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image   Review of Not very successful look at failed African aspects   Michael Palin: Sahara

Doesn't even manage to be superficial, June 26, 2010

I have to say I dislike Palin—part of Monty Python, and therefore recipient of public money at a time when the BBC was a quarter of a monopoly of British TV. Priceless publicity. The BBC has a contemptible history, as anyone who's looked below the surface is aware. I view most BBC-ers in the way a convinced Jew might regard German TV. Just so you know.

'Sahara' is an extraordinarily dispiriting book. The photos (and about a third have the aged Palin in) are rather ordinary; possibly north Africa is in fact like that. The landscapes are generally desolate with scrub, or simply endless Saharan sand—the French intended to test nuclear weapons there, but apparently never did. The houses aren't very impressive and one fears European-based anyway. Most of the text deals with European stuff—motor traffic, tanks, hotels, post offices, hospitals, camps, oil, aircraft, steamers, tins of food, coca cola, missionaries and writers and chroniclers, teachers, French influences, explorers, light bulbs. I presume even the colourful cloth is not indigenous. Even bread is not natural to the area. The main non-European influence is Islam; some handwritten books there may be a thousand years old. Gosh. One gathers the EU wants to import fifty million of these Africans into Europe, though Palin seems to have no idea about this, or keeps it a Jewish secret. The overwhelming feeling is of a book produced for contractual reasons, and one imagines a crew of typical BBCers in the background, smug overpaid third-rate middle class chatterers. Unindexed; perhaps just as well—there's a section on Timbuktu of painful dullness. The irony is that of course Palin has a lot in common with these people with whom he at least pretends to be friendly—he understands nothing of the modern world (except money) just like them. I don't think he has the understanding even to be superficial, since he's not aware of anything deep.

Another Palin Jewish production is his book on he 'New Europe' meaning eastern Europe, partly released from Jewish control—perhaps. I've included a mini-review in my Articles on Jews for 2022, on Ukraine, skidded over by Palin's cunning, bland, nothingness. It's in this link (but it's a long file) of thoughts on Jews from 2012 to the present.