'Owen Jones' and Other Footnotes to Dying Fake Media, Jews, and the 'Labour' Party in Britain
by Rae West 14 Feb 2019, 24 Dec 2020
Book Review: The Establishment Published 2014, 2015 by 'Penguin Random House UK'.
Possibly published elsewhere, too.
Subtitled: And how they get away with it.
I found a 'used' copy of the book (most of the rest of this piece is video-related). So, time for a review! Let's start with a few overviews:
• I was a bit surprised with the monochrome picture of 'Jones'. (I'll alternate between Jones and 'Jones', uncertain whether the traditionally Jewish presentation of his ideas—or more accurately other people's ideas that he parrots—shows him up as just another Jew). It's entirely possible he is routinely funded as a 'Holocaust Survivor', for example. Anyway, his photo struck me as very like Greta Thunberg, the absurd little girl, daughter of actors, posing as a climate-aware person. Jews are always looking for presenters, so why not try infants? Less unappealing than bearded freakish Jews, I'd imagine.
• Penguin Books has a long history of promoting Jewish interests, while of course concealing Jews' activities. Jews loved the Soviet Union, and in pre-Internet days, had a fairly simple task, of ignoring all the many disgusting acts of Jews and their agents. In fact, they won the Second World War, after manipulated others into killing each other with weaponry profitable to Jews. This is an extraordinary achievement! And ought to be recognised and understood. Here's information on Jewish propaganda before the Second World War in Britain, as an example. The same thing applies after the Second World War, and in the world in general, and in all media—the BBC for example. Readers unused to facts might like my long page How the Master Race of Jews Won World War 2, which has lots of examples, evidence, Q & A sessions, statements about battles.
• Moving in, to this one book, we see many bold claims made, though not generally by the author. There's a list credited to much of the declining Jewish junk press in Britain, including 'Books of the Year' extracts, displaying perhaps the genetic tendency for Jews to trumpet each other. Someone surnamed Chakrabarti talks of 'the Jones' analysis', which of course doesn't exist. Irvine Welsh (filmmaker?) thinks it's the only book you'll ever need to read. Someone says Tony Benn would have liked it; probably true enough, though Benn was or posed as a follower of Christianity. The front cover leads with 'THE PHENOMENAL BESTSELLER', unsupported by anything factual. None of this need to be taken seriously. With a sigh, let me save you the trouble of wasting your time on it.
It's indexed (40 pages) and has endnotes which are largely printed internet references. No doubt Penguin could have provided these online to reduce fingerwork; but they look unappealing and unreliable and in the Jewish propaganda style. There are eight chapters, four of which have titles suggesting media, police, 'public' money, and tax evasion. I put 'public' in quotes because of course the actual apportionment isn't exactly 'public'. Jones knows this, but doesn't say much about it, and indeed can't without conflicting with his contract.
The format involves the common media use of carefully-chosen well-thumbed wording and statistics, intended to elicit standard Pavlovian reader response. Plus real or supposed activists. Introduced and interpolated with his own uncheckable interviews—cafés, canteens, and pubs featuring largely.
About thirty-two helpers are acknowledged; there are plaintive thanks to people doing their tedious jobs, 'his' editor, agent, and copy-editor, so necessary to the hack. And thanks to others, such as his mum Ruth, probably a Yiddisher, Seumas Milne (editorial hack), Eric Hobsbawm—the usual types. He notices Melanie Phillips, lifetime Jew 'journalist' with presumably non-Greek-aware parents, now of the Daily Mail.
Top of Jones' list of disasters is is September 2008, an 'economic disaster'. This was itself something of a media event; in the sense it would otherwise have been noticed only by after-effects.
Let me digress here on the 20th century and its following decade or so...
The full data are not known. But 1913 was a critical date, in which Jews invented the 'Federal Reserve', after playing for a few centuries with land ownership, a few wars, and the definition of 'Federal'. After this, they arranged two huge wars and many less huge wars. This needed co-operation with 'Goyim', for example 'Freemasons'. It's fascinating to speculate on how many deaths there otherwise might have been, how technologies might have developed, and how numerous frauds might have been avoided, but such ideas are as out-of-range of Jones as thoughts of tinned food supplies are out-of-range of pet cats.
Some of Jones' trigger-words are Capitalism, Revolutions, and Organized Injustice. 'Capitalism' has a special place in the Jewish BS system: as long as Jews control it, they say nothing, but just collect; if anyone else controls any money, the menaces start. Jones seems to imagine (unlike Plato) that 'injustice' is as plain as 'pork pie'. 'Revolutions' of course are a standard topic, often called 'Marxist', though in fact older, and overlaid by geological strata of lies. It's amusing to see the way he quotes, or guess, at 'incomes': neglecting the importance of capital and ownership is a standard technique to avoid mentioning people with both. But it's part of the way Jones pretends to look at the 'top of the pecking order' with talking about Jews, military, laws etc.
To save effort, I examined the book's index: nothing on Jews, nothing on Rothschild, nothing on Central Bank ownership, nothing on 'Lord Cashpoint' of Tony Blair. And—of course—nothing on the Talmud or other antiquated garbage. Nothing on 9/11. Nothing on Common Purpose, or Freemasons. Nothing on Websites, or Youtube. Nothing on the 'Holocaust', which must have loomed large in Jones' schooling and Oxford courses on 'history'. Let sleeping frauds lie! I could find nothing on the likelihood that Gordon Brown, under cover of the Jewish press praising his 'genius', sold much of Britain's gold cheap as chips to China.
