Here's a grab of a video John Campbell is talked to by Joshua Guetzkov on 'Pfizer vaccine' on 4th October 2023. Campbell—I'd guess a northern crypto-Jew (there are many in the US)—like Josh has no idea of the complexities of medical research, especially under Jewish control. (The tiny weasel, Fauci, incredibly, was also part of the HIV/AIDS frauds). Campbell refers to him as an 'academic' (Guetzkov appears to be a junior criminologist—in Israel, of all places!) and Josh in car salesman mode does his schpiel.
On medical matters I have to note the Jewish takeover in the USA which seems to me worse than in Europe, where there is a tradition, not yet killed, of serious research work by white Europeans. Whereas the money takeover in the USA is largely complete, so medicine is a sort of bastard of Jewish avariciousness, Jewish control of the entire medical publication industry to the point where journals are useless, insurance substituting for medical work, expensive 'treatments' in place of effective ones, leaving many Americans in debt over that one issue. They also have dangerous control over the history of medicine, inserting any lies that they please. Mathis' only fightback is home cures and avoidance of hospitals.
I found pieces credited to Josh G on Miles's site: butler.pdf, dreyfus.pdf, fakir.pdf [on Gandhi], israbluff.pdf (on the 'iron dome'), and rabin.pdf. But there are many more, some of a low-grade technical nature, where for example Mathis praised J's editing! This may be something to do with his site still having 2023 dates, despite this being nearly mid-June. Miles has a long history of claiming high hit rates, though never with any evidence. He seems unaware of the existence of log files on his host site.
Hidden technical incompetence is another problem. I think his huge lists of surnames of related people is his way of announcing his inability to produce good diagrams. A sudden flurry of downloads of Paul Bustion from my site—Bustion did very solid work on the ADL's fraudulent foundations based on law cases manipulated by relatives—but emailed enormous email-filling graphics to me. Looking back, probably that's one reason why Mathis did not use Bustion's work, though hints from Guetzkof may have worked in the same direction.
I have to wonder whether Mathis can't even sketch his own ideas, and scan them.
An irritant is his insistence that he (MM) exposed the nuclear weapons fraud. He put up a few derivative pieces, but in fact the issue was hammered out between many contributors, not including him, which I alone had the skill to reconstruct after it was instantly removed without warning by Jesse Waugh.
Another irritant to me is that MM would not connect me with 'Lestrade' who seems to be a highly competent European researching into online Jew media, mainly WikiPedia.
A more recent occurrence is his concentration on trivia. He seems to see himself as something like a cat lady, Monty Python's Bicycle Repair Man, and an extreme narcissist, triumphantly saying how much better he looks that others. All this is a part of his pleas for money, which, on reflection, I'm suspicious of. He seems to have a wealthy (in the US sense) family, and will possibly inherit.
There are now (July '24) three supposed descriptions of MM by anonymous female visitors. These are rather sadly unhelpful. He's supposed to re-cover and otherwise attend to 'old books'. Any bibliophile would want to know dates, publishers, topics; and his favourites and perhaps dislikes. But in each case these women in effect say "Gee he has books". Something similar with his physics: no information, no scraps of conversation, no surprise insights. And nothing on his social science: what does he mean by 'fascist'? What exactly are 'spooks'? Why should the FBI and CIA dominate? What has he concluded abut the balance between 'Jews' and 'aristocrats'? What can he say about the influence of Jewish money power vs every other sort? Has he any genetic projections about humanity, in the very long term? There's nothing.
[Off-topic: It may be possible to train cats against killing birds; I've read that a sharp slap can override the instinct. Maybe. And on cats, MM seems unaware of the issue of toxoplasmosis.]
Taking all in all, much of his work is shadowed by the suspicion that it was a series of Jew feeds, and therefore unlikely to include serious Jew-handling points. It is possible he may receive Jewish funding; he seems to get easier money than most. His science work (and I'm speaking as someone who has often investigated such people) seems uncertain, and, since he never discusses it, needs justification. But I'm giving up, and wishing good luck to other investigators.
My site has this copied piece on Chinese 'communism' by 'Josh' which looks to me the same Josh. I hardly need to say that a Jew commenting on a takeover of an entire country by new (or old) Jews is unlikely to be honestly reported.
I wonder if the highest ranking Jews regret flooding the world with such creepy 'Jews', who they must regard as inferior loose cannons. It is possible the downfall of Jews may happen because of them; the high-rankers may have done better without them. Another possibility is a fall when accurate genetics explains their innate inbred diseases. Or when the absurdities of 'female descent' are made clear.
There seems to be a new Jewish policy underway, to minimise past deaths caused by Jews. The partial failure of the Holohoax lies—they still maintain this fiction, and their paper money power enables them to buy most opposition. But in parallel they are trying to erase past mass deaths.
Taking a long view, this must have happened in the past: how many people know about Cromwell's wars, for example? How many people understand the obvious fact that 'Great War' deaths must have been deliberate? How many GUlags are preserved for posterity? How much is known of China? And the same pattern is visible faintly for millennia.
At the moment we have movements to claim that Dresden and Pearl Harbor were fully faked, which seem part of this movement. In fact it's easy to see that any population on which Jews feed for manpower mass deaths is likely to be culled every (say) 25 years, which can be made to fit into WW1, WW2, Vietnam, Iraq, 9/11, and so on.
There is a parallel process—waiting for people to die off. Participants in the Vietnam War for example have almost no writings. Many can't write, which is another help to the status quo.
A good new writer is 'Lestrade' also known as 'Unpopular Opinion'. Miles said he didn't know he'd made a video; here's a grab of Lestrade's half-hour video The Sheer Number of Them meaning spooks or agents or trolls.
I emailed MM to ask if he could give me an email address for Lestrade, or say I'd like him to contact me, as he seems to be in Penzance, SW England. But I never heard.
I have good reason to believe Miles has been lied to, or perhaps 'misled' is a kinder word, about his site. It's easy to imagine JoshG breezily assuring MM, who seems inexpert on computers, that his site is viral and thriving. Without giving evidence. MM must feel his work ought to be 'viral'. But that wish doesn't make it true.
Let me make it clear that I consider MM's contributions to be exceptional. I'm aware that many people in the past failed to discuss things, when they should have: Belloc and H G Wells make a good pair of examples. But it's likely that JoshG provided some unacknowledged evidence to MM, and must be suspected of withholding evidence of other events.
There have been surprisingly few attacks on MM, considering his status; but of course the censorship by Jews and the state of American education explain that. I have an earlier link in my long file articles-on-jews largely looking at — I recently saw an anti-Mathis link, provided by someone not known to me, claiming that Mathis's own family tree was connected to the Merovingians. However, the main point of Mathis is to show Jewish incursions into aristocracies, so I paid little attention. It may be, though, that his interest in genealogical research started with his own family and gave him practice in navigating ancestry websites.
Rae West 21 Oct & 1 & 5 Nov 2023.
Techie note: For scanning bulk files, I recommend dtSearch, a desktop searcher which can look online too, or so it says—it's a typical techie product, with instructions written by people so familiar with their software they can't explain it.
Miles Mathis on Gaza.
2024, Jan 3: all fake news. claudine.pdf (on this site). (Claudine refers to a joke US University).
2023, Oct 7: isra.pdf (on my site, here; unlikely to be removed) is Miles on Gaza. The ‘New York Post [says] Hamas is represented by New York attorney Stanley Cohen. My readers will get a big kick out of that name, and
not just for the Cohen.’ Recently there was a supposed leak with 'Dracula' Greenblatt voicing his worries. Obviously a fake, pretending concern. What is in fact being done MM doesn't (I think) say, though obviously it will involve money. Maybe population movements; maybe weapons movements and dumps; maybe fixing more debt burdens on goyim.
