Dyson is one of these people who are referred to in hushed tones as a 'genius', generally without supporting evidence. He is described somewhere, possibly a book blurb, as an 'heir to Einstein', which is a red flag, of course. His claim to be a scientist is shaky; but this may be book blurb generosity. He has more claim to be a mathematician, and it's worth noting the rather obvious point that the strange notations of mathematics make it excellent as a vehicle for obfuscation. There are accounts of his early mathematical skill, which are hard to assess, as they may only be parental pride.
He was born in 1923. His mother's surname was Atkey, a rare surname not listed as Jewish, though it could be. Her brother is claimed to have been killed in the First World War, which of course is Un-Jewish. Dyson is listed as a possibly Jewish surname (in the Avotaynu index), so it's possible he could claim ambiguously to be a Jew, or have Jewish ancestry, while being, or pretending to be, Christian. He was given a Templeton Prize—awarded nominally for five separate 'big questions'; this may well be yet another covert Jewish outfit; I haven't made any attempt to burrow. However, judging by Amazon reviews, Dyson is an unreconstructed and gullible Christian. He appears to be more popular in Britain than the USA, which seems odd, since he spend more than fifty years at the 'Institute for Advanced Study', the one south-west of New York, in Princeton, founded in 1930. Freeman Dyson went there in 1953, aged about 30.
People are inclined to believe he was with the Manhattan project, participating in the development of nuclear weapons. But in fact he only went after the Second World War. Bear in mind the Manhattan project Jews were still mostly younger than 30. They wanted a career extension, and probably Dyson's role was to produce convincing mathematics to bolster their fake physics, while also being a convincing enough speaker and entertainer, to support and create various mythologies. For example, Feynman was careful not to write physics—his textbooks were transcribed; and at least one of Dyson's books (on the maths of 'quantum mechanics') is transcribed. In each case the motive was probably to avoid being caught out.
Dyson was absurdly naive, as techies who are promoted, and other public figures, often are. Here are a few examples, some from Amazon reviews:
- The Scientist as Rebel appears to be a 2006 collection from The New York Review of Books (or 'Jew York' as it may be known). Dyson refers to the 'kindly humanity' of Edward Teller: he was aware of Teller's tantrums, but apparently had absolutely no idea of the Jew-preference of Teller.
- Quotation: 'The urgent need to find a unifying theory of physics - formulas that would be compatible with both quantum mechanics and Einstein's gravitational formulas of space-time - is over-rated. We will probably never make these formulas mathematically compatible.' This sort of thing is typical of debates in places like Mensa and alternative physics groups.
- 'Technological progress does more harm than good unless accompanied by ethical progress. The free market by itself will not produce technologies access-friendly to the poor.' - The first statement certainly looks true, but in fact may not be. The second part assumes there is a 'free market'—Freeman Dyson knows nothing of the 'Fed' and such things.
- 'We don't have to worry about the nanotech bee-like swarms presented by Crichton in "Prey." The laws of physics don't allow entities that small to fly faster than 1/10 inch/second.' I include this as an example of the irritating tendency Dyson appears to have to gloss over things—in this case what the actual 'laws of physics' are.
- 'The willingness of the British abolitionists to buy out the slave owners made the crucial difference between the peaceful liberation of the West Indian slaves in 1833 and the bloody liberation of the American slaves thirty years later.'—Dyson believes the conventional story of the US 'Civil War'.
- 'Littlewood's law of miracles: Each person experiences about 30,000 events per day. A miracle - an event with special significance - has a probability of one chance in a million. This works out to about one miracle per person per month.'—Just an example of Dyson picking up material rather uncritically. Dyson is supposed to have been influenced by the biographies in Men of Mathematics.
Dyson himself wrote on science types, whom he divides into Hedgehogs (one idea only, making their life work) and Foxes (multiple ideas, different fields, failure met by switching). He regarded himself as a Fox, and said six months is about his maximum on any project. It has to be said his excursions into biology, astronomy, sociology, mathematics and so on are superficial and derivative: if he's a fox, he's a fox which scrabbles on the surface, and does not dig deeply.

Freeman Dyson
Freeman Dyson is now retired, having been for most of his life a professor of physics at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton. He was born in England and worked as a civilian scientist for the Royal Air Force in World War II. He graduated from Cambridge University in 1945 with a B.A. degree in mathematics. He went on to Cornell University as a graduate student in 1947 and worked with Hans Bethe and Richard Feynman. His most useful contribution to science was the unification of the three versions of quantum electrodynamics invented by Feynman, Schwinger and Tomonaga. Cornell University made him a professor without bothering about his lack of Ph.D. He subsequently worked on nuclear reactors, solid state physics, ferromagnetism, astrophysics and biology, looking for problems where elegant mathematics could be usefully applied. He has written a number of books about science for the general public.