An important point which underlies academic economics is the denial of the power of money. This, obvious as it seems, only occurred to me when mulling over the idea that money is a medium of exchange, a store of value, or any of the other anodyne statements of hacks. In fact, it can and does pay bribes, control lawyers, install governments, control beliefs, and kill people.
The sad fact, obvious after 120 years now, is that the 'Labour Party' was just another Jewish construction. So is the fact that post-Cromwell Oxford is Jewish, with a splash of disguise—Biblical stuff, concealed Talmudism, largely fake academic subjects. Russell said it was the last gasp of the Middle Ages, showing how little he understood.

Albert Bourla, Jew vet. CEO of Pfizer. Don't be injected by this clown.
Technical Incompetence seems essential to Jew-picked publicists: Jones writes of nuclear power (p. 175) but clearly knows nothing about it. He refers to 'monoclonal antibodies' at one point; ditto. Whether caused by dimness in the multitudes, or induced by interest groups, the media since about 1900 have avoided serious issues. This point is in Jones's favour—in the modern world. He discusses 'phone hacking', but was this in fact possible?? Jones obviously has no idea. There's even some online material about 'COVID' by Jones.
Jews have a parasitic tradition, which appears to be genetic: however much damage they do, they keep on with it. In simple days, the harm they could do was technologically limited. But now, their harm can be deadly. The to world wars are a good example. Another is the COVID fraud: Oxford simpletons are set to inject much of the world. I hope they are stopped.
Automatic Following of Secret Leadership is essential too, if you want to be picked, as Jones obviously did.
Britain is 'a mature democracy'. Really? The BBC is broadcasting's 'gold standard'. Really?? Tax evasion demonstrations in about 2010 were genuine, not just a collection of paid scruffs given pre-printed signs. Really???
Someone 'fled south Africa's Apartheid regime' for example; Jones's words—but has he any knowledge of Africa? Really? There are 'not enough council houses' (he means cheap public housing). But he supports as much immigrations as Jews say Britain wants. Are they in fact buildable? Immigration needs something like four or five towns the size of Birmingham. Is that possible?? The police practice of 'stop and search' is automatically assumed harmful by Jones. But how much in fact was reasonable or essential??? A tricky question, far outside Jones's limited range.
'Jones Goes to the Top' Claim. Consider military establishments and promotions. A good old example is Eisenhower, who turns out to have been an untalented mass murderer of whites. Does Jones query such things?—Of course not. Or consider legal promotions, an issue raised by Benn, complaining (I think) the criteria for selecting judges were not published. Or promotions within GCHQ, MI6, 'Special Branch', etc. These are top-heavy with Jews and secret societies, in my view unfortunately. No surprise—no mention in Jones.
An interesting example of wilful blindness is Jones on Thatcher. [Note on Prime Ministers: Thatcher 1979-1990 | Major 1990-1997 | Blair 1997-2007 | Brown 2007-2010 | Cameron 2010-2016]. Thatcher lived in Jewish London, and must have been spotted as a potential 'face'. 'Privatisation' meant Jews got money and ownership of valuable assets. Jones doesn't notice.
As far as I bothered to check, there is no account of Jones meeting 'our' monarch, in a back kitchen somewhere in Buck House. What view, if any, did she have of awarding knighthoods to US war criminals? Did she remember Winston Churchill? What did she think of Archbishops of Canterbury? What horse race memory was her favourite? And maybe witty repartee from Jones, perhaps concerning his 'anus horribilis', elegantly and light, touching on great events, in wise and entertaining style, so uncharacteristic of the absurd 'Chosen' people?
World Topics Jones says nothing about 9/11, of course—video imagery, controlled demolition, false flags, are out of his range, as are issues of supply, ownership, control, profits, of oil. Another subject he's unfit for is war: he thinks the problem with the Vietnam War was that it cost Americans (not Jews in America; Americans—he forgot to mention that). The corpse-strewn world of Jews and their boytoys!
Plenty more. Let me just quote from Thomas Dalton:
For the past 150 years, we find not a single instance of Jews fighting for peace, justice, reconciliation, or compassion—not one.
If we are to have any hope of minimizing future wars, we must stay the Jewish hand. Jews must be identified, isolated, sanctioned, and removed from positions of power.
© Rae West 25 December 2020
False Flags are staged events to discredit some group.
Example: Jews in Poland, after a planned delay, attacked Germans to cause Hitler to attack Poland—probably planned. All the western Jewish media shrieked at Hitler, but did not mention the Jew puppet Stalin when he did the same. As this example suggests, false flags are not new.
PsyOps are staged events to instil hate, fear, panic, or acquiescence.
Examples: Nuclear weapons fakes stoked the fake 'Cold War' between Jew-controlled groups. If you can't face this example, consider the NASA moon landing frauds of 1969 etc, the invention of 'AIDS' in 1984, the 'Climate' hoaxes mostly in the 1990s, or let's select the 'Angel of Mons' of 1914, used to suggest that the 'Great War' continue. Other examples are fake shootings in Tasmania, the USA, Britain etc planned with fake campaigns to disarm usually white populations. Here's a recently written-up piece on
Dunblane shooting hoax, in Scotland.
The table with flags shows a few of the fake events of the last few years. (Not all the links work—thanks, Youtube!) If these events are intended to be used, obviously there has to be a pretence to believe in them, and this introduces a weakness. The Holohoax fraud for example is a keystone to Jewish frauds; thus Auschwitz is lied about pathetically by Jews—it was a safe well-fed holding-pen for Jews until rail links were destroyed, and non-Jews were killed: you may like to estimate the time needed to kill off Germans in Auschwitz to give a pile of bodies, against the food reserves needed for the 'Chosen'. A much more recent example was staged events in Charlottesville, linked to Richard Spencer as a supposed leader from nowhere.