[March 2024] I (and others) received an email on this subject, its link reference being and which states that The Hamas attack of 7 October 2023 was planned at least 3 years before by the US, UK and Israel. Attributed to Dr Ralph Wilde and Peter Koenig.
naft.pdf is Miles Mathis on November 27 2023 following up his piece with ‘Proof there are no Hostages in Gaza’
It is truly disgusting to see the moronic whores of the BBC such as Fiona Bruce and Kathy Newman and the male-ish versions read out their anonymous scripts. — RW November 2023
Miles Mathis on Darwin.
His latest piece on Darwin, darw5.pdf, includes the Darwin/Wallace debate, if it can be called that; it barely exists, though I noticed Dawkins has inserted it a bit. I've written on this and Brackman, who seems to have pioneered it, in evolution in about 2010. Just as my nuke-lies forum piece, a forum which only still exists because I had the computer skills to save most of it, dates from 2012.
Anyway Mathis has now five papers on Darwin, including his specialist and brilliant genealogies, of Wallace and many Victorians, including John Mill and John Stuart Mill. He looks into the ownership of the Westminster Review which most people (including me) had assumed was somewhat neutral. He has also a new idea (as far as I know) that the voyage of the Beagle must be an impossible fake, written up probably by others.
Miles seems to lean towards the idea that Christianity was a natural part of later Rome—still promoted by academic and media hacks—as opposed to the view that Jews managed to control the Church with some difficulty, and that as it ballooned out, Jews wanted it back. He seems to have the ordinary USA view that belief in a 'God' is wonderful, and not just ridiculous funded fashionable bullshit waiting to be phased out.
New to Mathis's work? This link (below) is my original intro, with a lot of explanation of his methods and conclusions. I've moved this section down; it has a video looking at his site, and detailed comments on selected pages.
Mathis's material needs more general knowledge than is found in ordinary teaching and media. His use of online family trees, online images and fakes, and details of legal procedures and some online company info are important. And Jews and their collaborators as sources of corruption. Plus awareness of world history, dynasties, geography, language, and codes.
Foremost intellectual?? MM has been ignored, ridiculed, and condemned, almost always without solid reasons, by unsophisticated 'critics'. I've tried to answer questions, including on Miles Mathis and Jews and collaborators, and collected them at the end of this (long) page.
4 January 2023 I'm unhappy with one of his collaborators. It's time to add my reservations to this
section. Click this link to go there.
Aug 21 2023 Pacific Theatre in WW2 - Okinawa and the Yamato by 'Lestrade aka Unpopular Opinion'. 'Unpopular Opinion' has videos in Youtube on similar lines to my 'nuke' vids of about ten years ago, removed by Wojshit. Lestrade pronounces 'nuclear' as 'nucular', and spells 'Pearl Harbor' as 'Harbour'; I don't know why. I hope he looks at Korea and Vietnam, though I doubt they'll be 'hot air'.
Aug 11 2023 Maui in Hawaii. Fires used as land clearance are a Jewish tradition—Fire of London, Hiroshima, are just 2 examples. MM says the island of Maui is being cleared of people and being bought up by Jews. Something like Epstein's island (my words). Reveals incidentally how billionaires don't really own that much. Another source says Tenerife fires have a similar purpose: nice weather, secluded island, ocean setting. Will need aircraft or boat, of course. On fires, a Brighteon interviewee says, use of fire is sabotage 101. A later Brighteon video (can't relocate reference) has an expert botanist on trees left untouched, even inflammable ones, surrounded by burnt-out buildings. Interviewed by a knowledge-reduced woman who mostly just says "Oh mah Gawd". Suggesting that metals were special targets. Suggestions included space rays. The supergot metal may be a distraction, but the implication was that some very powerful electromagnetic influence selectively heated metals causing fire but also melting and other phsyical damage.
Aug 7 2023 Miles has a piece on plagiarism; his work quoted without acknowledgement and reproduced without acknowledgement on Youtube asking for people to email youtube. I can't of course email youtube even if I wanted to. But the plagiarist is in my view right to say Mathis needs publicity. I've found nobody who has heard of him apart from enthusiasts and people influenced by me. My experience (years ago) was that Youtube takes copyright seriously and will remove sites if you make a good case that you've been copied.
27 July & 1 August 2023 Kristallnacht was Fake and The Night of Long Knives was Fake interesting examinations. I think I mentioned these in an email to David Irving, but without reply.
Update! Miles has a paper on the so-called Boston Strangler, about to be re-filmed, with Keira Knightley. Miles says the whole thing was and is a fraud, though some of his evidence seems weak to me; for example the odds of 3 of 13 women being named Mary, and 2 having the same surname, is not 'vanishing'. I hope he's not slackening off. He also mentions a (very crap) film called Cool Medium dated 1969 (MM seems to miss the McLuhan indication) which he says states nuclear testing was faked—which is true; but his film evidence is that the (crap) actress talked of turtles going the wrong way maybe being turned around. I downloaded he film from, to check. 'Top Jewish cinematographer' (MM's words, not mine!) is also listed as writer and director. The Chicago 1968 protests weren't there; the 'footage' showed a few military-like scenes with young men, possibly actors in uniform. The main rioting was at night, I seem to remember (I was there, in a hotel!) and there was a serious issue of US atrocities in Vietnam. MM is a fierce critic of painters, but myopic with moving media. Come on, Miles.
I thought the story-line with elderly women rape victims might have been to almost literally whitewash a Jamaican multiple rapist of old women called Delroy Grant (thanks, Jews) but those events were much later. Perhaps Knightley's film is designed for that role.
July 2nd 'Nuclear Power' myth evidence in which Miles examines claims for a few hundred 'nuclear' plants in the USA, mostly coal, oil, or gas. His evidence is they've been granted many decades of extended licensing, despite being well past their expiry dates.
If you have a few free hours, watch and download my video Lords of the Nukes — lots and lots of film, photos, text, explanations of things like dumploads.
Update! 2 July 2023 Figures on COVID goyocide The Targeted Kill Shot (geno.pdf) (June 29 2023) is Miles's 2-page overview of the COVID fraud.
Just a few points:
(1) Rather than the term 'genocide' I suggest 'goyicide' as the noun; the process is not fussy about killing special nations; any will do.
(2) Miles thinks the shots may be individually targeted; my guess is that's too risky, and they're targeted by groups. He gives an online site of Wiley (a 'European' cough-cough, publisher) for evidence.
(3) The three-group classification seems likely; I've heard the same—it's simple and avoids risks with complicated secret coded numbers—highly lethal, not very lethal (or perhaps with longer term lethality), and placebo makes sense.
(4) I'm not sure he's right on burying 12M excess deaths in the USA. ('Burying' in the media lies and official stats fiddling senses). The Black Death may well have been Jewish, and it wiped out (perhaps!) a third of Europeans. 'Spanish flu' covered millions of deaths after WW1. Famines and war in Russia and China wiped out hundreds of millions. People mainly look at the own families and communities and neighbourhoods, if they still have been allowed them.
(5) Bearing Malthus is mind, it's possible that 'Phoenicians' and their 'allies, toadies, lackeys, and footmen' have had a serious long-term population control effect, sometimes in association with other groups.
(6) Miles identifies the US 'Department of Defense' as the source. I noticed in the UK the NHS seemed to offload it all onto unnamed organisation(s) while the rest of the NHS trundled on. Probably the whole fraud was arranged militarily worldwide.
Update! 21 June 2023 Titanic Updated paper (with addendum dated 21 June 2023 half-way down page 35). Several pages saying the story (promoted by all the Jewish media, including the BBC) is fake, as is the supposed submarine. The earlier pages have immense detail on the various Titanic frauds, though the end-point—what was it for; insurance fraud? Evading serious news? Zombie Jews having fun for once?—does not arrive.
Update! 19 June 2023
Schindler's List. Investigated by Miles on goth.pdf — marvel at more and more Jewish BS. Miles was also attracted into looking at Goethe. Presents a rather different view of the great 'sage' from the usual.
Update! 9 June 2023
'Nation of Islam' and PDF files. June 5 awake.pdf is his skeptical account of a useless film The Great Awakening. (With a photo of Violet Jones?). In passing, MM mentions NoI, Nation of Islam, 'outed as a CIA front'). I only found one NoI mention, in panther.pdf and I'll see if I can make his PDFs searchable. Miles must be aware of the NoI book on Jews as slaveship owners (and in Caribbean piracy and prostitution).
