https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=igO75xujQrk Right-click to open in new tab.
New short video (1:53) by yourmajezty, put on Youtube on 23rd August 2011.
Quite a few voiceover comments will be familiar to people here, but new material (in my view) is:
(1) Suggestion that rocket trails were intended to make the explosion look bigger. (Another version is the trails were a sort of measure of blast - if so they failed miserably as they never got moved).
(2) San Francisco as a wooden city which burned after the earthquake (1906, not 1989), as a comparison with burning in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, both largely wood, like many other Japanese towns at the time.
(3) Several video trick claims, including one (thumbnail above) where there's a distance view of a bomb with people suspiciously arranged along the bottom of the photo. The middle-distance people are from a different image, the voiceover states. I haven't heard the claim in this form before, though FirstClassSkeptic found photos of this type - see the thread on 'Lookout Mountain' https://nuke-lies/www.nukelies.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=209
. . . There's a similar claim about a tidal wave NOT appearing to the left of a supposed underwater blast. I think he's making the point that there's a presumably faked image of a wave or tsunami coming straight to the camera; why isn't it circular, so there'd be a similar wave over to the left, and right?
(4) To be fair, also, the costing issue gets a mention, though it's not really quantified - we're talking about materials and manpower wasted on such a vast scale it's hard to discuss.
I wish the voiceover said "nuclear" and not "nucular" though.