Odd things at Charlottesville (hosted on my own site!).
Probably Jews and their puppets look back to 1900 (Boer Wars, gold) and 1913 (Fed) and up to 1945 (radio, films) as a golden age of propaganda, in which any rubbish could be published, printed, broadcast, taught, and projected to almost 100% of any population—and, for that matter, at a profit. This was technology in action: just as the Church was outdated by central media, so individual parsons and priests were outdated, and salesmen were outdated by mass ads (watch Death of a Salesman, if you can take it), and vaudeville performers could no longer make a living from a few acts for life. The media had Walter Kronkite in the USA, Richard Dimbleby in the UK, Alistair Cooke (from Salford), the Attenboroughs, and a series of 'anchors' like Johnny Carson, all presumably Jews. But after 2000 this stasis crumbled fairly rapidly; in my view, a new, potentially liberating, world.
Let's first think about the sort of people the Jewish media must be trying to find. Firstly, in my biased judgment, they have to be mediocre, whether Jews or puppets; Blair, Kinnock, Thatcher, the Clintons, Soetero, endless pairs of TV readers, show the sort of thing. Secondly, they have to learn their lines and stick to the Jewish viewpoint, however ridiculous. The history of the ADL, adamant about Leo Frank, a Jewish sex murderer, and the 'Jack the Ripper' crew, never mentioning Jews, are just two small examples of the absolute conformity needed.
They also want people with some verbal skill. I suppose actors are likely to be best, with practised voices, but unpractised minds. Able to give a decisive sort-term impression, like umpires.
'Owen Jones' went to Oxford University (no details. Many Oxford colleges date from the post-'Civil War' period in Britain, when William of Orange was installed by Oliver Cromwell, and the Jewish money power started. To this day, Oxford is a sort of nursery for Jew-supporting nonentities). I put the name in quotes because there is a tradition, going back before 1900, of Jews immigrating into Britain and changing their names to near-British equivalents. There are truy amazing numbers of these. A H Lane's The Alien Menace gives evidence. The odd accents of course could be passed off as local. Shatter in Ireland, Livingstone, Galloway, Corbyn, Straw, Miliband are similar examples. The same sort of thing applies in Russia, Germany, Poland, France, Italy and other countries, probably including China.
It's surprising how few journalist types come from Oxbridge; more usual is a secret, backroom persona, or books in uninteresting style; for example Anthony Seldon, of 25 books (then). Another type is illustrated by a list, taken from an online site, of 'Masters' 'at the helm of Oxbridge colleges', figureheads rather than people of substance. They all support Jewish 'culture', including mass murder and money-making fakes; the 'Labour' Party is more or less synonymous with Jews and has been since it was established in about 1900—an ex-editor of the Guardian, another ex-editor of its identical deformed twin Observer, a human rights barrister [Grayling? Baker?], a Lib Dem peer [Goodhart?], a former head of the National Trust, an Archbishop of Canterbury [Rowan Atkinson], a former Labour press officer, two former Labour peers, a former Labour adviser, and at least four former BBC executives.
None of these people could come up to scrutiny, and of course don't expose themselves to that risk, always having scripts and never speaking openly. With newspapers, books and TV—controlled and unidirectional—this matters little. But Internet raises difficulties. It may prove the 9/11 Jewish media storm—not long after the start of mass Internet—was too late to be salvaged.
How to understand the world: one essential tip:–You may be looking at the USA, Germany, Poland, Britain, France etc as units, as solid fixed groups. The way to understand is to know Germany is Germans + (((Germans))), France is French + (((French))), Britain is (((British + (((British))) etc. It was more obvious in the USSR, where the Jewish 'elite' were more obvious.
Some examples from the 1930s: 'Poland' didn't repeatedly violate boundaries in 1922-39; (((Poland))) did. 'Britain' didn't declare war on Germany in 1939; (((Britain))) did. 'France' didn't invade Germany; (((France))) did. If these Jewish power blocs are kept separate, everything becomes clearer.
During the so-called 'Cold War', Jews ran the USSR, the USA, Europe, and Cuba—which the Spanish Jew Castro controlled. They owned the media and controlled most of the ideas of Russians, Americans, Europeans, including wars.
The thing missing is collaborators, puppets, and normies. They include Common Purpose 'graduates' and Freemasons, and seem likely to be even more difficult to separate out than Jews.
The (((British)))
Guardian—which started more than a century ago as The Manchester Guardian, and has been a Jewish mouthpiece ever since, with a nod to the Manchester School of economics—is run by a Jewish trust, the Scott Trust, or Scott Trust Ltd; no doubt the details change. Leeds is another town with many Jews. Incidentally it ran
all the job ads for the BBC! It must have been impacted by Internet news. In 2016 it claimed its printed edition had a daily circulation averaging 162,000 copies, but circulation is a coded way of inflating the figures, by multiplying by the estimated number of people each copy is handed to. I'd guess 30,000 a day is optimistic. It fraudulently claims to be independent, and even asks for donations! It's unlikely it's short of money, since Jews can simply print more.
