A few readers of this forum were sourced from https://www.theflatearthsociety.org which seems to be revising its website. It needs it - it has a collection of PDF files which don't download.
One of the brothers of the dissident biologist Harold Hillman was chairman or president of that society - he had a degree in geology, which he carefully selected as a topic in which there weren't too many competitors. He chaired that society purely in the interests of open-mindedness - though predictably his open-mindedness did not extent to criticism of Jewish activities. (He was also chairman or president of the Fairy Society, something to do with Arthur Conan Doyle).
I found A hundred proofs the Earth is not a Globe By William Carpenter, 1885 which preceded much Antarctic exploration - Carpenter thought the south pole was a myth, and there was a huge circle of ice around a flat circular earth, with the north pole in the middle.
As the mariners' compass points north and south at one and the same time, and a meridian is a north and south line, it follows that meridians can be no other than straight lines. But, since all meridians on a globe are semicircles, it is an incontrovertible proof that the Earth is not a globe - Carpenter seems to have had the odd belief that the direction of a needle can be produced indefinitely. Maybe he was influenced without being aware of it by maps. He seems not to have understood such things as the angle of dip - which of course for earth's surface purposes is not important.
One of his 'proofs' is ... For instance: the light at Cape Hatteras is seen at such a distance (40 miles) that, according. to theory, it ought to be nine-hundred feet higher above the level of the sea than it absolutely is, in order to be visible! .. . It struck me how difficult mathematics can be, even in the cases where it has proven a success. In this specific case, one way to estimate the bulge of a perfect sphere between two points needs Pythagoras' theorem and also some algebra - the binomial theorem being one method. There is incredible scope for confusion, here. The lighthouse Carpenter refers to has been rebuilt, and abandoned, but seems to have been visible for twenty miles on a good day. Carpenter seems to have doubled that - the lighthouse's circle of light being 40 miles. Even so, including his error, my formula (bulge = D^2/8R - check it!) would give only 260 feet; probably there's another factor of 2, squared, in there.
There's a significant historical event - Alfred Russel Wallace, the true inventor of the theory of evolution, was sucked into a controversy over a 6 mile length of a canal near Bedford. The problem (in effect) is that air near water contains more water vapour than air further away. This increases the refractive index, so the light bends - towards the water level. The mathematics of this - needing some model of the way the refractive index changes with water vapour, and integrating the effects of such changes on rays of light - are complicated... As it turns out, a low observation point allows the surface of the water to be seen miles away. The trick was to sight along the river from a height, where the differential between water layers was considered negligible. Poor Wallace was the subject of legal action...
Another interesting argument is Surveyors' operations in the construction of railroads, tunnels, or canals are conducted without the slightest "allowance" being made for "curvature," although it is taught that this so-called allowance is absolutely necessary! This is a cutting proof that Earth is not a globe. Presumably, when these things are actually built, allowances are made - though they may not be noticed. Suppose there's a 50-mile length of railway: if spirit levels are used these will automatically give readings from the immediate local conditions.
(NB I'm not suggesting the Flat Earth Society members necessarily believe the above, but in their archival capacity they store that type of material).
However, the Flat Earth Society is an opponent of NASA. Their society has its own WIKI-style encyclopedia, (as does the Jewish realism site, Metapedia), with detailed comments on NASA's fakes; they call it 'The Conspiracy':
https://www.theflatearthsociety.org/tiki/tiki-index.php?page=The Conspiracy
An interesting example of how deceptions can be targeted by people from very different starting-points.