[Return to start of this page] AIDS—Opposing the Myths. These are Audios. Remember 'AIDS' was invented in 1984 by the American Health Secretary, who believed herself to be a 'Jew'. Ten years later, I present here examples of progress made in debunking the myths. However, media control remains so great that the truth has barely leaked out to average people even thirty years later.
1994 Bryan Ellison of Rethinking AIDS Christmas Day 1994. This was a radio interview by the publisher of Why We Will Never Win the War on AIDS with one joint author, Bryan Ellison PhD. The other author was Peter Duesberg. The two authors fell out, and the book is almost unobtainable. However, it was and is a brilliant book, not just on AIDS, but other medical frauds and scares. Audio taped radio broadcast interview in the USA; a copy was mailed to me from the USA. Click here for Bryan Ellison 'Rethinking AIDS' [59min 53]
1994 Joan Shenton 29 April 1997 interview in the offices of Continuum in the concrete Stalinist-style Brunswick Centre near Russell Square. Continuum lasted for some years and specialised in trying to expose the truth about 'AIDS'. (Some PDF copies are online see www.altheal.org/continuum). Joan Shenton ran Meditel; her company made many TV programmes, including some on the myth of AIDS. These were I think commissioned by, and broadcast on, Britain's Channel 4; the other channels including the BBC would of course never show such programmes. This is an informal chat, recorded on a small hand-held tape recorder, with little preparation. Joan Shenton [Just over 1 hour]
1997 Neville Hodgkinson author of AIDS: The Failure of Contemporary Science. Tape recorded at South Place Ethical Society with good equipment. SPES organise Sundays based around morning and afternoon lectures; originally they were an alternative to church. Prepared talk, followed by Q/A Session, at this long-established venue. Hodgkinson was a journalist under Andrew Neil of the Sunday Times, who invited him to cover medical issues. Neil ran Hodgkinson's accounts—possibly the only courageous thing Neil ever did. Neville Hodgkinson [1 hr 13 mins - .ogg format]
June 1997 Michael Verney-Elliott RIP. Interview of over three hours in his London flat; he worked with the help of Ken Russell, the filmmaker's, son, who would find medical papers in London University's libraries. Michael was ill (from smoking-related emphysema) but worked tirelessly and intelligently on AIDS. Two 90-minute tapes, good equipment, but not well prepared on my part. Michael Verney-Elliott at home in London [3 hr 9 min]
May 2002 Perth GroupEleni Papadopulos-Eleopulos and Valendar 'Val' Turner in Perth, Western Australia. Opposed the 'AIDS' consensus. Small hand tape recorder; recorded on impulse as I happened to be there, and they didn't mind. Crits of uncertain electron microscopy identification of viruses. Perth Group - Australian AIDS thinkers [c. 1hr 35min]
[Return to start of this page] Anarchism. Long interview with Peter Cadogan, who worked for some years at the South Place Ethical Society (SPES) in Red Lion Square and I think allowed the BNP to present its case there on free speech grounds, a decision disliked by the Jewish people trying to run the place. This may have been related to the death of Blair Peach. At any rate, he was expelled or removed. He was a likeable man who ended up I think near Abbey Road (of the Beatles recording studio) in a council flat with his books and with little money; he seemed to eat mainly eggs. He was well known in alternative left circles.
This recording is something like his autobiography; each tape was nominally 90 minutes, and in practice more like 100. So the files are l ... o ... n ... g. Peter Cadogan in 1996 Part 1 of 3 Peter Cadogan in 1996 Part 2 of 3 Peter Cadogan in 1996 Part 3 of 3
[Return to start of this page] Anti-white Racism. Arthur Kemp video, speaking in June 2009. Arthur Kemp has written many books and republished many previously out-of-print books. His magnum opus is his March of the Titans. One of his reprints is Professor John Baker's book Race, first published in 1974. Click for his website/blog—opens in a new window. Here's a half-hour talk (to save bandwidth, it's more blurred than I'd like) on "the recent Home Office report.. 40% of all under-20 year-olds in London are non-white."
Click to download or view depending on your default software—I like VLC. [c. 28 mins flash video]
Anti-White Racist rant by black woman on London bus video Story from The British Resistance website. Copyright owner not known to me.
Emma West and Jacqueline Woodhouse were both jailed in Britain for making similar comments to those in this video, which were caught on mobile phones. Youtube hosted, and has retained, phone videos of both West and Woodhouse, which have had large numbers of hits. However, following their anti-white race policy, and the obviously false idea that only whites can ever be racist, Youtube removed this video. Racist black woman in London bus rant part 1 Click to download or view, depending on your default software—I like VLC. [c. 90 secs flash video]
Video by an onlooker of Coral Millichip, English girl, apparently reacting to immigrant sex molester and who was, unbelievably, jailed—It occurs to me this may have been a staged event, to deter white women attacked by invaders. The strange surname sounds like just another Jew, and the real-or-faked jail sentence would deter many
Compare with Four Somali Muslim girls attack 'white bitch' in Leicester. No jail sentence.
Weyman Bennett on the Rise of the British Empire 1996—fairly short talk exhausts Bennett, who doesn't seem to know there were two British empires. Uploaded because this is the sort of thing forced upon people these days under the Jewish 'education' system, designed to dumb-down the 'goyim'. Bennett (black African) is (or was) paid to help intimidate whites.
