
This guestbook was dated about the year 2000. it's part of a VOMIT ('Victims of Masonic Ill-Treatment') site which disappeared by the time I started my site in 2012; it was a controversial site which I'd site-grabbed about twelve years earlier, and decided to upload for historical interest. Much of the guestbook is painful to read, and a sad commentary of world education standards, at least in my view.
Now click for the home page of my site, big-lies.org a revisionist re-examination of many subjects. - Note by RW

Pouvez vous me donner la traduction en français - comment dois je faire
Name: Annick Bernolin

City: <otsibeaul@wanadoo.fr> -
HiTony, due to technical, personal and financial reasons,I am at te time being out of the intertnet. :-(:-( Have a close view to the socalled Peace Negotiation in the Middle East.Probably, as soon as they conclude a bigger deal, it means the start of the tribulation period. Have a close look what "Prince Charles of Wales" has to sayinthis connection. This title is equivalent to 666 both in Hebrew and corrsponding English table. Please put inthis connection www.prophecyhouse.com to your research pages. best wishes. MartinLauchenauer 0043 2271 2930 in case ofcases
Name: Martin Lauchenauer
well known for a long time
City: near Vienna,Country: Austria <out of function>--- -
A person can get more insight into what's really going on in the world from your site in 60 minutes, than you can get in 365 days of watching any of the major news networks. If any of your guests would like to see more vultures and birds of prey of the "Power Elite" species, please join me in The Catbird Seat! Keep up the great work!
Name: Catbird
Through "Pushhamburger"
City: Honolulu, HI,Country: USA <thecatbirdseat@hotmail.com>http://msnhomepages.talkcity.com/ReportersAlley/thecatbirdseat/ -
Well... We, Balkanian nations, had and still have too much problems with this Bilderberg people. Are they think that they'll live forever? :))))))) At the end, we all goes to the same place. (FOR THE BILDERBERGERS, I KNOW YOU READING THIS :))) LEAVE THE BALKAN ALONE, OR HERE WILL BE YOUR MASS GRAVE!!! NO KIDDING!!! DON'T YOU FEEL THAT YOUR END IS COMMING?
Name: balkanboy

City: -
Could you please tell me why are you trying to stop Secret Society's all together. I don't understand what you are trying to do. Or are you belong to a Secret Society yourself and not telling me?. If so could you please tell me?. Thank's Richard.
Name: Richard Bealey
City: EXETER, ,Country: ENGLAND <r.bealey@btinternet.com>http://www.btinternet.com/~r.bealey -
Good Work. Please check out our site: www.vomit.cc We may be able to help with web space.
Name: Mike
Research leading on from Masonic problems.
City: Country: UKwww.vomit.cc -
What's next are you going to blame the Zionists?? Why do you need such skapegoats? Do you know how many good things the Masions do? How much money they donate? Who the shriners are?
Name: Friend of Truth
Reference from Greek Site
City: Here,Country: USA <truth@usa.net> -
Fight the good fight everybody
Name: Ron Sandusky

City: Iowa,Country: USA. <SanduskySand@aol.com> -
I think you are doing a good job in trying to maintain the world order .
history channel
City: RALEIGH,NC.27627,Country: USA <yousuflnc@hotmail.com> -
This is a very informative and educational site.
Name: Elias Katsiampas

City: Trikala,Country: Greece - Hellas <omakoio@omakoio.gr>http:www.omakoio.gr -
You would understand that the fall of man orchestrated by a certain group, would have had objectives and steps to achieving their goal under Juan Antonio Samaranch and his soul completeness Queen Elizabeth II. The fall relates to the mixing of Human Evolution and Animal Evolution, this accounts for human behaviour. To understand 666 one must understand the I Ching, a book I formulated, while in China. One must also understand that prior to the fall, an evolutionary change was put into place as a means of assisting souls out of the mess that was to befall them, male and female were separted in each individual. The steps to the present are part of the process of analysis. In the book of Ezekial the mother and her prostitute daughter is QEII and Victoria. Be aware that each soul has a male and female, who come together to again become complete. You are all at present half souls. It is the soul that is the most solid of your existence. The darkness called evil resides in the soul. You have been brought into physical form, not animal form[this has slowed development by 2million years]. Dances of the finite mind, showing themselves as dancers in an observable body, the perishable assembly is overseen by Natraj[Lord Mikaal] the Lord of Dance, Lord Makhimsih[The Buddha] supervises the birth. Maitreya
Name: GOD-The GoverNMent of The Worlds

