TVOW wrote:The test footage is purely for propaganda purposes it has nothing really to do with the science that may or ,may not have been going on.
TVOW your "nuclear bombs don't exist but they do" spin campaign is not working.
TVOW wrote:The test footage is purely for propaganda purposes it has nothing really to do with the science that may or ,may not have been going on.
TVOW wrote: but the truth is the majority of the elite are far from psychopaths and even those that our have at least some rationalization for their behaviour.
TVOW wrote:Ok Jesse secret nuclear weapons everywhere, of course , you have seen through my campaign on what 6 people with my evil cunning plan to tell people that they do exist by telling them they don’t. Well Done
mooninquirer wrote:I do NOT think the government can control the weather with HAARP ---- that is giving the gov't too much God-like power.
TVOW wrote:Oooww big word
NUKELIES wrote:TVOW wrote:Oooww big word
Obfuscation is a common word Edmund. It describes what spin doctors do. If you are not spinning, then post logical postulations rather than semi-incoherent grammatically incorrect mispelled wanderings which must always appear as spin. Your creativity will add to the discovery of the Truth we are discerning if you allow it to be rational. Big words are okay here Edmund, we make no claim to be educated, we are just trying our best in our attempt to communicate our core message that we think nuclear bombs may be a hoax.
For you reference and a quick lesson in the art of spin doctoring, check out rense [dot] com where you will see some truth mixed in with stories of Bigfoot and UFOs and lizard people.
TVOW wrote:good luck Jesse , I look forward to your documentary
TVOW wrote:Now who is sitting on the fence
NUKELIES wrote:TVOW wrote:Oooww big word
Obfuscation is a common word Edmund.
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