"Disturbing the Universe" (1979) is a portrait-gallery of people he has known during his career as a scientist. "Weapons and Hope" (1984) is a study of ethical problems of war and peace. "Infinite in All Directions" (1988) is a philosophical meditation based on Dyson’s Gifford Lectures on Natural Theology given at the University of Aberdeen in Scotland. "Origins of Life" (1986, second edition 1999) is a study of one of the major unsolved problems of science. "From Eros to Gaia" (1992) is a collection of essays and lectures, starting with a science-fiction story written at the age of nine, and ending with a mugging in Washington at age fifty-four. "Imagined Worlds" (1997) is an edited version of a set of lectures given in 1995 at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem about human destiny, literature and science. "The Sun, the Genome and the Internet" (1999) discusses the question of whether modern technology could be used to narrow the gap between rich and poor rather than widen it. "The Scientist as Rebel" (2006) is a collection of [New York Times] book reviews and essays, mostly published in The New York Review of Books. "A Many-colored Glass: Reflections on the Place of Life in the Universe" (2007) is an edited version of a set of lectures given in 2004 at the University of Virginia. Dyson is a fellow of the American Physical Society, a member of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences, and a fellow of the Royal Society of London. In 2000 he was awarded the Templeton Prize for progress in Religion, and in 2012 he was awarded the Henri Poincaré Prize at the August meeting of the International Mathematical Physics Congress.
1923 Birth
1936 Winchester College: teachers included C V Durrell; pupils included James Lighthill; Vinogradov (in Russian) on 'number theory'; Eddington on mathematical relativity.
1941 Trinity College. Studied 'under' Dirac, Hardy and Besicovitch
1943 Bomber Command statistician. Complications with Imperial College; Trinity College; some maths and physics contacts, including Peierls. By 1946, the Hiroshima mythology was in place. Dyson seems to have teamed up with Feynman, met Oppenheimer and Bethe, and worked on theoretical physics, including with Tomonaga, a Japanese. Dyson considered moving to Russia, but was deterred by the world situation—now known of course to have been arranged by Jews, including Jews in the USSR. Dyson had no feel for ownership and control of mass media.
1948 Cornell. Then Institute for Advanced Study, where he stayed, or was permitted to stay.
[When in quotation marks, either exact words or paraphrase]
"Bomber command ... windows was being tried ... paper with aluminum backing ... just the right size... Germany had two radar systems... our normal loss of bombers was 5% - windows was a triumph ... the Germans recovered remarkably quickly ... German civil defence was very efficient ... Germany was heavily bombed for 3 years, we were bombed only for six months... as a result it took ten times as many bombs to kill one person in Germany as to kill one in London" [As with most techies, and most ordinary people with no access to independent news information, F Dyson simply has no idea that the war was prearranged] "Civil defence would also work against nuclear bombs..." [Rather odd pre-firestorm attitude, that blast causes most fatalities]
"40,000 [British bomber] airmen killed, and 400,000 German civilians... made practically no difference.. the real war was fought out east..." [This attitude to bombing is more or less what Lewis Fry Richardson thought. Dyson says nothing about mass slaughter in the USSR and in Germany; he is extraordinarily without knowledge of many huge events; just as many Americans are to the present day]
"The First World War.. they were dominated by memories of WW1... unspeakable tragedy [note Dyson's naivety; he had no idea that war was wanted by some powerful groups]... obviously we'd have to fight Hitler ... hell-bent on conquering Europe... he more or less said so... [Again, note his naivety, which of course most people shared, having no access to serious news.] Sir Hugh Trenchard - next time we'll do it differently - strategic big bombers were adopted in 1936... hugely expensive... a quarter the British economy or something..."
"US only had daytime bombers; which would get shot down. Americans waited for long range fighters to escort the bombers... Their B29 force was essentially on the British model, as city destroyers. They decided they had to go for Japan. ... Tokyo - destroyed half Tokyo in one night - pretty well all Japan's cities destroyed..." [Note that Dyson assumes Britain - USA - 'Russia' alliance. The fine points of the 'Phoney War' after Churchill's declaration of war, the US and Pearl Harbor, the actions in France, seem to mean nothing; perhaps keeping all the inconsistencies in mind is simply too much effort.]
