The 'ADL' was used before WW2, when Jews pushed for war, and increasingly after, as Jews forced their Holohoax fraud.
Paul Bustion (of pbustion99@gmail.com) emailed me (on 16 Sept 2021) with outlines of his view that the disappearance and
alleged murder of Mary Anne Phagan and the resulting murder trial and alleged lynching of Leo Frank were fakes. Bustion has found that Mary Anne Phagan and almost everyone else involved in the case was meaningfully closely related. He has found evidence that Frank was also related to her, though he believes more distantly than the others were.
His work is relevant to the Jewish ADL ('Anti-Defamation League') which is still active today.
Jews of course lie freely; it's entirely possible the case was invented as a psyop, and that Frank was lynched after Jewish publicity, perhaps unintentionally, if Jews believed he was completely safe in jail. Or perhaps intentionally, if Jews wanted a good case; they may have funded the lynching, if modern-day Jewish activity is anything to judge by. Frank and Phagan may have agreed on the fraud between themselves and other family members. But if so, the ADL would have been compromised and unable to tell the truth, as is usual with Jews.
The fact that there are many supposed re-examinations of the case is itself evidence that Jewish fraud is involved—the are very careful to avoid investigation of innumerable Jewish atrocities. There's some interest in the supposed events around the ADL: Paul's 28 Sept piece makes it appear that B'nai Brith was a charity, with 'Officers of High Honor', 'grand lodges', and so on.
I believe
The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews dated from about 1984, as a result of Farrakhan being called a liar by Jews, But I couldn't find the publication date on noi.org, their website.
Note that the 'Nation of Islam' of Louis Farrakhan
included the 'Leo Frank Case' in volume 3 of The Secret Relationship. I don't think anyone criticised the story before Paul Bustion. I don't know if NoI has second thoughts.
I don't know what happened for certain in this case, but I'm making this page open to Paul Bustion. I should state I've never met or talked with him. His email address is now pbustion99@gmail.com — he's given permission for his email to be used.
Personally, I'm more interested in the truth about the reasons for founding the ADL, and its subsequent career in 20th century and later Jewish frauds, than a single court case.
Incidentally, here's a link to 'The World's Largest Leo Frank Resource',
Frank Tried to Flirt With Murdered Girl Says Her Boy Chum – Leo Frank Case Archive
– Rae West September 2021
Paul Bustion also wrote on the possible hoax of the murder of the Tsarist famil in 1918
What follows is Paul Bustion's work:–
How Am I certain that Frank's Guilt is an "incorrect view"?
I find it hard to believe that Frank was guilty both because of the close family relations of everyone else in the case, and because I read in contemporary newspaper accounts about suspicious behavior of Mary Phagan. This includes that Mary Phagan and James Gantt, a fired formed accountant for the pencil company, tried to rent a hotel room the night before her alleged murder, and that James Gantt showed up at the factory the day of her alleged murder for the bizarre reason of recovering a lost pair of shoes, when he had been fired half a month before, and because Mary Phagan told a friend, George Epps, that she felt threatened by Frank and Frank was sexually harassing her while she was riding on a car to meet with Frank privately to collect a very small paycheck on a holiday, when she could have chosen to wait and collect it on a workday, when people would be around and Frank would have less privacy with her.
The last thing is similar to the Holocaust 'predictions' by Jews long before the Holocaust allegedly happened. The fact that Jews were predicting the Holocaust long before it allegedly happened is evidence that it is at least substantially false, if not almost entirely so. Mary Phagan predicting that Frank would sexually abuse and threaten her right before she went to meet with him privately and he allegedly sexually attacked and murdered her is evidence her murder is a hoax too. I'm going to dig out the newspaper article where I read about Mary predicting that Frank would sexually harass and threaten her right before meeting with him privately, and I will send it to you.
Perhaps I could never be certain. Perhaps it could be said that the only people who could possibly know for certain are almost certainly dead by now, or in the unlikely event that they are still alive, would be extremely incapacitated in memory due to old age. Those would be Frank , Mary Anne Phagan and whoever else, if anyone else, was involved in what really happened. But the evidence I see makes it very hard for me to avoid the inference that Frank was innocent.
