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Women of Ideas, first published in 1982. c 800 pages. This is by ARK PAPERBACKS (London, Boston, Melbourne, Henley-on-Thames.) There are other covers.
    'Ideas' turn out to be novels and often unhelpful diatribes. The book is vol II of History of Woman Suffrage by Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Susan Brownell Anthony, Matilda Joslyn Gage. As far as I can tell, this was expanded to six volumes by 1920.
    The faded ribbon has the colours of the British suffragettes; see Lawson-Reay's book. She clearly sets out the dispute between Suffragists and the violent suffragettes, without understanding the Jew angle, promoting world war.
    I was put onto this by a 'historian' on 'suffragette bombers' attributing atrocities to women to direct from Jews. I hadn't known until prompted by a Jew that the suffragettes were used by Jews as a force towards world war. Simon Webb: Suffragette Bombers?

An online collage of Jewish 'feminists'. Feminism in quotes, because the aim is typically Jewish, hidden behind a fa&csadil;cade, to harm non-Jews. It's not a 'Jewish war for women'; it's a Jewish policy of making 'goy' relationships and families difficult.
    'Gay marriage' is a typical scheme for goyim, unthinkable before the Jewish victory of World War 2, and promoting homosexuality. So is race mixing for non-Jews. So is abortion, though Jews encourage this in particular for negroes in New York. Jewish publishers and advertisers output is obsessively of this type.

Review of   Dale Spender   Women of Ideas.   (And what men have done to them).

'From Aphra Behn to Adrienne Rich'.   First published 1982.
Disappointingly, all her work looks like controlled opposition, manipulated by the usual quasi-eternal suspects. Nothing very helpful resulted for British or Australian people, though gains in technology obscure this.
      I've aimed at a thoroughly 'revisionist' review, which many readers will never have been exposed to; I hope they will have the courage to face the facts, even in the face of Jewish strangleholds on knowledge.
      The whole subject repays serious study. Here's some of it.

Typical 'academic' 1970s study literature, telling the reader what to think: published by Penguin Books, Jewish publishers and propagandists. Has the 'Glorious Revolution' and other unanalytical stuff; Walter Scott's importance is slid away. 'Jane Austen' is another misrepresented author. But the principal censored topic is Jews, and their influence.

Invisible Women–The Schooling Scandal (1982 book; this is the 1988/9 edition). Intro by Sue Adler, of course Jewish.

Reported to almost zero extend in the UK. Such events are routinely censored by the Jew-controlled media.
    At the same time, such media have promoted race-mixing and immigration since 1945. Victims get no coverage in the Jewish media. Not (as may be thought) putting politics first—but because Jewish policy is to care nothing for 'goyim'.
Biographical info:   (Partly taken from her books): Dale Spencer (born 1943) was brought up in Australia, and has a sister Lynne. She has gained ‘degrees in English, Education, and Sociolinguistics', actual qualifications not given. She ‘taught in Australian secondary schools for nine years and has been involved in teacher training.’ So she left Australia aged about 30, around 1973. She has expressed dislike for the Vietnam War—many young Americans and Australians were given, for the first time in their lives, not money, but equipment and weapons, travel and uniforms and food, and bribes with the prospects of rape and cheap prostitutes, gifts from Henry Kissinger.
      I remember being told in c. 1975 that many single women left Australia, despairing of the poor quality of young male Australians. Probably this wasn't unusual. Earls Court in London was nicknamed 'Kangaroo Valley'.
      London's Fawcett Library is mentioned; it no longer exists where it was, but seems to have been subsumed by the LSE into the Women's Library, part of the Jewish infiltration into London's official academic life since the 19th century, including people like Soros.
      As far as I've followed the topic, she lectured at the Institute of Education; I remember meeting Barbara Tizard, who adopted a black girl and was part of the Jewish education thrust. Education was, or is, part of the London University assemblage of buildings including the School for Tropical Medicine, and SOAS, the 'School for Oriental and African Studies', though they now seem to discourage this phrase, and concentrate on getting paying students, often from exploitative but Jew-run territories.
      No prizes for guessing the intensity of their avoidance of discussion of Jews and their horrifying belief and deeds. It's impossible without genealogical research to know whether Dale Spencer home background was Jewish. She certainly seems totally ignorant of Jews, but in a world of very severe censorship that's not sound evidence. Australia has been a supplier of Jewish corruption, from Murdoch and control of goldfields to support for Jewish wars and propagandists such as Pilger.
      Publishers and career administrators and their puppets seem to have joined by 1980 to form Jew-subservient 'Feminist' groups; Dale Spender being one. These include Piatkus Books (1979), Carmen Callil (1973). imprints such as Virago, Women's Press, and Ark, and older publishers such as Routledge and Kegan Paul. Experienced researchers get to know the prevailing attitudes of such publishers. Nearly fifty years later, their work needs examination.

