by Lark
02 Feb 2012 23:59
rerevisionist wrote:What I'd like to see is actual = evidence of the things being dismantled, or the boiler area being thoroughly = checked; and something tells me this won't be = forthcoming.
by Lark
03 Feb 2012 01:18
by Exorcist
03 Feb 2012 02:24
Lark wrote:Why do you say that? I am posting what I = see and hear about. Do you need something = else?
Lark wrote:I am a painter at the Puget shipyard in Washington. There are submarines there that are supposed to be nuclear = powered, but they look more like they are electric powered. They have = huge electric cables running through the hull and across the inside to = large machines.
A few times I have asked one of the guys walking = around with radiation meters how much radiation I am getting, but they all say the = same thing, "not much". They say I get more from the environment than the = sub. There are lots of areas roped off that I am not allowed in to because = I am not qualified to enter them. I am supposed to qualify to wear a radiation = dose meter, but I am not sure that I want to since I can not get a straight = answer from them. Anyone else ever seee these = ships?"
Lark wrote:I had to qualify as a radiation worker = and went into my first reactor compartment today. It was cramped and hot. Using = a resperator in a room that is 90 degrees sucks. I watched a guy do = radiation surveys for a little bit. A few times his meter went nuts when he put = it near some equipment. When I asked him about it, I was warned to keep out of = the area unless I was briefed and wore = more dosimeters.
by Lark
03 Feb 2012 16:32
by Lark
03 Feb 2012 19:19
Exorcist wrote:Your comment about being kept out of = the area for "not wearing enough dosimeters" is bull$hit. You are making it up = as you go along.
Do you expect me to believe the US Military's = security is so lax they allow someone like you to walk round a nuclear = submarine/aircraft carrier carrying a computer posting what you see on an internet forum.
by Exorcist
03 Feb 2012 20:18
by Lark
03 Feb 2012 21:17
by BNSF9647
07 Feb 2012 00:55
by rerevisionist
07 Feb 2012 02:22
by Lark
07 Feb 2012 05:46
by Lark
07 Feb 2012 06:20