Here's a bit of burrowing by Miles Mathis:
Bloomsbury Publishing [of the intensively advertised Harry Potter series]'s Chairman is Anthony Salz. Salz was the Chairman of the BBC in 2006, having been on the Board of Governors, a trustee of the trust which owns The Guardian newspaper, and Executive Director of N. M. Rothschild and Sons Limited. This bank was founded in 1811 and serves the Queen, among other extremely prominent clients.
Here are a few heavily-promoted miscellaneous would-be presenters, with my notes, since 2000, when Internet took off (numerical information from 'Google Trends'):–
- Alex Jones. Widely believed to be Bill Hicks (including by me). Impossible to tell how he arose; fascinating style, but has near-total avoidance of such issues as the Holohoax, Jews under Stalin, the Rothschilds, U.S. war crimes, Holodomor, Jews controlling Arabs and Turks, Yemen. And PsyOps and False Flags; his guests ignore such things too. Infowars (founded in 1999) after Hicks 'died' in 1994. Waco in 1993 may have suggested the whole scheme. He runs his own ads (for things like potassium iodide) to mimic US TV. Peak possibly 2016. He is clearly not serious. BUT it MAY BE that he's pushed large numbers of sheep into wakefulness. The people to ask are the Jews who run public opinion sampling schemes. But they won't say. Recent developments, such as the idea that Hitler and the 'Nazis' arranged the war between them, and the idea that Jews are panicking over DNA evidence that mixed-race blacks who were slaves of Jews show Jew descent—seem to be ignored.
- Richard Dawkins. Seems to have started 2006 in Internet. Followed by a slow decline. Book reviews including reasons showing Dawkins is another Jew-puppet fraud: politically, he does not talk about Jewish censorship and Jewish power, manifested in his family tree; scientifically, he is not sound on mistakes in cell biology, which make some creationists' comment true—not that they realise. Religiously, he seems to have no idea about the 'Abrahamic religions' and their money and war connections. He tells lies, of course, about race. My impression is that his audience now finds him unsatisfactory.
- Rachel Riley. Seems to have started mid-2008, on a quiz show. I include her here because she is reported to have stated that she has some Jew ancestry, and wants people to know it made her feel more Jewish etc. The obvious questions—suppose she's descended from Jewish murderers in the USSR, for example—are not asked.
- Emily Grossman. started May 2014 to be pushed as some sort of advisor for girls to take up science. Essentially a failed Jewish actress in the mould of Jewish feminist types with mixed motives, such as stirring up male/female hostilities. I think in decline since she obviously has no idea about science.
Note the attempt to take over a movement. And align with the fake 'Labour' party. And with thugs for Jews.
- 'Owen Jones'. Seems to have popped up in mid-2016, about a year after a General Election. I'll go through some of his videos below.
- Richard Spencer. Seems to have been invented Nov 2016, with a campaign to link him to the False Flag of Charlottesville (this video is hosted on my own site, in case Youtube hides it). It was impressive at the time to see how rapidly questions were asked about his independence and legitimacy and awareness.
(I just found an online book, an 86-page or so ebook, by Nick Griffin, AltRight NotRight, which has information on Spencer and many manufactured alt-right names, plus other fairly reliable material. Griffin, when leading the BNP, must have had many contacts with supposedly 'right' people, and I presume his detail is correct, though motives and thoughts, and funding, may not be. Has an interesting list of links.
BUT Griffin admitted he had talks with Jews, who wanted him to avoid mentioning Jews and Jewish money—notably the Federal Reserve—and to criticise Islam adversely.).
- Milo Yiannopoulos. Feb 2017: Amusing talker, with considerable backup on such questions as what percentage of women called themselves 'Feminists' and facts about pay rates by gender. A dressy homosexual half-Jew, his backup was silent on issues such as Jew paper money and Jew funding of wars. I'd guess his audience eventually tired of his mercifully short accounts of sucking off blacks. He was sacked from some Jew 'news' source, possibly because he advocated pederasty—despite this being recommended by Jews. [NewObserverOnline says: This was Breitbart News: "founded by Jews, is largely staffed by Jews, and has an entire section dedicated to reporting on and defending the Jewish state of Israel," said Jewish CEO Larry Solov. Trump hired Breitbart News's executive chairman Steve Bannon as his new campaign manager.] However, Yiannopolos wrote a book which sold in large numbers, as far as is known. This seems a new thing: Jews largely control publishing and advertising, so it's a free gift they can offer easily, while the novelty remains.
- Diane Abbott. June 2017: Jews are forever looking for blacks, or mixed-race types they call black, to push their fantasy that races (apart from Jews) are all the same. Abbott is a sort of presenter, a participant in political talk shows of typical lightweight BBC type. There's a funny, or depressing if you lean that way, video showing she is unable to do simple mental arithmetic of (for example) police pay. It's pitiful to watch these puppets: Zimbabwe was pillaged by Mugabe, and there is to be no attempt to get some back for Zimbabweans. As far as I know Abbott has done damn all about this sort of thing; probably she has no idea what could be done. Other issues include South Africa, where Jews are secretly manoeuvring to kill whites, and mixed-race blacks and their Jew slavery/rape issue. I have only my impressions to go on, but I can't see anyone finding Abbott anything more than a slogan parrot.
- Tommy Robinson. Jun 2017. Real name said to be Yaxley-Lennon. He was obviously pushed by media Jews; suddenly he became widely-known. This must have been part of the process relating to Moslem rape gangs, which everyone from social workers and teachers to politicians and our ancient and utterly useless Queen did nothing about. He of course had nothing to say about the history of Islam, including the 'Hindu Kush' which is a topic censored by everyone. There have been False Flags (such as the Manchester Arena 'bomb' hoax) but I'm pretty sure 'Robinson' has made no comment. There are occasional demonstrations, probably staged, but I think he's faded. Since he appears to think he's a Jew, he's obviously controlled opposition.
