FirstClassSkeptic wrote:If oil is abiotic, that doesn't make it infinite. It doesn't even mean that it is necessarily abundant. Gold is abiotic, Is there an infinite supply of gold on earth?
Yes, you can think that it doesn’t change anything about the recoverable quantities of oil. But if it doesn't change anything, why did the jews lie about the origin of oil ? Just for fun ?
Why are they doing this if the earth is 'awash in oil', as Alex Jones puts it? Why don't they drill in some easier place? The abiotic theory says that oil is everywhere, if you just drill deep enough. So why not just drill anywhere? Why do any exploring at all?
Because they have to be consistent with their phony biotic theory, off course. If they began to do this, everybody would start to say that there is something fishy about the official theory of oil origin.
And much more than that, as I already said, they organize the shortage of oil. They want to maintain the prices of oil at high levels in order to make mega profits.
And about Middle-East, because oil companies are entirely controlled by jews. Thus, the leading staff of this companies is not going to reveal this kind of "little" secrets.
Oil is a liquid, and is under the influence of gravity, so I am not surprised that it might be found deep in the earth, even though it may have been formed at the surface.
There is also a problem of pressure. And a problem of permeability of the rocks.
Otherwise, the ocean should have sunk into the earth crust a long time ago.
And if you go there, the official theory should also be false.
I am not saying that abiotic formation of oil is incorrect. I don't really know, and maybe don't care.
You don't care about such an important question, and on a forum where people question the reality of atomic bombs and many other topics ? Quite strange.