One thing especially that makes me inclined to that view is that George Epps, a friend of Mary Phagan, stated in court testimony that he and Mary Phagan rode on a car together and that her purpose in this ride was to meet with Frank to collect her salary prior to her going to Confederate Memorial Day Parade, and that the latter told him that Frank was sexually attacking and threatening her and that she apprehensive about meeting with him privately. In other words, she was 'predicting' a sexual attack by Frank against her. I see this as similar to Jews 'predicting' the Holocaust before it allegedly happened, and Jews 'predicting' that event is one reason that I switched from believing in the standard Holocaust narrative to concluding that it is almost certainly at least substantially false, and more likely than not almost entirely so.
Mary Phagan could have collected her paycheck on a non-holiday and a workday, when more people would have been around, and Frank would not have privacy with her. She instead chose to collect a small paycheck that she could do very little with, on a day that was both a weekend and a holiday, when almost nobody other than Frank would be at work. That is very suspicious. If I sincerely feared for my safety from someone, but needed to meet with the person for whatever reason, I would pick a time and context to do it where the person would have as little privacy with me as reasonably possible.
George Epps' statements were either just a neutral report of the facts or else intended to help indict and convict Frank of her murder, they certainly were not intended to help Frank. So this is much more valuable evidence for my position than a defender of Frank saying something like this would be.
The newspaper article where his statements were quoted is 'Frank Tried to Flirt With Murdered Girl Says Her Boy Chum,' and was published May 1, 1913 in the Atlanta Constitution.
I also have this article in a pdf collection of contemporary newspaper articles on the case that I made. It is on page 111 of my pdf. I will attach the pdf to this email.
Collection of Contemporary Newspaper articles about the Leo Frank
List of most of the Major and Some of the Minor Characters — 3.5 MB file giving the family trees of these people connected with Frank/ Phagan.
The only evidences that I have for Frank being related to Mary Phagan are...
The only evidences that I have for Frank being related to Mary Phagan are three.
1) [Point removed. not closely enough related to prove anything - PB]
2) Leo Frank's uncle Moses Frank was married to Jane Green, whose previous husband was John Kelly, who was born in County Tyrone, Ireland. Mary Phagan's brother Benjamin married Mary Kelly and Mary Phagan's ancestors on multiple lines of her family were specifically from County Tyrone.
3) Frank's sister was named Mary Anne, the same first names as those of his alleged murder victim. All of that I consider evidence that Mary Phagan and Frank were related. But I believe that their relation was much more distant than the relation that Mary Phagan had to the prosecuting attorney in the trial, Hugh Dorsey, to the defense attorney of Frank, Luther Rosser, and to James Gantt, and to almost everyone else involved in the case. I do believe that the lynching of Frank was a hoax that he was complicit in, but I believe that Frank was not intitially complicit in hoaxing Mary Phagan's murder. I believe that initially he was a dupe and thought of himself as just a legitimate businessman and sincerely believed in the reality of Mary Phagan's murder when it was reported to him, but then he was informed of what was really going on, that the town's Jewish elite had decided to make him into a messiah (for open Jews) and an AntiChrist (for crypto-Jewish AntiSemites) and that he was expected to cooperate in this scheme, and a combination of blackmail and cajoling was used to induce his cooperation. The cajoling would be the seduction of the opportunity to be worshipped as a god-messiah by millions of American Jews. I do believe that Frank was related to Mary Phagan, but I believe that his relation was much more distant to her than was the relation of the other characters in the case to her. Frank's behavior in the beginning in my view is more consistent with that of a dupe than of a knowingly complicit person, though as I said above I do believe that he was knowingly complicit in the end.
Genealogies of Characters in the Murder of Mary Ann Phagan and the Trial and Lynching of Frank.pdf
The Ancestry of Hugh Dorsey.pdf
The Ancestry of Mary Anne Phagan.pdf [Mary Phagan is sixth cousin of Andrew Anglin, the crypto-Jewish AntiSemite who publishes The Daily Stormer. I consider that point important because many of the Alt Right promote the narrative that Frank sexually attacked and murdered Mary Phagan and obsessively focus on Jewish child sexual abuse. I'm not saying that they are wrong that Jews have high rates of child sexual abuse, but I think that is important for people to know some of the people bringing the reality of Jewish child sexual abuse to people's attention are crypto-Jewish AntiSemites doing so in order to sponsor controlled opposition AntiSemitism.]