Update! 11 May 2023
Article by Miles on deliberate lies about legal procedures. On this issue, Miles been ignored for a long time. A time in which he's intermittently repeated the same remarks. His paper The Trump rape trial was of course faked (10 May 2023) is a list of reasons why the 'trial' was in fact a made-for-TV scripted show, like a Monty Python series on an X Filed continued story. Miles asks why no questions or jokes come from lawyers in the USA—a country not short of legal 'talent'.
I'm reminded of a UK TV series called The Bill—from the ‘Old Bill’—which ran from 1983 or 1984 to 2010. Which was said to have had considerable impact, helping crooks to improve their skills. I don't know how true that is, never having seen any episodes or seen a competent review. But obviously the Jewish-owned mass media are in a wonderful position to mislead the public.
Update! 22 March 2023 I'll mention five of many new papers:–
[1] kray.pdf (22 March '23). The stupidest fake I've ever seen Mostly about the Kray twins, who appear to be perverts from 'Phoenician Navy' families. I was spurred to look into my own files on the Krays.
[2] circus.pdf (20 March '23). Wonderfully relaxing short piece, in effect saying all that's supposed to be happening is theatre, taking people's minds off COVID, perhaps the greatest genocide ever. It "is a continuation of the Covid shenanigans, whereby the big retailers drove all competition out of the way by forcibly shuttering all mom-and-pops." I personally think there must be something in Ukraine, which had 600,000 Jews, all presumably wanting a million $ or so. I wish MWM would communicate online.
The paper does suggest to me that people may be just too unintelligent to catch on en masse; maybe Pierce was right in saying mass awakening is impossible, but when the media are taken over, they will believe then. MWM himself says that "it is all a stageplay sold to you as real, in order to fool you and control you. And that includes the alternative media." He can't include himself, surely? He must mean stuff like the electric equivalents of Lobster and Private Eye, if they still exist.
Mathis in his mystical, cat-loving mode, appears now and then, in for example the second part of his Protocols of Zion.
[3] bronte.pdf (16 March '23) is a magnificent new article on the Brontës, looking into their family connections and considerable wealth. Miles sees them as pawns of intelligence, probably correctly. Think of Downton Abbey and Victoria, both allegedly by Julian Fellowes, and both equally rubbish; or think of Endeavour and its rubbish. Miles writes: ‘Shirley basically blackwashes the Luddites and unions, while trying to sell us Robert as a hero instead of the capitalist pig he is. Villette is even worse, and even more transparent, being an attack on Catholics, nuns, and sense in general.’
I think Miles got Jane Austen (thirty years earlier) wrong, though correct in thinking the author was female. See Nicholas Ennos on the true 'Jane Austen'. Plenty of detail on the East India Co.
[4] Of interest as far as I know mainly to Britons, YouGov Polling is Fake looks at a supposed opinion sampling site, and shows how it selects its own panels, by declared interests, and so can reflect what their clients want. His main example is attitudes to COVID, where of course the answer "The whole thing was and is a criminal fraud" would not be wanted.
[5] Famous women (3 March) is an amusing piece on Time and the BBC and lists of famous women; there are depressingly few. Mathis lays into Indira Gandhi and Marie Curie. Tremendously saddening failure of mostly Jewish advertising.
Update! 16 Oct 2022 has two sets of remarkable new material.
[1] 'Lestrade' (seems to be British) on Japan. Japan's take-over by American Jews (compare with Britain) and the massive fakes in the Second World War, including Pearl Harbor, Gudalcanal, Darwin. I have not had time to digest these, but I hope serious historians, if there are any, will look. Note that the new material on Japan makes the Coudenhov-Kalergi Plan seem in need of more work.
Note on Lestrade, 31 May 2023: I've just found, via a mention in a pdf on, that he posts under another name, Unpopular Opinion, on Bitchute, and perhaps elsewhere. I have to confess to being disappointed in his videos, unfortunately. He has what he calls a series on nuclear weapons, which he pronounces "nukular", which don't begin to cover the ground of Waugh's forum ten years earlier. I liked his video on the sheer numbers of 'spooks', internal spies, though of course it's difficult to quantify all the grades. I copied this video in case Bitchute pulls his site, as they did with me, without warning.
[2] Canadian 'Coyote Weeds', Texan Miles Mathis, and others expand the action against government frauds (including COVID).
[3] And incidentally TheOccidentalObserver's Kevin MacDonald shows signs of actually learning things dated after about 1950. Just a plea: try to promote these people, though they are not very communicative! - 26 July 2022
My attempts at mutual discussion. Miles (in my view) over-estimates his site's hits, because he unconsciously picks the easy, but flattering, options. For all he knows, 99% of his downloads may be to 'intelligence' sites, destined to be deleted. He replied to me I need exposure? You have to be kidding. My sites are superviral, with Google having to delist me to keep numbers down. It is clueless commentary like that drives people away from you. In fact, he needs to look at the logs from his hosting site. ( is my account of trying to interpret these log files).
Four of his most original pdfs are on John Lennon, the J F Kennedy 'assassination', Stephen Hawking in hawk4.pdf, and Hitler's ancestry in hiller.pdf, each of them strikingly original and packed with detail. BUT in my browsing on the web, I have I think NEVER seen a single reference to his ideas. So there is an exposure problem, since there are many sites and many readers wanting new material.
Approaching the question from another direction, try Googling "alternative physics" or some other formulation which is not part of the Mathis oeuvre. There are dozens and dozens of sites, mostly no doubt rubbish, but none include Mathis pages. Same with "real history" or "true history".
Let me illustrate how this common type of over-estimation occurs. A friend of mine, Ivor Catt, had several pages on the 'AIDS' fraud on his website. With great delight, he said he's Googled for "Ivor Catt" AIDS together, and came out as #1, #2, and #5. Without even thinking of it, he'd biased the results to himself. Easily done. Catt's mistake is easy to see through; but there are subtler versions. Really, people with their own sites need to look at their own log files, though AWStats can substitute. Google's own Analytics need every page to include some Javascript which is a pain—even if you like Google.
Miles won't talk to me, which in fact is par for the course for most Internet people: they often don't communicate, even when it seems clear that they should. Over time, this is a problem: people age, forget, and die, and information cools, becomes outdated, and is lost. Since 2014 I've wanted to discuss his ideas with him, and in the process understand his ideas better. And some of his topics reflect mine, for example the idea that nukes are a myth, and the Second World War is to some extent fake. But I'm completely blocked out of the site — my past experience has been that after a time I withdraw my request.
I'm tempted to mention a short story by Max Beerbohm (1895-ish) on elusive fame, Enoch Soames, which includes London and 'the Devil', but omits 20th century Jewish wars. Not intended to describe anyone's work.
NB Mathis's website vanished on 17th April 2017, alarming me; I put up a replacement, using downloaded pdf files. Two days later his site reappeared, with no harm done and no damage incurred. But it worried me, so I keep this duplicate.
The cuttingthroughthefog website seems the only one favoured by Miles himself. It's an incredibly disappointing site, with a tiny trickle of information, and a circle of a few regulars who say little about anything. With friends like that, Miles needs to reconsider what friendship is. It's a weakness in his otherwise great sophistication.
May 2022 'Lestrade' (says he's in the UK; not me, but he's welcome to email). I've just found lestrade.pdf dated 18 Jan 2019 on Miles' site; it has a detailed debunking of the 'Hungerford Massacre'.
[Important Note 26 Mar 2024: I've just found a Penguin paperback, Unnatural Causes, by Dr Richard Shepherd, published by Michael Joseph in 2018, and by Penguin Random House in 2019. This claims to be by 'top forensic pathologist Dr Richard Shepherd'. It starts with Hungerford in 1987 and proceeds to other likely frauds: Bali bombs, 7/7 London bombing, Clapham rail disaster, sinking of the Marchioness, 9/11 in New York, Whitehaven massacre—page 22 (the book is unindexed, and these are hard to find). Section 18 has a long list of 'disasters', including Lockerbie. The whole book looks suspect. Richard Shepherd isn't mentioned in Mathis's work—unlike a US pathologist or two.]
