Just a brief note. Google analytics says there are quite a few views from Harrisburg. Looking online at 'Three Mile Island' commentaries, there's the curious disconnect between predicted lethal effects from a dangerous 'nuclear core meltdown' in one 'unit', and actual effects, which appear to be pretty much zero in environmental terms, but quite a lot in money terms.
Note that the events are consistent with the plant being a dumpload, used to balance supply and demand of power, not therefore ever generating any electricity at all. Someone presumably forgot to run water into the 'kettle', which ran dry and overheated. Yawn.
Perhaps someone in the know could comment - was there in fact any serious attempt to investigate the plant? Or, as of course would be expected in view of corruption in the USA by ZOG groups, was there just some whitewash ponderous pseudo-investigation? Probably the citizens of Harrisburg make - by the trickle-down effect - a bit of money from the plant, so it's probably unrealistic to expect intelligent comment.
However 'Three Mile Island' deserves a mention in 'nukelies'!