Relation of Jim Conley, the chief witness for the prosecution in the murder trial of Frank, to Hugh Dorsey, the Prosecuting Attorney.pdf
Possibility that the child sacrifice allegation against Jews, colloquially often called 'the blood libel,' is a Jewish hoax and Jewish sponsored AntiSemitism
My conclusion that Mary Phagan's murder was a hoax designed to sponsor crypto-Jewish controlled opposition AntiSemitism and panic about child sexual abuse by falsely accusing a prominent Jew of sexually abusing and murdering her and my other conclusions that most serial killings are hoaxes by Jews to undermine society and cause social conflict and that most sexual murders are similar hoaxes for the same reason by the same crew and that many sexual abuse cases are also such hoaxes by said crew for said reasons leads me to suspect a possibility, though not one I have the same level of certainty on by any means, the possibility that the child sacrifice allegation against Jews made for centuries, the so called 'blood libel' is a Jewish sponsored hoax in order to have controlled opposition crypto-Jewish AntiSemitism.
The false Jewish messiah Jacob Frank, who led a mass Jewish conversion to Roman Catholicism in 1759, with the support of the crypto-Jewish Roman Catholic Bishop in his district, Mikolaj Dembkowski, accused Jews of ritual child sacrifice and added the accusation that the Talmud commands the practice. Jacob Frank derived that accusation from a book called Expose before God of Jewish Treachery and Ceremony by Serafinowicz, a former Jewish Rabbi who converted to Roman Catholicism and wrote and published that book in 1710. Two of the Roman Catholic priests handling the Frankist conversion to Roman Catholicism, Father Gaudenty Pikulski and Bishop Jan Zaluski, had original copies of the book of Serafinowicz.
I am not well informed enough on the child sacrifice allegation against Jews to be able to say that I know beyond a reasonable doubt that all or nearly all of them were hoaxes, unlike the murder of Mary Phagan and unlike most serial killings, it is possible, for all I know, that most of these allegations were true. However, the promotion by Jacob Frank of this allegation and the suspicious connections of him to those two likely crypto-Jewish Roman Catholic priests who had original copies of Serafinowicz's book, makes me suspect the possibility that the allegation was largely false and intended to create crypto-Jewish controlled opposition AntiSemitism.
I would have to do a lot more research though before firmly concluding that this is the case. Do you think that there is reason to suspect that the child sacrifice allegations were hoaxes and crypto-Jewish controlled opposition AntiSemitism, based on what I said here?
Attached is a pdf of notes I made on a chapter that discussed Jacob Frank's promotion of this allegation in book I read, The Mixed Multitude Jacob Frank and the Frankists by Maciejko
Notes on The Mixed Multitude Jacob Frank and the Frankists Maciejko Chapter IV Blood Libel.pdf
Suspicious family connections in the case of Jeffrey Dahmer
In Jeffrey Dahmer's case, he was prosecuted for and convicted of the murder of Konerak Sinthasamphone, in 1991 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. In 1988 he was prosecuted for and convicted of sexual abuse of a minor, Anouke Sinthasamphone, brother of Konerak. That itself is very suspicious. Milwaukee has over a million persons in it.
The standard narrative is that Konerak almost escaped Dahmer. Dahmer had met him in a mall, seduced him, and got him in his apartment where he drugged him. But Konerak escaped. He was drugged so could not communicate words, but three Negro women saw him, Glenda Cleveland and her nieces Sandra Smith and Nicole Childress. They tried to help him but the police showed up, and insisted on handing him back to Dahmer where Dahmer arrived. The women resisted but then relented.
The police made racist comments and 'homophobic' comments that were recorded. So this supports the 'racist cops' narrative. Very likely to be a hoax just based on this.
One of the police, John Balcerzak, was a very inbred Jew. Although this is a line of Mary Anne Balcerzak, not John, since it is a weird name and a person about his age in his city, Milwaukee, it is essentially broadly the same family tree. She is almost certainly not significantly more distant than third cousin of his. Mary Anne has the same names on multiple lines of her family, her paternal grandmom and her mom both have the Kowalski name, for example. Very endogamous family.
I consider this by itself to make it virtually certain that Dahmer's case is a hoax. I believe that the reason for the hoax was to generate a serial sexual murderers' panic.
What do you think?
... I will do research on the ADL ...
