I managed to delete an entire forum thread by mistake. Now I'm taking this opportunity to sort and rearrange it, because the nominal topic, There Are No Satellites Orbiting the Earth, started by robertk13, diverged from rocketry into Catholic conspiracy theory, faking of videos of satellites, and physics - including the shape of the earth, radio waves, and the aether. There's a section here on Papal Knights and radio broadcasting.
These articles are almost all in their original sequence, and deal with the Catholic conspiracy theory, a rival to the ZOG worldview. It's promoted by robertk13, who is French-Canadian, along with the idea that there are no orbiting satellites, big or small. After some thought, I decided to tidy his postings, apart from the first, which I left alone to give the slightly manic flavour of his typing; however I soon abandoned this attempt! - I didn't want to rewrite considerably.
Many issues are omitted - the Great Schism, the expulsion of Jesuits, the process by which the Rus adopted their own version of Christianity, other national Christianities including Greek, frictions in countries like Eire, Poland, Armenia and parts of Asia
- rerevisionist.
by robertk13 >> 23 Mar 2011 17:48
rerevisionist- what l'm saying is , l know that big corporations are tied with government agencys and religious Orders like the Knights of Colombus, the Knights of Malta, Jesuit Orders,etc. For at least 500 years they've shaped our reality.they run the show. We see... Roman "Fasces" on the wall behind the Speaker's Podium House of Representatives , so is it possible that all the rocket launches are a scam ? to be more precise they've created this false reality based on Newton's law but it's only a theory : [quote A theory is what one or more hypotheses become once they have been verified and accepted to be true][/quote]. Isaac Newton was a member of the royal society a freemason fraternity. How can we be sure that this scientific community is telling the truth ? Clergy,Corporations,governments, they've always been tied together for hundreds of years...They're the Creator of this modern world that we know of with, this false democracy, central banking, fiat money,hyperconsumerism, etc. It's their creation. They have created this scientific community. The Clergy owns almost all the observatorys stations in the planet. If the heliocentric theory of Copernic, Kepler and Newton doesn't even exist, or non appliable then they have to FAKE it. Maybe we will discover soon enough that our planet is static and that we are not orbiting around the sun ??? Think about it,they say that the average speed of the earth is 108000 mph ...they say the ISS runs 17227 mph....it's ridiculous.

by NUKELIES » 24 Mar 2011 02:19
robertk13 You mentioned the Knights of Malta. Back when you could still comment on infowars without registering if you typed in "Knights of Malta" into the comment field it would erase your post! I tried it several times and it did it every time. Made me wonder.
by robertk13 » 25 Mar 2011 00:12
to nukelies... Of course Alex Jones is a Jesuit coadjutor. He only follows the prime directive: create Chaos and then we will reestablish order, l think it's call the hegelian dialectic....he is a great friend of Pat Buchanan. They've co-hosted a radio-show Buchanan-Braden program in the 80's. [Correction a few hours later: Alex Jones has nothing to do with the Buchanan-Braden program in the 80's... l misquote from this source spirituallysmart...my mistake]
It's not a secret to anyone that Buchanan is a devoted Irish Catholic who is a graduate from Georgetown University and from Gonzaga College High School, two Jesuit private institutions.
...Alex Jones like Buchanan like ABC who owns Alex's GCN radio broadcast network..., Disney owns ABC and with many reliable sources on internet proof without any reasonable doubt that during WW1 Walt Disney at early age was introduced to this very old organisation the knights of Malta by an ambulance driver's job for the internationnal Red Cross who is run by this organization,etc. So when the no-plane theory on 9/11 begins to emerge on internet saying that ABC like all the others tv stations have used computer animation planes faking hitting the WTC...to make the story short, Disney is run by the Vatican and Alex Jones with is half-truth infowars propaganda rethorics is there to keep hidden from the public who really owns America from his various branches or Orders like Skull and Bones, sicilian italian Mafia ,Knights of Colombus of Malta and the Jesuit Order and all their subsidiaries,etc. Again the public doesn't know that Rocket science engineering in America comes from a devoted catholic german named Werner van Brown a high rank Nazy officer who met in the 50's another high rank devoted asset of the Vatican by the name of Walt Disney,etc.....Together they have created this gigantic fairy tale of Space Exploration... fake Satellites launches with rocket booster...fake stations orbiting the earth... and video computer animation of fake buidings,fake planes, fake dust, fake smokescreens on the day 11 sept 2001.
