Anne Wilson: Mixed Race Children
A study of identity [1987]
A junk book. A ‘study’ of a few dozen children. Cared for by the British taxpayers. Propagandised by Jews for Ever-Increasing Numbers of Mixed Populations.

Anne Wilson is an award-winning scriptwriter, journalist and careers counsellor. After doing an MSc and a PhD in social psychology at the LSE, and publishing a book on children’s identity
[presumably this one], she became a freelance journalist, writing for publications such as
Just Seventeen,
Cosmopolitan, the
New York Times,
Good Housekeeping and the
Guardian. Anne moved on to writing for screen media and has won numerous awards for her films in the corporate sector.
[... and more bullshit].
Thirty years ago-ish. This book was published in 1987 by Allen and Unwin, described as 'The Academic Imprint of Unwin Hyman Ltd'. Note the explicit Jewishness. (They published Bertrand Russell, after a First World War speech that revealed he knew nothing of the issues. If you like details, you might like Russell ... dupe.
We're into a world of gossip, scandal, title-tattle, kids talking about clothes and TV, utterly without substance. 51 children and 39 mothers were 'recruited' around early 1980. Incidentally, the Library of Congress bumph lists 'Children of interracial marriage' as a heading. The 'interracial marriage' is worth highlighting; abandoned and discarded half-castes are ignored, as are damaged wives. It's rather painful to try to read between the lines: councils forced to house, council borrowings forced up, schoolchildren whose potential gains are ruined. Wilson has no idea about academic processes and attitudes; no wonder, as she in any serious sense has none herself. What is as painful is he lack of knowledge of anything practical. For example, many parts of the Mediterranean have left people with sickle-cell anaemia/ thalassaemia, a genetic condition which cannot be removed. Some have diabetes, which may be genetic, though such is the state of medical education that practitioners of various grades are told to pretend there's no difference from sugar-induced diabetes. In that sense Wilson is like a whore carrying out instructions to spread syphilis. She has no concerns over housing, or the perpetual irritants left behind when people with no entitlement are given products other people's work.
The author (b 1955) is or says she's a 'sociologist' and accordingly this is a 'study' rather than a book. I assume she mean she got what's called a degree. This book resulting aged about 32.
From A 2015 study examined the outcomes of women that have children with black men, the results were staggering. Currently, 70% of black children are born out of wedlock, however when the mother is white and the father black, the rate jumps to 97%. 98% of white mothers studied reported the father does not support their children financially, 97% report the father is not in the child’s life, and 97% of the women have used welfare to help support themselves and their children. Only 10% of women that have children with black men out of wedlock end up marrying. The vast majority of white women that have children with black men live far below the poverty line.
Here's Andrew Joyce in the Occidental Observer: Black men are also the demographic least likely to enter into marriage, which accounts well for the fact that despite the rising number of mixed-race births, "interethnic marriages account for only 2% of all marriages in England and Wales. … Caribbeans have very low partner rates by comparison with other ethnic groups." The overwhelming tendency then is for very short-term, low-commitment, sexual relationships between Black males and White females, resulting in high numbers of mixed-race children being raised in low-income single mother households. This is of course just one of the dark aspects of miscegenation that is left out of the panegyrics of its promoters.
'Heather' says: “outbreeding depression” is also [in addition to 'hybrid vigour'] a basic biological concept, with physical affects, that show mixed race can be harmful. Empirical data shows mixed race people are more likely to be in poor health, physically and mentally.
'Max Musson' 17 Feb 2017:
The term ‘hybrid vigour’ is often banded about as if it is a phenomenon that always occurs when two different breeds, species or races are cross-bred. This is not so however.
Sometimes when two animal breeds are cross-bred, the offspring may inherit all of the best characteristics of either parent, producing specimens that have ‘hybrid vigour’, however it is just as likely that the offspring of cross-breeding will inherit all of the worst characteristics of the parent stocks, in which case I suppose we should call it ‘hybrid sloth’. Furthermore, even if you take two individual hybrid specimens both of which exhibit hybrid vigour, and mate them in an attempt to create a new ‘vigourous’ strain, some of the young will exhibit less advantageous characteristic caused by recessive genes that were dormant in the hybrid parents. Hybrid vigour is therefore not something that will always be heritable.
The kicker in all this as far as humans are concerned however is that both Northern Orientals and Europeans evolved from a more primitive African ancestor, and this means that the genes of those African ancestors will be dominant in combination with subsequently more recently evolved Northern Oriental and European genes. The hybrid offspring of human race mixing are therefore unlikely to exhibit ‘hybrid vigour’ unless the characteristics one is hoping to reproduce among our young are those exhibited by our primitive African ancestors. Large jaws, low intelligence, the ability to run fast, and/or resilience to sun-burn, for example. Once we understand these principles, the characteristics that we see most commonly exhibited by hybrid populations are explained.