I will do research on the AntiDefamation League and write some material on that. However, the role of that specific organization in the specific case of Frank might be exaggerated. Sigmund Livingstone, in founding the ADL, only mentioned Frank one time. But on the other hand there was an ADL official, Stuart Lewengrub of Atlanta, who was obsessively trying to get Frank exonerated years after he died, and who was in personal contact with Mary Phagan, grand niece of Mary Phagan, specifically the daughter of the son of the brother of Mary Phagan. He was in contact with her because she was corresponding with and interviewing him for her book The Murder of Mary Phagan, which promotes the narrative that Frank sexually attacked and killed Mary. Lewengrub's genealogy is pretty much entirely scrubbed. However, it is interesting to note that there are Lewengrubs in or around Fort Lauderdale, Florida, which is where Mary Phagan's mom Frances Esther 'Fanny' Benton died.
'To Stewart Lewengrub, Southeast Regional Director of the Anti-Defamation League, for his letter to James Phagan of March 21, 1974'
'I also gratefully acknowledge these individuals for granting me interviews: ...Stuart Lewengrub, Southeast Regional Director of the Anti-Defamation League; Betty Cantor, Associate Director of Southeast office of the Anti-Defamation League; Charles Wittenstein; Southern Counsel of the Anti-Defamation League.'
Mary Phagan wrote those thanks to Lewengrub in her book, linked here THE MURDER OF LITTLE MARY PHAGAN
The first thanks to Lewengrub is on the second page, the second on the third page, of the pdf.
Frances Ester Lena “Fannie” Benton Coleman (1874-1947) - Find A Grave Memorial That shows that Mary Phagan's mom died in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. I attached an image that shows a Lewengrub living in that area. Lewengrub is a very unusual so I consider this evidence by itself that Mary Phagan was related to an ADL official.
Mary Letourneau
There is a very interesting case, that I now believe to be a hoax, of a middle school teacher, Mary Letourneau, commiting sexual abuse against a student, Vili Fualau. Mary Letourneau's dad, John Schmitz, was a Republican member of the California Senate and of the United States House of Representatives. He was in the John Birch Society but was expelled for being too far right.
I did some genealogical research on this family. Mary Letournea was 3x great granddaughter of a Karolina Drexler. Karolina's daughter, Mary's 2x great grandmom, was Antonia Boesch. The founder of the National Socialist German Worker's Party was Anton Drexler. The Drexler ancestors of Mary Letourneau were from Baden-Württemberg. Anton Drexler was from Munich, which is about two hours' driving distance from Baden Wurttemberg.
I tend to think that most teacher student sex scandals are either hoaxes or at least projects. What I mean by 'at least projects' is that I give serious consideration to the possibility that the teachers are actually having sex with minor students, but even if that is true I believe that the teachers are not actually being punished but that the teachers and students are intentionally being caught so as to divide and conquer society by getting them to fight aimlessly over these cases.
The founder of the ADL, Sigmund Livingston
I decided to do a family tree for Sigmund Livingston, the founder of the ADL.
His aunt, Fanny Blumenfeld, allegedly died in the Holocaust in June, 1915. She allegedly died in the Theresienstadt Concentration Camp. It could be that that was another hoax murder, generated by an endogamous Jewish family, in this case for the purpose of promoting a Holocaust hoax death. It is interesting to note that the woman shares a first name with Mary Phagan's mom, Frances Esther Fanny Benton.
Fanny Blumenfeld was daughter of Abraham Blumenfeld and his wife Geitel Strauss. Sigmund Livingston was son of Dora Blumenfeld, through her, grandson of the same couple.
I would like correspondents to help me find out for sure if Albert Guthman voted to indict Frank
Albert Guthman, a Jew on the grand jury that voted to indict Frank for the murder of Mary Anne Phagan, was the son of Caroline Haas, through her, grandson of Leopold Hass. Through him the great grandson son of Isaac Haas and Dina Kahn. Herbert Haas, a defense attorney of Frank in the murder trial, was the son of Caroline Haas. Through her, grandson of Jacob Haas. Through him, great grandson of Isaac Haas and Dina Kahn. Leonard Haas, another defense attorney of Frank in the murder trial and second cousin of Leopold, was the son of Aaron Haas, through him the grandson of Herman Haas, through him the great grandson of Isaac Haas and Dina Cahn. Herbert Haas was son of Caroline Haas, grandson of Jacob Haas, great grandson of Isaac Haas and Dina Cahn. Leonard Haas was son of Aaron Haas, grandson of Herman Haas, great grandson of Isaac Haas and Dina Cahn.
Leonard and Herbert Haas were second cousins of each other and Albert Guthman was second cousin of both, all three through the same great grandparents, Isaac Haas and Dina Cahn. So two of the defense attorneys of Frank were second cousins of each other and second cousins of a grand juror who voted to indict Frank.
