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‘Traitorous Labour Lawyer/Politician Sir Keir Starmer and his Jewish wife’   Other online photos of Starmer show fanatical stolid hostile expressions

    Note that there are no media events showing Jews being taught that goys are worthless, shiksas are whores; so-called Jews invented God and are chosen by themselves—all the trash of centuries. The repellent woman is cushioned by complete censorship, including in fiction
Image from Spinwatch. The image has gone. Diagram of rich Jewish organizations that control British politics. Diagram from The Occidental Observer

Review by 'Rerevisionist' of TV   4 June 2024     Starmer vs Sunak:– Choose your Prime Minister to 'King Charles III'.   Choice of Two Nonentities?

In years to come, I suspect that today's 'democracies' will be mocked as absurd, in the same way earlier novels ridiculed voting. Here we have a debate, run by a Jewish-owned company, allowed to control a 'debate' with no checks on accuracy or fact.

      Starmer is an obvious puppet of Jews. He has said nothing on the huge Jewish neocon aggression against Iraq, a cradle of civilisation. He says nothing on the long-standing Jewish money-making 'Holocaust' phoney. He says nothing—and is unlikely ever to speak on—the 1913 Federal Reserve Act which has controlled much of the world's money supply. All these facts and very many others are kept secret by callow media liars. Millions and millions of nominally sane voters support the 'Labour' Party. Many voters think of their towns as 'Labour Towns' despite the Labour party not having existed during those towns' lives. Modern block trade unions, and Jew-controlled education, mean any war Jews want, any movement of population or industry Jews want, any educational or medical or legal policy Jews want will be pushed through

      Sunak is obviously not 'Conservative' in any sense. Everyone is encouraged to think he won't get back in (and will resign). It's unlikely he will produce anything new, and unlikely that he can, though conceivably that party might. The Conservative story is more varied than Labour. They have links to huge frauds of the past: China and the Sassoons, India and Bengal where the story still isn't known, southern Africa and mining interests controlled by Jews. Ex-Prime Ministers include Cameron, part of the link with Scottish Jews; 'Je suis Juive' Theresa May; and Boris Johnson, real name probably Osman, whose ancestors seem to have made money from Ottoman Empire genocide of Armenian Christians. Both parties support bulk deaths of whites, in the 'Great' War, the Second World War, other wars, and general race replacement and lack of support for whites.

      -RW   10 June 2024

I watched some of this staged event, but they make it difficult to download for further inspection. At least I was spared some emetics. It's supposed to be the first of many such TV things for a month. I haven't looked up details of this TV company ownership and advertising, interesting for the Jewish control.

Important Note: It's essential that serious people take account of the Jewish issue, but this is solidly opposed by a huge ragbag of derivative types. In fact, taking the long view historically, it's entirely possible that non-Jews collectively are too stupid to not only do their work, but also understand these issues: consider the Middle Ages for example, in which the Jew-invented schemes of Christianity and Islam came close to ruining ancient worlds. Or consider today's mid-USA, with tens of millions of credulous simpletons.
    Anyway, this article tries to be uncompromising, and is unlikely to appeal to ordinary types. Sorry.
    Jews seem to think they are riding high, but there are, so to speak, many maggots in their cheese, mostly to do with their past reliance on silly and unchecked oratory. Probably there are many fantasists who think they are 'Moschiach', for example. There must be assorted versions of their objectives, from getting 1,800 slaves (I think) to exterminating all whites, and from various treatments of non-Jew inferiors. It is possible their disconnections from reality will lead to disasters, from firm guarantees which turn out to be worthless to genuine belief in things like 'climate change' and 'COVID' to technical errors, such as thinking electric vehicles ten times the weight of internal combustion vehicles are a good thing.
Paper Jews and whores all must   As vacant goyim, come to dust

I call it 'staged' partly because of the passively obedient chosen audience, but mainly because the two sides have so many weaknesses. They must have met to decide which items were too embarrassing to mention. And they must have decided how to spin the points on which they agree to lie to audiences. How much of the whole thing is a charade, in the way TV 'soaps' are planned in advance, and then videoed, I don't know.