[Return to start of this page] Astronomy: Criticism of the 'Big Bang', based on the 'Red Shift' - itself almost a century-old idea. Halton Arp lecture in November 2000, London. Arp is well-known for having been excluded from his observatory, possibly under a pretext, to keep him out of the way. He believes the 'Red Shift', which gave rise to the pre-1939 'expanding universe' idea, and itself dependent on very difficult observing conditions with very expensive equipment, is false. And doubts the 'Big Bang'. Recorded on a small portable tape recorder. His lecture had slides of galaxies which are of course not shown here. I asked him a few questions after his lecture. Halton Arp on the 'Big Bang' and 'Red Shift' [c. 1hr 24min]
2011-11-11 Panorama on "BNP fraud". This is a small part of the BBC's campaign against the BNP, and indeed part of the anti-white policy of the BBC's controllers. This edition of "Panorama" seems to have been thoroughly 'scrubbed' (Miles Mathis's word) without explanation, despite having been broadcast to a few million people in Britain. I found a copy and here's the MP4 version (file name 2011-10-10-bbc1-tv-panorama-bnp-fraud-exposed.mp4); apologies for the poor lip synch. Unedited in any way. May be of interest to people looking into infiltration, destabilisation, obfuscation... 2011 October 10 BBC1 TV Panorama "BNP Fraud Exposed" [c. 30 mins - c. 375 MB]
2012 Panorama supposedly dealing with a 'new housing crisis', amongst some middle class people. Note various aspects of this video (put here on grounds of public interest. The quality is nowhere near as good as the original - it's for informational purposes only).
Notes: (1) All the people are white. There's no comparison with immigrants of any sort, many of whom are housed ahead of the British. (2)The suspect staged filming: how could they contact the 'ex merchant banker' to arrange filming sessions? (3) The tiny number of cases considered, and the potted life histories which sound unreliable. (4) The complete absence of any overview: who gets the rents? How many people are being planned for? Why are those responsible for promoting immigration not named? How much money ends up borrowed from Jews, adding to the national debt? ..... Just a few questions that come to mind. BBC 'Homelessness' 13 December 2012 [c.50 mins]
[Return to start of this page] BSE and MEAT
1996 McLibel Group Pub meeting in London by the 'Alliance for Workers Liberty' on 'BSE and the Politics of Meat'. Organised by people involved in distributing leaflets against McDonalds. (They are not sound on BSE and organophosphates; nor on the manoeuvrings recorded by Rudy Stanko of Texas). 1996 BSE and the politics of meat [c. 1hr 36min]
[Return to start of this page] Cell Biology: Mistakes in Techniques and Misunderstandings these cause in Biology
My recorded interview with Harold Hillman in 1996 when he was aged 65 - three hours of very detailed and carefully-planned interview. His life's work and discoveries, and clashes with the biology establishment. Recorded on good equipment; unedited; Hillman's work, and life experiences, in chronological order. Intelligent people, including non-biologists, shouldn't have much difficulty with the technical material, or the academic manoeuvres. Harold Hillman - part 1 Harold Hillman - part 2 Note: at the time of making this recording I was unaware that the 'holocaust' is a fraud, and that nuclear weapons are also almost certainly a fraud.
[Return to start of this page] GENERAL CHATS ON REVISIONISM OF ALMOST ANYTHING (One-topic talks (e.g. nuclear) elsewhere, though Jewish ubiquity forces me to list some Jew chats here. Alphabetical order!)
Learn to separate out JewsSpot the Jews—understanding what is meant politically when under Jew media saturation. Jews are behind financial, political, educational & endless other schemes and crimes and lethal social engineering. But they don't announce this! Practise spotting Jewish interests; learn the Jewish idea of what a 'nation' is. Understand the truth about 'Labor' parties, 'democrats', etc. “What was US policy in Vietnam?”—the correct question is “What was Jewish policy for Vietnam?”. What did European powers plan for Africa?—correct question is, what did Jews plan for Africa. And so on. The follow-on question—what about collaborators with Jews, such as Freemasons?—is not addressed here.
Topics include: Rogue states?- Jews | US policy in war if fact Jewish policy | Kissinger, Johnson | Opium wars? Jewish | European Empires - Look for Jewish theft | Republicans? Democrats? - Jewish policies | Merkel is a Polish Jew | BBC jew controlled | nothing on 9/11, holohoax etc | family law, homosexuality, 'paedophilia', anal sex, obesity, extreme feminism, drugs - Jewish policies. Mass hysteria, war fever, lies, staged demonstrations - all Jewish. Deskilling, deindustrialisation, dumb education - Jewish policies. | "Jewish" Bolshevism failed, for European whites; Millions of Russians murdered, raped, enslaved, to Jews a tremendous success. | Armenian genocide censored by Jews | Online Jew trolls | "they* are letting in millions of nonwhites - Jewish | etc etc etc etc
Rae West with Andrew Carrington Hitchcock looking at the complicated subject of emotional and intellectual differences between 'whites' and 'Jews', considered biologically, and roots of evolutionary differences, including territorial differences, and (particularly with Jews) using deception to manipulate others, rather than scientific understanding of the world. And geography/ landscape, ability to concentrate and long nights, ugliness, lying as a group strategy evolved when evidence was scanty, parasitism as a narrow expertise vs a society of diversified groups.
Click for audio
3. JEWS CONSIDERED AS BELLIGERENTS IN WORLD WAR 2May 2018. c. 70 mins. Rae West and Jan Lamprecht discuss the suppressed topic of the unified approach of Jews worldwide, and Jews as scripting WW2. Whether Hitler was a Jewish agent is one topic, but many issues are raised here. The video Rae West, Lamprecht, Jews includes brief outlines of the topics discussed, at 10-minute intervals.
