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2024 General Election in the UK

My TV reviews, listed in date order below:–
4 June 2024   Starmer vs Sunak
7 June 2024   BBC 'seven main parties' 'Election Debate'
12 June 2024   Rishi Sunak interviewed by Brand
14 June 2024   Starmer with Robinson 'BBC Political Editor'
18 June 2024   'Immigration Debate'

So far:
For many years, the UK has had two 'major' parties, 'Labour' and 'Conservative'. Both are predominantly funded by Jews, who take advantage of their ability to print money through the 'Central Bank' system. And the 'first past the post' system keeps minor parties out.  (This is similar to the USA, except they have complications caused by having 50 or so states).

The 'Labour' Party was started in 1900 (near enough). At the time there were only 'Conservative' and 'Liberal' parties. There was some agitation for republicanism, free of aristocrats and religions, plus industrialism to cheapen things, including information. I think it's fair to say the outcome was an anxiety to control labour, of all types, however varied. Jews have a tradition of inventing controls at a new high level, and modern types of huge 'unions' subtly came into existence. All the 'Labour' leaders were 'educated' in Oxbridge colleges; there were all but zero working class leaders. A useful result for Jews was that unions could be controlled, so that they would be made to support wars.
      There are faint survivors of republicanism, such as William Cobbett, and earlier so-called peasant leaders.
      A serious defect of the 'Labour Party' is its marooned isolation, its lack of intellectual motivation. Overhearing two men arguing, one said something like "the working class are still put down." The other said: "The working class are nothing without the middle classes. Nothing." Angela Rayner, the suppose deputy head of Labour, seems even worse than Starmer, thinking that big unions of nurses and trolley-pushers will be helpful in opposing new health risks. Perhaps she thinks it's "the dictatorship of the Proletariat"..
      'Labour' has its worst aspect in its sucking up to Jews, which has been with it from its start. It has always gone with Jewish control of Russia, now a dangerous threat to people everywhere. Lenin is credited with the phrase "useful idiots" for people who vote for crypto-Jews without understanding Jews. Lenin—now dead more than 100 years—casts his syphilitic influence, still being unravelled, over Stalin. Starmer is said to have looked for 'terrorists'. In fact of course he did nothing to investigate 9/11, or other huge Jew frauds. He did nothing about Jewish information control. He looked into whites, part of the Jewish anti-white movement. A vote or him is a vote for 'useful idiocy'; but it's not so simple, as parties are all heavily-controlled and others may be worse or operating together. The shadow chancellor Rachel Reeves is another Jew who did P.P.E.

The Conservatives were (I think) more complicated; mostly as a result of Cromwell's use of Dutch Jews to introduce the new system of debt into the City of London. I'd guess most people in the so-called Civil Wars had no idea what was happening. The 18th century following was marked by poverty for most and florid expensive houses for the few. All this is more-or-less secret, concealed by an imbecilic monarchy, now headed by Charles, with something like zero accomplishments, and by subservient groups such as the Church of England—now heading for oblivion—and later organisations like the National Trust.
      There may well be survivors of early conservatives, though it seems unlikely. 'Recusants' handicap themselves by not understanding the Jewish rot at the base of Christianity and Islam. But possibly they understand that intellect and work and effort underpin progress—something that Jewish fanatics seem unable to understand, and which may prove fatal in the long run.
      At present some research goes into changes—preferably improvements—into everything from plastics production and IT hardware to building design and motor vehicles. But this is counteracted by huge frauds, such as NASA and nuclear 'science' and profitable medical frauds of the 'AIDS', 'COVID', 'Pandemic', fluoride, and low-salt types, and vast wastes of 'educational' rubbish. Most of these things are backed by 'Conservatives'.
      I'd thought Sunak may be Indian, but it seems Paki is closer, so Bengal/ East India/ opium may be involved and certainly censored. Sunak has an unendearing habit of praising Britain for allowing him to become rich, with no accompanying detail. He was obviously 'groomed' for the post. (His alleged early connections with a pharmacy are revealed to be insignificant by his ignorance over 'COVID').

The result so far is what is called 'democracy' which of course is marked by very tightly controlled information. It could probably never have come into being without it. The control system is fascinating in itself, relying on secrecy of official documents, and on ownership of companies which permits owners to force opinions on media workers, writers, news sources, advertisers, and lower grade civil service and Jew-influenced sources such as Christians and Islam and military propagandists and simple Monarchists. But at least there seems some chance that Conservatives may have insight into such things.
      [ An example: ‘The Great War [1914-1919 or other dates] brought thousands upon thousands of educated men (who took up public duties as temporary officials) up against the staggering secret they had never suspected — the complete control exercised over things absolutely necessary to the nation's survival by half a dozen Jews, who were completely indifferent as to whether we or the enemy should emerge alive from the struggle.’ Hilaire Belloc on the sudden surprise when hidden secrets run wild. ]
      There are many reports of election fraud and rigged elections which if course fit in with Jewish attitudes.
      Both these parties seem to have adopted losing strategies: Starmer will put up taxes (at least as fact-checked by some outfit). And Sunak was a compulsory 'National Service' for what is not now a nation, with such opportunities as joining the RNLI and help illegal immigrants invade Britain, or (if accepted) join the Army and risk being killed for Jews. Or providing non-medical help for old people—a growing sector.

