Do People Really Win The Lottery? Is The Lottery Fake?
Irish Hospitals Sweepstake Fraud

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Do People Really Win The Lottery? Is The Lottery Fake?

Postby NUKELIES » 15 Jan 2012 16:48

Note added 8 June 2013 by Rerevisionist:

It struck me that if actors are used (like simulated victims, 'vicsims', in e.g. the 9/11 fraud) there's plenty of scope to fix the results. White winners can be shown as useless parasites, for example, although the huge majority of tickets must be bought be ordinary hardish-working people. They could select immigrants or half-castes as fake winners, though presumably not present them as illegal, to show the Jewish-promoted anti-white multicult.

Do people really win 10, 100, 200 million dollars / euros / pounds in the lottery? I wonder.

If you were to tally all of the supposed annual lottery winnings in the United States or Europe for a given year, how much would they amount to in total? Would such a presumably huge amount of money even be sustainable? I searched for an answer on Google, but there wasn't a single listing having to do with this question.

I've also searched for the following phrases: "Do people actually win the lottery?" and other variants such as "Does anyone really win the lottery?" / "Can you really win the lottery?" / "Has anybody really ever won the lottery?" / "Is the lottery fake?" - etc., and aside from a few scattered semi-related queries or posts, there seems to be a suspicious lack of blog and forum posts on the subject.

For example, if I search for "Is the lottery real?" - I get links to stories of people who have supposedly won the lottery.

Here's the scenario I imagine: The lottery cabal needs a new face for the newspapers to show off as a lottery winner. They conscript actors, or out-of-work federal agents, or anybody who will take payment to lie in front of the press. Maybe they pay them a million dollars to sign an iron-clad non-disclosure agreement that they will never reveal the truth about how much they get to keep their mouth shut - the penalty for telling the truth being forfeiture of whatever real money they might have been given.

Or here's another scenario: Let's say someone wins 200 million dollars - like supposedly just happened to some couple on Long Island - the lottery mafia knocks on their door with its lawyers, tells them they'll be subject to extra taxes due to some anomaly in the way that they won; or maybe the wife is an illegal immigrant and the winnings are void because she bought the ticket, or maybe the husband has a criminal record or is wanted for something which he could be put in jail for, or any number of threats - so the lucky couple agrees to accept one or two million dollars instead of one or two hundred million dollars, but again must sign a non-disclosure agreement to not reveal the true amount they received.

Third scenario: Somebody actually wins once in a while; they release pictures of real people who have actually won; the lottery gestapo then assesses public gullibility and calculates the frequency of actual winnings needed to continue to prop up the system. Then the other 99% of the time the names of lottery "winners" are released as names only on page 14 of the newspaper.

What do you think?

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Re: Do People Really Win The Lottery? Is The Lottery Fake?

Postby rerevisionist » 15 Jan 2012 19:31

The British National Lottery was started in November 1994, i.e. about 900 weeks ago. It pays out twice a week. The first prize (all 6 numbers) is by far the biggest prize. My impression is there's an average of 2 or so main winners per draw - quite often there are none. This would make about 4,000 millionaire winners, but this includes as 'winners' groups of people who would split it. I don't think the highet prize has exceeded about £5M. So in all its time, a few thousand millionaires have been announced. I don't see any conceptual problem with this; these numbers could easily be taken up in house buying, for example. (Apologies for vagueness... I couldn't find the info)

[NB it hasn't been entirely plane sailing for the operators - they had to relaunch, because people were annoyed about giving money to phoney asylum seeker laywers, hoky 'arts' projects, and so on. And I think people noticed the chance of winning is negligible.]

But really big prizes could be different!....
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Re: Do People Really Win The Lottery? Is The Lottery Fake?

Postby NUKELIES » 16 Jan 2012 14:57

Rerevisionist I don't see any problem with them being able to pay out a couple million here and there, or even a couple million a week. There are probably 10 million snowy-tops, not to mention another ten million third-world immigrants, wasting at least a quid a week on lottery tickets. Your post jarred my memory and it's true in the UK there are little metal plaques on buildings everywhere that state they were "Funded by lottery money," or something to that effect. That always made me guess that they do actually give some of it out to "worthy" institutions. But the question remains - how much? what percentage of intake? Can I have some? Probably not for Nuke Lies Forum. ;)
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Re: Do People Really Win The Lottery? Is The Lottery Fake?

Postby Sorensen731 » 16 Jan 2012 14:59 ... 17434.html

A new book has revealed that the Irish Hospital’s Sweepstakes, a lottery that swept the United States, England, Ireland and much of the world for fifty years was a complete scam.

The book entitled ‘The Greatest Bleeding Heart Racket in the World” by author Damian Corless went on sale in Ireland this weekend.

Set up to allegedly help rundown Irish hospitals the proceeds instead went to a small group of wealthy Irish men led by businessman Joe McGrath while the government turned a blind eye
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Re: Do People Really Win The Lottery? Is The Lottery Fake?