4 October 2017, 2,000 Years of Ignoring Jews(audio). This is also on Internet under the title How Education and Propaganda are Interwined. With Andy Hitchcock; a bit over 1 hour. (Here are some of my notes on this programme, for anyone interested in Victorian worldviews and the 2,000 years of important error which have helped drive us to this place today).
Paul Stevenson and Rae West 8 Sept 2017. Audio. 95 mins, wide-ranging talk Brief Note of Contents
0 BACKGROUND big-lies.org nukelies.org Irving Fleming 'Holocaust' | 5 Jews, nukes, AIDS. Nuclear forum 2011-2012. inserts in red. Nuclear power. Desjardins. Hungarian Revolution 1956 10 Cold War. USSR Jews. Einstein myths. Jew 'spies'. Rosenberg. Vanunu. Sunday Times. Hiroshima and Nagasaki tales 15 Land clearance by fire. Sources: books, DVDs. Narratives. 20 Vastly expensive and useless. 'Thorium Power'. Jews and parasitic evolution |
25 Michael Hoffman. Ireland and Scotland. Manchester bomb. Norman Conquest, Edward I, expulsion, Cromwell with move westward to Holland. Evolution of Jews as subrace
30 Fertile Crescent and cities. Jews and early Christians. Bible Christians under the thumbs of Jews. Spain, Venice, Germany, England, USA blamed. Jews spread geographically. Freemasonry
35 Dr Joyce on South Africa. Jews, gold, diamonds, iron, opium. Partial grab just for Jews. Historians non-Jewed outdated. Cromwell then French Revolution. Jews change presentation. Islam a Jewish thing. Invasion in Will Durant. Getting rid of statues etc
40 Education. Books, textbooks, hard and soft sciences. Half NY teachers Jews. US 'Left' means Jewish. Tolerated weak opponents. Miles W Mathis
45 Social worker book gives exact date that social workers had to be antiracist. Like BBC. Equity, actors union. Jew Course - teaching real jewish studies. UFO theories. Edgerton Germeshausen and Grier
50 min Get DVDs on WW2 and so-called tests. How many Jews does it take to rule the world. Voerioc. Freefind search engines. Chameleon. Comparison with parasites which control insects. Jews and 'projection' - project their own BS. Self deception. Narcissists. Psychopathy - 1900 definitions.
55 min Parasites in my sites. Parasites. - Actors; goes beyond that. Chosen people. My youtube site. Inc Lords of the Nukes. Youtubes with Jew Shock - trying to cover all the ways in which Jews hide. Censorship of Japan after WW2. Mention thousands of people idea. Sick - nuclear etc. All bullshit e.g. Chernobyl.
60 min Japan radiation post-Hiroshima propaganda overlaps. Testimony to TV, news, film. Cold War films. Planting the idea so people check. Educated people, pride. IQs designed to test employee things; nothing on cunning, lies. Should have JQ. Lawyers etc Mensa people useful idiots. Could be genetic - colour blindness analogy - small group example
65 min Mother and Holocaust. Speed of learning. But value of a suspicious minority. Tho it could just as well rubbish. Jews all one way, no skeptics. Presumably some Rothschild. Satan! Ritual murder accusations? Still doing history? A lot of people don't understand evidence... truth claims .. US education system ... many followers.. Dawkins largely fake in my view, group of American skeptics... doesn't know about wars ...
70 min My website stuff on science revisionism ... whole warehouse of cans of wars ... Harold Hillman ... whole life researching into biology.. long interview .. endoplasmic reticulum... misreading electron micrographs ... instruments .. Cancer and salt ... hydrochloric acid ... cancer cells are supposed not to grow in alkali ... chloride shift ... not put up lightly.. superfluid helium .. Ford said gentile coalition.. lacking in gentile...
75 min Next to everthing that a man at his door is a Jew .. youtube on genetics of jews vs whites ... I take this stuff completely seriously ... Biographies of science people trying to do revisionist stuff 1950-2010 ... applies to literary people as well... global warning 1995 ... Prof Mason .. OP insecticides and BSE ... por old cows .. warble fly ... public inquiries by eg Kissinger ... microparticles ... teaching: Wells on biology and history ... genuinely interested best models for history and science writers.. the real thing.. good education a bit like Wells..
80 sec money making schemes in health .. vast numbers of people.. money on a huge scale .. very difficult ... even in subjects which appear completely different e.g. Shakespeare authorship .. and weather forecasting .. clouds .. not like sails.. more active.. phases of water .. clouds drive weather.. forecasts so useless.. same with nukes abroad... pakistani or indian.. house, cars... nuke test by china, pakistan, india, sort of low budget, cheap special effects .. moon landing.. discovered 1999 .. Channel 4... Percy ... biology is not explored..
85 sec could have simulated being on the moon ... psyop thing .. eg charlottesville .. new to me as a syndrome.. long tradition .. suffragettes used by Jews ... Pankhurst lecturing on WW1 ... blown up ship Philippines war .. Pearl Harbor ... supposed delivery of the atom bomb across to Japan [sinking theory] ... firstclassskeptic...