Since we're in the world of Jew-controlled information, let's use the correct technical vocabulary. Official Jewish 'ethics' (always called that by subservients) says that non-Jew girls are whores, or 'shiksas'. So I'll refer to Etchingham, the nominal conductress of the show, as the 'Whore'. I don't have good nicknames for the puppet protagonists. Maybe 'hangdogs' will do. Perhaps candidates for Bilderberg are given nicknames when they perform.

Character Sketches:
Starmer   slots in neatly (including the name Keir) with the so-called 'Labour Party' in the UK, founded about 1900 and intended all along as a corral for the workers, an Oxbridge collection to keep them in place. (A more-or-less official view of the period is the rubbish of Downton Abbey). Much of the period was planned, unknown to most goyim, though some of them had a glimpse during the 'Great', or 'First World', War, which brought “thousands ... of educated men up against the staggering secret ... the complete control exercised over things absolutely necessary to the nation's survival by half a dozen Jews”
      Trade Unionism was manipulated into its present state, where war supplies for Jews, education policies for Jews, housing and benefits for Jews would be approved. Inheritance policies, death duties, public housing, lack of control of borders, anti-white legal attitudes (allowing the Jewish 'Jack the Ripper')... 'Labour' did all this. The Great War was timed after the USA's Federal Reserve Act. 'Labour' joined in with hundred of thousands of deaths, repeated with the unprecedently-propagandised Second World War.
      Roughly, that's Starmer's background. No wonder he looks vicious.
Sunak   seems part of a different set, based around the Orient and the supposed 'British' Empire, following the first empire in north America, and involving cruelties in China and Bengal, a story ignored by the 'Labour' Party. Sunak might have talked of such events, and of Hindus and Moslems, and cast light on Jews in the east, but the confabs with the supposed rivals must have crushed any of that, which saddens me as I like to know these things. Sunak seems part of the Call Centre work in India, which at least attempts do do useful things. I don't believe his 'this is all due to education' claims, which seem to be a deflection from printed money and its control. I think he's as much of a puppet as Starmer.

Let me mention a few topics suppressed from the 'debate'.
      “The Lockdown” is one on which both Starmer and Sunak profess to agree, despite knowing nothing about medical research. AIDS and COVID are similar medical issues. (There are reliable claims that smallpox was spread by blankets given to some 'natives'. I wonder if they were claimed to be 'vaccines'?) So is cancer—a studio person complained abut the NHS, but not about research into cancer being wrecked deliberately. Nothing on addiction and 'OxyContin' and the Jewish Sacklers. And nothing that I saw on the obesity epidemic, slowly wreaking havoc as junk food dominates.
      Another suppressed topic is the defects inbred into Jews and Moslems, probably resulting in deaths in Pakistan, but not here. They expect lifelong care here; in fact the NHS has guidelines specifically on treatments for any problems, however exotic and irrevelant to this country's people.
      Re Gaza, both 'debaters' agree on the importance of 'defence against HAMAS', not mentioning (this is Miles Mathis) that HAMAS's legal advisor is a New York Jew.
      It fascinated me to see Sunak defending paying for 'our nuclear deterrent' without any idea the whole thing has been exploded (pun intended).
      Starmer claimed he'd pursued terrorists, at any rate through the courts. So of course he's been busy with 9/11 hasn't he? And smaller things, such as the fake Manchester bombing. The sort of faked events Jews love to put in the record.
      Starmer was in Crown Prosecutions. About the time the events 'documented' in Mr Bates vs the Post Office —"one of the 'worst miscarriages of justice in British history'" —Yes i was really called that.
      Sunak and 'lifeboat charity' RNLI used volunteers to ferry invaders across the channel. No doubt funded by Jews.
      Both agree to do nothing about attacks on white girls. Nothing on Ghislaine Maxwell, James Savile OBE.
      The Whore automatically confined the discussion on immigration to rubber boats on the open south coast. Nothing on the millions who have flooded in and get preferential treatment. The population has ballooned and young whites find it difficult to get on 'housing ladder' and get work
      Just some of many things. A side-issue is the present-day complete irrelevance of the Church of England, even with Welby, their Jewish 'leader'. Modern media techniques easily outrun vicars turning out once a week with their silly half-educated stories