by robertk13 » 01 Apr 2011 17:22
to FirstClassSkeptic...Exactly Disney are co-producer of this fairy tale of Space Exploration...and if we go deeper into the rabbit hole : the CEOs and board of directors like VIACOM(CBS) ,Sumner Redstone : jesuit-trained Georgetown university graduate... Chairman and CEO's NEWS CORP. LTD. (FOX NEWS): Rupert k Murdoch a Knight of the Order of St. Gregory the Great...(Jesuit-controlled)BBC director general Mark Thompson was jesuit-trained at Stonyhurst college....DISNEY's (ABC) v.pres on 911 Alan n. Braveman attended a jesuit-catholic University of Missouri-Kansas City...GE and COMCAST by a joint venture owns NBC Universal and CEO's Robert Charles "Bob" Wright was a graduate from the jesuit college of the Holy Cross... (CNN) Time Warner chief executive officer Ted Turner a well known knight of malta member....,etc. All roads lead to ROME
by robertk13 » 01 Apr 2011 17:34
For my point of view they all follow the same agenda since their inceptions....like Merlin the Magician with his Holly wood, the education MAGIC system AROUND THE WORLD is controlled by the Roman Catholic Church....all the heads of states ,prime ministers, presidents, CEO's of the world are trained to be leaders of this big hundreds years old Institution....so who runs the world...: confraternal Orders....they've created this false reality...like Philip Kindred Dick said in 1977 in his speech at Metz sci-fi convention in France: ''...some of my fictional works were in a literal sense true....we are living in a COMPUTER PROGRAM REALITY and the only clue that we have to it, is when some variables is changed and some alteration in our reality occured . We would have the overwhelming impression that we were reliving the present...déjà -vu.... l submit that these impressions are valid and sigificant... such an impression is a clue , that it in some past time point a variable was changed , reprogrammed isn't work and that because of this an alternative world branched of . ''.....PKD was a graduate from another jesuit-catholic university in california Berkeley founded by irish bishop Georges Berkeley...l'm not saying that he was a jesuit-trained officer.... but just like Georges Orwell, stephen King, Arthur C Clark and many others sci-fi or horror novelists they've studied at high level indoctrination schools...THis real Matrix is changed , upgraded or maintained by religeous and Chivalric Orders...this is the impression that l have...

by voerioc » 01 Apr 2011 19:39
rerevisionist wrote:I'm repeating this; robertk looks like a plant to me, trying to distract people.
I agree.
And it's normal. This forum is a threat to the jewish power. So, they send people like that in order to distract people. And, of course, they do it just after the launch of the forum in order to put the confusion immediately.
Postby robertk13 » 01 Apr 2011 23:47
to rerevisionist,
l will just remind you :
Rupert Murdoch studied at Oxford university... catholic institution [Oxford? Catholic!? - rerev]
he married Anna Torv in 1967 ... a catholic.... then
the VATICAN MADE HIM Knight of the Order of St. Gregory the Great....
He must yield himself and bow before his Holiness...like all the nations of the world who 've signed CONCORDATs with the VATICAN-Jesuit roman fascist empire. Jewish or not he must follow the rule of the Holly Sea... [Holy See.... - rerev]

by FirstClassSkeptic » 01 Apr 2011 23:55
robertk13 wrote: the education MAGIC system AROUND THE WORLD is controlled by the Roman Catholic Church....
[... rocket engines...]
Yes, the Catholic Church engages in pagentry and is very suductive and rich and influential, however, most of the actors that I see engaged in deception are jewish, for some reason.
Every group around the world has been named as secretly ruling the world, except maybe the Amish. Where they overlooked?
Jews, nazis, druids, jesuits, knights templar, rosicurians, illuminati, freemasons, Roman Catholic Church, black pope, black nobility, Royal family of England, Royal family of Belguim, Bilderburgers, Trilateral comm., Council on Foreign relation, CIA, mossad, international bankers, Skull and Bones,
Have i missed any? Might as well go ahead and name them all now and save time later.