- Jordan Peterson. Jan 2018 seems to have been his peak. Allegedly an academic psychiatrist, often shown teaching a class obviously instructed to be mute, he was presented as opposition to the ridiculous Jew-promoted 'pronoun' issue. There's quite a funny staged video, out of doors (because of rules about noise?), where he replies to a ridiculous woman's ridiculous comment on 'Nazis'. He reminded me a bit of R D Laing, who liked peppering his talks with digressions on Dostoievsky, but not of course Solzhenitsyn. Laing also discussed atrocities in the Vietnam War, fought by gullible Americans for Jews to take over Vietnamese assets. Peterson, on the other hand, seems to regard the US Army as evidence of the value of IQ tests, laughably, since the US army is a byword for stupidity and thuggery. Faced with experts in mass killing, Peterson's life of talking with worried people is a joke. I actually feel a bit sorry for Peterson, who is not very skilled in the Jewish art of poker-faced lies, and whose voice gets shrill at difficult times, such as pretending 'Ashkenazi Jews' have a high proportion of 'geniuses'. He was the beneficiary of a book promotion, including for example by the BBC. The hardback I saw was published by a global Jewish-controlled group; I'd be surprised if he got as much as 10% of the nominal cover price. There's a laughable video of him, standing next to the racist maniac Soros: Peterson says "It's very hard to make a lot of money!" or words to that effect—not convincing standing next to a money-printer. Peterson has been claimed to get donations, but I'd guess this is a backdoor way to give him Jewish money. I don't think Peterson can take difficult questions, and I think I detect dissatisfaction in the Jewish republic of Canada.
Readers might like my write-up on Peterson in my massive joff file, with its hundreds of garbage sites.
science and technology are underrated by Jewish 'intellectuals', as you'll note in watching the types of person who talk with 'Owen Jones'. Jewish frauds are so universal that Jews themselves can be thrown completely, since their collective instinct does not convey sound information. Human brains are not all-encompassing, and the space left after a form of bilingualism, masses of problematical law, and endless dishonesty, is not great. In fact it's possible Jewish evolution naturally draws Jews to frauds, since it's a form of persuasion that seems natural to them.
An example at random is
Kate Hudson, of CND. It's quite funny to watch her speeches on Youtube, under the watch of ancient scruffy men, dirty mac types of the so-called 'Labour' party, complaining they are not paid much as 'activists'. It's painful to see Jews, awarded with absurd degrees and diplomas, trying to get their fellows to help them out. Owen Jones is the type who flourishes when corrupt Jews get into commanding positions. Please be aware of this possibility!
Let me list a few Jewish frauds, though of course most people still have no clue about this. Fraud will always exist, no doubt, but when Jews are in the ascendant and can hire 'experts' and fake lawyers, and of course thugs, the pendulum swings to ever-larger frauds. Nuclear weapons and power may be the biggest fraud. They can be considered to include claims about Einstein, and the recently uncovered Stephen Hawking. 'Climate change' of course is another. NASA is a huge fraud. Medical frauds—'HIV/AIDS', immune system frauds, opioids, and fluoride are leading examples—are impressively widespread. There's a fraud even about salt in food. Faked images and psy-operations are relatively cheap to arrange, but can lead to huge effects. Lies about race are all but universal, and are largely absurd claims by Jews, and absurd claims about blacks. Many people notice misleading ads and misleading film/TV on race. Jew-run public opinion 'research' outfits feed back results that Jews want. Jew-run education is a painful process of cutting away people's potential. Economic theory limps along, like sociology, and like history, staked down with chains and blinded and baffled with obstructions. I haven't even started on military corruption and war crimes, which are mostly a white specialism, though of course instigated by Jews. Here's my huge joff file—
I haven't mentioned charity fraud.
Voting fraud is inexpensive but pervasive: I attended an election in Blackburn, Lancs, with 'Jack Straw' as a corrupt influence amid various aliens. Counting irregularities (wrong party given to a pile of votes), failure to seal boxes, and illegal instruction to non-English speaking invaders as to who to vote for, and refusal of a public-money building for old people, presumably Jew funded, to allow leafletting are standard now. I think it's possible that Jews—consummate liars and networkers— with blacks—stupid and un-selfcritical and dangerous—may have discovered a complementary parasitic system for destruction of all creativity.
The ten thumbnails in the screenshot (below) had the largest number of hits in Jan 2019 (it's impossible to know the actual viewing times from those figures; I doubt many viewers got to the end).
And I've looked at a few of his recent videos. Note that none of these videos has been silenced by Youtube, a fairly sure sign they don't say much about Jews.
- Peter Hitchens spoken to in Holland Park [rich part of London]. He's the twin of the late Christopher Hitchens recorded in 1999 if interested. Both were outed, or announced, as Jews. Peter Hitchens admits to having been a Trotskyite, unapologetically failing to mention the Jews in the USSR. He says it was "a reasonable mistake to make", in true Jewish racial style. He says he's now a Jew in the "socially conservative right"—something like the Jewish neocon position. He says Jeremy Corbyn, the Jewish leader of the so-called 'Labour Party', is a front runner now. Hitchens says "at least Jeremy Corbyn knows he's left wing", I take it a reference to Jews, as the 'Chosen People', think they're being 'socialist' in supporting Jewish money and propaganda control. At this time, Jewish David Cameron was officially the Prime Minister. Lots of irreleventsia on his dead brother, and lots of flyover drivel. Naturally 'Jones' can say nothing serious.