"After the war my plan was to go to Russia ... high level of excellence in science ... never attacked physics as they did biology with ... but they didn't welcome foreigners any more." [Dyson has no idea how Jews co-operated to make up the nuclear bomb myth, and to ensure the USSR was not investigated. He had no idea the 'Russians' were funded externally.] "Everyone in Britain wanted to travel because we'd been cooped up .. the Commonwealth Fund ... I applied [Note: probably a CIA fund; by that time Britain was bankrupt, relying on Jewish money] ... Sir Hugh Taylor said Cornell ... the Los Alamos veterans were only about 30 ... Phil Morrison was a leading light ... the Federation of American Scientists ... all were politically heavily involved [note the Jewish influence here; they all wanted money for their nuke fraud schemes, and of course wanted to hide any skeptical voices]. "The UN was new and hopeful ... disarmament proposals ... the US proposal, put together largely by Oppenheimer was the Baruch Plan - vs the Soviet Proposal to 'make bombs illegal' can have reactors etc but not bombs [Dyson has no idea about media control]
"Japan... Emperor thought historically... Meiji ... modernised Japan .. in the 1890s Japan after invasion surrendered Manchuria to Russia ... later they whipped them.." [Dyson doesn't understand war finance, Jews funding Japan because they hated Russians]
[From about 35 to 53 minutes into video: inevitably the hack journalist discusses the supposed atom bombing of Japan. And seems to have no concern for the immense dangers of nuclear bombs—if they are real. Freeman has no doubts and launches into what must be his prepared speech, on separate issues:] "[1] was surrender caused by atom bombing? [2] what did Truman know? He had very little information. The Russians were neutral [this is Stalin, vis a vis Japan] but three days after Hiroshima, Russia declared war on Japan. [Dyson hasn't heard of Japan's desperate attempts to surrender.] If Truman said no, and there were American land casualties, he might have been impeached etc etc." [Dyson has no view at all on the causes or effects of war; he simply takes it as a given.]
[His talking style is strangely inert, a techie style, but at intervals he says the war was a great lark. They had a wonderful time at Los Alamos, [????CHECK] nothing like it before or since. Apart from Feynman, whose wife was dying&mdash'Feynman "really understood what it was to suffer."
Dyson says nothing intelligent about finance; he seems to have found his plateau in his mid-20s and never ascended further. =============== Dyson later worked with Manhattan Project veterans Hans Bethe, Richard Feynman, and Robert R. Wilson, and recalls how they felt about the project. He discusses Niels Bohr and J. Robert Oppenheimer’s ideas for international control of nuclear weapons, and what methods he thinks would work best to further nonproliferation efforts today. Dyson also remembers visiting Oak Ridge, and explains Oak Ridge’s important role in building innovative nuclear reactors and conducting biological experiments. =============== advertises ward wilson big-lies.org/nuke-lies/www.nukelies.com/forum/ward-wilson-monterey-institute-nukes-fraud.html cp russell big-lies.org/nuke-lies/www.nukelies.com/forum/bertrand-russell-duped-by-jews-physicists.html bush destroying tactical nuclear weapons - missle cruiser carrying 100 missiles - half non nukes - war waiting to start by accident - c 54 mins George Bush senior - hidden by some tobacco announcement - nothing appeared in the newspapers - few days later Gorbachev ... we could do it with the strategic weapons believes in suitcase or car bombs as 'by far the most probably danger' c 58 mins north Korea and Iran belief 1.00.50 3 national weapons labs only need one los alamos livermore CHECK SANDIA?????????? ?study energy? labs well set up to do but very hard to turn these bureaucracies around - knowledge they have acquired - bomb designers are ?wonderful fellows. Oak Ridge is not seen as a weapons lab, has done better 1.06 thorium nuclear power - underground - runs for 50 years... fuel stays underground ... needs a lot of work 1.10 pure science -- exploring the universe.. like a cathedral - every one knows NASA is lying [1:12 sept 1944 churchill and roosevelt neils bohr danish - churchill wanted bohr locked up] Dyson thinks openness, sharing info, is important. UN would control all secrets. 'president who is not afraid to make big decisions' [mccain and obama mentioned; ?? dated 2007??? DF accepts 'right' and 'left' wing description 1.22 hedgehogs and foxes 2 kinds: one trick vs many tricks I'm a fox - can't susstain interest for more than 6 months - 'dramatic switch happened during ww2' string theory - "I don't understand any of it" - biologists, astronomers all foxes, discovering new things 1.29 more on oppenheimer, 1930s [dyson wasn't at los alamos] kept confidence of groves at all times teller got along well - teller was hard to deal with, tantrums Google - 25% of the time to do what they want private money is much more felxible - don't have to spend time writing applications... oakridge - a lot of wonderful things - peaceful nuclear energy - alvin weinberg director.. spirit of alvin weinberg very strong .. developed all kinds of weird reactors... nuclear energy as an art form - only one invention used.. 100,000 different designs of airplanes.. never happened with nuc reactors... indiutsry started with nuc reactors for submarines... compact.. don't want them compact on land ... [meltdown, CO2 ... Weinberg .. climate.. he was doing that 30 years ago...] India and China.. i don't think that's bad.. science always has been a global enterprise [sic] no idea about positive discrimination if you want to get rich, doing science is not the way [cp Britain with Japan after 1945 - still england had the best science.] big grin of someone at the end of life, respected by people who don't understand the world