And he has dunblane.pdf dated 3.2.2019 on Dunblane, both events being used to ban private gun ownership, as with other events world-wide including Tasmania and the USA. Miles Mathis adds a long and detailed postscript including excursions into Scottish nobility—it occurs to me that Scottish lands are relatively poor, so they have more reason to go for lucrative frauds. Think of Scottish puppets such as Tony Blair and Gordon Brown sucking up to the 'Holocaust' pretence. Lestrade now has pdf files on the Second World War in the Pacific. And the takeover of Japan by the USA—backed by Jews, behind the scenes as always. Lestrade's view is taking similar form to those analysts who see Jewish power in the USA, Europe, and Russia as controlling the whole disaster, in the traditional Jewish way. Namely money and assets for Jews, genocides and population shifts and fake news to suit Jews.
For some reason, Lestrade always writes 'Pearl Harbour'. Maybe because it was named that in the British days of sail.
April 22 2022 sail2.pdf on how sails work interested me for its (apologies for this) weak explanation. One of the reasons I with great regret) have tended to avoid his science work!
April 9 2022 The Court Formerly Known as Supreme on another useless, in this case female black mixed race, Jew appointee. Reminds me of the declining Roman Empire.
Phoenician family fakes 18 April 'Mutiny on the Bounty' faked and why - Hawaii, Tahiti. British Navy, rethinking of Nelson, Admiralty. (Why museums of navy will not be honest). | 16 April Adele faked bio for heavy publicity. NB Saturn earrings showing rings aren't Jewish/Phoenician; they post-date telescopes | 7 April Christopher Reeve fake staged for stem cell work | 31 March Bezos' Blue faked | 25 March Watts Family Murders were Faked | 23 March Wetterling kidnapping was fake | 8 March Jan 6th trials fake | 3 March Ghislaine Maxwell trial fake | 2 April Natalee Holloway case fake
Miles: “I can't tell you how sick I am of this. It is the same thing every time. Lies lies lies.”
Omitted!: I found an overlooked file: Anonymous look at Klaus Martin Schwab. Schwab2.pdf (another version is Schwab.pdf, about 500MB as opposed to 750 of Schwab2; some of the extra length is a review of The Great Reset by Schwab). Interesting biography of presumably a German Jew, perhaps aiming to be the Moschiach (Messiah). He seems a little shy for this esteemed post. Material on Switzerland and Rahm & Bodmer, an old private bank; someone who 'made his fortune in the 30 years war'; and links to DNA research; so perhaps Schwab has connections with COVID frauds and the lockdown frauds.
25 March 2022 'Lestrade' on the entire campaign to conquer Japan, converting it from something like a Samurai Shogunate with manufactured Shinto religion, into a Jew-controlled region. If you've read books on Japanese history, from the arrival of steam-powered USA ships in Japan, and found the whole thing incomprehensible, then read this piece, and the following one. Just the right length: long but not interminable. [Tiny Nagasaki Port 1634-1854 or Portuguese | 1853 Commodore Perry's black ships | Shoguns disabled | Boshin War 1868-1869]
(I put a Japanese translation by DeepL online, to see what they make of it. The page certainly looks elegant and Japonesque to my occidental eyes).
12 March 2022 'Lestrade' in Britain in pactheatre.pdf (Pacific Theatre spelt the English way). On the World War2 Aleutian campaign, starting 1942. Includes Tinian, Iwo Jima. Similar approach to Hexzane527 on WW2; concludes that the entire Aleutian campaign is obvious bullshit. And ditto about the propaganda about Japan. Lestrade detects that the main campaign is by the new American Marines, who wanted their share of the money to be handed out.
Video copy of Lestrade on Iwo Jima bullshit (my title!). mp4 file with video evidence that the Aleutians campaign including Iwo Jima was all fake..
8 March 2022 a little math starting with tiny amount of gasoline imports from Russia, MM anticipates serious reaction, for the first time in human history to bulk swindling. I hope he's right, though I'm not sure the situation is unprecedented, though one feels it should be.
1 March 2022 Anonymous 9-page piece on the British East India Company (there were others) and the 'American Revolution'. Why the EIC supported the colonists (or appeared to). If you're an American, trying to make sense of the deliberately baffling 'history' presented to you, I recommend you read this.
7 April '1984' (out of sequence here) repeats the 'Fake War in Ukraine' line. And adds more fear porn from the supposed alternative media. For some reason unknown to me the file is named adams2.pdf.
28 Feb 2022. Two interesting pieces; a single page on The Fake War in Ukraine with a bit-part by Sean Penn, cousin of Putin, 'to show this is Hollywood'. And scathing stuff on people like Alex Jones, promoting nuclear scares and even Chernobyl. And money from overpriced weaponry, to make a booming economy—for the profiteers. Miles thinks it comes from taxpayers, but of course it's spread over many years, in the same way that Africans pay interest on loans to blacks and others who starved and killed.
Miles makes a lot of 'mini-me', which seems to be from a set of crap movies. I hope he's not being a bit too desperate for cheap publicity. His overview claim is that the thing is to distract from the COVID fraud.
This is MM's newest view: ... lest you think this indicates the fake war in Ukraine is just a front for squabbling between Russian, Ukraine, and US oligarchs, I think even that is saying too much. These oligarchs aren't squabbling at all. It is a continuation of the east-west alliance we have seen since WWII, and this whole thing is manufactured to benefit both sides, as usual. Not only does it benefit military contractors east and west, it draws eyes off the international pharmaceutical companies and their paid henchmen worldwide in government and media, who are all complicit in the ongoing crime against humanity. [I.e. 'COVID'] It allows a continued acceleration of the general rape of the taxpayer, through rising prices, bailouts, and stratospheric new debt.
One of Miles's longest and most seminal articles is barindex2.pdf. (I have no idea what, if anything, that title means).
Miles Mathis uploaded the piece in 2007 and 2015. Since those dates, he has (I think) greatly widened and deepened his views on Jews, aristocratic families, industry, and finance. And such things as actors, homosexuality, and long-term media projects.
Barindex2 Explains what really happened that day, November 22 1963. Scripted story including the open risk in Dallas; movies and photos, Hollywood and fake photos, corpse, Oswald, Warren Commission, and alternate theories, hiding the fact JFK was still alive.
The secret and successful undermining and overthrow of a semi-Republic by a fascist alliance of oligarchs. Joseph Kennedy saw that with enough power, he could take over the entire US scene, with both the CIA and FBI. Truman and 1947 National Security Act. Full speech of JFK is in fact in favour of secrecy.
"Irish" Michael Collins' by Miles Mathis (16 Jan 2022). There's a link to this site in this article on the fake of Irish freedom.
'Harlem Renaissance' by 'Donny Ahzmond' (13 Jan 2022), who wrote ‘I suggested the Harlem Renaissance was an Intel project on the grounds
that one of its key patrons, Charlotte Osgood Mason, was married to a close confidant of the
Rockefellers ... ’
General Update. Includes the Rittenhouse 'trial' (Nov 9th, 2021. 'Based on Internet research anyone can do, but doesn't').
Several updates, in particular the Rittenhouse case. The Mathis view is that the televised 'trial' is a fake. He bases this view on legal procedures, which this 'trial' fails to follow. He doesn't state exactly what's happening: is it possible that no lawyers or judges or academics fail to speak up? But, on reflection, the media broadcast all sorts of rubbish, on wars, money, and so on, fronted by incompetents.
Rome (Oct 6, 2021).
Interesting paper by Miles on Rome, dedicated to his Latin teacher. Miles says here, and has said before, that he was a very successful Latin student, but (in effect) too young to dare intense revisionist work on the Roman Empire. He seems familiar with many Latin works of some obscurity; he talks dismissively of such authors as Plutarch, regarding them as light propagandists.