If I'm right, if MPs lose their seats they are out—including party leaders. I'm tempted to suggest voters in Starmer's seat all vote Conservative, and voters in Sunak's seat vote Labour, and ditto for deputies.

The Reform Party has very many candidates (I haven't counted) across Britain. But many must be paper candidates only. It is the only party that mentions immigration and illegal immigration, and the huge pressures on infrastructure, housing, crime, overpopulation, health, education. This has existed at least since Barbara Roche—fat Jews—opened the gates.
      But they seem to have the usual policy no keep quiet about Jews—who have deliberately controlled propaganda and worked for unlimited immigration. So they may only represent a split amongst Jews. But it could be significant. Their website is a bit disappointing: Farage is in online videos at the EU, speaking of Soros funding illegal immigrants into Europe, but there's nothing of this on His website.
      Richard Tice left the Conservatives in 2019 to join the Brexit Party; he's been a property developer.

Sex and Media Imagery: Casual observers of the oddities of 'news' presenters may need a 'heads up' here. The masses of money poured into the media, and the lack of qualifications, make it seem attractive as a career; hence empty subjects such as 'media studies' which never quite get to any serious point. Here's a anecdote from the late Dr Harold Hillman, who was for a time part of Amnesty International. He told me a BBC man turned up at a meeting, and an 'erotic shiver' went around the 'activists'. After the chap had slept with 'all the most attractive' of the women, he went away and wasn't contactable. The BBC, much like media around the world, had this effect on many. But it has its own rules, and being Jewish is a priority—and they don't advertise it. Every time I see some woman trying to read out some anonymous author, or AI construction, I'm inclined to wonder if there was a casting couch issue. Probably for non-whites, the freakishly closeted Jewish homosexuals get their treat. Don't expect any more wisdom than from presenters of shopping channels.


For Beginners to Jewish Research.  Important!


All the main parties are liars. Short video. Here in sequence Theresa May (Con), Gordon Brown (Lab), John Major (Con), Tony Blair (Lab), and David Cameron (Con) support a monument near Parliament.
      The so-called 'Holocaust', a supposed burnt offering, is an astonishingly blatant fraud—and shows how secure they feel is their control over propaganda and people.

    Jews try to build on previous lies, by censorship and violence. It's what they do, and have done for thousands of years
Patrick Hurley, a 'Labour' Candidate. I have all his election paperwork. He's opposing a Conservative in a seat that has never been Labour, in an old-aged constituency which includes Lord Street, a once-famous shopping area which influenced Paris' rebuilding under Haussmann, believe it or not. Labour ran the area down, favouring a losing site. He provided some handy information about himself. He worked for many years 'in a call centre'. He 'served as a local authority councillor'. For 6 years he was 'chair of the employment Committee, overseeing a multi-million pound employment strategy'.
    He thinks Britain is 'broken' by fourteen years of Conservatism. He says nothing about endless immigration. Luckily, he is a charity manager. Adding to these credentials, there's an interview with a 'former BBC Northwest Tonight Editor', Liam Fogarty. Wow.
    He says he is a 'third generation Sandgrounder', i.e. Southport resident. This meant an ancestor moved in around 1945. Probably he's just another Jew descendant, perhaps from Hungary or Lithuania, who decided to dodge to England. He likes Harold Wilson, unaware of his record, and likes the Open University who gave him a 'Masters' in Political Philosophy, without his having a degree before. The O.U. is just another lightweight Jew construction, including such people as Steven Rose, a fake biologist, possibly still alive. Probably Hurley is just another undeclared crypto-Jew. He's worked for the Royal Society of Arts, a low-grade outfit.
    I've included all this detail to show how candidates can be investigated now; they won't speak out for themselves. Internet research may become a serious source on information.


‘CUBA MISSILE CRISIS’ A 1962 scare, prolonging the nuclear scare. Most north American whites seemed to have little idea of the the 'Marrano Jews' derived from Jews in Spain and Portugal.
‘SEPT 2001 TWIN TOWERS’ Still referred to as a 'terrorist attack by airplanes' in Wikipedia, and Jew-controlled media.
  In fact it was to start wars wanted by Jews. And work an insurance fraud.
‘DAY OF INFAMY’ SPEECH, Roosevelt 1941 Speech pretending Pearl Harbor (in Hawaii) was a huge unexpected attack. It remains uncertain how much was a joint arrangement by Jews in the USA and Japan.
  Note that Rosenfeldt had a mixed-race wife. His polio may have been caused by DDT. He was part of the financial juggling around the manufactured 'Great Depression'
HOLOCAUST FAKERY No precise date. The idea was invented by German and Russian Jews in World War 2, to hide Jewish war crimes. But it wasn't picked off the shelf for re-use until the later 1960s. It's still being run today.
LONG-TERM COLLABORATION WITH ROMAN CHURCH is a fascinating topic which twins with fake 'pogroms'. In exchange for money extorted by Jews, the Church prohibited their prosecutions. Some people claim Jews were expelled hundreds of times, at times when executions and massacres were standard punishments. Don't believe the simple stories.
CONTROLLED (i.e. fake) 'OPPOSITION' is a standard Jewish practice. An example is Bob Dylan promoted at the time (not necessarily by him) as the voice of youth etc though his main interest seemed to be advertising sunglasses and cigarettes and films. Disappointingly he probably couldn't do anything substantial; the entire recording industry was ties up by Jews. Probably his Nobel Prize was his reward.

