by mooninquirer » 05 Apr 2011 10:06
I do not think particle colliders are a con. Maybe the research money could be better spent on something else. But I believe they exist, and their is meaningful information to be gained from them. As it stands, they cannot be used as a weapon.
This is NOT something like nuke weapons, which gives a very obvious benefit to Israel, with its Samson Option blackmail, and it being an excuse for a war with Iran, and for the American public to be scared into very large military expenditures.
In fact, in the early 90s, the public shut down a "superconducting supercollider" to be built in Texas, because they thought it was a waste of money.
Basically, one should look to things that are successfully being used as scare tactics to get more money, or for the public to rally behind some action, as being candidates for being a hoax. This has happened with nuke weapons and anthrax in the case of the Iraq war.