This is where we have to move the the nitty-gritty on unwanted relationship. I've omitted to mention the Jewish element much; I wonder whether Wilson is 'Jew Aware' by now. I'd guess not. The plain fact is that Jews, by money power converted by way of controlled banks and outfits such as the Fed, World Bank, and so on, control the media and education to such as extent that many people are simply unaware of the miasma they live in. The LSE ['London School of Economics'] was of course Jewish; poor labourers could not chip in. Ever since the so-called 'Labour Party' has been a vehicle for Jews, starting at the time of the Boer War mass killings. The Acknowledgements list Jews: The Social Science Research Council ('now the Economic and Social Science Research Council'), Professor Percy Cohen, Dr E I Hopper, Mike Herbert who 'gave unflagging friendship and support') Ros Schwarz who read the manuscript, Mark Wilson who 'made the book possible... financial, intellectual, emotional...'. And Carol Carnall 'of the national organization for interracial families called Harmony...'
I'm not going to guess whether 100% think they're Jews; and by searching LSE for 'Mark Wilson' b 1952 couldn't confidently located he hubby or ex. But people new to this topic must wake themselves up by investigating Jews as a superstitious criminal subculture, parasitic on others and offloading costs and lives onto them—in this case, whites. You might try or home in on the new piece on Jews collectively mass killing whites, Chinese and others in the Second World War.
And with Dr Samuel Johnson's female preacher, there's surprise to see these things written at all. The Jewish ringmaster, with his stick and carrot, and secret supporting cast, squeeze out the contorted wording like plaster toothpaste, and the elephant totters around from one inverted drum to the next. The sheer ignorance is overwhelming: Wilson doesn't knew the Atlantic slave trade was run by Jews. She knows nothing of Jewish history, or of course the oddities passed on to official Christianity and its virtue-signalling unemployables. The US Civil War? Oh well, not worth mentioning. What about sad crops of war bastards? Just move on. But I'd guess the waving of paper academic flags gets really serious over Jews: mention Jew murders in the USSR?—Really, Anne, I hardly think you're worth your MA! Jews in Palestine killing Arabs?—Good heavens, no LSE person believes that's even true, as the 'Holocaust' of course is. Racial differences?—You should know by now that only Jews are worth race supremacy and discrimination.
Just a few points:
- 'The traditional stereotype of 'mixed race' children is that they are 'between black and white', that they have identity problems, and that they 'don't fit in anywhere'.—I'd say a more convincing stereotype is leftovers , 'the dust of war'. [From the cover blurb]
- 'In January 1994, the Council of the Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland (RAIGB) adopted a motion in which it expressed its concern "at the increased use of 'mixed race' in Britain", since this implies that there are "pure races". ... at least use the preferable "mixed parentage" ("mixed origin" is preferred by the RAIGB)' [Radio Times 17-23 June 1995]. Amusing and typically Jewish absurdity.
Meanings by various parties of 'coloured', brown', 'black', 'white' etc are chuntered over; in full silly-woman mode.
- It's sigh-inducing to see Wilson defining 'mixed race' children as having one white parent, apparently therefore not bothering with other mixtures, and giving superiority to whites
- So-called 'Jews' are referred to as a race, with no explanation. I'd guess they had long disputes about this terrifically serious issue.
- Kenneth and Mamie Clark in 1939 carry out 'research' with black and white dolls to try to assess kids' self images. (pp 38ff). As might be expected a whole chapter of 'writing' follows.
- Page 8 has discussion on the contrast between black and white and its 'great psychological significance in Western culture.' In fact of course there's almost no mention of blacks, unsurprisingly as there were hardly any and hardly anyone knew of them. This is another variety of Jewish fantasy, evolved after many years of mastication on nothing.
- The books lists information about 'photographs' made in a primary school in Ealing, and supervised by people from the LSE! Possibly they may be online, but not in the book. Part of course of the continual push by Jews to invade Europe and other 'white' countries.
- Perhaps worth nothing the 'Scarman Report' was 1981.
- There's some risible stuff about black GIs, and supposed black supervirility; I wonder if Mark was a cuckold?
- Page 101 mentions The Social Atlas of London by Shepherd, Westway and Lee, 1974). This may in effect be a guide to immigrants and their Jewish handlers, but I don't remember or know it. It sounds as accurate as Gilbert Martin's fake maps of German sites where Jews were killed.
- Chapter 7, The Mother's Views of Racism (p 152) is about twenty pages of gossip. Note that fathers aren't even in the index.
- The last chapter is entitled Conclusions, but is just more trivia. It does say that 'more research is needed'. I wonder how many copies this sold, even allowing for compulsory reading-list purchases. Astonishingly, only a few dozen people were interviewed, and all them were from an organization apparently by Jews for 'interracial families'. In other words, they were all cossetted and probably well off (though as usual with Jews details are zero.)
In other words, this tiny survey is worthless. I'd guess it was intended as a holding operation, while numbers and problems built up for whites.
Let me emphasise the comparison with 'war babies': Jews love wars with rape—think of the end of the Second World War, for example. Naturally it sows social horrors and lifetimes ruined, which Jews want to 'goyim'. Jewish media of course are careful to omit rape and violent threats against women, and have sufficient power to prevent such women having legal redress.
RW 8 July 2019 & small addition 10 Dec 2019