Carla Denyer ('Green Party') is a Jew programmed to promote 'Climate Change'. (Bristol City Council declared a 'climate emergency' in 2018). Wiki has nothing on her mother, or origins (Bristol was a Jewish slave base), but lots on sexual oddities. All this is typical of Jewish obsessive secrecies.
    There are immense issues, from mining waste and population pressure, plastics and energy, nuclear frauds to clean water, but ancient cult lies are not a help. She claims to have an engineering qualification; who knows—Jews are notorious for fake, over-hyped awards. Do note vote for people like this. ('Green Party' has deputies Amelia Womack and Zack Polanski). She's said to have opposed War in Iraq; this may have been a Jewish tactic. Housing: nothing suggests population policy.
'Bah-Kuhnke: In charge of Sweden's cultural heritage (1014-2019). Now highly-paid pensionable MEP for Sweden's 'Green party'.
    Once-famous for whistleblower saying of her: newly discovered artefacts from the Viking era: Coins, arrow-heads, ritual amulets, weapons, jewelry and weights ... are now dumped into metal recycling bins. The Green Party is just another Jewish self-interest group who hate whites.
Jews pay their puppets in many ways. One of these is a big house, with an odd-looking Vote Labour poster. You may see odd groups of people from such a place clutching their money for going to staged demonstrations, coach trips to the BBC, interruptions at town halls, disruption of lectures. It's what Jews do.
Odd Charities are a Jewish speciality, I think because the sector is policed incompetently so that now there are absurd numbers of 'charities'. One example is the 'Royal National Lifeboat Institution', which uses volunteers to pick up boats deliberately set loose in the English Channel. Another example is Real Story of Brigadier Tom Moore by Hoaxashian.
Static, Repetitive, Sloganised mindsets are very Jewish. Jewish repetitive education tends to leave them with a set of fixed points, like dogs with posts marked with their smell. Watch for automatic answers on fakes or suspect topics: 'COVID', 'the pandemic', 'lockdown', 'prejudice', 'Court of Human Rights', 'Climate Change', 'the Cold War, 'fluoridation', 'Jesus saves', 'Our Nation', 'Holocaust denier'. They support each other in a crazy, house-of-cards way in which the dimmest Jews feel part of a scheme.


JEWISH WAR PLANS? Snap elections hint Jew fanatics plan war soon, to be suddenly revealed (think WW1 Pearl Harbour, Gulf of Tonkin, 9/11). Numerology and 'Moschiach' lunacy suggest this. Putin and other Jews would be part of it. I hope militarists have some sense, for once.
JEWISH HATE   An example of mis-education aimed against whites. Dyslexia was caused on a wide scale by the 'look say' teaching method, designed to fail. Here's my article on it: Dyslexia.
JEWISH USE OF WOMEN TO LEAD TO WAR Suffragists and suffragettes. Votes for Women is a review. Many people think the Great War was partly caused by female aggression in Liberal England, misreading the secret parts played by Jews hidden in the background.
1968 AS A SYMBOL   Jews love semi-educated people; they should know, after all! Vietnam demon­strations were partly aimed to blackwash Americans (quite successfully—to this day American 'veterans' don't talk) and also to support Jewish claims to honesty, while leaving people like Johnson and Kissinger uncriticised. If you're interested, here's an unoriginal 1998 talk back by Tariq Ali.
THE ROOT OF JEWISH INFLUENCE is their spread of superstition with psyops of the written word. Millions and millions of Bibles and their own Jewish junk has seeped into the world, bringing the myth of one 'God' and the abasement of 'sinners'. An amazing achievement, almost all harmful, over thousands of years.
  MANY HAVEN'T YET UNDERSTOOD that Islam is also a Jewish invention.
SECOND WORLD WAR RECONSIDERATION is an expanding field. Research into Jews is by far the most promising field at the present day, promising huge reinterpretations, and a far better understanding of all history than most modern-day dead ends and secrets and silly angry assertions.
  Here's a very long web-page on the whole issue. WARNING: All these research topics are likely to be censored, perhaps permanently, if it proves possible.
Lords of the Nukes. My 12-year old video, one of many completely censored by the Jewish-controlled media. Partly because they like fear-porn, partly because they've made huge fortunes from it, partly because they like suppressing critics, partly because it gives them another fake academic speciality.
      Science frauds are common with Jews:military censorship & easy publicity, money-making, fooling goyim. Think fluoride, moon landings, AIDS, COVID, 9/11, climate frauds
Russians are Disappearing. A Silent Catastrophe. I put this up with some hesitation. Jewish media control means they can target and group they don't like for centuries. There are many such groups, and probably will be more in future. It's what they do.
Fiona Bruce and the Dimbleby BBC tradition of lies. David Dimbleby had a long crypto-Jew career at the BBC. (He drove a LandRover, like Starmer). His role was to conceal Jews from public awareness, including especially the financial roles and behind-the-scenes corruption, in which he was very successful, though of course he was one of many.
J K Rowling's books all have Jewish themes—e.g. 'Muggles' are Jew construction outside the magic circle, surrounded by secrecy. All the film actors were Jews from Britain. Rowling has quite a lot of online presence, but always in junk—LGBT and other rubbish. It's to pretend she is a serious thinker, when she's just another joke.
Fiona Bruce (who married an advertiser—most ads are controlled by Jews, including the mixed-race-families staging) took over from him. She's always described as a 'presenter', i.e. reading out other people's junk. Interestingly, she claimed to be a 'feminist', while falling in with BBC policy to censor cases of white girls attacked by immigrants, as of course was part of the entire Jewish policy.
New Candidates for MPs. I imagine there have been studies of new MPs and what happened to them. But it is not likely these would be serious, since the entire Jewish issue would be unexamined. If your candidate is new, try diplomatically to find if he/she is fairly untrammeled by traditional absurdities.
Long-term MPs may (or may not) be valuable, because of their experience. Some activities have practitioners who are better, or worse, than others. Psychologists for example may be harmful; others may have sound insights. Politicians may vary in the same sort of way, perhaps picking up things which others miss. This may be significant where new ideas need to be considered.