- Frankie Boyle (the title mentions Grenfell Tower). [14 mins] Boyle is described as a comedian, presumably as a result of Jewish propaganda. I'd never heard of him. He doesn't discuss Theresa May and Jews. Grenfell Tower was clad with unsafe material, then burnt down. Jones of course has been tipped off, and says there was a fire risk, i.e. not that it was destroyed for political reasons. Jones claims the media don't understand refugee culture etc—in fact imported into Britain and paid from Jewish money is not their 'culture'; and the media, controlled by Jews, promoted immigration. It's this sort of thing which leads me to think 'Jones' has no long-term future; he's there because the Guardian follows Jewish agenda, and he wants money.
- Jacob Rees-Mogg (Dec 2015). Weirdly stupid, in the way Roman Catholics have to be. Some filler rubbish, including Baron-Cohen years before. Rees-Mogg things marriage is a religious sacrament—though he seems to be biology-aware. He knows nothing about Abrahamic religious frauds. He says the Pope isn't infallible. And says nice things about 'same sex marriage'—which Jones' anal sexuality appears to like. Rees-Mogg stood for election in 1997. He says he admires Jeremy Corbyn for being a pacifist. But like most Catholics—who for example supported genocide in Vietnam—he likes wars. Both these junk people say nothing about Jewish money as a corrupting force. And more lightweight drivel on minor topics. They both agree that Assad was an 'evil man'—their scriptwriters must have told them. Rees-Mogg has not the slightest grasp of the 20th century—the British did best when they maintained the stiff upper lip. 'Jones', amid his pitiful attempts at conversation, describes Rees-Mogg as 'colourful'—like describing rent collector as 'colourful'. Painful junk.
- Jonathan Pie I'd never heard of this unemployed actor who took on 'the left in a way that makes people uncomfortable'. An example was "Imagine a socialist [Corbyn] in a left-wing government"—('socialist means racist Jew).' Jones says it's scripted tightly; 'there is a left and a right'; "historically there were these great struggles against racism" etc caused by "the colour of their skin". "The horror of what real Nazism is." Etc. Jewish lies need constant reinforcement, and there are few people with the integrity to reject them. I suppose actors can't be expected to read. 'Jones' says of the supposed "... gender pay gap... women get paid 87% less.." These people are ignorant shit. There's a comparison here with blacks, or the Jews who exploit them, who think Africa used to be 'advanced'. I hope that psychology becomes able to encompass such things in future.
- Brexit (2015, before Trump, during Cameron). Quite funny to see the Jewish-funded queer trying to shout: "... anti-establishment sentiment is sweeping across the western world - we should have a rational discussion about immigration - the failure to build houses .. cuts etc ... workers rights are guaranteed by the EU..." There's the typically Jewish avoidance of Jewish interests, for example race replacement in white countries, and borrowing from Jews to build up debt, and Jewish printing of money. It seems we are forced to import nurses—the little shit has no idea that the western world, pretty much alone, developed modern health measures. Another one of his videos shows a 'Labour' MP who claims to have HIV and/or AIDS, something demolished years ago. It's a terrible failure in the world that Jewish liars can override even the most skilled people. The queer shit must know that medicos with fake qualifications have caused deaths and disabilities, but says nothing. The queer shit must know that whites have been displaced and put into long queues for housing. The queer shit perhaps in the fashion of Freud recognises he is shit.
It's amazing how little case was actually made for the EU. Obviously nobody will mention Jewish control of Europe, but even so they might think of something. Incidentally 'Jones' has cheap graphics; he doesn't seem to have the industry-standard reading devices, but instead has full-screen graphics while he mugs up his next sentences.
- Peter Hitchens again This is the 'full video', of about 50 mins, 'Jones' mentioning 'Adam' apparently as one of his video editors, presumably responsible for the deliberately misleading crap. The content is just barely-interesting anecdote; nothing about Hitchens' Jewishness, family money, funding, deals with Jew publishers, whatever. He has a sinister mien, suggested by his one-time support for mass murder. All that's needed is Hercule Poirot, with a glance at Hitchens' unattractive face, to make plain the case against him, before he's led off to be hanged by the neck.

'Livingstone', 'Adams', 'Corbyn'. Oi vey, ZOG has plans! Jews and London, Jews and Ireland, Jews and England
Jeremy Corbyn (45 mins; 29 July 2016). (Below is my detailed crit of Corbyn, Dec 2015, itself part of a longer piece on Corbyn). The Youtube talk between Corbyn and 'Owen', now 2½ years old, in a café resembling the failures place in The Apprentice, with Corbyn resembling the old Jew types seen in places like South Place Ethical Society, with its pullovered Communist 'comrades' reliving the lies of the Spanish Civil War. His short beard struck me as cover for a minor stroke. Unimpressiveness may be part of the job spec laid out in the 'beauty contests' of the Bilderbergers and others. They don't want original thinkers, or indeed thinkers of any sort.