The thesis of this piece is that Rome, too, was run by Phoenicians, as was the predecessor in Europe. He looks at what surviving evidence there is of the appearance of Julius Caesar, Cleopatra, and others. He thinks both Carthage and Rome were essentially Jewish.
Looks at Egypt (run by Jews) and the Italian peninsula, the myth of Rome, and Carthage, looking at evidence which suggests Carthage used Dido to penetrate Rome's rulers. I think he claims Jews intermrried and the female descent policy (if it applied) let to their ascendancy. But I'm not entriely clear and in any case he may have changed his mind! But a genuinely new approach (cp Mary Beard's pedestrian tales). Mathis studied Latin to a high level and is to be taken seriously, particularly by people working on Jew-invented religions.
I suspect he thinks many rivalries were faked, so that wars and deaths could be chalked up, just like now. Perhaps he'd agree that the Roman Catholic Church and Jews, later, were in such a symbiosis. Rome and Jews must have been more complicated than the naive common Jew belief insists on. Perhaps that's why Jews wail at the wall of a smallish Roman fort.
There's a lot here in Mathis. I wish the media official experts, such as Mary Beard, could debate with Mathis. But of course they won't. By now, the image of Rome has taken a beating, enormously downgraded from the 19th-century's unintelligent adulation, though there hasn't been much full-on debate.
Anyone discussing remote issues is likely to insert something of his/her own attitudes into his/her predictions. Many of Mathis' faked-death characters retire to seaside resorts, something he admitted to liking. I can't see Julius Caesar doing this, though. Wouldn't he hunt wild boar, or write memoirs?
As regards the really long term, Miles thinks writers and propagandists and teachers spend a lot of their time muddying the waters and distracting from Phoenician—presumably Jews and collaborators—and that he is doing his best to demolish and remove this massive worldwide construction. I hope he's right.
Patton Aug 15th 2021. Interesting and very original paper on General Patton. There have been many 'alternative' views of Patton, claiming for example that he was murdered for being outspoken in favour of Jews. Mathis gives a new view, backed by 'the families' information on Patton, his unimpressive West Point record, his promotions despite nothing, the irrelevance of north Africa, his unimpressive speaking record as shown by newsreel film (though of course this is suspect. People like Coppola are inserted), and Patton's 'donut girl' fascinations. There's insinuation rather than hard fact on keeping war going to make money; bank records as far as I know being super top secret. In contrast, hexzane527 treats the whole war as a serious unit, as do most authors. David Irving gets a mention but not as a perceptive critic. Anyway,
I've only inserted this comment on 24 Jan 2022, after trying to assess Mathis's irritating insults to me. He finally linked to this site so I could make some guess as to the popularity of his site, judging by his readers looking at my site. Can I make an appeal that he includes translations of his .pdf files into other languages? The best translator (self-described) is DeepL, and, though its claim to use neural networks is not credible to me, it does say it can translate pdf files. Worth trying, surely, if he can work out how to do it, which I can't.
Our Buildings are All Wrong Paper (Sept 11 2021):– on Buildings, Charge and Solar Minimum in the sun's 11-year cycle.
I've avoided Mathis' science and math books and papers, partly because of exposure to quite a few people who sound similar (e.g. in Mensa) and partly because I found them unclear. They are a bit too relative for my liking: if for example getting rid of insulation improves people's health, by how much exactly does it do that?
I found that Steven Oostdijk of co-operated with Mathis in 2009. After that I found a connection with dblp, a test lab or research place for new computer chips. It appears to be at Trier University. He has an MSc in something electrical and engineering. (Apologies for the vagueness).
Miles views the sun as distributing photons. He has his own charge theory. The sun's eleven-year cycle, of sunspots and presumably other things, seems to me so much more energetic than even the biggest planets that I can't see their contributions as important. Mathis thinks photons are particles of which only a few are visible to our eyes, though presumably detectable by other methods. He regards (I think) the wave theory as wrong; a view (I think) taken by Newton. Part of the evidence for waves is interference fringes, which as far as I know have no interpretation in photons. However, charge is another problem. So is its effect on living things. I want to register that I doubt if there's much value in all this - RW.
Maybe he met a believer in 'orgone' or something like that. I suspect some of his math/science material harms his reputation.
⇒ ⇒ ⇒ OLD PAPER by Miles Mathis: silver.pdf (July 6, 2014) review of a 2012 'movie' Silver Linings Playbook, 'nominated for 8 academy awards'. Miles makes this point about the movie, apparently to do with adultery; but he doesn't make the point that such emotions as 'honour killings', bombing civilians, annoyance that immigrants are given housing and money, are managed in the same way:
⇒ ⇒ ⇒ NEW PAPER by Miles Mathis: in his opinion, Rommel was a Jew. His opinion is backed by his usual panoply of observations on family connections in Germany and (mostly) UK and USA. And authors such as Rigg. Rommel was also Jewish (5 August 2021). If you're a fan of Rommel, or a fan of David Irving, why not review the official views of his activities?
⇒ ⇒ ⇒ NEW PAPER by 'Homer Price' on the managed 'property market' in the USA and of course elsewhere.
Is BlackRock Ruining the Housing Market? Yes, They Are
Them as 'as munny an' all—wot's a beauty?—the flower as blaws.
But proputty, proputty sticks, an' proputty, proputty graws. —Alfred Lord Tennyson, in dialect mode, realising the force of property law.
May 17th 2021. Miles in stockholm.pdf (article on 'Stockholm Syndrome'.) Miles uncharacteristically fails to notice the captors may have a good case).
He says "The year 2020 was the most catastrophic in recent history, with far more psychological pressure applied to the general population than even during the world wars. The world wars were stressful, but people still knew their places during those decades. The governmental response was cohesive and the enemy was clear and mostly defined."
This is one time Miles really shocked me! There were tens of millions of deaths, many in horrible circumstances, even among Americans. And many, many years of Jewish propaganda—far more than the COVID junk—with wartime violence and censorship and conscription which, even with Jewish approval of mass slaughter of goyim, extended years and years into the Great Reset after the war. Sigh.
⇒ ⇒ ⇒ NEW PAPER on the 1666 GREAT FIRE OF LONDON. by "DONNY AHZMOND". 27-Mar-2021
1666 The Year the Bankers Set Fire to London Very good, interesting piece. —“We may be the first generation that has finally gotten to the bottom of it” Or it may have been suppressed for centuries.
⇐ ⇐ ⇐
⇒ ⇒ ⇒ New PAPER by MILES MATHIS. 26-Jan-2021 Unwinding 'The Great Reset' ⇐ ⇐ ⇐
Lincoln Assassination hoax. I found a comment by Miles saying his paper on Lincoln was being suppressed, endless junk appearing in Google. So I've put his paper here. (It's also below). I have several versions; this is the longest. Very good, very much worth reading, especially for newbies.
July 2020 papers include Solzhenitsyn, the psyop Parallel word, and the obviously Jewish and fraudulent 'American Civil Liberties Union'.
Parallel is a terrific piece, self-referential comment by Miles, centring on a plump woman supposedly called Adrienne la France, and the Q-Anon thing which Miles is pretty sure is an indirect attack, a 'parallel', on him. An 'Anti' is someone like Ezra Pound, a Jew or crypto-Jew who says things, mostly true, and is the 'imploded', typically by being jailed or set up as a nutcase, though the actual institutions remain mysterious. The idea is to 'blackwash' the set of ideas. A 'parallel' is a person or organisation set up to suggest or mimic the target, and is then attacked by incisive, clever, ingenious critics—or that's what they claim. Well worth reading.
His conclusion is important: ... everyone famous on both sides of every question is a black hat, in every field and every period of history, including Trump. All the Presidents, all the Justices, all the Governors, all the scientists, all the historians, all the artists, all the actors, all the politicians, all the newscasters, all the directors, all the producers. ... They are all Jewish close cousins, and their families have been running the world via lies and conjobs for at least 4000 years. And that isn't some wild claim I make, based on a stray hair or on channeling aliens or on fake Q-level clearance: it is based on years of in-depth research, which is posted in plain English on the internet right now.