“YOU WILL OWN NOTHING AND BE HAPPY” commands Klaus Schwabe in Messianic Swiss-German. Insane Jewish nonsense affects many seemingly-sane people. There's a change from female whore presenters to more-or-less males in boots and thuggish hair; SKINT a TV thing with 'Tim Harford economist' had toy buildings, 'experts', single woman's 'dream job', prisons and railways, Starmer saying planning is too slow (but they have 'statutory instruments). Pitiable trash. Jewish media control brings forth monsters.
    Most people, unaware of the links with Jews, had no idea why these policies were followed, and flapped about in a chaotic fashion, espousing assorted silly ideas. Family law, sex attacks, education policies, selection of immigrant incompetents, ignoring world-wide violence were all affected by this sort of thing. Gee, thanks Fiona. You are a lovely arse.
Jews and Laws. Jews when allowed have some affinity with legalisms, as a result of their training in 'pilpul', interminable debate with targets in view. The mindset is different from European lawyers, who tend to regard law as a sort of game with rules, except in important cases. Jews often have a much more focussed outlook, which puzzles goyim who are left too late. Find out about the 'Kahal' system for a real immersion in Jew greed and plotting.
    Whenever you sense huge arguments over 'legal aid', 'family law', the 'national curriculum', 'crime censorship' where white-collar crime is ignored, or thefts by Jews of billions are ignored, over absurdities like 'LGBTQ' or sex change for children or praise for extreme obesity, watch for Jews.
Left? Right? Which side are you on? For all their lives, Jews are told there is only one real human: a Jew. Everything else is a 'non-entity'. This simple scheme fits in with their world-view of goyim. If you find someone obsessed with simple divides, you're probably involved with a simple Jew. It's what they do.
Identifying specific Jewish fixed ideas needs some practice. Germans are an obvious example—everyone has been told about Hitler, and told repeatedly, by Jews. Other groups from Europe/Asia include Poles and Russians. Less obvious ones—Hungarians, Romanians, central Asian countries, and the 'NeoCon' victims in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, are all part of the Jews' world-wide reach. The same attitude goes back to Rome and the ancient world. Try to avoid getting sucked into this sort of thing unless you have considerable knowledge. It's what Jews habitually do, but with simple slogans and lies, so that even very stupid Jews can do their bit.



‘Traitorous Labour Lawyer/Politician Sir Keir Starmer and his Jewish wife’   Other online photos of Starmer show fanatical stolid hostile expressions.
    This is from the Occidental Observer which allows some European contributions. It has similar piece on 'Lord' Hattersley, who made it very clear he ignored his constituent's wishes, and his Jewish wife.

    Note that there are no media events showing Jews being taught that goys are worthless, shiksas are whores; so-called Jews invented God and are chosen by themselves—all the trash of centuries. The repellent woman is cushioned by complete censorship, including in fiction
Image from Spinwatch. The image has gone. Diagram of rich Jewish organizations that control British politics. Diagram from The Occidental Observer

4 June 2024   BBC   Starmer vs Sunak:– Choose your Prime Minister to 'King Charles III'.

In years to come, I suspect that today's 'democracies' will be mocked as absurd, in the same way earlier novels ridiculed voting. Here we have a debate, run by a Jewish-owned company, allowed to control a 'debate' with no checks on accuracy or fact.

      Starmer is an obvious puppet of Jews. He has said nothing on the huge Jewish neocon aggression against Iraq, a cradle of civilisation. He says nothing on the long-standing Jewish money-making 'Holocaust' phoney. He says nothing—and is unlikely ever to speak on—the 1913 Federal Reserve Act which has controlled much of the world's money supply. All these facts and very many others are kept secret by callow media liars. Millions and millions of nominally sane voters support the 'Labour' Party. Many voters think of their towns as 'Labour Towns' despite the Labour party not having existed during those towns' lives. Modern block trade unions, and Jew-controlled education, mean any war Jews want, any movement of population or industry Jews want, any educational or medical or legal policy Jews want, will be pushed through

      Sunak is obviously not 'Conservative' in any sense. Everyone is encouraged to think he won't get back in (and will resign). It's unlikely he will produce anything new, and unlikely that he can, though conceivably that party might. The Conservative story is more varied than Labour. They have links to huge frauds of the past: China and the Sassoons, India and Bengal where the story still isn't known, southern Africa and mining interests controlled by Jews. Ex-Prime Ministers include Cameron, part of the link with Scottish Jews; 'Je suis Juive' Theresa May; and Boris Johnson, real name probably Osman, whose ancestors seem to have made money from Ottoman Empire genocide of Armenian Christians. Both parties supported bulk deaths of whites, in the 'Great' War, the Second World War, other wars, and general race replacement and lack of support for whites.