The Woman Question:   It's essential to grasp that British society was getting richer, through the entire century from 1800-1900 and until 1914. But increasing Jewish infiltration introduced a secret movement to ruin this in favour of Jews. All this was very much cloaked by Jewish-funded groups, chiefly the Church 'of England' and the Freemasons, both of which were bought out.
      English women with money worked for good causes, but the Jewish policy was to aim for world war (to ruin and subjugate Russia and Germany, and take assets from Britain and the USA). The 'Women's Social and Political Union' (1903, I think) looks like such a movement, at the tipping point between the two groups. Finance included 'death duties' which later impoverished families with sons killed in the 'Great War'.
      Looking back, it's clear the slogan 'democracy' was designed to allow very few parties to be controlled. So the movement for women said nothing about any other issues than suffrage. Jews found by trial that they easily had the power to change minds via newspapers.
      When you read 'Votes for Women was the headline in every paper', and atrocities had bits of paper reading 'votes for women', and a photo was produced of Davidson's death at a horse-race, you know it's been organised.
      A 1918 Act of Parliament included women of 30 or more; in 1928, all men and women of 21.

Women have often been accurately criticised for having no understanding of science, though of course many men have no understanding either. Dale Spender has an online clip where she tries to work an iPhone, finding (corrctly) there's no manual. So she thinks it's time to find out what 'digital' means. I frowned to see DS believes in the 'rule of thumb' error. She seems to wear only purple and green, the suffragette colours. Her online audiences seem mostly female, some being fat, at long-term vascular risk. It's the physical analogue of Jewish mental harm.

Manchester:   Manchester was important for its cotton mills, and had (like Leeds) a fairly secret Jewish population. The Manchester Man was a novel, by a woman, of the time. Cheetham Library is famous as a haunt of Marx and Engels. A good paper by Miles Mathis reveals Marx's family connections and wealth. The Manchester Guardian to this day has a special type of Jewish propaganda, and in fact is used by the media to advertise their jobs! The rather evasive anti-Capitalism books and pamphlets never mention financing by Jews, a tricky balancing-act of lies, subterfuge, and legal actions.

London   became a university town mostly in the 19th century, its ideology a mist of 'Non-Conformist Religions'. There were serious non-Jewish movements, notably in science, but also in social science. The Fawcett Library and early newspapers had some serious messages. The English Woman's Journal (founded approx 1850s) was 'financed by Barbara Smith' who may or may not have been Jewish. There was a National Association for the Promotion of Social Science. The Married Women's Property Act of 1870 was a very significant step, possibly deliberately suppressed. The Women's Social and Political Union (WSPU) was formed in 1903, and looks like a concealed Jewish front: by 1910 it declared a "state of war" with the British Government. Emmeline Pankhurst, as is obvious now, was an agent for Jews, doing everything she could to promote European War, including a truce 'for the duration' of the war.
      All this was tied up with the 1913 Federal Reserve in the USA, giving Jews more or less endless paper money supply. The War starting 1914 led to inflation, removal of gold currency, income tax and death duties.
      Whatever views you may form (if any) please factor in the infinite callousness of Jews, happy to sacrifice many tens of millions.

