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Reviews of two 'Jewish' apologetics books.   By Israel Shahak and Shlomo Sand

Don't expect honesty or insight; these books are pure propaganda. The best to be hoped is that you might be able to identify some styles of long-term Jewish lies and deception. It will be uphill work. You must face ploughing through tedious pages of pseudo-outrage and pseudo-self-pity and pseudo-history.
      Both these books have no illustrations whatever; possibly this is some sort of Jewish principle on the lines of deploring images.
      Two stars because there may just be helpful material in the haystacks.

Israel Shahak (1933-2001):   Jewish history jewish religion   The Weight of Three Thousand Years
My copy is published by Pluto Press in England. First published 1994. My edition 2008. Earlier editions have forewords by Gore Vidal* (1994), Edward Said (1997), Norton Mervinsky (2002), and Ilan Peppe (2008). 'Printed in Great Britain by Amazon. Chapters 2 Prejudice and Prevarication, 3 Orthodoxy and Interpretation, and 4 The Weight of History 'first appeared in the journal Khamsin'.
      Pluto published many 'left wing' books, more recognisable than ever as derived from Jewish sources. They seem designed to look low-budget, to conceal their unlimited funding. Many whites are still unaware of the systematic deception by Jews practised for example in political parties.   c. 148 pages; 8 page index; 15 page of endnotes and references. This book is numbered as 5 in a series of 6, though it's not clear what these are.

Shlomo Sand (1946- ):   The Invention of the Jewish People
The notes (for this 'International Bestseller') say it was first published in 2008 by Resling, presumably Israeli, under a title translated as 'When and How Was the Jewish People Invented? with the English translation published by Verso (=left-land page in a book) 2009, 2010, 2020. Verso is a similar publisher to Pluto, concentrating on material taken from Jews, with the characteristic concealments of Jews. It had some connection with Robin Blackburn.
      This book has something like 344 pages, in smaller type than Shahak. I'd guess three times the amount of text, and three times the amount of index.
      E J Hobsbawm extracts appear on the cover of the paperback, as might be expected. The actual Unique Selling Proposition of the book seems to be this: Exploding the myth that there was a forced Jewish exile in the first century [not AD!] at the hands of the Romans, Israeli historian Shlomo Sand argues that most modern Jews descend from converts, whose native lands were scattered across the Middle East and Eastern Europe. ... Sand dismantles the founding myth of the Jewish homeland. ...

Israel Shahak (1933-2001):   Jewish history jewish religion   The Weight of Three Thousand Years

I can't tell if the full title was Shahak's.

This is a difficult book to review. Shahak has no doubts about the so-called 'Holocaust' and the 9/11 fake story. In simple language, he's just another Jew liar if he thinks it suits his interests. For all anyone can tell, the entire book may be lies. As a few examples:

If you want reliable history, you won't get it.

Shahak (incidentally, 'born in the Warsaw ghetto') was a Professor of Chemistry; probably repeating the discoveries and thoughts of non-Jew scientists, while funded from the US-Jewish Treasury) did however have something lacking in non-Jews, viz. abundant material on countries run by Jews. Not that what he says can be assumed true, but it was traditional in European education to ignore or not know it.
      Thus we have informational claims about Russia, Poland, Germany, Spain, Portugal, Italy, the post-1492 Americas.
      But Britain (Cromwell, the 'Bank of England' etc) and France ('French Revolution', French Empire etc) are ignored. As I've stated, Germany is treated entirely as per Jewish convention; Shahak doesn't even know about false-flags and psyops, such as the Dreyfus Affair. And not China, which seems to have been treated as the private preserve of Jews such as Sassoons and others. And there's nothing on India, despite its importance to Britain and its Jews. So there are bits and pieces of information of dubious reliability.

Shahak writes in the style of third-rate journalists, highlighting one single event, unaware of any bigger picture. He starts with a case in which, on a 'Sabbath', some visitor to Israel was ill, but the religious position was that he was a non-Jew, so an ambulance driver was correct in not collecting him. Very little detail was given, such as the seriousness of his illness. Conceivably, the whole incident may have been faked as a distraction. Thus, not a serious writer.

-Page 72, in Chapter 4: 'The Weight of History': '... Many Jews served officially as Treasurers General to the kings of Castile, regional and general tax collectors, diplomats (representing their king in foreign courts, both Muslim and Christian, even outside Spain), courtiers and advisors to rulers and great noblemen. And in no other country except Poland did the Jewish community wield such great legal powers over the Jews or used them so widely and publicly, including the power to inflict capital punishment. From the 11th century the persecution of Karaites (a heretical Jewish sect) by flogging them to death if unrepentant was common in Castile. Jewish women who cohabited with Gentiles had their noses cut off by rabbis who explained that 'in this way she will lose her beauty and her non-Jewish lover will come to hate her'. Jews who had the effrontery to attack a rabbinical judge had their hands cut off. Adulterers were imprisoned, after being made to run the gauntlet through the Jewish quarter. In religious disputes, those thought to be heretics had their tongues cut out.'
Fascinating stuff, but innumerate, and therefore hard to assess.

