowan Atkinson—British history, with, of course, Jews removed.
As far as I can find out making little effort, the special effects were less developed than the Lord of the Rings type, I think with models rather than computer-generated scenes and objects; but I may be wrong. The story, such as it is, may be part of the preparation for future wars, related to neo-con Jews and the earlier Iraq war of five years earlier.
The man characters are a Jew and a 'black', meaning in fact a mixed-race actor, I'd guess because full blacks aren't too bright. Jews like to pretend they are on the side of blacks; see for example online comments on the NAACP, The Jewish 'National Association for the Advancement of Colored People'. And Jewish covert support for anti-white activities in Rhodesia/Zimbabwe and South Africa.
The plot begins with 'city size' objects, what used to be called 'flying saucers', soundlessly hovering above cities. (By the end of the film they crash to earth, not on top of urban stuff, though Los Angeles and New York are reported as destroyed).
Looking in a jaundiced way at the start of the film, I wondered if what of course would be called 'aliens'—a Jewish word-change that seems to be semi-permanent—would remove Jews from the world, but, regrettably, that didn't happen.
Apart from the 'stars' there's the usual cast of crappy actors: US President, young and clueless, and supposed White House etc people, plus more crap actors in military-style costumes saluting and saying thinks like "Good job" and "You should be proud". And "Gee the good days when bombing was right."
They don't seem to have worked out any conventions to show huge scenes of devastation on a par with a handful of crowd-pulling stars. It's a sort of hymn to bombing, shooting, and moronic violence—to which many Americans appear to respond. It's a bit like the late Roman Empire, with endless wars draining their blood and awaiting replacement as superstition displaces competence.
An interesting-ish aspect of Emmerich is his Anonymous picture. Emmerich is quoted or misquoted [Phil Semlyen in Bauer Consumer Media] with “According to Emmerich, "It's an historical thriller because it's about who will succeed Queen Elizabeth and the struggle of the people who want to have a hand in it. It's the Tudors on one side and the Cecils on the other, and in between [the two] is the Queen.” A struggle of Jews to enter Britain, pre-dating the Civil War.
Conceivably Emmerich might film Germans being bombed and raped and starved. Go on, Roland. You know you want to.
© RW 12019-11-18
Review of Saving Private Ryan Spielberg
Hans Schmidt, from revisionisthistory.org
Michael A. Hoffman's Note: I am proud to call Hans Schmidt, the author of the following, my friend. I have had the privilege and honor to know several German WWII veterans personally, from Wehrmacht privates to Major-General Otto Ernst Remer, and I found each of them to be fine men and great human beings. In the annals of modern history, I do not believe there are military veterans who have had to face the ordeal of vilification and falsification which these German veterans have endured. They are hated and reviled in spite of the fact that they generally fought cleanly and honorably in a war that can hardly be said to have been of their choosing. Having met these men in the flesh, my intellectual convictions about the horrors of the fratricide that was World War Two were confirmed emotionally and personally. To regard these blood brothers of Americans as the enemy was the real "war crime." Spielberg's "Pvt. Ryan" is about saving a surviving brother from the fate which befell his other siblings in the American army. But concern only for the life of the brother in American uniform is fatally short-sighted. Saving Private Fritz was just as necessary. To think otherwise is to engage in deadly self-hate masked by the slick celluloid of Spielberg. It is this hatred for the image of the German stranger, who is in fact not a stranger, but the face in our own mirror, that is at the root of the rot we observe today in France, Britain and America. Where now is the civilization the Allied soldiers died to preserve? Contrary to Spielberg's suggestion that Western, Christian civilization was saved in WWII by the killing of Germans, the opposite obtained. One cannot make so colossal a blunder as to mistake one's own brother for the enemy and compound that tragedy a million times and expect the restoration of anything. I now present to you the only reaction I have thus far seen to "Saving Private Ryan" from one of those brothers our American countrymen sought to destroy. WASHINGTON, Aug. 12, 1999 – Defense Secretary William S. Cohen presented the Defense Department's highest civilian award to director Steven Spielberg at an Aug. 11 ceremony here. A military honor cordon welcomed Spielberg to the Pentagon, where he received the Department of Defense Medal for Distinguished Public Service for his 1998 film "Saving Private Ryan." The movie sparked national awareness of the World War II generation's sacrifices. Cohen said it helped reconnect the American public with the nation's men and women in uniform. [Undated letter; earliest online source appears to be 2004] Dear Mr. Spielberg: Permit me, a twice wounded veteran of the Waffen-SS, and participant in three campaigns (Battle of the Bulge, Hungary and Austria) to comment on your picture, "Saving Private Ryan." Having read many of the accolades of this undoubtedly successful and, shall we say, "impressive," film, I hope you don't mind some criticism from both a German and a German-American point of view. Apart from the carnage immediately at the beginning of the story, during the invasion at Omaha Beach, whereon I cannot comment because I was not there; many of the battle scenes seemed unreal. You made some commendable efforts to provide authenticity through the use of several pieces of original-looking German equipment, for instance, the Schützenpanzerwagen (SPW), the MG 42s, and the Kettenkrad. And, while the appearance of German infantry soldiers of the regular Army in the Normandy bunkers was not well depicted, the Waffen SS in the street fighting at the end of the film were quite properly outfitted. My comment about the unreality of the battle scenes has to do with the fact that the Waffen-SS would not have acted as you depicted them in "Private Ryan." While it was a common sight in battle to see both American and Russian infantry congregate around their tanks when approaching our lines, this rarely if ever occurred with the Waffen-SS. (The first Americans I saw during the Battle of the Bulge were about a