Important !   Understanding Suffragists and Suffragettes and the Difference:  

Very Important note:   The first votes-for-women people were called 'suffragists'. That link is Bertrand Russell on suffragists. It is not a technically demanding work. His argument is that unpleasant things happened often in the past, to people without votes. So if women have votes, unpleasant things will be less likely to happen. The intricate mechanisms by which reforms may, or may not, happen, and people may, or may not, understand the issues, and the way politics can be controlled, are elided away completely. Russell considered that (at that date) women were legally weak compared to men; he did not consider the evidence for this—which was available at that time from Belfort Bax—something as true today.
      That word has been almost suppressed; Jews wanted war, and supported 'suffragettes', who explicitly supported violence, instead.   Another example of Jewish media control & propaganda power. This link to my 2015/6 article expands on the idea; Blaming Women for War is a fascinating misdirection, which Simon Shappard continues to promote, illustrating this point: When one of several causes is suppressed, the others seem magnified in importance.
      A 2023 ad campaign in the UK (for genealogy) shows a woman whose great-grandma was 'made to work' and joined 'the Suffragettes' so women got the vote. Deliberately misleading background stuff is typical of Jewish-owned advertising agencies.

Belfort Bax   The best writer on gender and law at that time (known to me in English) is E. Belfort Bax; his 1913-published book, The Fraud of Feminism (free download from e.g. archive.org), suggests to me that 'sex war' was a Jewish slogan to split Britain and the USA, either to damage them or lead to war. Unfortunately Bax is not for my taste a systematic, or numerate, writer; he was tutored in 'March of Mind' Victorianism, and taught music and German philosophy, but appears to have drawn on other people for legal material. [Note: I may be wrong about this man; I haven't looked very carefully]
      The hypothesis about Jews and women might be tested against the experiences of Russia, Poland, Hungary, and Germany—each with high Jewish populations—though there are large language barriers.

Education:   is a fascinating subject which has barely begun to be studied seriously. The methods by which Jews ruled over children have never been researched, and have been allowed to extend over much of the world.
      Women's education is traditionally imitative; maybe this will change. It's obvious that Spender has no aptitude or interest in producing independent thinkers and doers; mimicry is her aim, and achievement, which of course is infinitely saddening. Solid achievements of Victorian education (such as Hygiene as a subject) are routinely ignored. Male education is misunderstood—Greek and Latin were taught but with little result in practice or in theory. The women's educational equivalents such as (from a list) St Paul’s Girls’ School, Guildford High School for Girls, City of London School For Girls, James Allen’s Girls’ School, The Godolphin and Latymer School are ignored. The Jewish money-driven Church of England had as much effect on male education—see the figures for vicars in England. Personal contacts were the important thing, including family histories, parents, flogging and fagging.
      None of this is addressed by Spender or her fellow-travellers. Their educational theories apply to state education: so-called 'public schools' and private education by tutors, and secret Jewish education, and Jewish-derived religious education, and even technical education, are ignored. When a friend of mine was asked by Greenham Common women for expertise in electromagnetism, there was not one woman they could find.
      Unionised teachers have proved harmful; they are run by Jews. It's essential to understand this very-censored fact, if you wish to understand the modern world. Reachers' Unions and the National Union of Students perhaps do many things that ordinary unions would do&m,dash;with the exception that, if Jewish interests are involved, heavy pressure is put on members to take the Jewish side. Even if they have no idea about Jews. This is the cause of puzzling behaviour to many members. The system operates in other fields: unions will be told to support wars, for example, if thy are for Israel. Unions will be told to accept immigration, however much they oppose it. Political parties operate in the same way.
      When I say 'in Jewish interests' I mean in the way most Jews in a top-down, 'Chief Rabbi' style, consider their fiecre race bias ought to determine their conduct.
      A particularly sharp form of Jewishness comes into force when there's discussion on placing leaders. As I write, there has been a 4-part TV thing on the Post Office in Britain, nominally headed by a woman called Paula Vennells, who was clearly incompetent to occupy the position. (She was recommended in turn by the Archbishop of Canterbury, Welby, of Jew descent, to be Bishop of London). When you see such appointments, watch for the Jew influence. Similarly with nuclear experts. And with biological sciences. The science and engineering 'experts' popped up by the US system are a joke.
      And similarly with police forces. Jew and Freemason influence means they tend to neglect crimes against 'goyim' and assist Jews in their crimes. The later may be difficult to detect without inside knowledge of Jew aims; for example, illegal immigration into white, or once-white, countries has been Jewish policy since Coudenhove-Kalergi, but this is not widely publicised. So is corruption of sexual habits; Jews favour sex with 3 year old s and above.

