Salt and Meat

Rae West -- v. 11 July 2019

raw meat
Video (opens in another tab) promoting the eating of raw meat. Raises questions about preservation, safety, and also whether cooking is essential. But there's a link with salt, which will make meat digestible and relatively safe.

This is another reason the Italians generally have such excellent longevity.

Their 'maiale' or 'pig' culture had zero refrigeration options, salt was the ultimate preserver, next to olio/oil. (Oil is interesting too because it comes from the Greek, christo, christ, the preserver.)

The true nature of 'culture' huh. As in the gut, so in society. As above, so below and all that.

The other thing with salt, is that batteries can be run using salt water. We are salt-powered, electrical beings. Run out of salt, run out of juice. I think back to my mothers cooking and shudder. (NB see below on chloride ions in salt in people for a more technical talk on salt—RW   2019-07-14).



Anecdote from Bertrand Russell's Autobiography Vol I:
I had no fruit, practically no sugar, and an excess of carbohydrates. Nevertheless, I never had a day's illness except a mild attack of measles at the age of eleven. Since I became interested in children, after the birth of my own children, I have never known one nearly as healthy as I was, and yet I am sure that any modern expert on children's diet would think that I ought to have had various deficiency diseases. ...
During my early years at Pembroke Lodge the servants played a larger part in my life than the family did. ... there was a French cook named Michaud, who was rather terrifying, but in spite of her awe-inspiring qualities I could not resist going to the kitchen to see the roast meat turning on the old-fashioned spit, and to steal lumps of salt, which I liked better than sugar, out of the salt box. She would pursue me with a carving knife, but I always escaped easily. ...'
Bertrand Russell 1872-1970.
Anecdote from The Fall of the Congo Arabs by S L Hinde (1897).
My stay at Stanley Pool, though it involved some most unpleasant work, taught me much which was afterwards of use. The doctor was generally ill, and his duties devolved almost entirely upon me. The station was badly supplied with provisions, and, as a consequence, both the white and black men were thoroughly out of health. More than half the black soldiers were suffering from ulcerated legs and feet—huge gangrenous sores, which at first resisted all treatment.
      Later on, I found that the probable cause of this state of things was a want of salt; for, when some months afterwards we were in the Lualaba district, in which salt is plentiful, these ulcers were never seen except in troops arriving from downriver. On several occasions a whole contingent suffering from these loathsome ulcers joined us, and within a month were perfectly well, with no other treatment than a large ration of salt daily with their food.
Audio: The Importance of Salt.

Video — the same talk, plus notes on screen:

Salt in Food. Myths About Salt. Claims that Salt is Harmful and Dangerous are Wrong

Rae West   9 July 2018.
A short note on salt in food. It appears that Jewish control of 'research' and propaganda is responsible for harmful anti-salt propaganda. There's a long and varied connection of medical matters with Jewish malevolence: poisoning is a Talmudically-accepted policy against non-Jews, who Jews call 'goyim'. the Sackler family and opioids, the opium wars and addiction, probably the 'Black Death', fluoridation (Jew spy organisations watch for fluoride protestors—and low sodium increases fluoride uptake), the cholesterol and AIDS frauds, numerous topics needing examination: lead acetate in Rome, a lot of medicine before the 19th century, insecticides.

Hydrochloric acid in the stomach is essential to digest food, for example by breaking down proteins. It's also important in attacking pathogens; the weaker the acid, the less effective it is. The ONLY source for the chloride ions (these are chlorine, in combined form) is salt. Presumably this is a fact from evolution: if life started in the sea, sodium chloride and other minerals were part of the ambient surroundings, as were oxygen and carbon dioxide. Blood in circulation has a similar salt concentration to seawater. Land animals have to take in salt in addition to their food, with the possible exception of carnivores. The stomach lining has cells which in effect separate fluids into hydrogen ions (acid) for the stomach, and hydroxyl ions (alkaline) into the body. The stomach acid is strong; the rest of the body, being far larger, is made alkaline, but not so strongly. All this is obvious enough and gastric acid has been known since the 19th century: salt is not a flavour or optional extra in food; it's essential.
      Here re a few consequences:

Note: This is not medical advice. Any amount of damage may have already been caused by bad advice or practice.

© Rae West July 2018 - Teeth 27 Sep 2018 - Crohn's 3 Nov 2018