April 2, 2019 Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez 16-page scathing detailed piece by David Kasady and Leaf Garrit. The Green New Deal was designed to fail. Why? Because they want to blackwash the 10% of the resolution that's really quite admirable by mixing it up with the 90% that's tripe...
Christchurch, New Zealand:–
May 18, 2018 Let's Party! Over 1000 comments. Hosted by Josh
• following inserted now but saved date sequence from downloads list but omitted at the time
21 Dec 2017 Chess is fixed. Like everything else. Fascinating piece on Fischer, 'Kasparov', Carlsen, and Computer chess. Fischer and four supposedly brilliant but thrown games—2 with Spassky, 2 with different Byrne brothers—and Fischer as a Jew. Miles puts off the issue as to Fischer's real or faked anti-Jewishness with eccentricity
Sept 26, 2017 President Bush a Jew. Introduces the idea that ALL US Presidents were Jews, and related.
15 pages by Kevin S. on 'Big Christianity, another form of big business.' The same families... controlling both sides. Includes Acharya S., doesn't have Billy Graham - Televangelism mostly. Finances unclear; may have been Jew-funded? To ridicule Christianity?
May 23rd, 2017 J F Kennedy as a queer. His lover Lem Billings. (Yes, really! And Billings' genealogy is included.) Jackie Bouvier as JFK's beard, Gores, Oswald, lots (inc. William the Conqueror as a Jew, last name concealed)
May 5th, 2017 Martin Luther King. Relish this slash review. Includes MWM's internet methods on ancestry research, giving 9 dotcoms. Civil Rights movement including Rosa Parks managed and choreographed (by 'Intelligence'). MWM a liberal in the old sense. Levison a Jew controller; why death was faked-to warn uppity blacks; lots on James Earl Ray
July 3, 2016 F Scott Fitzgerald as a 'spook'. Note the JFK gay piece includes the idea that Fitz- in a surname may indicate a Jew. After WW1, an industry to promote forgetfulness and trivia arose, to avoid awkward thoughts of inquiry into the war. First quarter written by 'X'. Then Miles, with looks at many writers, women, jeunesse doree etc of the time
onion.pdf The Onion as revealing reality
hawk3.pdf Stephen Hawkings. Dead and replaced by actor(s). You didn't know? Thanks to MM, you do now
hiller.pdf Important piece on ancestry of Hitler and other 'Nazi leaders' (Germans heading the NSDAP)
8 June 2013 Miles on Drude-Sommerfeld model, I think of electron transfer (to model electrons moving through elements?) Crit that it has half-a-dozen or so unwarranted assumptions.
15th Jan, 2017
Miles on Bell's Theorem a 1964 'theorem' on analogous lines to Gödel's Theorem. CHSH tests. MWM concludes 'physics is purposeful nonsense' though obviously this can't be quite right
folk.pdf Folk Music manufacture crit including Ewan MacColl, Peter, Paul & Mary
henryvii.pdf Henry VII of England: Wars of Roses staged, from Anglesey?
salem.pdf Salem 'Witch Trials' as Fake
dreyfus.pdf Interesting piece on the Jewish fraud around Dreyfus c. 1900
lincoln.pdf Lincoln's assassination faked; Booth a Jew. In March 2020, six years later, this paper was updated (same name) to include Lincoln as a gay Jew actor, and a lot more.
lizzie.pdf Lizzie Borden 'ax murderer' as a fake
marx.pdf Karl Marx as 'intelligence agent'
trump.pdf Donald Trump
natlam.pdf National Lampoon
lenin.pdf Lenin - was Russia run by Jew 'aristocrats'?
fox.pdf Fox - the Quakers as a Jew invention by ?Fuchs
NEWCOMERS to Mathis: He writes on art, on society/history, and science. His early essays dealt only with art. Then he wrote on Obama; but his first distinctive piece was Where Do Your Taxes Go? dated 18th/8/2011. I think this can be taken as the starting-point of his revisionist work. (Not 'revolutionary', which has irrelevant associations.) His technique is not very computer-aware, except for skill in examining genealogical sites.
I suspect, but don't know, that he was picked up and made use of by the owner of, who appears to be a Jewish criminologist (really!) who never allows comment by me. So we find exposés of Jewish history and long-term intrusions by Jews, and material on Russia, the USA, Europe, China, and Japan, combined with suspiciously light material exonerating war crimes and omitting some regions of history—US Civil War? Thirty Years War? Nuclear frauds?
His work on science looks highly promising, but I've not been able to get him to talk about it. Nor has anybody else., as far as I know.
6 May 2020: We have a new piece on Isaac Newton! There's less on astronomy and science than I'd have guessed, and more on ancestry (including Odin!) and housing, and intelligence, with Newton as the equivalent of 'N' of MI5, and carrying out several projects, such as promoting Arianism as a divisive project, and alchemy as manufacture of gold, though my guess is this must have been attempts at extraction and purification. Mathis has taken some trouble over predecessors of Newton in telescopes and mathematics and the inverse square law, which surely is rather obvious, the area of a sphere's surface being the square of the distance from its centre. Some of this material must have been borrowed, but its his choice not to mention such things. He's good on a large range of topics, including creation of colleges, academic appointments, coats of arms, Catholic property takeovers, portraits, 'chai', Whigs and Tories as fake opposition, and huge frauds such as the South Sea Bubble usually attributed to Law. Mathis doesn't think much of calculus, and claims to have a much-improved version. I'm not sure (and I have a maths degree).
It occurs to me that such people as Joseph Priestley (of carbon dioxide and oxygen) and the Lunar Circle/ Society must have had an infusion of 'intelligence' in the spy sense: the 'French' revolution occurred in the middle of its existence. Surely something similar must be true of Lavoisier ('the voice', perhaps) and his chemistry and execution, real or supposed? Look for Freemasons and Jews.
Wonderful Mathis at his best.
NEWCOMERS to Mathis: Worth reading: Henry Ford as controlled opposition. Dearborn Independent as an obvious source for information on Jews. Some of this in hexzane527's writings.
Note that Lindbergh came from a whole genealogy of frauds, apparently Jews from Sweden. His fake plane was advertising for air transport promoted with a book. The baby murder was probably faked; not a murder at all, but avoiding an embarrassing surplus child. Mathis doesn't examine Lindbergh's oratory; he just states 'It is more likely his speeches were simply a pose, made to manufacture the opposition.'
Note that Lindbergh as indirectly promoting war with Germany is not as far as I know in Mathis. I haven't found, even in Hexzane527, an interpretation of Lindbergh as controlled opposition, something Kevin MacDonald would hate.
NEWCOMERS to Mathis: please look at his 15 March 2020 piece here phoenper.pdf —Where Did All the Phoenicians Go? A brilliant piece encompassing much of prehistory, so far as it survives in writings—including the Odyssey, Hittites and the iron age and monopoly of iron, Troy and iron and silver in what's now Turkey, Persia, the Phoenician and later alphabets, Alexander of Macedon, Thucydides and other liar-historians, Sparta, and the likely-true histories of many more-or-less mythical names from the ancient Greeks. And rearrangements of wars and battles, deleting doubtful wars and reinterpreting changes in 'elites'.
Newcomers might look at guru.pdf, What I Finally Understood.
It's useful to be reminded that iron was a serious improvement (or 'improvement') in weapons technology. (If you don't believe me, watch videos on knife and machete killings. Here's 'Warlords of Mexico'). In its day, iron working must have had a similar affect to the invention of gunpowder.
I'd be particularly pleased if classicists could do serious work, though this would no doubt exclude the Mary Beard type.
Sidenote on art dealers as money-launderers and promoters of fashions and fakes: this is part of Mathis' attitude to the 'art' world. Worth noting that Ernst Hanfstaegel, son of a Munich art dealer, and himself an art dealer in 45th St and 5th Avenue, seems to have been involved in financing Hitler and disliking the 'Allies' in 1916.