Postby NUKELIES » 16 Jan 2012 15:03

Sorensen731 wrote:

Set up to allegedly help rundown Irish hospitals the proceeds instead went to a small group of wealthy Irish men led by businessman Joe McGrath while the government turned a blind eye

Aw That's a brilliant find Sorensen. "A small group of wealthy men while the government turned a blind eye." -That's gotta sum it up! WE ARE BEING FLEECED.
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Re: Do People Really Win The Lottery? Is The Lottery Fake?

Postby voerioc » 16 Jan 2012 18:25

Don't know if the lottery is faked, but it wouldn't surprise me.

Even if it doesn't prove anything, one thing which has created a doubt in my mind around 10 years ago was about the bailiff controlling the French Loto. I had already began to think that maybe the Loto could be faked. At the beginning I was blocked by the fact that there was a bailiff supposed to control the draw. But, as I was growing more and more skeptical about everything, I began to think that the bailiff could also be corrupted.

And then an affair confirmed that. I learned that there was only one bailiff for all the games on the French television. And it happened that the bailiff of the French television has been accused of fraud and condemned. So, if the bailiff was corrupted, nothing stood in the way of a complete swindle about the French lottery.
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Re: Do People Really Win The Lottery? Is The Lottery Fake?

Postby NUKELIES » 17 Jan 2012 01:47

voerioc wrote:one bailiff for all the games on the French television... has been accused of fraud and condemned.

Perhaps he was the tip of the iceberg, and the fall guy for the bigwigs.
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Re: Do People Really Win The Lottery? Is The Lottery Fake?

Postby NUKELIES » 17 Jan 2012 14:35

Here's an interesting development from Euro Millions lottery:

How will the jackpot cap be changing?

Currently, the maximum amount the EuroMillions jackpot can reach in a roll series is €190million. The jackpot will continue at this level until it is won. After being won, the cap level will increase by €5million. However, from 17th February, the jackpot will be capped at €190million (or if the jackpot has reached this amount and been won before 17th February, €195million). The jackpot can only stay at this level for two consecutive draws. If it is not won in either of these draws then on the second draw the jackpot will be shared between the next lower winning prize categories.

So they are basically saying that they are going to give away all of the money, even if no one hits the jackpot - that suggests they weren't paying all of the money out before.
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Re: Do People Really Win The Lottery? Is The Lottery Fake?

Postby rerevisionist » 17 Jan 2012 16:15

I remember looking into this when the British National Lottery was started. (It was heavily, and dishonestly, promoted by the BBC with all the emphasis on winners and no mention of odds. The contract was given to an American company; I seem to remember there were doubts about them...)

There were six numbers from 1 to 49; picking all six was a 'jackpot' winner. Obviously, the odds are tiny. [In fact, 6C50 = about 1 in 16 million).

Plus - they love these little complications - another number, which gives a sub-jackpot if people have 5 of the 6 main balls. This is 6 times as likely as the main jackpot.

The only fixed payout was £10 for three correct numbers - obviously most people would never win a big prize; but part of the conditioning process is to have some payouts. Or people would soon give up.

Obviously they'd take revenue from shops, less the shop discount. Then the fun would begin. Presumably some percentage would go to the government to fund government-approved schemes - phoney art projects promoting multiculturalism, for example, via more or less fake race-based charities; or some government schemes to hand out money - climate change hoaxes, lawyers making money from immigration scams, medical money-making schemes, support for criminals at the expense of victims - but possibly even genuine charities.

But there seems to have never been a formula for allocating the totals. I was quite amazed to find 5 balls and the 'bonus' ball only paid out a few thousand pounds. The main attraction is the huge payouts. But the odds are small enough that the full 6 ball option sometimes failed, particularly if there was some combination that folk ideas suggested was unlikely. In this case there was a 'rollover' and the jackpot prize was larger - though of course equally unlikely to be won by a single ticket. Maybe there was a potential problem that a syndicate can buy up every single combination, and be guaranteed a win - but this will only be profitable if the win is large enough and not shared by too many others.

Probably the Euro lottery's takings, especially in a recession, are too low to ensure there won't be a long run of non-winners.

I think they might have done better to arrange the system so there were more, smaller, prizes, as a few hundred thousand between (say) ten people might be more attractive than a few million to one person. But I suppose they did their market research.
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Re: Do People Really Win The Lottery? Is The Lottery Fake?

Postby FirstClassSkeptic » 18 Jan 2012 22:59

In the USA, the state's lotteries are never paid in one lump in the full amount.

If someone wins, say, a million dollars, they are given so much a month, for like twenty years or so, until the million is paid. And it is taxed as income, so you only get a third or so, depending on the rate of taxation. The IRS agent shows up with the lottery officials, I hear.

If you want a lump sum, it would only be a fraction of the full amount.

You can sell your winnings to a third party.

Years ago, I was watching the Maryland lottery. They have the clear tanks there with the balls circulating around. One ball, I noticed, was always jumping straight up and down in the middle. The other balls were dancing around at random. When they opened the valve, that ball that was going up and down in the middle was always the ball that ended up being sucked into the top. It was obviously a rigged apparatus.
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