by mooninquirer » 31 Mar 2011 00:19
rerevisionist ---- thank you for the succinct description of why Shakespeare could not have written "Shakespeare's " plays. I didn't know he was a war profiteer. I did know from my high school English classes that Shakespeare's education consisted of " a little Latin, and less Greek" ---- in other words, it was not much. Somehow, my English teachers did not make the very logical assertion that it was implausible that Shakespeare wrote those plays. I do not NOT think they would have been offended had a student proposed that, but I guess their concern was it might lessen the student's respect for the plays themselves, and the teachers have to do anything they can to encourage the students.
I already was a fan of Edward de Vere having been the author. It seems that a friend of his family was Jew, and this might have been the inspiration for Shylock in "The Merchant of Venice." That play gives a VERY sympathetic portrayal of Jewish bankers. Shyklock does not lie or steal ---- his only problem is he does not show mercy, and is vindicative. Very importantly, this play does NOT illustrate the severe problem of fractional reserve banking, or worse, in our modern times, of Jewish control of the currency which everyone must accept as legal tender. The entire Federal Reserve and banking system is a welfare system for Zionist Jews, and they can just print up ( or fund any Zionist Jew's account ) with ANY amount of money whatsoever, so they can lobby politicians, and buy up mainstream media and spread propaganda.