The following frames are extracted from OFFICIAL NUCLEAR TEST FILM #11 on YouTube's channel at the following link: portion of the video I'm highlighting is alleged to be the film record of a battalion of US soldiers witnessing the explosion of an air dropped nuclear weapon.

Frame above at 42:45 just before the explosion

A couple of frames later we see a semi-circular anomaly which on subsequent frames creeps up the screen until we have a "white out". The problem is
there is no flash in the distance to cause this anomaly!.

At 42:54 the "white out" begins to clear, the soldiers stand up in their trenches and we see the mushroom appear. Look at the bright top of the "mushroom". It's rectangular! Could the vista be, in fact, a film of a small scale pyrotechnic firework "back projected" onto a screen with a rectangular spotlight added to increase the brightness? Also, whilst the sandbagged emplacement appears to be the same, the profile of the hills in the background appears to differ from the previous "pre blast" frames above.

At 42:58 we see the fake mushroom in its full glory.

At 43:02 we see the soldier "actors" hyping up their fear and awe of the fake nuke. Note their brightly polished helmets. What happens next should take the shine off them...... but doesn'

At 43:06 we see the start of a pathetic attempt to fake the approaching blast wave. Excuse me Mr Goldwyn and Mr Meyer..
what's happened to the mushroom cloud? seems to have disappeared!!!
At 43:08 the fake blast wave dust storm reaches the standing soldier actors.
The mushroom is still missing!
..and at 43:10 they get enveloped in dust.

....and at 43:12, as if by magic,
the missing mushroom cloud reappears!!! I've heard of magic mushrooms but this is ridiculous!!!

And as the soldier actor, at 43:18, fakes his scripted emotional response to the fake nuclear weapon test we are left to ponder the really important question of why his helmet is bright and shiny when it should be covered in