(Which remind me of 'Brexit' discussions on the BBC in Britain, with godawful actresses reading their scripts; no overview information ever, and in any case Brexit must have been decided—since there are never 'debates' on important issues such as population replacement or wars. For Brexit as a long-term Jewish part of World War 3, see Hexzane527).
Dec 10th 2019 has a piece by Leaf Gerrit (I haven't attempted to check if that's a real name) on a faked Greensboro massacre, in 1979. I liked the piece, which looks at a Jewish-owned denim cloth mill, where protestors were swamped by fake KKK and other types, with a faked shooting, effectively wrecking the protest. Includes Maoists and joke tombstones and family relationships. (I think the nuke stuff is wrong, however).
TWO NEW TOPICS (Oct 2019) are meuse.pdf. Its Title is: The Battle of France which examines the official World War 2 story of the 'fall of France' in a few days. Just a small part of the huge war. It's impossible to guess how long it will be before the war is untangled; if it ever is, since of course Jews love lying. It's not a new idea; but it's new to have detailed analysis. My site also has my piece (long) and (from a French site).
and MWM has new pieces on Norway and its oil money, royal family, and campaigns to spend money on weapons, and hand it to big organisations. MWM seems to know more about royalty than royalty know themselves.
REPRISE (((British))) media are repeating their rubbish about the Nov 3, 2018 Pittsburgh synagogue fake shooting. Includes rich array of number markers, and Trump's alleged reactions, suggesting it's a Jewish attempt at a fake war. Plus genealogy and biog. (Repeated from the list below).
Cuba and the 1962 'nuclear crisis' and Guantanamo: MWM deduces from the fact that Castro and Guevara were rich 'marrano' Jews, and there's at least one US military base on Cuba, that the whole thing (including Guantanamo) is faked for the Jewish media.
Dresden bombing. Interesting piece showing MWM's originality: the possibility that Dresden might have been used for propaganda, rather as the fire-bombing or Hiroshima wand Nagasaki were used. Looking at supposed photos (mummified or old remains; fake of Dresden after bombing, according to MWM though I was uncertain, it may have been exaggerated. Possibly in my view as a distraction away from such things as Eisenhower's Rhine murder fields.
Lindbergh. I noticed TheOccidentalObserver had a comment on Lindbergh, accepting the myths (also in The Culture of Critique). Type Lindbergh into my search box; there are at least ten separate pieces to that puzzle.
Lithuania. Here's a good example of a topic which is generally unfamiliar in the west, but has powerful lessons for students of Jewish infiltration. (Dalia Grybauskaité of Lithuania seems to be a present-day Jew in the fashion of Merkel and May). Lithuania has been in the mid-distant past a far larger country than now; don't underestimate it. Use the search engine above to burrow into its history, in particular of royal lines where vast transfers of land were possible.
  Poland of course is another target for revisionism; it has been through many changes, with its vague boundaries. Poland had more 'Jews' than any other country at one time. Venice, Italy and the Medici family; France and the 'Revolution' and Napoleon another; Russia and its aristocracies another.
The box immediately below has some explanations of hiller.pdf, lenin.pdf, and trump.pdf, plus the Harry Potter Hoax, a paper on the Bushes, and a series of papers linked by one large subject. For people new to Miles Mathis, wanting to ease themselves in. For a surprise try his Stalin paper, stalin.pdf. at this date (19 Apr 2019) his most recent paper—though six days later it barely shows on google.
v. 2019-April-26 v. 2019-Aug-09 v. 2019-Sep-10 v. 2019-Oct-26 v. 2019-Dec-13 v. 2020-Jan-20 v. 2020-Jan-26 v. 29 Feb 2020 v. 11 Mar 2020 v. 19 March 2020 v.1 May 2020 v. 6 May 2020 v. 28-Jun-2020 v. 10-Jul-2020 v. 2-Oct-2020 v. 28-Dec-2020 v. 1-Apr-2021 v. 19-Jul-2021 v. 2 Aug 2021 v. 14 Sep 2021 v. 23 Nov 2021
May I recommend, to anyone interested in deep revisionism, that you download some or all of these pdfs? They may become targets of censors. |
I first read Miles Mathis in 2014—I'm sure, because I emailed him on 15th September in some excitement.
Some of his methods and results are incorporated in Examples: In big-lies/jews, here Online sites and methods In, here The Battle Against Miles Mathis with some online emails from critics In The 'Master Race' Won WW2, here More on Miles' methods Here's a mention of the three-way war between Jews, Catholics, and Protestants in early-christianity-bible.html This piece on Jews in Sweden berg.pdf looks at Ingrid Bergman and (obscure, anti-Christian film director) Ingmar Bergman. Many, many family and Jew interconnections. Incidental sidelights include E Michael Jones These examples are biased to 'Jews'; but there are many diverse topics. Note: my site is not a complete one. I'm unsure in fact how to proceed. It's possible his site might be removed. But I do hope I'm helping people understand the importance of Miles Mathis and his encouragingly high number of associates.  :
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These three papers include the following factors. (They are not not quantified in order of importance by me, or them).
[1] Anti-white stuff for southern hemisphere. No mention of Rupert Murdoch in Australia. The fraud was world-wide, as far as I know—the BBC emitting its usual trash with failed actors reading their anonymous scripts. To boost anti-white feeling, in the usual Jewish way. But of course they don't include white activity arranged by Jews, such as genocide in Vietnam.
[2] Jew billionaires or trillionaires wanting to move to secure bunkered homes. Presumably N Z is viewed as very safe and secure. I've noticed obscure suggestions that rich Jews (their 'aristocracy') are irritated with their low-grade fellow 'bourgeois' Jews; could it be they want to get rid of them?
[3] Corrupt NZ police. Unquantified, and too vague for my liking; it's stated that many New Zealanders are uneasy about police crime. But this may just be part of anti-white smears. Or it may be a comment on police being unwillingly forced by Jews into absurd actions.
[4] Other corruption: automatic weapons already banned, so the aim may be to increase gun sales. Fake victims getting life insurance payouts could be another motive. Again, these are unquantified, except in the sense that gun sales in the USA are stated to have increased sharply after scares.
[5] Trying to get Muslims viewed sympathetically! (Lol, I know). I'd guess this is connected to Jewish liking for Islam, which was made up originally by Jews anyway, for thug armies. Note likelihood of Mossad/ Intelligence 'communities' controlling the mosques (all they need is an Islamic-appearing carpet and some pathetic 'Semitic'-looking 'extras'), and controlling fake 'refugee' schemes along with crypto-Jews in Arab oil countries. Whether NZ intelligence and other agencies are as keen to flood their countries with inassimilable aliens as Jews, I don't know.
[6] Mathis and the others like numerical codes. But with videos perhaps these can be supplemented—It's suggested one finger represents I, for intelligence, and the thumb-and-index-finger plus trailing fingers represents 666. Trump uses these hand gestures often enough, but doesn't say if they signify anything.
Miles and his mates all take the view (I think) that this is an action by networking Jews in New Zealand, not a worldwide action, as for example the world wars may have been. I may be wrong here—the project has been shown in the US and UK, for example.
A missing piece is the possibility the whole fraud is a distraction: Yemen has a war, Israel has a war against Gaza, the (((US))) has wars in Afghanistan and other places—I can't even list them. France seems poised on war between French and (((French))). The (((US))) continues to encourage illegal immigration. The Jews May and Bercow are doing things about the jew-controlled EU. Many (((news))) sites shriek about the 'Golan Heights'.
A copy of the original video is here, on Bitchute, but there seem to be different versions, e.g. with 'shell casings' ejecting and disappearing. Christchurch supposed mosque shootings video, New Zealand (full 16 min 56 sec)
[Added 30 March 2019–Rerev]
I also want to take this as an opportunity to apologize to all of you for being absent and unavailable for far too long. I can imagine that commenting here became quite frustrating at times — far more than usual. I have reached out to a couple of people asking for help in moderating. I also want to move us to a proper forum. Somebody wrote to me suggesting a platform for that, but I’m having trouble finding it. So if that is you please write to me again.