90 sec preiesthoodagitator ... newspapers online now - i think they're having second thoughts.. some b/w films being colorised .. top bar guided tour thousands of experts ... insane costs .. be prepared - remember they started two world wars .. genocides... just lend governments money.. then war... in Africa fleet of Mercedes... despondent about Africa ... don't know of a single African orator with a plan for Africa... Jews have identified the white race. China? Li for Levy.. Not enough people identify them -- they say the US did this .. Alex Jones call them 'globalists'. Interbreeding with non-Jews. Unprecedented power - aggression outweighs their intelligence..
'Dion Wehrwolf'
4th September 2016: About 100 minute audio survey of revisionism by topic, in 2016, as it seems to me, including science revisionism. Rerevisionist and Dion Wehrwolf. More or less the same soundtrack as the Youtube video which of course has graphics illustrating the talk. Includes mention of the idea that the 'New Testament' was faked by Jews, written something like film scripts to present an invented character, 'Jesus', in place of early Christian opinions. It was, obviously, successful.
10 April 2014: Skype talk Jews, Genes, Nukes, Whites with Delcroix, Nick Spero, Wanda, Paul Hickman, Joe Blow, and Hollowcoats.
Oona Craig commented: This is one of the best discussions of the Jewish Mob on Youtube. At 40:00+ Rae begins explaining how many seemingly unrelated political and economic phenomena can be explained as ONE problem when the role of Jews in instigating these various problems is understood. Samples of "seemingly" unrelated odd phenomena: Why should public debt go up all the time? Why should there be immigration forced into White but only White countries? Why should there be adverts showing Whites as stupid? Why was Kennedy murdered? Why were industries closed? Why were illegals given the vote? Why are horrific murders of Whites unmentioned? Why should people, like Obama, come from nowhere? Why are borders not enforced? Why is anal sex promoted in Hollywood? Why are drugs allowed to spread? Why their [Jews'] false names? Why is there secrecy about Jewish beliefs? You've never seen the Talmud on sale. (Rae explains the Jewish covert coordination in these seemingly unrelated events).
[Return to start of this page] Climate Change? Ice Age? Ozone Hole? Nuclear Winter? Global Warming?
1995 Global Warming John Mason at Kew Gardens, West London. Recorded with a small tape recorder; quite a bit of tape hiss and noise. However, Mason has a strong voice. [Note: there's an important aspect of cloud physics not known to these people, which makes their forecasts weak-RW] Sir John Mason on 'Climate Change - Fact or Fiction?' [1hr 34min with introduction]
Eco-Refugee Scam short video of Arthur Kemp in 2009 on climate change as a scam, used by fanatical anti-whites as an excuse for more immigration; they want to destroy white homogeneous groups. Scams include 'eco-refugees', from for example low-lying islands. Another scam involves Jews and China: 'carbon credits' are just another money-making scheme. China produces as much carbon dioxide as the USA, and yet is not penalised. Click to download or view depending on your default software—I like VLC. [c.3 mins flash video]
[Return to start of this page] Conspiratorial: Science Frauds and Duplicities from about 1940, and the USSR. Kitty Little talks: her school then 1940s Oxford; 'nuclear power'; 'Communists' at Oxford and at schools; Richard Doll on smoking, to hide diesel engine cause of lung cancer; contraceptive pills and thrombi and breast and cervical cancers; biological research given to USSR including drugs for 'mental patients'; virology and mutations; 'AIDS' material; Protocols of Zion; Victor Rothschild.
WARNING! This upload is taken from a CD posted to me; I don't know the date or place of recording, or the names of the three or so interlocutors, who clearly have little knowledge. This seems to have been recorded with one microphone, on tape; it's rather hissy and unclear. Sorry about that. If someone would care to transcribe, I'll put your transcription online.
[Return to start of this page] Education in Reading and Writing
For many years there has been a movement to re-introduce what's called 'phonics' into the teaching of reading and writing to young children. There's a problem with methods introduced after 1945, which are detailed at some length in The Great Reading Disaster which I've reviewed here. This is a 15-minute talk by Mona McNee concisely outlining the problems: the look-say method of supposedly teaching reading just by showing the shapes of words, the institutionalisation of this method, and the consequences in adult misery, truancy and crime, and waste of public money. (Note that McNee and Coleman do not address the issues of race and IQ. Nor do they realise who was and is behind the push for immigration).
If you're interested in the social engineering aspect of education, you may like this incomplete 'Reading Disaster' spreadsheet which has some of the names identified in Coleman & McNee's book.
[Return to start of this page] Essential Fatty Acids 1995 David Horrobin (founder of Efamol) discusses the background, including the pioneer nutrionist Hugh Sinclair, and the side-issues introduced by Ancel Keys
Recorded with a small tape recorder. Includes Q and A session.
[Return to start of this page] Evolution 1996 Susan Blackmore speaking on 'memes', the mental ideal approx equivalent of genes. The word was fairly new then. Blackmore, who investigated the 'paranormal', gives an attractive account of the general idea of memes, though she seems to me naive about propaganda, having little conception of deliberately-planted lies. Richard Dawkins was in the audience. Susan Blackmore on memes [c. 1hr 9 sec]
[Return to start of this page] Freemasons Feb 2000 Jasper Ridley 'The Freemasons—are they dangerous?' Ridley was commissioned, or perhaps rented, to write on the Freemasons, who managed to work out that there is hostile publicity about them. This speech at South Place supposedly examines the Freemasons. With a question-and-answer session Jasper Ridley on Freemasons [1hr 35min]
Note: Freemasonry flourished in the days when travel and communications were difficult, and business operations relatively local, small, and not affected much by government. BUT these days travel and freight are much easier, and government much bigger: we have multinationals and huge bureaucracies. So Freemasons as part of Jewish activity are probably less important, replaced by things like Common Purpose, secretive organisations that allow financiers, bureaucrats (in town planning, hospitals and other medical installations, schools and academies), building companies, tax planners and others, to meet off the record.