First and Second World Wars. And More:   Simon Sheppard attempted to link feminism and war in 2014; ‘In this article I shall argue that the rise in 'feminism' led directly to two disastrous world wars. These of course involved the death of over 50 million people, with many adverse social and political effects in addition.' (Words as Weapons, showing how the suppression of information on Jews leads to misunderstanding or world issues).
      These world events have impacted on non-Jewish women, though without being noticed by the 'feminists' after about 1900, by which time the healthy analysis of the 'woman question' had been taken over by its malign Jewish perversion. In my 25 reviews of books on women, taking differing views from each other I've collected book reviews, including Virginia Nicholson's Two Million Women Without Men on the 'Great War' and its results..
      The Second World War has fortunately been subject to some Internet analysis, which has done more than the entire Anglo-American history and media establishment. My How the Master Race Won the Second World War gives some idea. The women 'useful idiots' controlled by Jews continue to praise worldwide massacres, Churchill and Stalin and Roosevelt, scientific frauds.

Review: Mainly Women of Ideas and What Men Have Done to Them:
As an intro, Invisible Women: the Schooling Scandal (cover design of a negro girl, froma group that never even developed written language) has a remark I'd hoped might be developed: page 84 says:

      '... there is a documented pattern of 'appropriation' of women's ideas in other areas. Hilary Simpson (1979) ... has shown how D H Lawrence appropriated the writings of women ... Wordsworth used Dorothy Wordsworths's diary as the source of many of his ideas ... F Scott Fitzgerald used the diaries of Zelda Fitzgerald. Marion Glastonbury (1978) indicates that the process continues today...'
I'd hoped there might be some rather intricate discussion of 'ideas' and what they are, their history and transmission (or non-transmission) by education, but of course that was a forlorn hope.

Page 104 shows the way real (or invented, or massaged) comments are deployed by Spencer; a rather sad passage with three inarticulate participants,      

Female Student: But why did they go to war? They didn't really have a reason. It seems such a stupid thing to have done.
Male teacher: Yes, well I don't expect you would understand. It's the men who make these decisions and they had lots of reasons, didn't they? Appealing to the boys.