      -RW   10 June 2024

I watched some of this staged event, but they make it difficult to download for further inspection. At least I was spared some emetics. It's supposed to be the first of many such TV things for a month. I haven't looked up details of this TV company ownership and advertising, interesting for the Jewish control.

Important Note: It's essential that serious people take account of the Jewish issue, but this is solidly opposed by a huge ragbag of derivative types. In fact, taking the long view historically, it's entirely possible that non-Jews collectively are too stupid to not only do their work, but also understand these issues: consider the Middle Ages for example, in which the Jew-invented schemes of Christianity and Islam came close to ruining ancient worlds. Or consider today's mid-USA, with tens of millions of credulous simpletons.
    Anyway, this article tries to be uncompromising, and is unlikely to appeal to ordinary types. Sorry.
    Jews seem to think they are riding high, but there are, so to speak, many maggots in their cheese, mostly to do with their past reliance on silly and unchecked oratory. Probably there are many fantasists who think they are 'Moschiach', for example. There must be assorted versions of their objectives, from getting 1,800 slaves (I think) to exterminating all whites, and from various treatments of non-Jew inferiors. It is possible their disconnections from reality will lead to disasters, from firm guarantees which turn out to be worthless to genuine belief in things like 'climate change' and 'COVID' to technical errors, such as thinking electric vehicles ten times the weight of internal combustion vehicles are a good thing.
Paper Jews and whores all must   As vacant goyim, come to dust

I call it 'staged' partly because of the passively obedient chosen audience, but mainly because the two sides have so many weaknesses. They must have met to decide which items were too embarrassing to mention. And they must have decided how to spin the points on which they agree to lie to audiences. How much of the whole thing is a charade, in the way TV 'soaps' are planned in advance, and then videoed, I don't know.

Since we're in the world of Jew-controlled information, let's use the correct technical vocabulary. Official Jewish 'ethics' (always called that by subservients) says that non-Jew girls are whores, or 'shiksas'. So I'll refer to Etchingham, the nominal conductress of the show, as the 'Whore'. I don't have good nicknames for the puppet protagonists. Maybe 'hangdogs' will do. Perhaps candidates for Bilderberg are given nicknames when they perform.

Character Sketches:
Starmer   slots in neatly (including the name Keir) with the so-called 'Labour Party' in the UK, founded about 1900 and intended all along as a corral for the workers, an Oxbridge collection to keep them in place. (A more-or-less official view of the period is the rubbish of Downton Abbey). Much of the period was planned, unknown to most goyim, though some of them had a glimpse during the 'Great', or 'First World', War, which brought “thousands ... of educated men up against the staggering secret ... the complete control exercised over things absolutely necessary to the nation's survival by half a dozen Jews”
      Trade Unionism was manipulated into its present state, where war supplies for Jews, education policies for Jews, housing and benefits for Jews would be approved. Inheritance policies, death duties, public housing, lack of control of borders, anti-white legal attitudes (allowing the Jewish 'Jack the Ripper')... 'Labour' did all this. The Great War was timed after the USA's Federal Reserve Act. 'Labour' joined in with hundred of thousands of deaths, repeated with the unprecedently-propagandised Second World War.
      Roughly, that's Starmer's background. No wonder he looks vicious.
Sunak   seems part of a different set, based around the Orient and the supposed 'British' Empire, following the first empire in north America, and involving cruelties in China and Bengal, a story ignored by the 'Labour' Party. Sunak might have talked of such events, and of Hindus and Moslems, and cast light on Jews in the east, but the confabs with the supposed rivals must have crushed any of that, which saddens me as I like to know these things. Sunak seems part of the Call Centre work in India, which at least attempts do do useful things. I don't believe his 'this is all due to education' claims, which seem to be a deflection from printed money and its control. I think he's as much of a puppet as Starmer.

Let me mention a few topics suppressed from the 'debate'.
      “The Lockdown” is one on which both Starmer and Sunak profess to agree, despite knowing nothing about medical research. AIDS and COVID are similar medical issues. (There are reliable claims that smallpox was spread by blankets given to some 'natives'. I wonder if they were claimed to be 'vaccines'?) So is cancer—a studio person complained abut the NHS, but not about research into cancer being wrecked deliberately. Nothing on addiction and 'OxyContin' and the Jewish Sacklers. And nothing that I saw on the obesity epidemic, slowly wreaking havoc as junk food dominates.
      Another suppressed topic is the defects inbred into Jews and Moslems, probably resulting in deaths in Pakistan, but not here. They expect lifelong care here; in fact the NHS has guidelines specifically on treatments for any problems, however exotic and irrevelant to this country's people.
      Re Gaza, both 'debaters' agree on the importance of 'defence against HAMAS', not mentioning (this is Miles Mathis) that HAMAS's legal advisor is a New York Jew.
      It fascinated me to see Sunak defending paying for 'our nuclear deterrent' without any idea the whole thing has been exploded (pun intended).
      Starmer claimed he'd pursued terrorists, at any rate through the courts. So of course he's been busy with 9/11 hasn't he? And smaller things, such as the fake Manchester bombing. The sort of faked events Jews love to put in the record.
      Starmer was in Crown Prosecutions. About the time the events 'documented' in Mr Bates vs the Post Office —"one of the 'worst miscarriages of justice in British history'" —Yes i was really called that.
      Sunak and 'lifeboat charity' RNLI used volunteers to ferry invaders across the channel. No doubt funded by Jews.
      Both agree to do nothing about attacks on white girls. Nothing on Ghislaine Maxwell, James Savile OBE.
      The Whore automatically confined the discussion on immigration to rubber boats on the open south coast. Nothing on the millions who have flooded in and get preferential treatment. The population has ballooned and young whites find it difficult to get on 'housing ladder' and get work
      Just some of many things. A side-issue is the present-day complete irrelevance of the Church of England, even with Welby, their Jewish 'leader'. Modern media techniques easily outrun vicars turning out once a week with their silly half-educated stories