New website with official information on British 'masons' including some of the old V.O.M.I.T. site, which is here unchanged. (Not my material).
[Return to start of this page] History and Official Pseudo-History Nov 1996 Alan Bullock at an event at the LSE (London School of Economics, essentially a Jewish propaganda institution). The introduction was by someone connected with a 'political science' journal run or edited or owned by someone called Shapiro, unsurprisingly promoting Czech, Rumanian and other Jews. Bullock, who was made into Lord Bullock, has the curious cud-chewing moral imbecility characteristic of fellow travellers, paid dupes, and useful idiots. The point here is to concentrate attention on Hitler and Stalin as 'great dictators' and elide other actors. There's a question and answer session; no prizes for guessing whether the questions were checked in advance. Alan Bullock: Rôles of Hitler and Stalin [34 MB]
[Return to start of this page] Holocaust Revisionism
Oct 1997 Rae West on a Sunday at South Place Ethical Society, Red Lion Square, London. This has been slightly slowed, as the speaker spoke rather quickly. The audio video is based on the written article here, Holocaust Revisionism, the Internet, and Free Speech Website page, with endnotes and a lot of added detail and information. Bear in mind that the Internet was quite new at the time this talk was delivered. Includes questions, comments, and answers. And tea and chat sounds.
8 hours of British TV from 31 January 1991 - 4 February 1991.
FIRST IRAQ WAR. Under George H W Bush. Also known as Gulf War Appearances include Saddam Hussein | John Major | John Smith | Jacques Delors | two BBC Dimbleby Jews | News Actors | Question Time | After Dark | Clare Short, Anthony Howard on press bosses | Howe, Thatcher | Walden etc
Non-Appearances include: Royalty | Weapons and War Profiteers | Middle East Experts | Jew Bankers | Victims | Jews running Arab states | Propagandists, e.g. comparing Hussein with Hitler | Jew 'Communists' | Genuine Historians | bribed politicians | 'Civil Servants'
Unedited from an old VCR tape; includes a few ads and voiceovers from the time.
2014 Vox Pop"Have you heard the idea the 'Jewish Holocaust' was faked?" northern English towns; vox pops of people asked that question (8 mins 43)
1994 Leon Greenman professional 'holocaust survivor' who says he was in Auschwitz as a bricklayer. Part of a meeting in Red Lion Square, with John Pilger, Michael Foot, Tony Benn and others. Recorded with good equipment, but Greenman was some distance from the other speakers. Leon Greenman on Auschwitz [About 35 mins audio; Paul Foot intro]
1995 Noam Chomsky Minimalist Explorations, a talk to an excited crowd in a London University lecture theatre. Chomsky - Minimalist Explorations decide for yourself if Chomsky is just another Jewish BS artist. [Nearly 90 minutes]
My transcription of Chomsky's talk.
'Isaac Deutscher Prize' Justin Rosenberg's talk At the LSE Justin Rosenberg on International Relations on Isaac Deutscher and the Lost History of International Relations. [Nearly 90 mins with question/answer session] (2017 - I've just noticed he is in 2017 "Professor of International Relations. Department of International Relations. School of Global Studies". Just another Jew liar).
Audio: Was Hitler an Agent? 55 mins with Andrew Carrington Hitchcock 8 January 2018
And here is the video of the same discussion:-
JEW SHOCK: Jews as a Learning Experience. It's Your Duty to Discover Jewish Habits: Your Life May Depend On It. 52 mins.Audio May 2015; Video Sept 2016; 52 mins, as above.
Shorter segment videos c. 15 mins each:
Part 1 inc. Thatcher, Blair, Galloway, Jew puppets | Part 2 | Part 3
JEW SHOCK: (((Historian))) (((Eric Hobsbawm))): (((Russian))) Revolution-Jewish Evil (((Communism))) 3,154 views My tape recording of 'historian' Eric Hobsbawm in 1996, talking to a presumably mostly Jewish audience in the LSE (London School of Economics). Hobsbawm was awarded a Jewish prize for his historical books, which included the so-called "Russian Revolution". Eric Hobsbawm's 'The Age of Extremes' is in the most dismaying tradition of Jewish fake history. The video has monochrome Gulag photos and drawings, plus three different scrolling screens explaining Jewish lies in history. There's a background whine, for which I apologise; removing it results in something even more irritating. 1 hr 20 mins including questions and weak answers.)
Dec 1996 Eric Hobsbawm AUDIO: Can We Write the History of the Russian Revolution? (Isaac Deutscher prize). Rather packed meeting in two London University venues by an apologist for mass murders following the 1917 Jewish coup d'état ('Revolution') in Russia. Includes introductory material, for ambience and feel. Listen to the evasions. Just over 80 mins. Unfortunately has some mains hum throughout.
This video was Banned from Youtube 7 May 2017; it had been uploaded on 19 Mar 2014. The video may not play, as there seems to be no general standard for playing—download it, then watch.