      Women of Ideas is an interesting but not first-rate book. She seems to have spent about a year on it, advised by two librarians at thee Fawcett Library in London (no longer at the same address), writing notes which were laboriously typed for her. Her acknowledgements express great thanks to friends and family, even a few males. I'd guess her chapters took about 3 or 4 days each to write.
      Her introduction is in the tradition of Jewish introductions: long enough to include their slogans and beliefs, and also long enough to hide them. The longest illustration of this pattern is the insertion of Biblical rubbish from Jews into anyone forced or paid to accept them: existence of God, exactly one God, and no others, and in the image of Man, and not female, begotten not created, God's gift, God's forgiveness, Guod up there (looking up), someone's soul overhead ... ad nauseam.
      In this case, we have a lot of men vs women assertions: patriarchy, male-dominated society, Friedan, Millett and Greer (Jews), why didn't we know?, the suffragettes. (Suffragists isn't even indexed). The section ends with 10 pages on Aphra Behn (1640-1689), whose surname is from her marriage. Her unmarried name seems unknown, despite presumably being recorded in the marriage ceremony. Spender says apparently from a biography by Angeline Goreau that 'Aphra Behn was an adventuress ... long and dangerous voyage to the West Indies ... involved in a slave rebellion ... a spy for Charles II against the Dutch ... debtor imprisoned ... vociferously defended the right of women to an education ... sexual pioneer ... argued to Royalist point of view ... an early aboliotionist [of slavery] ... had seventeen plays produced in seventeen years ... wrote thirteen novels...' John Dryden was her friend and colleague. Both were buried in Westminster Abbey, though she was buried outside.
      Half her assessment dealt with the way Behn had faded from view, attributed to male power.
      Without looking at reference books, there are many problems with this depiction. Perhaps she was bawdy, and maybe her plays were calculated with that in mind, with a bit of help from Dryden. A female Rochester? Or perhaps she was an agent, or double agent, working for or agents Charles II in the war against Cromwell and the Dutch Jews. Maybe she was a crypto-Jew educated by Jews (though the Jews' Free School in London seems to date from 1732). I don't know, but of course neither does Spender.
      Mary Wollstonecraft comes next, 'and her foremothers'. Spender gives her a lot of attention, though largely as someone whose image may need updating. Wollstonecraft's ten pages occur later in part I, in the last section. Considering her alleged importance, these pages are disappointing: Vindication of the Rights of Woman (1792. The bibliography lists an 1891 edition) is mostly discussed in a walk-through way, with extracts and comments by Spender and by others. I noted one thing: 'To Mary Wollstonecraft, prostitution in and out of marriage was work, ... forced upon women as a means of obtaining the necessary financial resources for survival.' Note the assumption that finance is the essential thing, i.e. a working system of money, presumably run by men! I'm not sure if Shelley got a mention (or Byron), but it's in keeping with this book's approach that they probably weren't. Spender's meandering failure to squeeze Wollstonecraft's essence, plus the 'French Revolution' date, incline me to think she was just another psyop, not intended to be taken seriously, in the way Godwin can be interpreted. She may well have been a distraction from the serious issues of the day.
      Sceptics will note that the publication coincided with the so-called 'French Revolution', now known to have been as Jewish as the 'Glorious Revolution' in England. So it might well have been a distraction. This chapter includes Fuseli ('both Turk and Jew'–Blake) and Rousseau and other potentially interesting persons.
      Grub Street and Bluestockings are two sections on the 18th century. By this time, the Bank 'of England' takeover had been in place for long enough to cause widespread impoverishment, but with money for the Church 'of England', imposing new rather unsustainable buildings. These events are out of the range of Spender, who attends to hack writers and women friends doing their best to run Salons in the French style. I'm afraid both sections disappointed me.