Another submerged issue is the condition of such things as the BBC and Civil Service. The BBC was formed as a Jewish radio broadcaster in about 1920 by Rufus Isaacs, later renamed for secrecy 'Lord Reading'. By constant repetition this expensive junk organisation has something of a fake reputation as honest. An incredible achievement. Something similar is true of the 'Civil Service' and its reputation for neutrality, when in fact it has internal promotion routes which are entirely undemocratic and dependent on Oxbridge Jewry. Sunak made a claim about a £2000 tax on all families, claiming it was a forecast by the Civil Service. There is now so much science and social fraud that the Civil Service is immersed in it.

- Raeto West   6 June 2024


BBC Friday 7 June   19:30 - 21.00 7 political parties 'election debate'

Following my Starmer vs Sunak report for ITV 6 June 2024.

The BBC has vast experience in lying; so I wasn't expecting anything new or serious. Anyway, the conductor is supposed to be someone called Mishal Husain, who I'll call 'the Whore' in recognition of her media trade. There were no serious details of the audience, who presumably were the usual collection of pressure-group members, primed to give canned applause. It occurs to me to wonder who was paid.

Many people doubt the capacity of females to carry political ideas. And these women did nothing to dispel such fears. Penny Mordaunt and Angela Rayner represented the Jewish parties. Rayner amused me by being unable to pronounce "nuclear", and for my taste was very weak, just the right companion for Starmer's bleak fanatical ignorances and inability to visualise anything beyond control.
      Carla Danyer (some of these names may be misspelt) in green, with an invasive voice, says the biggest threat is climate change. That's her barker's role, left over from many years' bullshit. It's what she's paid to say. Then a Lib Dem woman, a pseudo-party founded years ago and not the least 'democratic', an ideology forged by Jews and never intended seriously, like nationalism and socialism and Christianity and Islam and revolutions and patriotism.
      Two of the males, for the SNP and Plaid Cymru, seemed almost totally idea-less, supporting unending immigrations for eternity despite having tiny nations of (I believe) 4 million.
      The only informed person there was Farage, now of the Reform Party. But we've seen him before.

I'll just add that there was a complete moratorium on Jews—their connection with the Federal Reserve, the Holocaust fraud, the rabbinical hate, the complete secrecy on Synagogues and Freemasons—all going without a single mention. Surprise, eh. There was nothing on giving votes to imported aliens without the remotest right to votes in Britain.

We had a total of seven questions, with an impression of solemnity as they were delivered, perhaps by their authors, perhaps by others, with zero background information.

[Retrospectively, there was nothing on "LGBT" etc, which was a relief—most people surely by now realise it's rubbish, invented by perverts of the dead Jimmy Savile type. And churches and religion were non-existent, which I like to think is a small victory over 1,500 years of Jewish theft and swill.]

1 D-Day Celebrations
Rather sad stuff here. "They served this country", "They fought for our freedom", "My bruvver served in Iraq" (Rayner) are typical samples. Iraq was of course a Jewish scheme. As regards WW2, they fought for Jews, not for this country. D-day was a fiasco, no doubt intentionally.
      What seems to happen is that discharged soldiers went back to their home towns and were told they were voluntarily homeless, and would not be housed, unlike illegal immigrants. This has been known for years.
      Sunak seems to have made a gaffe, leaving some ceremony early, not doing the hypocritical things of the actors.

2 "I'm about to start studying medicine"
The would-be medico was probably Chinese. The presenter Whore didn't say that medical education had been curtailed by Blair years ago, leaving a shortage, probably with the intention of selling the NHS as a huge asset, ending with a system like the US Jew-run system, with widespread debt.
      I don't think any of them doubted 'The Pandemic'.
      I don't think any noticed the selective mal-education of whites, to keep them out permanently.
      Worth noting the US model doesn't have General Practitioners; they have to take their chances with official specialists, mostly Jewish money-makers. GPs need some sort of socialised overview, not Jewish-style monopoly and legal corruption.

3 I live in Essex - house prices - GP - immigration
Impossible to tell the story here. However the Whore said nothing—long-term BBC policy—about the cumulative effect of immigration operated by Jews, which, for years and years, obviously put pressure on housing and rents and infrastructure and services.
      NB someone here talked of mental health 'services' in a supposedly supportive sense. It's unsurprising that white kids might feel worried, since they are being phased out by Jews. A rather obvious point.
      Farage talks of the 'population crisis', and the number of dependents. None of these clown give any figures for non-working immigrants. Farage wrongly states "It's nothing to do with race" as Jews in fact are careful to arrange race-mixing or race movements to, they think, suit themselves. All this time the SNP clown, with his set of applauders, said "immigration is essential".