May 1996 Frank Barnaby on Vanunu. At the Houses of Parliament. A meeting of the 'Free Vanunu!' group, probably to keep his name in the media. This group seems to have included Bruce Kent, Susannah York, and Julie Christie as well as Jeremy Corbyn; I'd guess all these are/were 'useful idiots'. Tony Benn's Diaries 1991-2001 (Jewish edited) doesn't mention the meeting recorded here, but does mention Vanunu several times; I leave my readers and listeners to assess the truth of Benn's statements:–
21 June 1994: '... meeting in Committee Room 14 [typical large elegant room in the House of Commons] organised by the Committee to defend Mordecai Vanunu. To prevent him talking to anyone during the trial, he was put in a helmet so that he couldn't speak, and it was a secret trial. He's been in solitary confinement in a cell nine foot by six foot since 1986.'
26 January 1998: 'Jeremy Corbyn asked me to support him in his nomination of Mordecai Vanunu for the Nobel Peace Prize. Vanunu is the Israeli scientist [sic] who has been held in solitary confinement for years because he told the Sunday Times that Israel has nuclear weapons. God, what a world!'
Barnaby is or was part of the 'Oxford Research Group', a nuclear weapons supposed think-tank, who would not answer questions on fake nuclear tests I put to him. I have to assume he's probably a phoney. Judge for yourself if this shortish introduction material is intended simply to reinforce the media's planted story. Frank Barnaby on Mordechai Vanunu [10min 42s]
April 1998 Martin Gilbert on his book The History of Israel during his book promotion tour. He's best known for having been given sole rights to access Churchill's papers; no doubt he received other less publicised benefits. I'm afraid the recording quality isn't very good; but then neither is the material! Quite a bit of unfocussed material on various British governments.
Martin Gilbert - Israel, a History
1999 Francis Wheen 'won' an Isaac Deutscher prize. He was part of the British Private Eye team. Click Private Eye for an unflattering survey (not on audio).
[Return to start of this page] Money: Pensions Note this is Britain, before the big bank frauds. 1995 talk by Christopher Hird on The Great Pensions Fraud1995 talk at a Marxist meeting on the growth and psychology behind pensions and compulsory savings since 1945, the resulting investment problems and small cliques taking 'investment' decisions. And of course the temptations to dip into such funds, as illustrated by Robert Maxwell. Lucid and crisp talk. This predates the operations of the 'Labour' Party and Gordon Brown, who diversified the methods for removing peoples' pensions. [About 1 hr 17 mins]
[Return to start of this page] Mysticism, 'New Age' etc May 1996 talk by Colin Wilson based on a then-new book of his on the Egyptian pyramids. 1996 bookshop book promo talk by Colin Wilson, author of The Outsider, a book variously described as anarchistic/ existential, lower-class, psychologically insightful, and other things. Quite a lot of Wilson's speech is taken up by this book, which made him famous; at the time it was published, he was reported to live in a tent on Hampstead Heath. I'm afraid I left the tape recorder on during the book signing session, in the hope of recording interesting off-the-cuff remarks. [About 1 hr 37 mins]
[Return to start of this page] Nuclear Scepticism and Nuke Lies
AND SEE Jews for comments on Mordechai Vanunu and the supposed revelations about Jews, Israel, and nuclear weapons. Presumably designed to preted Jews have nukes, while also precluding inspection.STILLS FirstClassSkeptic (PriesthoodAgitator) on Photographic Evidence that 'Little Boy' and 'Fat Man' were Props, not Atomic Bombs.
VIDEO - NEWEST FIRST Playlist: Fourteen Nuclear Skeptic Youtubes by Rerevisionist; the more important long videos are followed by a cluster of very short videos, picking out smallish details.
• HIROSHIMA? FIRESTORM?* What really happened at Hiroshima, and why? Discussion with John Friend. 90 mins, 19 Aug 2014. Background may have fire imagery. * • LORDS OF THE NUKES 3 1/2 hour Youtube: Very fully illustrated, with many clips, drawings, photos, news and propaganda items. Here's a list of sources. Probably the most detailed discussion of nuclear issues anywhere. Three-way talk with Rerevisionist & FirstClassSkeptic & AbIrato/ Fakeologist. Recorded March 2013; graphics added May 2014.
* • JEWS, GENES, NUKES, WHITES 148 mins Youtube: intention being to explore Jewish evolutionary violence and deception. Rerevisionist & others on web radio (long version) (Audio & Youtube April 10th, 2014) * • NUCLEAR BOMBS? NUCLEAR POWER? 91 mins Youtube: Deanna Spingola in Chicago & Rerevisionist overview nuclear issues (recorded April 2013; Youtube April 2014)
David Irving: Hiroshima to keep the USSR out of Japan (4:40) David Irving: Was Hiroshima Justified? (He says it was not justified. Note that Irving is not (yet?) a nuke sceptic. 4 mins 40.)
AUDIO - NEWEST FIRST (some also used as soundtracks in my videos) NEW!HIROSHIMA? John Friend & Rerevisionist. What really happened at Hiroshima, and why? (90 min audio, 19 Aug 2014)
Deanna Spingola's online radio show with RBN - 'Republic Broadcasting Network - Because You Can Handle the Truth'. 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. Chicago area 19 April 2013. Rerevisionist explains nuclear bomb scepticism, and nuclear power scepticism, to Deanna Spingola. Audio. Second half has phone-in people. About 90 minutes. Ads removed.
