Some times ago, I wondered if atoms do exist.
Then I found a web page where a guy talked about the early years of the atom theory. He said that near 1860, there was a discussion about the atomic theory. The problem was that there was many ways of writing chemical reactions. So it was a mess. So, in 1860, following the work of Avogadro, Kekule, a young German physicist, gathered the best chemists of the time at Karlsruhe with the goal of making chemists agree on the reaction notations. Stanislao Cannizzaro, a Italian chemist, was an advocate of the atom theory. It is said (now) that he defended brilliantly the atom theory.
But finally, this conference didn't succeed in imposing the atom theory. So, what is interesting is that the atom theory didn't succeed because of a scientific consensus, but because it was imposed later by... politicians. The anti-atomists (or equivalentist) were simply sacked from universities, and atomists replaced them.
So, maybe those politicians were just good guys who loved the truth. But, maybe the reason of that was not so pure. Politic life was already dominated by jews and masons. Not nice guys loving humanity indeed.
So, I think that maybe the atom theory was deliberately chosen by jews and masons because they were conscious that it would allow them to extend the patent system on chemical products. Of course, it was already possible to patent new chemical products. But with the atom theory, they would suddenly be able to patent chemical products which would in fact be the same. Just one atom put differently, and blam!, a new product. We can see this in the pharmaceutical industry. There are tons of drugs which are in fact the same. But as the atomic formula is different, they are considered as different drugs.
And maybe they had already the atomic bomb scam in sight.
We can also think that they simply had to have a standardized way of noting chemical reactions, no matter which one. Without a standardized way of notation, it was probably more difficult to have a complex patent system. And the atom system was chosen because it was considered as potentially more fruitful than the other ones. But if the atom theory had not existed, they could have chosen another system.