A newspaper article published in the Atlanta Constitution on May 24, 1913, reported the indictment and stated that Guthman was on the grand jury, though it did not state how he voted. It is linked here.
Girl Strangled, Says Indictment – Leo Frank Case Archive
Attached is a photograph of the indictment that lists Guthman as a grand juror. The way it is worded seems to imply that all the grand jurors listed voted to indict Frank. The indictment reads:
'The grand jurors, selected, chosen and sworn for the County of Fulton, to wit:
1. JH Beck, Foreman
2. AD Adair Sr
3. FPH Akers
4. BF Bell
5. JG Bell
6. Sol. Benjamin
7. Wm. E. Besser
8. CM Brown
9. CA Cowles
10. Walker Dunson
11. Geo. A. Gershom
12. SC Class
13. AL Guthman
14. Chas Heinz
15. HG Hubbard
16. RR Nash
17. WL Percy
18. RA Redding
19. RF Sans
20. John D Wing
21. Albert Boylston
In the name and behalf of the citizens of Georgia, charge and accuse Leo M Frank, of the County and State aforesaid, with the offense of murder...'
This article from an antiFrank website stated that all the grand jurors voted to indict Frank. The website is biased in favor of an incorrect view, Frank's guilt, but it is a good source of information so I do not automatically reject its conclusion on Guthman's vote.
Grand Jury Indictment of Leo M. Frank, Saturday May 24, 1913, in the Superior Court of Atlanta, GA – Leo Frank Case Archive
Ron Unz stated in this article, American Pravda: The ADL in American Society, by Ron Unz - The Unz Review that all five Jews on the grand jury voted to indict Frank.
Steven Oney in The Dead Shall Rise: The Murder of Mary Phagan and the Lynching of Leo Frank stated:
'Four Jews-George A. Gershon, A. L. Guthman, Sol Benjamin and future Chamber of Commerce president Victor Hugo Kriegshaber-sat on the panel. While it's not known how these men voted (only twelve yeas were required to indict), all except Kriegshaber (who was out of town) had been on hand. This is a notable fact, suggesting that initially, Dorsey may well have convinced three of Frank's coreligionists that his case against the superintendent was sound.' He stated this on page 116.
Here is a link to a pdf of that book, DeadShallRise.pdf (archive.org)
In Frank's appeal to the United States Supreme Court, it is listed in evidence that various Atlantanas, including A.L. Guthman, testified in court that he had good characters. It stated:
This is from Transcript of Record Supreme Court of the United States October Term 1914 Number 775 Leo M Frank, Appellant, versus G Wheeler Mangum Sheriff of Fulton County, Georgia Appeal from the District court of the United States for the Northern District of Georgia Filed January 18 1915 (24,519)
It is on page 222 of the document I show it here in a screenshot also.
It is very weird that a man who sat on a grand jury that indicted Frank, and at the very least, if he did not vote to indict Frank, did not raise a fuss or complain against the jury at all for bias against Frank, was testifying that the character of Frank was good. It seems to be the same crew being too lazy to hire enough actors that the same person is playing roles on both the pro-Frank side and the anti-Frank side.
But I don't know for sure that Guthman voted to indict Frank. Some sources say he did, and the way his name is listed seems to indicate that he did, but I know next to nothing about how grand jury indictments work. I would like a correspondent who is more well informed on grand juries than I am to respond to this question, does the way that Albert Guthman's name is listed in the indictment prove that he voted to indict Frank, or not?
Because if he did vote to indict Frank that means that a second cousin of two of the defense attorneys of Frank, and moreover a man who himself later testified in the defense of Frank, voted to indict Frank. That would be very strong evidence that the case is a hoax, if he voted to indict him.
Please publish this email on my section because I consider finding out whether Guthman voted to indict Frank a very important aspect of the evidence.
Arthur Heyman, law firm partner of Rufus Dorsey, Dad of Hugh Dorsey, prosecuting attorney in the murder trial of Frank, was elected Vice President of Frank's B'Nai Brith Lodge while Frank was reelected President
I just learned today [28 Sept 2021] that Frank was reelected President of the Atlanta B'Nai Brith lodge
after he was convicted of murdering Mary Anne, and while he was in prison, and at that very same election, Arthur Heyman was elected vice president of the same lodge. Heyman was law partner of Rufus Dorsey, dad of Hugh Dorsey, the prosecuting attorney in the murder trial of Frank. Geni in its profile of Hugh Dorsey stated that Hugh Dorsey's dad was one of the partners of this firm, and that Hugh had once been a partner too.