City: Shangri La, Flinders Bay, Augusta, Wetern Australia,Country: Australia <maitreya9@hotmail.com>http://www.geocities.com/buddhamaitreya/TheWindsofTruth.html -
I operate a web site across the big pond, US of A,on the Bilderbergs and the current Senate Election Race in New Jersey. Had to come all the way over here just to get enough background information to work with. The USA is a Black Hole of information when it comes to the subject of the Bilderbergs. You folks in Europe are a little more enlightend in all matter's conspiratorial. Does anyone have a reference to the group know as " The Circle "? Is this an idendifiable group, or does it refer to a network of influence from which the Bilderbergs operate through. No luck so far with be able to reference the subject, and would appreciate any helpwith it here in the Colonies.
Name: John Cokos

City: Gloucester County, New Jersey,Country: USA <campaign2000NJ.Netscape.net>http://www.Campaign2000_NewJersey/homestead.com -
This is a very informative and educational site. It is also very scary. Iam aware of some of the types of "games" you discuss here. Too bad we have so many people with sharp tongues instead of sharp minds, refering to some of your "guests" remarks. Thank you for trying to bring light into a very dark part of our lives before it is too late. God Bless you and Good Luck.
Name: Diane
I received an E-mail from someone
City: Houston(area),Country: USA <sgtbenjamin@yahoo.com> -
I have been trying to access your references on Mysterious Airline crashes. Could you e-mail me jhtaylor2000@yahoo.com, with the location of those pages, I saw them but haven't been able to find them again.
Name: J.Taylor
Search engine
City: Terre Haute,Country: usa <jhaylor2000@yahoo.com> -
nuke the bilderbergs!!!!!
Name: Dane Metcalfe
City: Ada,Country: United States <pleadingwizard@hotmail.com> -
peace, discernability, and fun.
Name: caspar frederik riga
having ears to hear
City: benelux,Country: earth -
For 'Two Witnesses' Gentlemen you are very nearly right but does your humour acknowledge the sacrifice of millions of people? Hitler did not wortship the South Pole but the North Pole and the Doctrine of Eternal Ice, or in German; 'Welteislehre' (141) The full title of the Nazi Party was 492 = 141. 141+141 = 282 = 110 (Adolf Hitler) 141+110 = 251 = 76* (21-3-1933*)
Name: David Carpenter

City: Los Angeles,Country: U.S. -
thanks for some reading stuff.
Name: jens

City: -
Since April,1979 Many Thousands of Important People & Their Families Have Been Killed. They Have Replaced By ORGANIC ROBOTOIDS!Adolf Hitler Escaped By U-Boat in 1945. He Went To The South Pole Because Of The Van Allen Belt Energies You Stay AtThe Same AGE. In The Early 1930's He Sent 230,000 Germans To The South Pole. They Are Now 57 Million Members & One Millon Round Spaceships At His Command.........
Name: twowitnesses
surfing on the web
City: new rochelle,new york,Country: usa <twowitnesses@hotmail.com>http://sites.netscape.net/twowitnessesusa/homepage -
I am writing a book that includes details how a fictional character is capable with the help of a few WWII pilots who will assist in the knocking out all of Echelons Radio towers which we now have identified all of their locations. These location will be published and are a matter of public record since public funds were used unknowingly to produce this spy zone. The next 3 years will be explosive !!!
Name: The Exterminator
I got this from an FBI friend
City: The Corrupt Society ,Country: USA <echelonRIP@usa.com> -
Hi, Can no one believe that God is active? study this. Either a great joke by Stephen Spielberg, or real humour from the great Spirit! *CHICKEN (53) RUN (53) = 106* (HIEL HITLER!) CHICKEN PIE (83) ='GERMANY'- 'TWEEDY' (82) = BILDERBERG! Release date; JUNE 2000 = 62+ Chicken Run (106) = 168= 29th 30th 31st May 1954* (Bilderberg set-up) Chicken Run/Chicken Pie = 189* (Fourth (88) German (58)Reich (43!) 189 plus release date (62) = 251 = 76* (Third Reich: 21-3-1933) Release date (in Britain) 30-6-2000 minus 21-3-1933 = 93*()67= 160 = 76* = 21-3-1933* 'Britain' (73) + 30+6+2 = 111* (=Deutschland!) PRISON (91) CAMP (33) = 124! Bilderbergers 'CHICKENS'= 72* (THE WORD 'HITLER'!!)
Name: David Carpenter

City: Los Angeles,Country: U.S. -
Great page. I know someone that has been with the Freemasons and he did not like it.
Name: Richard

