by rerevisionist » 10 Jul 2011 02:11
I've got a copy of that 1952 film, too! Note the tie-in with General Electric & supposed link with nuclear power.
I looked up the link and found DB Larson's comments, but they're long and rambling and imho not impressive.
Can I just make one point. When people talk about 'atomic physics' they may NOT mean 'nuclear physics'. The usual view of atoms and molecules is that there are shells of orbiting electrons - the sort of think in Linus Pauling's Chemistry text book of 1945-ish. When an ionised compound is formed, e.g. ordinary salt - sodium chloride, it's very clear the properties of this are very different from sodium and chlorine. These can be made by electrolysis from molten salt and the theory is that electrons cause the sodium and chloride ions to reform as sodium and chlorine atoms. All this is highly convincing, whether the electrons orbit, or form some sort of field, or indeed are fixed, as DB Larson may be claiming. And the theory deals with atoms - it's atomic physics. BUT it does not look at the nucleus - it's not nuclear physics. I think these things are conflated and can be used for deliberate confusion. For example Edward Teller worked on electron shells (or at least was jointly credited...) but such work is NOT nuclear physics.