4 "I'm a wife - both of us have good jobs - we work just to live. It's unsustainable"
Drivelly replies

5 "They promise but nothing ever gets done"
Someone called Myers; probably Jewish. Perfectly correct observation; they don't want anything for 'goyim'. Farage talks of fresh start, proportional representation in parliament.

6 "Economic Growth or Successful Climate Policies?"
All these people still seem hung up on 'carbon footprints' and 'carbon emissions', unaware that the 'science' has been heavily 'subsidised' in the Jewish direction. The true reason is to move industry to areas such as China with compliant, Jew-controlled population.s

7 Father worrying about son starting secondary school
Knife crime, and of course Jewish attempts to pretend there's no race element. Farage good on stop and search; otherwise, how can you tell? Also on abandonment of policing—anyone can shoplift up to £200. Nobody mentioned the US version where for example large areas are left open (eg San Francisco) after which the ruined areas will be bought up at 'firesale prices' by Jews.

Farage mentioned drugs, though not that Jews encourage drugs with 'needle exchanges' and supplies from Afghanistan other things. I think Farage emerged best, or least bad, but he's been around for years with no discernible policy. He may just be controlled opposition.

After this, the BBC returned to its usual sweet warm tea dunking, to crumble people imto sludge. Broken-nosed Jew with obese morons who spent their lives memorising unimportant factoids.
RW   8 June 2024


12 June 2024 ITV. 'Interview' with Rishi Sunak.

In fact, the video had a lot of talking heads generally in the same style of giving little away, like 'infomercials' for chains of shops.

Brand is described as 'Welsh'. In this review, I'll take it that he's either a Jew or strongly linked to Jews, since this is the usual pattern. It's not yet illegal to conceal Jewish connections, at least not in public.

The talk part allegedly was filmed after a routine piece on D-Day, 1944, which at last is being inspected by critical minds. Sunak seems to have faced interminable delays; how intentional this was, Brand didn't ask. We had the usual stuff on 'Sacrifices for our freedoms' which have been part of the Jewish World War 2 narrative—so far.
      Sunak seemed relaxed and amiable and without serious concerns.

[On India I wrote a background piece, since its history (including Bengal and so on) is all but unknown. Note that Amyarta Sen and Imran Khan both have Rothschild wives. I'm suggesting some such connection applies to Sunak.]

Briefly, born 1980 in Southampton, Sunak went to Winchester and I assume Oxford to 'do' PPE. PPE from about 1920. (Imagine more than a century since 1920 of tutorials and lectures and seminars on carefully Jew-picked topics, avoiding truths, so Oxford could get its money).
      I'm guessing here that Sunak was spotted and groomed, as Obama (or whatever his real name) was for the US President token position. Just as Thatcher was spotted by her north London Jews. Thatcher was the first woman PM; Sunak the first non-white. In the Jewish world, this is 'progressive'—anything Jews want: war, pornography, child sex, drugs, poverty of whites—is 'progressive'. Sunak's wealth is of course regarded by Brand as 'success', without any comment on its roots, the standard Jewish view. Brand asks no questions on Jewish money connections. Or for that matter how state funding has long been handled by weird fanatics.

By October 2022, Sunak was voted Party Leader and/or Prime Minister. This is fewer than two years ago. There must be some serious conservatives who lasted through Jewish incursions. Whether they have politicians they trust I simply don't know. I'd guess people like Grosvenor are entirely embedded in Judaism, but possibly there are some survivors from the 20th century. So it seems possible that genuine Conservatism may exist, though genuine grass roots republicanism which Benn toyed with seems unlikely to have survived: Labour is more or less saturated with Lenin and Jewish junk, and lack of the intelligence which early republicans hoped for.
      All the above suggests that Sunak was groomed to make the Conservatives fail, since there's clearly a strong move to push 'Labour' despite their obvious uselessness.

The sad repetitive banality of Brand, no doubt under instruction for the Jewish owners, continued. More on 'COVID' and 'the pandemic'. More on the EU and brexit, at zero level. The 'energy crisis'. English schools and educational reforms with of course nothing on fanatical Jewish hate. Strkes, but nothing on agitators and the more absurd claims. (Angela Rayner is laughable on that, taking her viewpoint of shopfloor and subsidiary people, not the best way to arrange and organise and improve such things as cancer research, genetic problems caused by inbreeding in 'Jews' and Muslims, and diabetes and diseases imported by aliens ).

Brand, in traditional Jewish mode, naturally divides non-Jews into two camps; which can then be placed into enmity: Sunak was "wrong... he was outflanked on the right." Simple Jews don't bother with anything outside their genetically-learned hate.

Sunak says Immigration is too high. It puts pressure on public services. Poor Brand knows his bosses expect more money from rents, hotels, and higher house prices. So, crap employee that he is, he says nothing.

It amused me to see Brand trying to pull himself up to say "The Labour Party says you're a LIAR." When of course all Jews are told from the cradle that lying is the correct policy with goyim.

Anyway, more on if he fails to get elected, it's his big failure. I doubt Sunak cares, insulated by Jewish money which would amount to more than he could possibly make from his Prime Minister's salary.
      In fact it's possible Sunak was, all along, set up to fail. Jews seem to have decided it's time for 'Labour' in Britain. And are going for it. Plenty of polls, genuine or fake, are claimed to point that way. If he does win, I hope there'll be serious selection of a new leader (or leaders). The Conservative constitution is obscure and gives a lot of scope.