by rerevisionist » 25 Mar 2011 12:58
@robertk13 - I don't accept the Catholics-rule-the-world idea, but I base this on trying to imagine what would happen if this were true:---
*Catholicism and the wonders of their saints and popes would be taught in all schools and colleges
*Sufferings of Catholics would be compulsory teaching for all schoolkids.
*Catholics would get huge sums of public money for made-up past suffering.
*Businesses and the media would be controlled by Catholics. Film and TV programs would constantly mention Catholics, Rome etc
*All criticism of Catholics would be frowned on - there would be legal action, covert police action, protests and riots etc
*The history of the Orthodox Church in Russia would be widely known
*Shady outfits - 'Mafia' etc - would all be attributed to e.g. Jews or some other group
*Catholics would have their own special passports, special legislation, huge numbers of their own little groups
*Anything Catholics wanted would be widely promoted
*All modern history would be written from a Catholic viewpoint
*Catholics where a minority would carry out military operations and be given money for it and hardly anyone would comment
I don't see any of that. Or not much - it's true that the Vietnamese foreign-influenced elite were Catholic and assisted in war crimes. But considering the world as a whole I think it's just a diversion from criticism of Jews (and Muslims)

by mooninquirer » 02 Apr 2011 19:39
rerevisionist ---- Now, I really agree with you ! This guy "robertk" is a plant. His function is two-fold. One is to discredit the otherwise legitimate, and very timely and hot topic ( it is a hot topic BECAUSE America is about to engage in a war with Iran ENTIRELY on the belief that they will acquire this awesome God-like power of nuclear weapons, and then they will kill us all ) that nuke weapons are a hoax ---- that the general public should AT LEAST consider this, and there are MANY reasons to realize this. The other function is to deflect attention way from the Jews being responsible for awful things going on in the world, because it is really the Jesuits and the Catholics on top with the most power.
"robertk" discredits this forum by making it look like a forum that just indiscriminately attacks everything that we otherwise know about the world. Having a lot of experience with moon landing hoax debates, the current position that they settle upon is that satellites ARE legitimate, but that man did not go to the moon, and that no man has gone higher than 400 miles above the Earth's surface since the claimed Apollo missions.
Unfortunately, moon hoax researchers go too far with emphasizing the deadly radiation, because it makes some of them reluctant to consider that the radioactivity of nuclear power plant accidents has been highly exaggerated, as a scare tactic to increase the public's fear of a possible nuclear bomb attack. It IS true that it is deadly radiation above 400 miles above the Earth. But this radiation is necessarily of a very much different nature than the radiation from nuclear power accidents. The radiation outside the Earth's magnetosphere, as well as on the Van Allen belts, which trap this radiation and funnel it down toward the poles, creating things like the Northern Lights, is ACTIVE radiation ---- the beta particles, alpha particles, etc flying right at you, as there is NO matter in between you and the Sun to stop this radiation. Whereas the radiation from nuclear power plant accidents is merely isotopes, some of which undergo radioactive decay, and even that, over a period of time --- so one would not be exposed to anything like this "shower" of beta particles, alpha particles, neutrons, gamma rays, etc.
There might be a few other instances of faked events, like a US-Soviet mission in which they connected in space and the astronauts from these two countries shook hands and greeted each other in space. But these are VERY peripheral to the really big, fat, juicy morsel lying there ---- that no man has landed upon the moon. It IS so big, because it looms so large in the minds of the public, by constant reference to it. That other mission is just NOT referred to. I happen to remember seeing it on TV in the 70s when it was said to have happened, but I have heard absolutely nothing about it since.
There is overwhelming evidence that man has never gone to the moon, and I think it was a lousy production with bad acting ON PURPOSE. It could have been much more realistic. My theory is that the purpose of the faked moon missions was to act as a SOCIAL EXPERIMENT, to test the public's acceptance of an historical event over time. In this respect it is similar to the "War of the Worlds" as is stated in this documentary ----- google : PHENOMENON FEDERAL RESERVE. Initially, about 30 % of the American public doubted in happened, but by the media's constant reference to it, as well by its inclusion in other things like being on coins, and it having entered the language in such expressions as " if we can put a man on the moon, then why can't we do this or that ?" people have come to accept it as an absolute "FACT."