City: Exeter, UK, <su1410@eclipse.co.uk>http://www.eclipse.co.uk/~su1410 -
Christ is trying to reach us all via numerical logic! here is the proof. CORN (50) RINGS (67) = 117* (VIERT-REICH=117) WARNING (86) IN (23) THE (33) CORN (50) = 192 (1992 Maastricht Treaty!) CORN CIRCLES WILTSHIRE (242 FROM 52 JESUS (74) = 368= 104** Treaty of ROME 25-3-19-57* (104)* IN THE CORN (106* = HIEL HITLER!) PATTERNS (113* Alma Tunnel!) IN THE CORN (106)=219* Three 'Reich Dates: Bismarch 21-3-1871 = 113 Hitler 21-3-1933 = 76 Euro Currency - ONE EUROPE* 1-7-2002 =8+22= 30= 219* Flagge Von Blau* (125) + Flag Of Blue (87) = 212* WARNING FROM JESUS (86-52-74) = 212* IN THE CORN= 106* = 318**
Name: David Carpenter

City: Los Angeles,Country: U.S. -
Very informative!
Name: Robert Oliver

City: Chicago,http://www.prepaidlegal.com/go/rkoliver -
Mislim da treba da promenite politiku prema Jugoslaviji jer vam ne daje rezultate koje ste ocekivali. Nadam se da ce do te promene doci dolaskom Rokfelerovog tima na vlast a silaskom Rotshildovog i mislim da ce Henri Kisindzer voditi polju politiku prema Srbiji od Zbignjeva Bzezinskog.
Name: Milos Vilotic

City: Country: Jugoslavija <vilotic@ptt.yu> -

I find your web site very enlightening at what is happening in other parts of the world from others comments. I have been trying to expose our own true story of cover up and corruption of some of our own elected officials here in United States. Recieved a very nice comment from US Senator John MC Cain. Donna Crowder J.A.I.L Rep Merced County Calif Jean Nelson Children and family victim rights advocate
Name: Donna Crowder
From email sent to me
City: Merced,Country: USA <crwdr1@aol.com> -
It is so interesting that the Spotlight actually equates a conservative web site and forum to the Mossad and/or the CIA. Actually, since I've been a visitor there for many years and have seen the trials and tribulations of Jim Robinson and his efforts, for something so transparent as "The Spotlight" trying to be quick and glib in their descriptions of something they probably envy; it makes one wonder whether there is any actual investigations or just a bunch of sharp tongues.
Name: Thomas Weaver
City: DeFuniak Springs,Country: USA <comport2@unitedstates.com> -
One of the main pillars of world conspiracy is the entrapment of debt. To this end I have put a Loan Calculator on the net at http://depreciation.tripod.com/loan.html This gives people a financial background and a means of minimising debt in their lives. Its free, no identifying information has to be given. You've got a great site here!!!
Name: Edward Metcalfe
Altavista Search
City: Trayning,Country: Australia <edward_metcalfe@yahoo.com>http://depreciation.tripod.com/loan.html -
If You Kill a Bilderberg .. will one go to Heaven?
Name: The Redeamer
The truth told me to look here ...
City: AmeriKa, -
hello Winston Churchill called this group in the 1930 -- "the high Cabal"...in the 1940 to present it is the NWO....from gold to fiat money to e-money.... but they made one mistake...there is no fiat science and engineering and their E-Money will fail...please read...http://wine-storage.com/octopus.html God Bless You and regards vince
Name: vince