Geni - Hugh Manson Dorsey (1871-1948). This is an obvious suspicious connection, for Frank to be president of the local B'Nai Brith and the vice president of the same chapter to be law partner of the dad of the prosecuting attorney in the trial, the latter of whom was also a partner in that firm at one point. Attached is a pdf of the article.
Here is a link to the article, atlanta-constitution-1913-09-24-leo-frank-again-made-president-of-bnai-brith.pdf (leofrank.com). Here is text of the article:
Leo Frank Again Made President of B’Nai Brith
Prominent Atlantans are Elected Officers of this Jewish Charitable Organization
With Frank in Jail High Honor Paid Him
His Re-election comes with announcement that he is still conducting affairs of pencil company.
Atlanta Constitution
September 24, 1913
At the recent elections of the Jewish Order of B’Nai Brith, Leo M Frank, president, was unanimously chosen as head of the order again, and a number of prominent Atlantans were selected to fill the more important offices.
Among them are Arthur Heyman, of Dorsey, Brewster, Howell and Heyman, vice president, Milton Klein, monitor, Dr. B Wildauer, treasurer and B Kaufman, warden.
Sam P. Cronheim, secretary for a number of years, remains in the office, the election for secretary, to which Mr. Cronhelm has been chosen several times, not coming off until next January.
Leonard Haas Honored
Another well known Atlanta attorney, Leonard Haas, of the firm of Haas & Haas, is past president of the district grand lodge, which includes the states of Virginia, North and South Carolina, Georgia and Florida and the District of Columbia. Mr. Haas and Mr. Klein are considered the leading men in the B’Nai Brith south of Washington.
Leo Frank, the young superintendent of the National Pencil factory, and graduate of Cornell University, who, after a few years’ residence in Atlanta, was chosen to head the leading charitable organization among those of his religion, and who occupied that position at the time last April when he was arrested on the charge of the murder of Mary Phagan, a young girl in his factory, held the office all during the summer while he remained in the Tower.
At the recent elections, Superintendent Frank, then in the Tower under the conviction of the murder and sentenced to hang October 10, was chosen as head for the second time and without opposition.
Conducting Pencil Factory
His continuance in the high office of the B’Nai Brith, came with the news that he was continuing, as far as possible, to direct, from his cell, the affairs of the pencil factory, over which he had charge when he was arrested.
He was convicted after what has been termed the hardest fought legal battle in the history of Georgia, and his attorneys have already made application for a new trial, charging that he was convicted contrary to the principles of law.
The hearing is set to take place on October 4, just six days before the date upon which Judge LS Roan sentenced him to hang. It is generally believed, however, that the hearing will not actually take place on that day, as the defense will file its amended petition for a new hearing, and it is believed that Solicitor General Hugh M Dorsey will ask a postponement in which he may have time to prepare an answer.
Goes to Supreme Court
Should Frank be denied a new trial by the superior court judge who hears this argument, it is already stated that the case will go to the Supreme Court, and in that case, his fate will not be known until possibly next March, or even later.
It is not known which one of the four superior court judges in Fulton County will sit at the hearing. Judge Roan, in the case of a postponement, would then be on the court of appeals bench, and the duty would devolve upon either Judge John T. Pendleton, Judge W D Ellis, Judge George L Bell or the newly appointed Judge Benjamin H Hill.
The vice president of the lodge Frank was president of being law partner of the dad of the prosecuting attorney in the trial of Frank, and the prosecuting attorney Hugh Dorsey once having been a partner in that firm himself, are very suspicious. That is supporting evidence for my belief that the case is a hoax and Frank was somehow persuaded, through blackmail, threats, seducing, cajoling or whatever else, into participating in the hoax.
19th August 2022: Paul Bustion tells me he is in contact with someone who may wish to have Leo Franck vindicated. This presumably might conflict with the long-term aims of the ADL, to hug the knowledge of their fraud to themselves and retain a virtuous Talmudic aura.
Uploads from 'Evidences...' through to 'Founder of the ADL, Sigmund Livingston', completed on 18 Sept 2021. RW
Note that archive.org has a list of Atlanta Constitution articles on the Leo Frank case. They are listed here: https://archive.org/details/leo-frank-atlanta-constitution-newspapers-1913 but of course may not be reliable