'Jones' was keen to claim 2016 is a 'turbulent' time. People experienced with Jew deception will guess that it's all staged. "Probably the most seismic shift since 1945", says 'Jones' excitedly. But of course if Corbyn were seriously anti-Semitic, he'd comment on USSR mass murders by Jews, Israeli butchery, the Jewish 9/11 fraud, the Holohoax, Eisenhower's killing fields, money for Israel. But he doesn't. The Anti-Semitism dispute within 'Labour', advertised in Jewish media, is clearly nonsense; Corbyn's actions must be a feint. Is this connected with the partial rehabilitation of Hitler, encouraged among Jews, uncomfortably aware that Jews look ever more convincing as a team ranged against whites in the World Wars? Is it something to do with genocide against whites? Is it to do with Moslems, invented historically by Jews, or mixed-race blacks with Jew rape ancestry? It's hard to know, and 'Jones' will not ask.
His pacifism is clearly a feint too; it may be that Jews have planned a final solution to whites in Europe, so Corbyn is intended as controlled opposition, reducing arming and fighting.
'Jones' shrill bleating of 'fascist' is a rerun of a campaign 25 years ago. called 'Keep the Media Nazi Free'. Here's Paul Foot in April 1994 on that subject, of censorship to conceal Jewish actions. Probably an unspoken reason was to prevent Iraqis complaining about Jew influence.
Corbyn must use a checklist from his masters before risking questions. There are so many lies. He talks of 'marginal people', meaning whites. He mentions three issues: a Syria vote, Trident vote—one of his interests is the Jewish nuke fraud—and the Chilcot Report on Iraq. He talks of "redistribution of wealth", except from Jews. And energy policy, which he thinks should be 'sustainable', showing the lack of technical knowledge which is typical of Jews. He talks about the housing crisis, failing to mention the money Jews make from government borrowing and people's mortgages and rent. He says nothing on Moslem rape gangs. He says nothing on the repayment of vast borrowing... He thinks university standard education should be widely available—perhaps incorporating a little joke. Corbyn hints at a government investment scheme, but wisely gives nothing further, since Jewish policy is to parasitise, not create. 'Jones', in this stream of pre-rehearsed drivel, says nothing significant, except that he claims to do a lot of 'social media'.
- With Chairman of 'Wetherspoon' (refurbishes architecturally significant large buildings, offers standard cheap food and selected drinks, complicated menus) Tim Martin at Southend. Tim Martin, who said he's a barrister, is, we're told, a "big fan of Brexit'. I'm surprised 'Jones' handlers retained this video; Martin said only two things: he wasn't keen on the Exchange Rate Mechanism, and the issue was: do you want to leave or stay. 'Jones' has no idea what the EU is—based, in fact, on the constitution of the USSR—and he interrupts in Alex Jones style. "Many of your workers are on poverty wages. £8.05 an hour. It's below a living wage—by definition". I suspect the end of interview was cut.
As a response to 'Coronavirus', Wetherspoon distributed a flyer; here's a download of it. Note the Oxford University material at the front.
- Michael Moore described as a filmmaker (Jun 2016) says if Trump becomes President, people will move to Canada. They won't want his finger on the button—a Jew non-issue of course. Fascism. Liberals—the usual restricted verbal palette characteristic of the Jew environment. First impression is a fat unkempt dull bore plus a little queer bore, and nothing happens to dispel that impression.
- 4 mins 17 Jan 2019. The media must take responsibility for far right attacks with very shaky, close-up, heavily-cut videos which don't give evidence of thugs. 'Jones' has an approved list of false flags, for example Jo Cox, who was supposedly murdered. Numerous terror plots 'have been foiled by the police'; he may mean the Manchester Arena farce. "What about people being abused in the streets with racist abuse" and putting "the safety and security of minorities at risk", supported by no evidence. And assuming world majorities are minorities; probably Jew-massaged facts, assuming Britons are idiots.
- 8 mins 1 Feb 2019. Diane Abbott describes by 'Jones' as 'a bit of a trailblazer'; she's supposedly shadow Home Secretary. It's quite funny how automatic is her self-seeking, like a black 'politician' supported by Jews in southern Africa, thinking of the legal assets given by Jews. Much of Africa lives, literally, in shit, but Abbott, ignorant of everything of importance, does nothing. 'This is still a very racist and sexist society' is her contribution to the world. Jews gave unwanted immigrants the vote, and incidentally loaded the vote up with fraud. The little queer asks nothing important.
- 12 mins 10 Jan 2019. (((BBC))) TV with Andrew Neil, Michael Portillo (a Marrano Jew), and Liz Kendal 'a British Labour Party MP whose whole life is as a Jewish puppet. Neil's piece incorporates, without comment, a staged repetitive video. 'Jones' says Jo Cox was murdered, and talks of racist policies. Nil talks about IRA terrorism, a long-term managed topic. 'Jones' mentions the controlled 'Tommy Robinson'. The little queer, 'Jones', talks about the 'relentless scapegoating of migrants', an absurd lie; and the 'failure to protect living standards', as though paper money represents 'living standards'. At this time, Jews had invented the Empire Windrush, a German ship used by Jews to import West Indians. (Check it). Andrew Neil talks of the rise of the 'far right' in France, Germany, Italy: "When the far right does repulsive things, it's hate. When the far left does repulsive things, it's activism". None mention Jews. None mention the fake dimorphism of societies into just two groups.
See Youtube BBC hack Andrew Neil doesn't care about rapes of young white girls. 2015 30 March
If you check you'll find the so-called ‘Labour Party’ was always Jewish. The idea was to exploit 'democracy', so that voters could always be manipulated into voting for Jews. They were the only group with enough money to form, research legalities, promote, advertise, and propagandise a new political party. As with these pictures of the Fabians, with wolf in sheep's clothing, the 'Labour Party' never had an interest in workers. They manipulated them as per Jewish capital, promoted WW1 and WW2, promoted further wars, promoted immigration, and all the rest.