City: <vlodato@aol.com>http://www.wine-storage.com/octopus.html -
i will fuck your community i will find RF and the three shit headed men....
Name: @@@leave us alone @@@
nothing your mothers
City: tunusia, <yourmothersfucker@hotmail.com>no -
Numerical Codings! Three Attacks upon the Internet (1) 7th February (Maastricht date) 72 Hitler* Attack upon Yahoo and 50 computers; Yarhoo (64+50)=114 ONE EUROPE! virus used: STACHELDRAHT (German - barbed wire!) numerical sequence; 1921* 385* 124* 181* 82*(0) = 2349 = 23-49 = 72* Hitler: 1921 (takes over party) 385 124* (Bilderbergers) 181 = 99* = Adolf Hiedler (his REAL name) 82 Bilderberg; Stacheldraht* = 119 + 124 + INTERNET 105 = 348 = 82* Bilderberg! Attack (2) virus I LOVE YOU (124 Bilderbergers) in three numbers 124+16+7= 147* Attack (3) THE NEW LOVE* (A) = 129+1 = 130 in three numbers 130+13+4 = 147!!
Name: David Carpenter
City: Los Angeles,Country: U.S. -
Numerical Codings! Three Attacks upon the Internet (1) 7th February (Maastricht date) 72 Hitler* Attack upon Yahoo and 50 computers; Yarhoo (64+50)=114 ONE EUROPE! virus used: STACHELDRAHT (German - barbed wire!) numerical sequence; 1921* 385* 124* 181* 82*(0) = 2349 = 23-49 = 72* Hitler: 1921 (takes over party) 385 124* (Bilderbergers) 181 = 99* = Adolf Hiedler (his REAL name) 82 Bilderberg; Stacheldraht* = 119 + 124 + INTERNET 105 = 348 = 82* Bilderberg! Attack (2) virus I LOVE YOU (124 Bilderbergers) in three numbers 124+16+7= 147* Attack (3) THE NEW LOVE* (A) = 129+1 = 130 in three numbers 130+13+4 = 147!!
Name: David Carpenter
City: Los Angeles,Country: U.S. -
Ha! I've heard it all before. Don't be scared of us. Im the heir to the fortune and I want revenge. Give me back my power! Damn David and family. I'm gonna teach them for abanding me and dad in New Guinea. Hahahahahaah. SERIOUSLY though - AM I GONNA GET SOME PAYBACK OR WHAT! Help me get into trilateral or the UN and I blow the lid on it all.
Name: Amadeus Indiana Rockefeller
searching for myself lol
City: Country: Australia <rockefeller13@hotmail.com>http://www.rockefeller.homepad.com -
Ha! I've heard it all before. Don't be scared of us. Im the heir to the fortune and I want revenge. Give me back my power! Damn David and family. I'm gonna teach them for abanding me and dad in New Guinea. Hahahahahaah. SERIOUSLY though - AM I GONNA GET SOME PAYBACK OR WHAT! Help me get into trilateral or the UN and I blow the lid on it all.
Name: Amadeus Indiana Rockefeller
searching for myself lol
City: Country: Australia <rockefeller13@hotmail.com>www.rockefeller.homepad.com -
For those of us that enjoy freedom and independence this site scares us to death!! Knowing that we are just pawns for the rich and powerful. Democracy as we know it will soon be gone forever and we're letting them do it. it's time for a revolution!
Name: rwhite
I read None dare call it conspiracy -- excellant
City: maine,Country: usa -
Congratulations I try to make this site known but Echelon censhorships my messages. Make this known to your friends
Name: Private because of Echelon

City: Crete,Country: Greece <AntiNato2000@hotmail.com> -
Diese Seite ist sehr cool... Man darf dem System nicht mehr Macht geben, als nötig! Und im Moment hat es zuviel... Everybody, who chares my opinion should mail... Always sleep with an open eye! GEIST
Name: Geist
City: secret...,Country: Germany <G-eis-T@t-online.de> -
This is a very impressive web site. It's amazing to inform ourselves about the hidden facts most people from the world don't know about. If some British or American Intelligence Agencies (Echelon) are reading this, it has been a privilege understanding the basics of world dynamics.This is an old story.
Name: Alexis Rodriguez
reading books and a virtual accident
City: San Juan,Country: the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico <thoth_7000@usa.net>none yet -
more testing
Name: Peter Carrington

City: -
Name: Dr. Levan Z. Urushadze
City: Tbilisi,Country: Republic of Georgia <lur@lycosmail.com> -

City: -
Es excelente y es una necesitada información ¡¡ Muchas gracias
Name: Enrique Breedy
City: Riobamba,Country: Ecuador <victorb@andinanet.net> -
A very important site. Touring it is friendly, pleasant and informative. All visitors must help make sure this information stays out there. Mirror the site, make a donation, spread the word, there is always something we can put back if we appreciate it and this would be my message to other visitors too.
Name: Louis
City: London,Country: United Kingdomhttp://www.libreopinion.com/mathaba -
Guesting and Testing
Name: Benjamin Zephaniah

City: -
just testing
Name: Bill Clinton

City: -
Knoledge is power, get all you can and use it for good.
Name: Richard Lion
Search engine
City: Enfield, Connecticut,Country: U.S.A. <rlion@netzero.net>www.venusroyal.com -
Hi there, Tony testing so you get guesting.
Name: Tony the Goz
City: Bristle,Country: England <tont@gaia.org>http://www.bilderberg.org -

Return to the start of the Guestbook

Scripts and Guestbook created by Matt Wright and can be found at Matt's Script Archive