Here are some scattered notes, rather than blocks of review comments:–
Spender mentions "middle-class white men" as causative agents. Under the world-wide Jew super-layer, these men are small beer and generally do what they're told.
On censorship, Spender probably doesn't know about such things as atrocities in China, the East India Company, the 30 Years War in Europe, and such things. I can't ell if she censors or just doesn't know. However, she does at least know James Mill was the father of John Start Mill.
She knows about the US Civil War, if a sentence or two in passing counts. This must have had effects on women, but Spender takes the Jewish line and omits them. She's more interested in the supposed 'emancipation' of slaves, but doesn't mention their redundancy, in my view prompted by the powerful new steam engines; nobody else seems to have noticed. And she doesn't mention that slaveholders were actually compensated!
Spender, characteristically, says nothing about such things as cheap paper, mass printing and binding, typewriters, which at the time were leading technologies.
On the 'Pankhursts', it seems in 1898 Emmeline Goulden married a Pankhurst. Anything golden suggests Jew ancestry. Her husband allegedly died, leaving 'no money, and 4 children'. So she decided to open a shop, in Manchester. Of course. The general rule is that by the last decades of the 1800s, there were huge influxes of Jews into the West. The 1913 Federal Reserve Act in the USA was the coup-de-grace. I'm pretty certain that Emmeline Pankhurst's career was Jew-funded and aimed at war—in effect, civil war in Europe.
      The WSPU has its 8 pages in Spender, dating from this time
Matilda Joslyn Gage (1826-1898. Lived mostly in New York State). Gage gets one of the longest sections in Spender's book, which Spender evidently considered a major research effort. Gage's book WOMAN, CHURCH AND STATE: A HISTORICAL ACCOUNT OF THE STATUS OF WOMAN THROUGH THE CHRISTIAN AGES: WITH REMINISCENCES OR THE MATRIARCHATE: BY MATILDA JOSLYN GAGE (I left it in capitals, unsure how she would have written it) was published in 1893 in Chicago, by Charles H. Kerr & Company. It's available online, for example at archive.org, which of course did not exist when Spender wrote. Spender calls in Woman, Church and State, which is misleading: it's clear Gage thought the world before Christianity had one or many 'Matriarchates', with women treated as responsible and skilled, before the Christian era with such things as 'St Paul' and scriptural evidence of women's sinfulness. Spender goes into some detail on this book, helped out by comments by Sally Roesch Wagner, presumably yet another Jew. There were clashes with Gage and women like Susan B Anthony, based (my reading) on attitude to Christianity, which most of them presumably viewed as shocking. Part of her dedication reads: Dedicated to all Christian women and men, of whatever creed or name who, bound by Church or State, have not dared to Think for Themselves. Her thought, however, stopped with Jews.
      Gage gives many examples of exceptional women (Spender prints some on p. 317, and others from 321-323. These are not sourced and rely on other people's judgments. She reminds me of Florence Deeks, a Canadian woman pioneer type, who took legal action for copyright infringement against H.G. Wells. Spender's praise therefore seems overdone.
Ida B. Wells is in Spender on black women. There's the usual problem here, that Spender uses or may use the intentional confusion with mixed races. Remember Obama being described as 'black', despite having a 'Jewish' mother and something like a Arab father? Jews at present call them black, if they're useful for propaganda.
William Thompson (1775-1833) gets a favourable mention as a socialist. This may have been at the time when socialism wasn't yet promoted strategically by Jews; or it may be part of that scheme. I don't know, and Spender isn't telling, if she does.
There's some heart-warming stuff on Miss Beale and Miss Buss, and Newnham and Girton Colleges. At least they seem to have tried.

The 20th century takes up about 3/8 of the book. Anything ancient has no place in the Spender world! We have 10 pages on Emma Goldman, a Jew described as an 'anarchist' by Spender. I was interested to see Mary Ritter Beard in there, probably an ancestor of today's classics professor, who tells stories of Rome almost in a casual, guidebook fashion, superficial and unquestioning. I remember talking to a Jewish 'philosopher' and wondering how much approval and liking the Roman Empire had at the time. I didn't know that Jew have very fixed ideas on Rome, and was surprised that he should take a simple view of all the millions then.
Dora Russell (later Countess Russell; how these people love titles!) in her Tamarisk Tree has a foreword by Dale Spencer. '57 years of writing and journalism, 1925-1982'. I don't think she's aged well. Her essays have a review feel - e.g. the one on women's lack of power starts with a comment on an NCCL document. Comments on e.g drugs etc suggest similar action to something she's read. General feeling of copying from news sources. She quotes phrases probably from Russell: 'passionate belief in matter', 'profound effect of the Greeks', and a ragbag of stuff about the past, all cliches: cave-man; those intellectual Greeks; 18th century. She had a disgusting worship of Jewish Russia: In Russia an attempt at a constructive modern synthesis has been made (1927). Sad pointlessness dominates: 'The Right to be Happy', 'In Defense of Children'

In section D, 'AND WHEN THERE WERE NONE', all the names seem Jewish—Beard, Viola Klein, Mirra Komarovsky, Ruth Herschberger, Simone de Beauvoir, Margaret Mead, 1950s, 1960s. Margaret Mead had not yet been exposed; Sartre I think hadn't either.
      There may be a few sound names; Rebecca West. for example.

Conclusions:   Perhaps I may sum up traditional opinions on marriage. Agatha Christie, at her girls' school, said it was an exciting business to speculate on who might marry you. Doctor? Architect? Racing driver?—and she picked an Egyptologist. A once well-known 19th century law case in England involved a wrongly-performed wedding ceremony in a corner of England, which implied none of the people were legally married. None of them wanted to change, says the story.
      The start of the 'Great War' in 1914 revealed some oddities: Barbara Cartland, a fluffy romantic novelist said all these men were afraid they might die—and so, for women, it was a "tremendously exciting time". Women were bribed by being paid to do war work which they probably hated; but under the paper money arrangements put together by Jews, it's what they did. Much easier than rational discussions of ways to give women more.