Rerevisionist and FirstClassSkeptic and Fakeologist explain some of the complexities of the forum nukelies.org, and issues related to supposed nuclear weapons and nuclear power. Three-way phone talk on Skype Good Friday 2013 (March 9th). [Very long audio: 3 hr 20 mins. c. 80 MB. Ab Irato's radio ID theme recurs, but I removed his ten minute intro. The intro is included on Abirato's website www.abirato.info. It is a Canadian site, originally 9/11 only, which started late in 2012; 'ab irato' is a legal expression for activities likely to have been carried out in an angered frame of mind. The host re-nicknamed himself 'Fakeologist', an excellent nickname. Now I think of it, the fakes and false flags don't include USSR faked photos.]
Undated phone interview:- Jesse Waugh'Talkshoe' interview with Jesse Waugh—'Nukelies' video mentioned first at 36 mins [About 1 hr 55 mins; opens in a new window; hosted on another site]
Salt in Food
This audio (posted 24 Sept 2017; about 28MB, about 95 mins) is a two-voice conversation with Frank McManus, who initiated the web subsite Myths of the Dangers of Salt in Food, first uploaded in February 2014. Frank's work points out that stomach hydrochloric acid can only come from chlorides, in practice mostly common salt. And that an effect of this is to increase alkalinity in the body itself. Because some body fluid measurements are very precisely controlled, results follow as to viscosity of the blood, storage of sodium ions in the bones, hydration, and other health-related issues.
Mcmanus lists memes in common circulation, on Blood Pressure, Indigestion & Digestion, Rehydration, Hardened Arteries, and Fluoride Uptake, and on the alkalinisation effect caused by the stomach's acidification. Not as technical as I'd first thought—but probably not for people with no science.
Right: SALT in FOOD. Frank McManus interviewed by Rae West. Uploaded 27 Sept 2017. This is on YOUTUBE at present, though this may not continue. The soundtrack is identical to the audio interview, but of course there are visual additions, including 5-minute summaries onscreen to help with relocation of passages of interest.
Is Suzuki a Jewish mongrel? Japanese have straight black hair, unless his is permed. Another Coudenhove-Kalergi?
Science Fraud, Pseudo-Science, Junk Science
1995 Hermann Bondi on The Image of Science including Question-and-Answer Session. Talk to a rather miscellaneous group. Not very satisfactory: Bondi continued the British Government, or at least Government, policy of putting Jews into positions of authority in science matters, which must have helped with nuclear frauds run by Jews. He was snappy when questioned on weapons. His comment on the inverse square law seems oddly indifferent to geometry. He actually says very little about science's image.
Hermann Bondi on Science
July 1996 Stephen Rose then Professor of Biology at the Open University. Talk before a Marxist group on Is Our Behaviour in Our Genes? Many people by now are aware that the official Jewish answer is that there are no races, genetics means nothing, and everyone is potentially the same. Apart from Jews. Evolutionary biology, psychology and anthropology are just two sciences deliberately damaged by Jews. Judge for yourself from this talk. (Harold Hillman regarded Rose as a phoney, and disliked his using an agent; Rose's books provide a summary of all the errors Hillman spent his life trying to unmask. Some of Rose's work on memory involved trying to detect changes in newly hatched chick's brains). [c. 42 min]
There's a 'debate' online from a TV broadcast in London, Ontario, in Canada, from the same era—1989—between Philippe Rushton and David Suzuki (see photo), the latter following the Jewish line in a ridiculous manner. Possibly worth a look (e.g. search Youtube) to see how uninvestigated intimidation operates with media misreporting. Suzuki was described as a geneticist, but, as seems invariable policy with the junk media, his actual expertise was not spelt out—one of the symptoms of science fraud and parafraud.
November 1997 Basil Hiley on Einstein's Theory of Relativity, and Strange Properties of Space-Time. Prof Hiley's department of physics in London was scheduled for closure, because of shortage of students, and I believe Hiley was coerced or requested to lecture to young people in the hope they'd decide to study physics. (He told me that in 1945, physicists "were supermen!" though he didn't explain, or perhaps know, why that status had diminished). This was one of a set of about six lectures. Try to judge for yourself if the material is sound. Basil Hiley on Einstein, Relativity, and Strange Properties of Space-Time
[Return to start of this page] Shakespeare Authorship Brilliant 1994 talk on Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford, as Shakespeare. (On Youtube; one 49-minute video. There's also question and answer session elsewhere. By an anonymous speaker who may have changed some of his opinions since this talk. Opens in a new window). Note the control experiment aspect of this 500-year-old dispute. It helps prove that careerism and money-making dominates the academic world, not the search for truth.
[Return to start of this page] Real Socialism, and Attempts at Socialism
1998 Raymond Challinor genuine socialist historian speaking at the 'Alliance for Workers Liberty' in London. I say 'genuine' because he's in the British tradition, established by such orators as Keir Hardie; such writers as F D Maurice, William Morris, H G Wells, Wilde, and many others; and practical men such as Robert Owen and the founders of garden cities. – Not the Jewish-subverted and managed fake 'Red' 'Marxist' 'socialisms' and 'communisms'. Interesting talk on WW2 with questions and answers; first few minutes missing—I arrived late! Partly based on Challinor's own 1995 book of essays The Struggle for Hearts and Minds. Here's my review of Challinor's book which gives a more accurate account of the Second World War.
Raymond Challinor 'The Second World War - The Struggle for Hearts and Minds' [Talk made in 1998 at the 'Alliance for Workers Liberty'. About 70 minutes recording, with audience questions, some baffled as they'd been told it was an unqualifiedly 'good war'.]
