David Irving: WW2 Japan Desperately Tried to Surrender

Pacific War: Tokyo & Japan fire-bombed - 6 & 9 Aug 1945 - Hiroshima & Nagasaki nuke & radiation myths

David Irving: WW2 Japan Desperately Tried to Surrender

Postby rerevisionist » 23 Feb 2012 03:48

Was the Bombing of Hiroshima Justified?

David Irving on Japan Desperately Trying to Surrender in 1945, and the Decision to Pretend to Nuke Hiroshima and Nagasaki. (Irving at the time was unaware of nuke scepticism).

Short video, nearly 5 minutes, extracted from a talk by David Irving in September 2009---

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Re: David Irving: WW2 Japan Desperately Tried to Surrender

Postby rerevisionist » 01 Mar 2012 16:07

The Japanese new elite - probably a commercial/industrial elite, displacing the Samurai style elite, and happy about land clearance bombings by the USA in Japan - may well have agreed to go along with the 1945 atom bomb fraud, in exchange for immunity from a Nuremberg-style trial. As Exorcist pointed out. Of course, neither Japanese victims, nor Japanese-as-victims, were Jewish. which must have been an important issue.

Also worth pointing to, is the frequent idea that the supposed nuclear bombs of the Manhattan Project may have been intended for Germany. Given that they didn't work, they couldn't have nuked (say) Berlin, leaving them only with the option of a fake. Stalin would presumably have been just as impressed either way. Japan after the war had censorship, remoteness, and a language barrier - but all these things operated in Germany too after the war. Maybe the Germans were too technically sophisticated to accept it. Perhaps Bertrand Russell was right all along - the atom bomb claims were aimed against nationalist liberation movements in south east Asia, assuming rural Asians too dim to read about the new 'bomb' and needing a close-at-hand example. I suspect this backfired, as Japan had troops in Vietnam who may (I'm guessing) have told some Vietnamese that they didn't believe the story.
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