-Here's an example, one sentence in which Shahak tries to explain about the effects of 'freedom' on Jews in Germany before unification: P. 19 in Chapter 2: 'Prejudice and Prevarication' (I don't know if the alliterative title is Shahak's): '[This form of liberation, mostly from outside ... had very grave consequences for the future' [presumably, shaking the foundations of rabbinical power]. Just as in the case of Germany (according to the masterly analysis of A. J. P. Taylor) it was easy to ally the cause of reaction with patriotism, because in actual fact individual rights and equality before the law were brought into Germany by the armies of the French Revolution and of Napoleon, and one could brand liberty as 'un-German', exactly so it turned out to be very easy among the Jews, particularly in Israel, to mount a very effective attack against all the notions and ideals of humanism and the rights of law (not to say democracy) as something 'un-Jewish' or 'anti-Jewish' - as indeed they are, in a historical sense - and as principles which may be used in the 'Jewish interest', but which have no validity against the 'Jewish interest', for example when Arabs invoke these same principles. This has also led ... to a deceitful, sentimental, and ultra-romantic Jewish historiography, from which all inconvenient facts have been expunged.'
      He continues with talk about Hannah Arendt, as though she was a serious author.
      I think Shahak wanted to remove absurdities from Judaism (for example, the chicken-twirling ceremony, or the permission of Jewish males to murder 'Gentile' women, or such 'interpretations' as fake sales of land to non-Jews every seven years, to dodge sabbatical issues) while retaining all the historical advantages which have so far accrued to Jews.

It seems accurate to re-assess the influence of Jews far beyond the traditional historiographies of Europe and the newer territories. Usually this is hidden. The invention of printing—unmentioned by Shahak, as are navies and gunpowder and steel—led to the King James Bible in English, and to the Church of England with its tens of thousands of weekly sermons. And something similar appears to be true of Moslems, where Mohammed and Arabic script and the Q'uran appear to have been Jewish constructions.
      The symbioses between Jews and both Christians and Moslems are largely ignored. But, for example, when the Catholic Church owned enormous areas of land, they could presumably have acted against Jews, and not have had such things as 'Sicut Judaeis' bulls. To this day, the Jewish origins of Roman Catholicism are evaded.

Anyway. Whatever. Shahak is just another apologist with all the faults of the genre. The book has many interesting passages, but invariably fails to be convincing. But the sad fact is that many European civilisations—megalith builders, collections of peoples with feelings for their Genius loci, literate civilisations such as Greeks and Romans, have been largely shouldered out by rubbish. And many topics and issues have been faced, after a fashion, by so-called 'Jews'. A good example is full-term abortions, allowed in New York for blacks, by Jews. Whites have generally allowed themselves to be manipulated.

Just a note: I advise anyone interested in truth to investigate Miles Mathis' site. I recommend using my own site searcher of Mathis, as Miles himself doesn't bother to make his site searchable. You might find Dreyfus.pdf, a once-notorious issue revealed here to be a Jewish psy-op, which exploited the new media at the start of the 20th century, and was very successful in its day, giving Jews an enormous lease of life.

Here's an interesting view of Shahak, from a May 2021 comment in The Occidental Observer:–

Of course totalitarianism is a Jewish trait. It was totalitarian ghettos that 99% of Jews lived in, for like 3,000 years, clinging on like parasites to Christian or other civilisations. The rule of the Rabbi was absolute, that’s why in these ghettos they never-ever produced any culture. No art, literature, architecture, even comedy. All forbidden.
      They were only allowed to do two things: study the Talmud [must have been a pre-Christian version] and make money, preferably by swindling the goyim.
      You get all this from Israel Shahak's book Jewish History, Jewish Religion. This ain't me saying this, this is him, so if you doubt it you'd need to debunk his book (you can’t debunk him, as he is dead). And it was a book that was published widely with much fanfare, if I remember right, it had blurbs by Edward Said and Christopher Hitchens on its cover. It really is the only book you need to read to understand our dilemma.
      These Rabbis were aghast when Napoleon went around Europe liberating the Jews from this nightmare, or maybe they liked it, I don’t know. The JQ originates from this time. Why do you think so many Jews saw themselves first and foremost as Germans or Brits? They knew exactly what the alternative was. And many of these 'assimilated Jews', who were hated by the Rabbi/Jewish supremacist types more than they hate us, were loyal citizens.

