I just stumbled on the above page (by Googling 'Nagasaki hoax'). 'Piper' says he started posting in 2005, which may be the earliest so far. I'm pretty sure this is new to me, because of what it says about Nagasaki photos-
Of course, one of them must be fake. Or perhaps - uh...- could both be? :blink: To those unfamiliar with photo-analyses: Note that the background in the pictures has evidently moved - as if the 2 shots were snapped at different moments in time(as the airplane moved along). Now, look at the mushroom cloud in the foreground: It is identical in shape. Enough said?
I had noticed this seemed likely, but haven't taken the trouble to compare the two nearer smoke pillars in detail; but here's a completely convincing one... The photo is taken from a position exactly in line with the wing's edge (if it is a wing). Unfortunately....
As the story goes, the Nagasaki Bomb was dropped by a Boeing B-29 named "BOCKSCAR". Another B-29 (named "THE GREAT ARTISTE") was supposed to back it up with reconnaissance equipment and stuff. The problem is, neither of these B-29's had a side-window which would have allowed the above-right picture with that wing... (Nor do we know of any other plane flying in the area of the 'Nagasaki nuking').