A little bit of background: the site receives many spam comments every day, sometimes dozens. I’m not talking about the spam advertising comments that are caught automatically by Akismet and sent to a spam folder. The ones I’m talking about seem to be generated by bots posing as people who want to comment on the blog. They have become relatively easy for me to spot. But they frequently come in waves one right after the other. The blog is set up so that new commenters always go to ‘pending’ until they have had one comment approved. So every new user trying to comment has each comment go to a comment pending folder. This is also true of established users whose comments randomly and not infrequently go to this folder, for reasons I have not been able to understand. Now, every time a comment goes to pending, I get a notification about it in my e-mail.
To keep up with comment moderation, I have to go through the pending comments to separate out the attempted bot comments from the real user comments (new and existing). When a bot tries repeatedly to leave a comment, I have to enter the username and/or IP address to a block list before it spins out of control leaving a crazy amount of comments.
I got really busy earlier this year and let it slide for a few days, at which point it felt overwhelming to deal with, so I let it sit for a few more days, which only made the situation worse, making me more reluctant to deal with it. After a while, it was just too much and I felt complete dread at the thought of trying to clean house and getting back into the habit of sifting through a bunch of pending comments every day – not to mention facing whatever justifiable frustration and anger many of you are probably feeling.
But I made a promise to myself to get back in the saddle by the end of the year. There are currently 2,229 pending posts. I’m not going to go through them, so I am hitting the ‘reset’ button so to speak. If you are a new user who hasn’t been approved, you can leave a comment then use the contact link at the top of this form to notify me of your comment and username so I can approve you. If you are a veteran commenter whose comments never saw the light of day – I’m sorry! But I won’t be digging into the folder to fish them out.
And with that, I wish you all a Merry Christmas, Happy Channukah, and all around joyful holiday season!
I'll try to explain where I think Miles has gone adrift. This seems the responsibility of Looking at dates and figures, I think that site contacted Miles relatively recently and established good relations by buttering up Miles—praising his site, praising his downloads, and so on. I suspect Miles felt isolated and responded with some elation. What information I have (from Simon Shack's site) suggests Josh G is a minor academic in Israel.
I first noticed Josh G in a piece or two on the Dreyfus Affair, which in about 1900 was a huge affair discussed throughout Europe. I knew this from my burrowings into the writings of Bertrand Russell and Hilaire Belloc. It came as a relief to me to read Josh G's view, claiming (or showing) that the whole thing was a pro-Jew psyop, and a very modern one at the time, using the new media of film, and cheap newsprint. But it suggested further questions. The reason for inventing the Dreyfus Affair was to sweep Jewish frauds under the carpet, by making 'anti-Semitism' unmentionable in polite society. But Jewish frauds in France included immense company frauds (to do with overseas canals). Other Jewish topics (of many) included the Boer Wars, European murders by Jews calling themselves 'anarchists', the build-up to the Great War, the formation of the ADL, and the USA Federal Reserve. Josh G failed to address these issues at all. Suggesting to the critical mind that he was and is just a distraction, giving information probably widely-known to Jews, and probably regarded by them as old and stale.
Another perhaps one-off oddity is skinhead.pdf, dated Nov 10th 2016, by an anonymous contributor, perhaps in England. It's an odd piece, based round someone called James Moffat, author under many pseudonyms of many junk books. And junk publishers. What interested me was accusations against Britons Publishing and Arnold Leese. Without going into detail, the anonymous article talks of the 'taint of racism'. Much of this looks correct, but with some sideswipes which of course are typical of infiltrator types. (I just watched an irritating TV thing with a Pakistani woman pretending her heritage was Yorkshire; something similar).
Miles has spent much effort on exposing 'serial killers' as generally fraudulent 'intelligence' operations. But he talks of whites in these frauds, no doubt helping white women feel insecure. But Miles (or his Jewish influencers) has failed to notice the very high rate of murders by blacks. It's fairly certain that Jews, with their policy of understating black crime, are part of the fraud to invite white serial killers. But they carefully fail to mention black serial killers. In a similar way, Miles must know about white multiple killers in wars: consider the US Civil War, WW1 and WW2, Korea and Vietnam. Miles must know about large scale killings, but omits them—they were not in CONUS, after all. He doesn't seem to realise that there is a lot of sound reasoning in favour of the idea of whites as killers. Jews, if they feel the time is ripe, will fan the embers in non-whites.
Another troubling piece is protocols.pdf, dated April 25 2015. Miles says (I think) that they were composed by aristocrats, as a warning or description of the possible horrors of financial power. He doesn't like the idea that they were jotted down by some Tsarist spy, while in a Jewish planning meeting. Given the possibilities of events at Kahals, the jottings or reconstructing notes idea sounds very plausible to me. Miles looks at the Protocol dealing with God, though what he says doesn't convince me. Miles also says To start with, they are trying to pin everything on the Jews, but we know that all the top financiers are not Jews. That's one point at issue, and seems to conflict with other Mathisian writings, that every important person is in the Phoenician Navy. So why would the aristocrats imply they are? Because some of the top financiers are Gentiles who ditched the aristocracy and put their cards in with the new money... says Miles. Well, maybe that just includes Crypto-Jews and High-Level Freemasons and some others. Anyway, he goes into a long account of appealing to latent feelings of approval in the super-wealthy, and waxes lyrical on all the stolen trillions, as though paper money made from nothing can continue separated from ideas of land and asset ownership.
Miles' writings sometimes take a mystical turn in which he exhorts the baddies to relax, stop being greedy, and stop or reduce their predatory looting. They'll live longer, and be better looking, and have less need for violence. I think he tends to confuse looting with ownership; buying-out corporations with paper money isn't exactly looting. And he seems to like a vague religious spirit.
Anyroad (to quote John Lennon) I maintain that Miles Mathis is a great thinker and innovator. In my view, he needs a dose of publicity awareness too. And more debate.
-- RW 30 Nov 2021
May I just make a few points. As far as I’m concerned, I never ‘fell out’ with Miles. It’s just that he never emails etc with me. The email quoted about flying fucks was something I recently found; I don’t think I’ve seen it before. That search engine on my site was set up with freefind, a completely standard bit of software which anyone can use, though like most software the techies behind it don’t make it easy. I think I copied the idea from David Irving. I even offered it to Miles, to add to his site; given the password, he could have had it on his site for years. However, he doesn’t talk to me.
I also would have liked a long discussion online with him. I have quite a high opinion of my chats, and their download numbers are quite high, though less that they were on Youtube from which I was of course banned by Wojshit. For example Lords of the Nukes. Many online talks of course are of dismal quality..
Hexzane527 is (as far as I know; I’ve never had any contact, which anyway might be risky for him in France) the best writer on WW2 as a possible mutual joint arrangement by Jews to kill off others. A good hypothesis which I did my own version of ( where ‘master race’ is not the Nazzies. I collected together his PDFs and assembled them with titles and an index on my site; partly because they’re very hard to find, even if you know they’re there, and partly in case they vanish. Come to think of it, I did much the same with Miles’s PDFs after they disappeared once, what now seems a long time ago. I don’t know if Miles has even noticed. He doesn’t talk to me.
Anyway, I’ll leave but let me just express surprise that such a fertile writer as Miles should have so few intelligent comments. Oh – I just noticed one veru good comment, on COVID as an ‘opportunity’!
![]() | APRIL 2020 Comment from 2020, probably by Miles Mathis. Suggesting he can be a rude c*nt. I found this by chance using, new-to-me secret searcher based on google. I don't remember what this was about! However, I'm not a 'spook'.
NOV 2023 I think Mathis must mean in which I say Folk song coming from below was probably largely mythical. See for example Miles Mathis on 'Ewan MacColl' and others with fake names—The Folk Scene was Totally Manufactured. He wrote somewhere on Kirstie MacColl, whose death he thought was faked, and who probably moved to her secret island—though I'd guess the locals may have puzzled over her secret sources of overseas money. And on Peter, Paul and Mary as spreading anti-love messages. |