Another submerged issue is the condition of such things as the BBC and Civil Service. The BBC was formed as a Jewish radio broadcaster in about 1920 by Rufus Isaacs, later renamed for secrecy 'Lord Reading'. By constant repetition this expensive junk organisation has something of a fake reputation as honest. An incredible achievement. Something similar is true of the 'Civil Service' and its reputation for neutrality, when in fact it has internal promotion routes which are entirely undemocratic and dependent on Oxbridge Jewry. Sunak made a claim about a £2000 tax on all families, claiming it was a forecast by the Civil Service. There is now so much science and social fraud that the Civil Service is immersed in it.

- Raeto West   6 June 2024



Appendix for the Innocent: Just One Typical Example of Jewish Propaganda.
(Yawn). The illustration shows most of contents table from Modern Minds The twentieh-century world.

Writers stated to be Jamie Byrom, Christine Counsell, Michael Gorman, Derek Peaple, Michael Riley.

As is traditional, Jews are completely unidentified.

Published in 1999, no doubt for the year 2000. I have no idea how many copies were sold; this is from a throw-out table. I's a product of Pearson Education Limited, of Harlow, Essex.
      It pretends to want to develop historical understanding. Using the 'National Curriculum'. In practice it's a collection of leading questions, all from the Jewish mindset.

Let's skim through this–
1 Twenty million deaths and World War 1.   In fact, Jews took the majority role in wanting and fomenting this war. They had secret members in al leading countries.
      2 Severn and Somme   has extracts from letters of people who had no idea what was going on. Except that they were liable to be killed.

3 The Paris 'peace conference' was deliberately arranged with many potential flashpoints, to plan for WW2.

4 Revolution   Jews loved their domination of Russia and its empire. It (and the resulting deaths) are a good example of Jews in action. The other interesting thing is the way their control of money brought in companies, arms dealers, censorship.

5 Ireland divided   Downton Abbey gives a Jewish view of Ireland. It ended up with de Valera (Spanish Jew) imposing Roman Catholic stupidity. And other things.

6 Evil minds   Hitler has long been a hate figure for Jews, just as Churchill was the opposite, in Britain. In fact Hitler was Jewish and an example of what's now called 'controlled opposition'. Propaganda control allowed Jews to call the shots, including the support for mass killer Stalin.
      7 The Road to War   has the usual trotting-out of official signposts.
      8 The world dissolved in flames   is of course dishonest, Jews generally not fighting, moving to safety, and telling lies
      9 'The greatest crime'   is a special Jewish lie, relied on to make money. It was made up in something like the 1960s.

10 The bomb that changed the world   recites the propaganda rubbish (which took some time be be invented and then propagated) now known to have been fraudulent. NB at this time Jews invented things like the UN, the IMF, and World Bank, all to cement their grasp on the world

11 Death of an empire   This is about the 'Soviet Union'. Given the terror and killings in the USSR, it's likely that this was a pseudo-event as Russia started to give way under Jewish depredation.

12 Black and British   Jews for some time wanted to flood Europe and the USA with non-Britons. The title hare is typical of Jewish bold lying.

13 Can the world live up to its highest hopes?   This probably refers to so-called Tikkun olam, a piece of deception where Jews pretend their rapacity is for the general good.

Modern Minds The Twentieth Century World Jewish propaganda produced for Britain. Published 1999. Note its simpleness—often found in Jewish output. I noticed it first in a discussion of Rome and its ancient empire. A jew was adamant that nobody liked that empire. Of course not. It lasted for centuries and had endless ramifications. But Jewish views are typically stupid and narrow, possibly to include their range of abilities.

This book ‘for pupils of all abilities’ credits five authors. As is usual, there is complete silence about Jews.

Note the way supposed simple 'facts' are dropped like bricks.

RW   6 June 2024