As for Islam, that is itself a Jewish invention from way back. They regard Muslims as inferior simpletons, useful in violence.
The 'Labour' Party's Prime Ministers have been Ramsay MacDonald, Clement Attlee, Harold Wilson, James Callaghan, Tony Blair, and Gordon Brown. I'm not aware of a skilful biography of MacDonald. Wilson was certainly aware of the non-white immigration policy of Jews; Blair was and no doubt still is a pathetic pawn of Jewish money. Points deserving examination are 'Labour' people, though not dominant, as products of the Boer Wars, and supporters of the 'Great War'; MacDonald's origins and policies; Trade Unions and the huge rise in bureaucracies; 'Labour' during the National Government; 'Labour' and the unelected EU; and 'Labour' and Jewish frauds.

Back in 2000; Jews were promoting sex oddities. Entire Jew careers are built on the abuse of normal people, using Jew money
If the view of Jews as aggressive parasites, that get violent when they think it's feasible, is reasonably correct, 'Owen Jones' is a parasite, evolved to present as a 'beta' or 'gamma', concerned to tell lies to weaken his hosts, until severe violence is possible. Part of this is deception by presentation; the real or put-on homosexuality is part of an ongoing campaign, LGQBT etc, as is the 'pronoun' issue applied to people and gender. (As yet nobody is being forced to invent special pronouns for beliefs, strong objects, politics—though perhaps that's on its way.) The anti-white race immigration is a serious threat—and 'Jones' routinely lies about immigrant violence, and immigrant unemployability and selective funding against whites. If you, reader, think this is silly or 'anti-Semitic' or 'homophobic' (disliking things similar to each other?), please, please, re-read this and check your awareness of the world and other groups of people. Please. Your life may depend on it.
You may feel 'Owen Jones' is just a nonentity with disgusting habits. But historical facts make this a dangerous assumption. Since Cromwell in Britain, Napoleon in France, the Civil War in the USA, to take only the modern era, Jews have chalked up massive totals of death, most noticeably in the 'socialist' USSR. This is supported by Jews such as Corbyn, May, Merkel and millions of others. 'Jones' has a bit part, analogous to the reserve army of thugs paid their pittances by Jews. There's only a limited capacity in human brains, and Jewish hatred of whites and other non-Jews, plus their need to control this, with their absurd uncritical miseducation, and time spent on trying to keep up to date with current Jewish lies, make Jewish dogmatic stupidity a worldwide serious problem.
The USSR couldn't even invent battery chickens; but it could invent mass genocide. Their parasitic genetic nature is not suitable for any technological society, as can be seen clearly in South Africa now. They can steal, perhaps copy, but have no ideas of their own. And Jewish world population is at an all-time high: all races of people are now parasitised to an unprecedented extent. And competent people are targeted on the Jewish principle "kill the best of the goyim".
And vast swathes of public officials, religious people, civil servants, educators, media propagandists, police, armies, navies and airforces, collectors of spurious statistics, and 'intelligence' people, see little option but to do what they are told. Many still have no understanding of Jews, though this situation is changing. Be aware, and if possible do what you can to weaken or remove them. Your life may depend on your awareness.
Internet may be the most powerful informational force since writing, Greece, and Rome. There are other optimistic signs—I hope. Since 1945, many of the puppets have died, or must be reaching their end. Jacob Rothschild, Henry Kissinger, George Soros, the Queen, David Attenborough, Richard Dawkins, Rupert Murdoch, Buzz Aldrin, Noam Chomsky, Nancy Pelosi, Dianne Feinstein, Helen Suzman, Joe Slovo, Peter Sutherland—just a tiny sampling—can't last much longer. Maybe there'll be a revival of the practice of collecting relics from the newly-dead. Maybe competent medical people will insist on Jews being treated by witch doctors from the Congo. Maybe compensation will be taken for Jewish Holohoax lies. Maybe Jewish archives will be reconstructed, and from them blame will be estimated and punished. Maybe Jews will be forced to live among their low-IQ fellows. Maybe people will notice that assets, legally assigned at present to Jews, are so huge that almost everyone will benefit from their expropriation.
Endnote by Mary Thomas
White Americans fought their German brothers during the world wars, and then GAVE the Jews a country of their own, and to thank us they give us the genocide of the white race. The evil I'm talking about here, the betrayal of the good will of decent whites here in America who NEVER MEANT ANY HARM WHATSOEVER TO THE JEWS—the evil is beyond my imagination. As we head into the cannibal's pot, you can BET that we're going to take the Jews down with us. Trust me, when whites figure out what has happened, there is going to be hell to pay. The irony is that we loved and admired the Jews.
I can't imagine that ANY of our major problems could have gained any traction whatsoever if not for Jewish influence. Abortion, feminism, porn, affirmative action, massive immigration—you can rattle off the things that are tearing us down and behind each and every one of those issues you will find malevolent Jewish interests. But it takes a bit of intelligence and research to be able to put it together in your mind. I had NEVER had anything but admiration for Jews my entire life. At one time I had totally accepted that the Jews WERE a superior group and that they DESERVED to be the new mandarin class. I was a liberal for most of my adult life. Then came the bailouts of '08, and I started digging and reading, and I was shaken to the core when I realized that the entire thieving elite was above the law. I sincerely wish that I did not know the things I know now, because the information causes me great emotional pain. But it is what it is, and the truth cannot be denied.
From the Occidental Observer, Nov 2012.
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