This leads to the top-secret Jewish question, and the almost-equally secret Freemason question. If anything is to be done, there will be in future legislation about secrecy. Until that happens, we're in a speculative world. The situation is truly amazing; in its way, it's an astonishing achievement. People are basically fairly standardised, with similar structures and features. Apparently, just one single group has convinced itself that it is infinitely superior to all others, and has developed a fantastically detailed rule-book as to what to do to others. Their outlook, modified for inferiors, has seeped and oozed slowly through the world. The secrecy is so hermetically-sealed that its separate developments are barely noticed by its victims. As just one example, Dr Lorraine Day (RIP) became well aware of Jews in her department in a San Francisco hospital. But at the same time she had no doubts whatever about the long-term Jewish-constructions about 'God' and 'Jesus'. Another example was Hilaire Belloc, greatly troubled by Jewish enrichment during the Great War, who remained a devout Catholic.

Spender's technique when pushing an opinion is to pick an example or two, hope it's accurate, and hope readers will be moved into some sort of action. In fact, any change is likely to have effects which ought to be analysed; for example, we now have a situation with ouster injunctions, no way to check affidavits, and divorces which seem to favour women (I'm not sure). We have rather absurd mixed crits such as 'Feminazis' which show serious misunderstandings. Legal systems ought to be assessed on probability bases, so the effects can be predicted society-wide. But of course this level of skill is outside Spender's range.

This book may be useful as a source-book, listing names and book-titles, before checking online.

It's tempting to think people like Spender are harmless, even if they may be batty and ditzy biddies in odd clothing. But, I beg you, please examine and grasp the Jewish issue. It really may save you life.

A footnote to The State in Bertrand Russell's Principles of Social Reconstruction begins: “Some very strong remarks on the conduct of the 'white feather' women were made by Mr. Reginald Kemp, the Deputy Coroner for West Middlesex, at an inquest at Ealing on Saturday on Richard Charles Roberts, aged thirty-four, a taxicab driver, of Shepherd's Bush, who committed suicide in consequence of worry caused by his rejection from the Army and the taunts of women and other amateur recruiters.
      The Coroner, speaking with some warmth, said the conduct of such women was abominable. It was scandalous that women who knew nothing of individual circumstances should be allowed to about making unbearable the lives of men who had tried to do their duty. It was a pity they had nothing better to do. Here was a man who perhaps had been driven to death by a pack of silly women. He hoped something would soon be done to put a stop to such conduct” (Daily News, July 26, 1915).
This is life under Jews.

There's some melancholy fascination in looking at the website of UCL (University College, London), with its many echoes of Jewish victories in the past, including both the founding of the university and the winning of the Second World War. It retains a feeling of controlled pressure-cooking fanaticism; it remains difficult to imagine dreaming spires co-existing with blacks holding banners saying 'Fuck Eugenics'.
      There's quite a range of women's studies things, in contrast to the complete absence of studies of serious issues. It proves the power of money over academics, in an analogy with the power of money to conjure up vicars and vicars' wives and vicars' assistants: poor quality unanalytical Jew and Jew-related stuff gets lots of people, mostly women and Jews. The institution has its Jewish Commissar types, something like Nathan Cofnas in Cambridge. I noted in passing a woman called Charlotte Faircloth, Jewish connections not given, married to someone 'black', though presumably in fact half-caste, either with white or 'Jew'. Her hubby is or was a puppet in Channel 4 TV in Britain. The story I heard was that he was part of the push for the 'COVID' vaccine fraud; and in fact had one himself, and just recently died. I don't know if this is true or not.
      A derivative sadness, at least for my taste, surrounds women who might have done worthwhile things, but have been sidelined: Octavia Hill, for example. And Ellen Wilkinson, who I think campaigned against the start of war, with a slogan about saving babies, unaware I think that Jews want wars.

Raeto West   19 January 2024



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