1994 Tony Benn British 'Labour' Party faux-left politician, and useful idiot, most of whose life was spent as an M.P. in making speeches on socialism. Some of his books were on traditional British socialism; he correctly noted many people weren't even aware such a tradition existed. He married, lived in a rich part of London; his assets were held in trust with his American wife, in America (according to Louis Heren). I don't think he ever understood paper money/ e-money, or technology (incredibly, he was made Minister for Technology in the 1960s, his responsibilities supposedly including 'nuclear' issues, which this website maintains were and are frauds). He believed that Jesus had existed; a Christian socialist. His views on the Second World War naturally were the dominant Jewish-driven ones; to which he seems to have never applied any critical thinking whatsoever. Benn attempts to define what 'capitalism' is, and imagines the USSR was 'socialist'. Socialism 'however distorted it became under Stalin'—mass murder as brotherhood of man! 15-minute speech shows him puzzling over the start of WW2, and trying to define 'fascism' which he attributes to Hitler, and also, apparently seriously, suggesting that media workers might be anti-war even when the Jewish media owners wanted war. Tony Benn on the first Iraq War and media workers.
1998 Tariq Ali & Susan Watkins talking in a bookshop promotion about their book 1968. 1968 has entered the official demonology, completely wrongly. The problems of Jewish militarism began decades earlier, certainly with the desire for war against Germany in the 1930s. Jewish-promoted immigration had been scene-set years earlier, in for example the US Hart-Cellar Act. It's obvious Susan Watkins had no idea about media control; she simply can't understand why 'we' only talk about 1960s music, psychedelia etc, not realising the owners of media can set the agenda. She agonises over bombing of Vietnamese villages, in my view correctly, without realising Jews were more likely to look at the bombs as dollar signs, and homeless Vietnamese women and children as prostitutes for American troops. Tariq Ali was described as a 'wealthy playboy' by an insignificant British politician, Denis Healey; worth bearing in mind. Certainly Ali's money roots were well-hidden. Tariq Ali & Susan Watkins on 1968
November 6th 1999. Christopher Hitchens talk delivered to a smallish group in a London University room. The Sound of the Century is a shortish attempt (the tape was about 40 minutes) to summarise the twentieth century. Christopher Hitchens got a BA from Oxford University in 1970; as far as I know this was his only formal qualification. He wrote for the Jewish media, and had several books published. He was 'visiting Professor at the New School for Social Research' in New York, which despite its name claims to have been founded in 1919, obviously as part of the 'Jewish' penetration of the USA, following the Fed and First World War and Jewish propaganda to get naive US men into fighting. It seems to have received another intake of 'Jews;' in 1933.
Some reports say he 'discovered he was a Jew' in 1987, about twelve years before this talk; How true this is I leave to my sceptical audience to decide. Judging by Youtubes, he was hostile to Islam, hostile to Christianity, and said absolutely nothing about Jewish viciousness, cruelty, and lies. Christopher Hitchens established a niche: English-voiced, with European-based cultural references including Rome and Christianity, but excluding all science, and with carefully-worded material, he managed to sound urbane and reasonable, whilst praising discredited Jewish writers and avoiding the chief issues in a light snowfall of verbiage. He was not very well known; I hadn't heard of him when I taped this.
Anyway, here is Hitchens in rather informal mode, chatty and smoking. Included are some questions and answers from 'leftist' people sharing his 'panel'. Christopher Hitchens Sound of the 20th Century [about 40 minutes]
REVISIONISM as a Subject of its own in 2016 About 100 minute video on the state of revisionism in 2016. With a very useful visual index to help navigation through. Includes the idea that the 'New Testament' was faked by Jews. Youtube video on science revisionism extracted from the longer video; this part is about 16 minutes long.
MANCHESTER ARENA VIDEO, 2017: BOMB HOAX BIOLOGY: mostly HAROLD HILLMAN NUCLEAR: mostly THE MYTH OF NUCLEAR WEAPONS Playlist: Fourteen Nuclear Skeptic Youtubes by Rerevisionist; the more important long videos are followed by a cluster of very short videos, picking out smallish details.
* 'LORDS OF THE NUKES' 3 1/2 hour Youtube: Very fully illustrated, with many clips, drawings, photos, news and propaganda items: here's the list of sources. Probably the most detailed discussion of nuclear issues anywhere. Three-way talk with Rerevisionist & FirstClassSkeptic & AbIrato aka Fakeologist. Recorded March 2013; graphics added May 2014.
[Return to start of this page] Some pirate sites out there illegally have my videos. I recommend you DO NOT USE dmp3gratis mp3gratis or mytodaytv as these are flagged as dangerous by Malwarebytes. No doubt there are others. Google should, but doesn't, remove these trash sites.
Big-Lies Home Page | Nukelies Home Page
HTML and explanatory notes Rae West. Original recordings and digitisation by Rae West. Uploaded c. June 1 2012; then more in December 2012. Internet Radio on nuke lies 2013-03-30 and 2013-04-18. Youtube list added 2013-09-01. FirstClassSkeptic & ten Youtube playlist 2013-09-23, Fourteen playlist 2014-08-21. Horrobin added 2013-12-21. Some updated versions 2014. Mobile version added of cut-down index to a few youtubes only, for Google mobile-friendly approval 2015-06-19. 2011-11-11 upload 2016-10-18. Changed dir to big-lie.com/ c. 2017-07-09, 08-11 after mid-june raetowest.org/ 2017-09-13 rearranged with 'my' videos grouped apart from third party/ 2 Oct 2017 removed big-lie.com