My dirt on Clapper|nukelies-cover-up artist(
this will be probably one of my last postings and contribution *here,
since i wanna focus on other specific, maybe also more *unconventional pr-strategies for my book, somewhere else.
My biggest respect to this forum, which once inspired me, to add also the nukeFakery plus link to this forum,
in some of my chapters)
re (*31st January 2012):
Director of National James Clapper told Congress Iranian leaders are considering attacks against the US.
Clapper says Iran is one year from a nuclear bomb./
Israel may bomb Iran nuke sites (February 03) ... tened.htmlJames Clapper is as phony and a potential plant and|or tool for the EUROZONE|neocon rightwinger-Aspen Strategy Group [who also created Obama for President and run most of his so called "U.S."- Cabinet members, partly already established via in February 2007, same month when he started "running" /February 10, 2007],
as shown at ... bout/board], as all other nukefake-coverup artists, which later became part of the Obama Cabinet: Admiral Dennis C. Blair, Dr. Susan Rice/UN Ambassador since Jan '09 etc…

At CNAS also sits Norman R. Augustine.
(Former Chairman, Executive Committee, Lockheed Martin Corporation ;
clearly one of the *real 911 executers, on behalf of EUROZONE-endgame winners)
Clapper once replaced Dr. Stephen Cambone as United States Under-Secretary of Defense for Intelligence in 2007 (after 4 years running that position). Cambone was in charge during July 2000 to January 2001 as Staff Director for the Commission to Assess United States National Security Space Management and Organization, also called the Rumsfeld Commission.
Rumsfeld proclaimed that time, that "America faced a potential Pearl Harbour in space and called for an arsenal of space weapons"
[from "Lost War Drill Chapter 6 -Space War", 2004; ewing2001]
Also, check this connection :
August 8th, 2001 Two days after George Bush receives officially a new PDB with a so called "clear warning on Bin Laden", Air Force Lt. Gen. (ret.) James R. Clapper Jr. [before he worked as Booz, Allen, & Hamilton employee] becomes director of the National Imagery and Mapping Agency (NIMA), later renamed into NGA. September 10, 2001: The NSA allegedly receives some 'unexplained signal': "Tommorrow is Zero Hour"

Clapper, leads this project for the NRO (National Reconnaissance Office), which at the same time not only develops new satellite capabilities (A NRO payload launched into space on September 8, 2001), but also worked on a terror drill for Sep11th (9 AM), crashing planes into the headquarters, as later confirmed by NRO Officer John Fulton.
When BoozAllen started to work for the NRO, it was well known, that they also had been a client of Blessed Relief, the charity said to be a front for Osama Bin Laden.
However, this seemed to be not a problem for the NRO.
On September 11th [2001], BoozAllen Hamilton lost 3 employees in the Pentagon :
Gerald Fisher, Terence Lynch, and Ernest Willcher.
They apparently worked for the government on Trailblazer 1 (which included also another sub cover project, called "Soldier Benefits Tool").
Project Trailblazer turned later into a "plug-in" for the "Falcon9" -the successor of Falcon1, SpaceX, the space rocket startup headed by former PayPal founder Elon Musk.
Trailblazer was also linked to the "The Eagle Alliance", which included ACS Defense, BTG (!!!), CACI, Compaq, TRW, Windemere, Fiber Plus, Verizon and Superior Communications. The Eagle Alliance was actually a joint venture led by Computer Sciences Corporation and part of a 40+ strong company alliance for Future Combat System {sic: hub for pre-GoogleEarth|Keyhole, Inc, a CIA|in-Q-Tel- funded company} [since 2000 contracted by NRO, NSA, NGA etc...]. ++++ Falcon9 [ex-PayPal Elon Musk/] was a competitor with Baikonur Cosmodrome (Kazachstan / EADS Astrium), until they started fronting for SES in March 2010, to launch SES-8.
SES S.A. is another EUROZONE front as a global satellite owner and operator based in Betzdorf, Luxembourg and listed on the Luxembourg Stock Exchange and Euronext Paris under the ticker symbol SESG.
It is a component of the LuxX, CAC Next 20 and Euronext 100 indices.
SES is the world’s second-largest telecommunications satellite operator by revenue and going to replace american based GPS with the European geostationary navigation overlay system EGNOS, a supplementary network to the Galileo navigation system
Already in September 2000, SpaceNewsFeed revealed ... r2000.html, that Trailblazer is part of the "Trans Orbital Lunar GPS Experiment..." --- Actually TransOrbital, a California-based company, has their *own Trailblazer program* as well, as described on their own website, but in corporation with Baikonur Cosmodrome in the Republic of Khazakstan June 2010, SpaceX was awarded the largest-ever commercial space launch contract, worth $492 million USD, to launch Iridium satellites using Falcon 9 rockets
On January 16th, 2012 SpaceX was forced to "delay" another rocket mission for the so called NASA [fronting for the ESA] ... x.html.cspClappers other most significant stations in his life :
1963 Bachelor of science degree in political science, University of Maryland
1970 Master of science degree in political science, St. Mary's University, Texas
1976 Air War College, Maxwell Air Force Base, Ala.
1990 Harvard Defense Policy Seminar, Harvard University, Mass.
On June 5, 2010 Obama nominated Clapper to replace Dennis C. Blair as United States Director of National Intelligence.
Also ignored as a historical fact, since July 30, 2008, when Bush issued Executive Order 13470[4] amending Executive Order 12333 to strengthen the role of the DNI, the DNI officially became head of the CIA [run by Director of Central Intelligence (DCI)] and FBI, though more obviously, this stands as a cover, for the *real (U.S-)powerbrokers:
privatized (pro-EUROZONE leaning] agencies around NSA, NRO, NGA and NASA, as fronts for EUROZONE|european electronic defense companies, strongly linked to the next-big euro-telekom business, among them Telewizja Polska, KabelBW (Germany), Vivacom (Bulgaria), OTAU TV (Kazakhstan), OTE TV (Greece), Sky Brazil (Brazil ; Goldman Sachs front), Viasat (Scandinavia), of course the almighty "Telenor Group"/THOR 6 (Norway) etc., as also described in my book ( ) ;
Blair's background with Iridium|motorola [where once also the Bin Laden Family was shareholder],
was ironically ignored from both mainstream media and potential US Television Comedy Writer Material.
This should show you a lot about so called comedians on US Television.
They most likely all paid off, what to mock and what not ;