by mooninquirer » 11 Apr 2011 05:19
Lots of issues here, but I'll pick the one defending Jesse's claim. This is where the moon landing being a hoax is very relevant. One cannot hide behind any kind of "snob appeal," claiming that since no physicist has published an article that the moon landings are a hoax, that the rest of us are unqualified. The fact is that physics professors say very strongly that the moon landing was a hoax, along with many other professors. That has been MY experience, and I cannot be the only one.
I would say that that we can say nuke bombs are a hoax, using the already accepted experimental facts and theories of physics --- I am including all of classical, and all of modern physics. We can build a case that there existence does not fit in with anything else. This is similar to realizing that the moon landing is a hoax BECAUSE you do not see evidence of one-sixth gravity in the Apollo footage. We must then decide whether to believe NASA, or to believe science.
Nuke bombs are NOT science, because they have not been independently reproduced, which is a requirement for an experimental result to be considered valid by the scientific community. Note that nobody has won the Nobel Prize for nuke bombs, and they are not mentioned as examples either. For example, there isn't a Nobel citation saying something like, " for his work on nuclear fission, as can be seen in nuclear bombs."
The snob appeal argument just does NOT apply, because a well regarded saying in physics is that one does not really understand a theory in physics if he cannot explain it to a barmaid ( i.e., the average person ). Many great physicists have stated the importance of explaining something in plain language, or at least explaining something in terms of ALL of the known parameters and theories surrounding the thing to be explained.
For example, propagandists shamelessly rely upon these diagrams of a nuclear fission chain reactions, THAT ARE NOT DRAWN TO SCALE ( and they know this ). There is a nucleus about one centimeter in diameter, and just inches away are other nuclei. But the reality is, that the spacing would be far, FAR more sparse than that, because if the nucleus where one centimeter in diameter, the whole atom would be at least the size of Yankee stadium. This is based on the famous experiment by Lord Rutherford, for which he won the Nobel Prize, called the gold foil experiment. There is a lot of theory of physics about the radius of nuclei, versus the radius of atoms. So ANY science teacher and physics professor KNOWS that these diagrams showing a chain reaction are VERY misleading.
When I raised questions like this, with the query, "I understand why it would get hot, but I do not understand why it would explode," I have had two high school science teachers, a university physics professor, and physics graduate students saying I have a good point. I was a little taken aback by these unexpected responses. I have to assume that they themselves have thought the very same questions that I have thought. One of these high school teachers said much more boldly, " some people say it is a hoax," when he couldn't explain why a thermonuclear bomb would explode ---- and he was looking very carefully at a diagram in a science museum, while he was on paid time during a science club field trip. And when I asked, all I wanted to do was to UNDERSTAND the physics behind it ---- I had no intention of being a conspiracy theorist, and I had no prejudicial opinion that nuke bombs were a hoax, and I just assumed that what the media says and standard history is true.
( In the case of thermonuclear or H-bombs bombs, I do not even understand why it would get hot, because even assuming the fission bomb explodes, all it would do is just blow away and scatter the lithium hydride, instead of squishing the nuclei together. )