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The following review was emailed to me by 'AkenPacker' (who gave his name).
      Even after years of attacks against Freud, there are few reviews of his work which treat him as someone imbued with the weird ideas of Jews, serving them up in covert form to the hated 'goyim'.
      This review is of the English version; I don't how competent Freud was in English. Of course, the year 1939 is significant. Anyway, here it is; I hope there may be detailed and accurate reviews, spotlighting Jewish aspects of Jewish 'psychologists' - RW

Moses and Monotheism by Sigmund Freud   (1939)

Guest Review by ‘AkenPacker’   28 Jan 2023

If you've not read Freud's essay on Moses, I recommend it. It's a masterwork of wily deception. I wouldn't be altogether surprised if it's meant to be read via every fourth word, or what, but if one is to basically... read it sideways, it reveals some things.

He begins by setting up a scene of his own late life, surrounded by nazis, carrying on, heroically-- blah, blah, blah. That disreputable man Velikovski is said to have psychoanalyzed him, around this time-- by Velikovski. Whatever that might possibly mean.

At any rate, Freud goes on to psychoanalyze "Moses," as if he were both Egyptian, and a real world entity, singular, and of royal lineage. It is quite fanciful, and leaves out a lot of Exodus, in general.

What he does, actually, is to generalize what is important, and get specific on details of his own speculation. Misdirection, basically.

This is evident for many reasons: 1.) He calls the people whom we call "Egyptians," rather than using any other name. In so doing, he accepts Greek perceptions about "Egyptians," in general. These are not really "Greek," either-- but actually Hasmonean.

Because Freud was a Rabbi.

A Ra Ba, which is to say-- one whose priestly trappings put him into the Ba of Ra. It's all really quite confusing. Intentionally.

Freud snipes at "Habiru," saying that they were known as "dirt people," or "dust people," setting the stage for (yet another) account of the poor, poor, pitiful Jews.

Only, "Habiru" does not refer to "dirt people" in any way. "Hab" is the ancient Egyptian word for the Ibis. "Ibis' is "Ib," with Greek Sauce.

"Ib" is also (not surprisingly) an ancient Egytian God.

Have you ever heard of PerIbSen?

They call him a "pharoah," which is the ancient Egyptian word for "house," but-- weirdly-- no ancient Egyptian king claimed to *be* The House, until AhKenAten.

So, Asher (or "Ah'zar," or-- OSIR) Per Ibsen was a king before kings called themselves "pharoahs." He is also, almost assuredly, the "biblical" Abraham, or Abram, or... IbRa'm.

Freud does not point this out. No, he maintains that things happened along the lines of Exodus, but (this is where we go *really?!*) the early "Dirt People" who clung to the priests of Akenaten, and followers of "Moses," who had permitted the Levites to murder *all* of the other "Dirt People," they suddenly turn on "Moses," and kill him-- committing an act of Freudian patricide, before the Jews all go and stick their circumcised dicks into the "promised land."

It justifies *everything,* especially Freud's own desire to fuck his mother, because he watched his dad do it.

The man is a creep. I know he's dead, and all-- but, a creep, nevertheless.

When Freud finally steers his macabre boat back into blue water, he parts with what is (to him) a question of great importance-- what did the New Jews Do, for 800 years in the wastelands of Central Asia?

Probably something like what the Jews convinced Britain to do in India for 500 years; roll around stealing shit, and murdering people. In fact-- that's what it *says* they did, in their hateful little book.

In the end, there are a few takeaways of genuine importance in "If Moses were an Egyptian," the most important of which pertains to the "Dirt People."

They surely were not ever "dirt people," but what they must have become were millers, because bread is the thing that sustained the ancient world as it does today. In point of fact, the *really* ancient Egyptians sacrificed it (despite any nasty rumors about child sacrifice). They would fashion ears from dough, whisper a prayer into it, and then seal it, bake it, and leave it on their altar. It's where we derive the term "ear of wheat."

So, "Habiru" were the first millers. It is from them that the custom of using a millstone as a boat anchor was developed, and-- they eventually became "fishers of men," which is to say-- fucking pirates.

"BarBarians." Ba. Baba-rians. They say that the Romans were making fun of other languages in general when the term was coined, but that's absurd. They were ridiculing patrilineal systems where an individual was so-and-so BAR so-and-so BAR so-and-so... Like, the Norse.

Who are Jews.