Well, maybe. The important point is that, just as in economics it's necessary to separate Jewish economics from everyone else's, and just as politics has to be divided into assorted groups PLUS Jews, and just as nations have to be examined for Jews within them, so freedom and liberation have to be examined for Jewish attitudes, along with others. And as long as Jews are tolerated this will remain true.

Shlomo Sand (1946- ):   The Invention of the Jewish People My 2020 paperback says its earlier edition was 2010. A ten-years-later preface leaves it unclear whether the book was adjusted with more than a new preface. There's no bibliography, and the index, though replete with titles, mostly by Jews, has no dates. My interest in this book declined as I noticed unimpressive aspects. I leafed through the index, looking for various favourites and anti-favourites; Russell, Wells, Keynes, Leese, MacDonald, Arendt, Deutscher, Norman Kohn, Roth, Singer, for example; none are present: the destruction of history by Jews is a constant process. The Protocols are not indexed; there's little on Hitler, though (247) we're told 'The remains of millions [of the Jews of "Yiddishland"] are buried beneath the slaughterhouses constructed by Hitler...'—of course they are!

The author lives or lived 'in Tel Aviv, where I teach history.' In a 'department of general history'. Apparently in what is now considered university level. He admires 'the brilliant writing of Ernest Gellner and Benedict Anderson'. His ten-years-later preface mentions in a Jewish-media style such things as globalization and Internet and refugees caused by 'Islamic terror', but—also in Jewish media style—nothing on Jewish banking and paper reserves (Rothschild doesn't make the index), the German infrastructure around him, or difficult issues such as world-wide US bases, or moves to China, or vast black populations. Unattractive aspects of simple Judaism are not mentioned: Kol Nidre, Purim, chicken-twirling or goat-expulsions. Aspects of unified criminal networking seem not to be mentioned, though I'd need to comb through the book to check. Also not mentioned—and it makes the book outdated—are the works of such people as Miles Mathis, exploding Jewish frauds and psyops. Incredibly, but no doubt explicable by multiple Jewish censorships, he says he 'felt compelled to search for truths about the past ... and sometimes have to think outside the box'.
      Before you laugh, it's as well to consider how successful the impermeable Jewish mindset has been over a few thousand years. It's possible they'll win, and the world overrun by full-time propaganda on behalf of simple fanatics.

It's fascinating to see official Jewish opinions deployed as though they are fully established. How unsurprising to see Gobineau despised as a "scientific" racist, and Galton unindexed, and Darwin ("Jews not a pure race") barely mentioned, and Wallace unindexed. Sand has quotations on DNA; does he have views on the DNA once held by people long since vanished? He obviously thinks quoting Jews is OK. Probably he's right, as his audience were and are unlikely to be sharp. Sand discusses Arthur Koestler and the Thirteenth Tribe, though not of course as a work of history, and I have some sympathy, as Koestler liked his own voice and disliked summarising his evidence. Official Jewish views on 'Communism' as far as I can bother to make out are now to deny Jewish involvement, unless this can be pretended to be reasonably justified. I couldn't find much on science fraud: NASA in unindexed, so is 'nuclear' anything. As with 19th century British aristocrats, such subjects are ignored by Jewish ideologues.

Very probably there's simply no point criticising such a book as this. It's aimed to batch process fanatics, who are not expected to understand their psychological roots. Presumably Sand is generally approved of, by his monkey-house denizens, as they scribble down examination tips. I can imagine someone like Kevin McDonald, gawping in horror at some ahistorical absurdity, unable to understand that in the world of pragmatism, truth is an irrelevance.

To repeat (from the cover): Exploding the myth that there was a forced Jewish exile in the first century at the hands of the Romans, Israeli historian Shlomo Sand argues that most modern Jews descend from converts, whose native lands were scattered across the Middle East and Eastern Europe. ... Sand dismantles the founding myth of the Jewish homeland. ... Sand made some effort to investigate various more-or-less Biblical claims (and he says somewhere that the Bible is taught as fact to children from seven years old!)
      I'm too impatient to wade through a couple of hundred pages of bits of evidence saying that so-called 'Jews' were often enough converts, or perhaps victims, or collaborators, in the way people converted to Islam to avoid paying tax. But clearly Sand is indifferent to anything other than so-called 'Jewish' concerns. I like to hope that people who think crypto-Jews will bring them help will turn their attention to getting back some of their assets, land, self-respect, or whatever they'd like. This aimless book of lies and quarter-truths will help them as little as any of the other wishful quack counterfeits purveyed by so-called Jews.

Rae West   5 May 2021

*Gore Vidal. Mentioned by Miles Mathis, for example in phoenper.pdf. Gore Vidal spent years with his male homosexual lover, in Italy, composing rubbish to conceal the truth about Cyrus the Great and others. These dreary jerks in some of the most impressive country on earth presumably felt some gentic impulse to deceive the goys.