dozen dead GIs bunched around a burned-out, self-propelled, tracked howitzer.) Furthermore, almost all the German soldiers seen in "Private Ryan" had their heads shaved, or wore closely cropped hair, something totally in conflict with reality. Perhaps you were confusing, in your mind, German soldiers with Russians of the time. Or else, your Jewishness came to the fore, and you wanted to draw a direct line back from today's skinheads to the Waffen-SS and other German soldiers of the Third Reich. Also, for my unit you should have used 18 or 19-year old boys instead of older guys. The average age, including general officers of the heroic Hitlerjugend division at Caen, was 19 years! The scene where the GI shows his Jewish "Star of David" medallion to German POWs and tells them: "Ich Jude, ich Jude!" is so outrageous as to be funny. I can tell you what German soldiers would have said to each other if such an incident had actually ever occurred: "That guy is nuts!" You don't seem to know that for the average German soldier of World War II, of whatever unit, the race, color or "religion" of the enemy didn't matter at all. He didn't know and he didn't care. Furthermore, you committed a serious error in judgment when, in the opening scenes of "Private Ryan" you had the camera pan from the lone grave with the Jewish star to all the Christian crosses in the cemetery. I know what you wanted to say but I am sure that I was not the only one who immediately thereafter glanced over all the other hundreds of crosses one could see, to discover whether somewhere else was another Star of David. And you know the answer. In fact, you generated exactly the opposite effect of what you had intended. Your use of that scene makes a lie out of the claim now put forth by Jewish organizations that during World War II Jews volunteered for service in numbers greater than their percentage of the general population, and that their blood sacrifice was (therefore) higher also. I visited the large Luxembourg military cemetery where General Patton is buried and counted the Jewish stars on the gravestones. I was shocked by their absence. After World War I, some German Jewish leaders mounted the same ruse: They claimed then and still do to this day that, "12,000 Jews gave their lives for the Fatherland," which would also have made their general participation higher, which it was not. But perhaps the "12,000" figure is intended as a symbol denoting, "from our point of view, we did enough." During World War II, as now, about a quarter of the American population considered itself German-American. Knowing the patriotic fervor German-Americans harbor for America, we can be certain that their numbers in the Armed Forces were equal or higher than their percentage of the population. Yet in "Saving Private Ryan" there was not one single German name to be heard or seen among the Americans. Did you forget Nimitz, Arnold, Spaatz or even Eisenhower? Well, perhaps Capt. Miller from Pennsylvania was a German whose name had been anglicized. In omitting the American Germans you seem to have taken a cue from the White House at whose contemporary state dinners rarely someone with a German name can be found. Well, maybe someone thinks that the abundance of German sounding names such as Goldberg, Rosenthal, Silverstein and Spielberg satisfies the need for "German-American" representation. My final comment concerns the depictions of the shooting of German POWs immediately after a fire fight. A perusal of American World War II literature indicates that such incidents were much more common than is generally admitted, and more often than not, such transgressions against the laws of war and chivalry are often or usually excused, "because the GIs got mad at the Germans who had just killed one of their dearest comrades". In other words, the anger and the war crime following it was both understandable and, ipso facto excusable. In "Private Ryan" you seem to agree with this stance since you permit only one of the soldiers, namely, the acknowledged coward, to say that one does not shoot enemy soldiers who had put down their arms. As a former German soldier I can assure you that among us we did not have this, what I would call, un-Aryan mindset. I remember well, when in January of 1945 we sat together with ten captured Americans after a fierce battle, and the GIs were genuinely surprised that we treated them almost as buddies, without rancor. If you want to know why, I can tell you. We had not suffered from years of anti-enemy hate propaganda, as was the case with American and British soldiers whose basic sense of chivalry had often (but not always) been dulled by watching too many anti-German war movies usually made by your brethren. (For your information: I never saw even one anti-American war movie--there were no more Jewish directors at the UFA studios.) Sincerely, Hans Schmidt P.O. Box 11124 Pensacola, Florida 32524-1124 Fax: 850-478-4993 Hans Schmidt is chairman of the German-American National Public Affairs Committee (GANPAC) and publisher of the monthly "GANPAC Brief" ($50/yr. [$35 for students and pensioners] $60 overseas). In 1995 he was arrested in Germany and imprisoned for six months at Bützow prison in Mecklenburg, for the "crime" of having mailed his newsletters to Germany. The 71 year old Schmidt remains unbowed and continues to address American audiences and write his memoirs. His 490 page paperback book, "Jailed in Democratic Germany" is available from him for $25.00 postpaid. |
![]() ![]() [Added Feb 2020: 'Alleged' murder] Very interesting propaganda film with William Shatner. (Of 'Star Trek', yet more Jewish propaganda). Made just before the Kennedy assassination, so that the Jew or crypto-Jew Vice-President LBJ could be made President.—part of the Jewish push against the USA. Note the way whites are all trash: the filmmaker didn't bother, or was too stupid, to be consistent—e.g. with the loudmouth salesman and his nympho wife. All the blacks shown as completely decent. NAACP explicitly mentioned, as is—several times—the 'Patrick Henry Society', and there's a lot of triumphalist emphasis on legality—"it's the law". Note that Jewish roles in mass murder in 'Communist' USSR, slavery, rented property, secret groups and infiltration etc are completely missed out. Similar attitude and idea to Griffin's fake book 'Black Like Me'. Thanks for making this available. Films made by the US industry of similar genre include 1962 To Kill a Mockingbird, and a clutch in 1967 Guess Who's Coming to Dinner, 1967 In the Heat of the Night, 1967 To Sir With Love. 1972 Superfly shows a change in propaganda direction. |