- RW   13 6 2024


14 June 2024 BBC. Half an hour. Nick Robinson BBC 'political editor'. With Keir Starmer.

Unusually, Nick Robinson (b. 1963), who has been in BBC news for (I think he said; I haven't tried to check) 14 years, is quoted by Wikipedia as having a 'German Jewish mother'. He did PPE at Oxford. Just another media hack. His ordinariness and unoriginality is comedic, as indeed is his entire presentation. He is now greyer and balder, a small figure who never strays from his guidelines.

Starmer, alleged author of the newest Labour Manifesto, and also author of a statement on becoming 'Labour' leader, was keen to remind people of Labour's losses following Blair—2010, 2015, [D Miliband; Jew who seems to have gone to the USA to encourage immigration], 2017 Jeremy Corbyn (my sketch of yet another Jew), and 2019. Starmer listed 5; something wrong here.

Anyway, Robinson, as in all his other 'interviews' for years, dodged or was too stupid to think of, all serious issues.
      Like all these hacks, they think education is class sizes and buildings. They don't comment on the obvious failures, with millions of pupils having no idea about the world. Of course they don't; it's what's wanted.
      There was no mention of the stranglehold of Jews on Britain, and indeed the world. This is hugely important and in a sense it's remarkable that, with massively crap media and education, Starmer and crypto-Jews haven't won despite maintaining pretty complete secrecy. This has become more difficult with Internet, though neither of the clowns mentioned Internet.
      Starmer though that, if there was a crisis, he would nobly shoulder the burden—stern work, but his duty, especially if the victims were goyim; he has no idea about science and nuclear frauds from which vast sums could be saved. Possibly Robinson has advance notice of Jew war plans; maybe the election was called with that in mind. Nothing was said on Gaza.
      Neither of these clowns said anything about the Jewish stink glands deposited on official history. This of course goes back millennia. Possibly the most important Jew-related issue is the Roth-schild grasp on money supply.
      Nothing was said on the impossibility of good health care while populations were encouraged to boom. Nothing was said on the plight of young Britons kept out of mortgages and deliberately mal-educated.

If you got the impression that Robinson let off Starmer easily, you're right. If you felt it was mutual, crudely assembled to seem confrontational, you're right.

- RW   14 6 2024


18 June 2024   Channel 4. 'Immigration Debate'   (18.30 - 19:50 with ad break).

Deputies etc of 7 parties referred to as 'the panel'.
All politicians (or paper politicians); no experts.
'Talent' (media expression for the puppet supposedly in control, plus many hidden controllers) Krishna Guru-Murthy (the irritant of Robert Downey)

In fact, there was a last-minute change, to start with 'Law and Order'. As might be imagined, since Jewish media policy is to exclude violence against whites, a large part of this was on 'rebuilding trust', a typical bit of deception since 'trust' needed to be built, not rebuilt.

The format was a smallish group of seated people, with pre-checked questions read from the floor by the usual sheepish types.
      The questions (of course) were always leading: the first I think was "Do you approve of early release of prisoners to ease prison overcrowding?" There was the usual media Jewish word salad: Neighbourhood policing? Victim-based crime? Anti-social behaviour? Hot-spot patrols? plus more-or-less doctored statistics, such as 44% of voters sampled don't trust either main party—unsurprisingly. Probably the figure was massaged below 50%, though the police weren't given that favour. I think there were two police officers in the questioners, though they fell short of revealing why they wanted to leave.
      There was some mention of rapes and special 'rape courts', though of course nothing on race rapes, or false claims, or the difficulties of proof, or solicitors making money.

The 'Immigration Debate' then started. The 3 main players were the Conservative (acting in Jewish interests, and against Britain's; if they wanted his money), and a short 'Labour' chap. This latter was very keen on the 1951 Refugee Convention, a 'UN Multilateral Treaty' passed when the UN was fairly new, set up by a coalition of post-war Jews, including input from Stalin. The 'Labour' chappie thought Britain would become a 'pariah [an Indian dog] and would have far less influence on the world.'
      More interesting than the spluttering male whores was Richard Tice, who is or was Chairman of Reform UK, talking of a 6 million population rise over the Tory duration, and the cake being divided by an extra 3/4 of a million people per year, leading to the longest-ever long-term recession in British history. There isn't a people shortage; work doesn't pay.

Incidentally a chap in the audience said he was in the 'hospitality sector' and wanted immigrants—the Scottish party said the same. Hotels in Britain have been in decline for years, probably as a result of cheap flights to warmer regions, not difficult to foresee. I'd guess he wanted sympathy for putting up illegal immigrants in his hotels as a money-making scheme.

Another sneaked-in person was from the Joint Council for the Welfare of Immigrants, possibly more accurately a Jewish group for obstructing British law.

Yet another was a 'refugee from Afghanistan' who said nothing about the Jewish-led war, but said he paid tax. Whether he paid for Britain's infrastructure and benefits was left unclear.

An oddity was an account of someone who wanted to work in the NHS, but wasn't qualified. Perhaps the female responded will have th privilege some time of being operated on by an unqualified 'surgeon'. It would seem to be fitting.

Anyway, there was more (including the Rwanda Scheme) but all inconclusive, an aviary of parrots. In case you're interested, there was no discussion of long-term Jewish plans to flood white counties with non-whites.

© Raeto West   19 June 2024