Even though the moon landing makes no sense, and we do not see any evidence of one-sixth gravity in the Apollo footage, and even though I have been told by professors that I greatly respect that the moon landing is a LAUGHABLE hoax, I still accepted it because I thought " how can so many people be wrong ? How can a lie be so big ? " But what the moon landing being a hoax shows is this ---- the enormous power of the media's impact upon the thinking and emotions of "the sheeple." It also shows that there is a 100 % monopoly of all of the mainstream media. Sure, with a few things, an open debate is permitted to give the public the impression that there is a free press, but with a large number of things, like 911 being an inside job, nuke bombs being a hoax, AIDS / HIV being a hoax, etc., they do NOT permit any dissenting voices ---- these voices are totally dismissed as "wackjobs." Really, the MEDIA is the national religion and faith of America. The faith is far stronger than that of supposed Muslim terrorists, who supposedly believe in getting 72 virgins.
I suspect that initially, after 1945, the American public in general doubted nuclear bombs to a much greater extent than currently. It took time for this to sink in. And it has sunken in, even though the photo damage of Hiroshima is very spotty and unconvincing. It had to become ingrained in the culture, and in the language, and it had to be used as an analogy for other very powerful, awesome events. For example, in 1998, Jewish congressman ( at the time ) Chuck Schumer repeatedly said, " why should we drop the nuclear bomb of impeachment upon the president [ Bill Clinton ] for having a private sexual affair ?" Of course, the biggest event was the talks between the US and the Soviet Union on nuclear arms reduction. However, the moment one realizes that the Cold War itself was a hoax, in which the Jews controlled both of these countries, this particular "foundation" for nuclear arms being a reality crumbles. A purpose of the Cold War was so that the world would be polarized, so that America would have a PERCEIVED ally in Israel, against the "evil empire" of the Soviet Union. Now, of course, with the fall of the [ ZOG controlled ] old Soviet Union, 911 was necessary to convince Americans that Israel is an ally of America in the fight against "Islamofascism"
And this guy "robertk" talks about the Jesuits and the Catholic church being on top and having the most power. That is just ridiculous. Quite frankly, this makes me think that the Jews are not as smart as we sometimes make them out to be, because I doubt that the Jews have convinced ANYONE with that. This is far, far more obviously untrue than just blaming multinational corporations, or the military industrial complex, or the WASPs. The list you gave of why it is obvious that the Catholics are not the most powerful group is very helpful, and we can add a few things to it --- if Catholics were the most powerful, then :
(1) There would be school vouchers across the board, so that parents could send their kids to Catholic school if they wanted. As it stands, many Catholic schools are CLOSING, because parents just cannot afford to send their kids there and pay the tuition, while also paying the mandatory property / school tax for public school.
(2) Abortion would be illegal. And this would be a REALITY, in every state, and it wouldn't be something that is just talked about by mainly ONE political party, the Republicans. And any politician, of any party, who DARED to even criticize a right-to-life, anti-abortion position or school vouchers, would lose the next election. This is exactly what happens when any Congressman or Senator criticizes Israel.
(3) There would be no talk in the media of pedophile priests. And anyone who DID, would have to profusely apologize. Talking about pedophile priests would be regarded as the same as talking about Jewish ritual murder. As it stands, not only do the media talk about it A LOT, but late night comedians repeatedly make jokes about pedophile priests. If Catholics were the most powerful, we might expect something like these comedians making jokes about the holocaust on late night TV, to the uproarious laughter of the audience.
(4) The Pope would NOT be kowtowing to the Jews on things like the holocaust, and there would be NO changes in the theological position of the Catholic Church, like there was with Vatican II, in which Jews were no longer to be regarded as killers of Christ.
(5) The Catholic Church would print up its own currency, completely independent of the currencies of America, the Euro, etc. Imagine it being called the "Catholica." Americans would have a greater trust in it than in the US dollar, controlled by the Federal Reserve, and everyone would be demanding to be paid in the "Catholica"
(6) Europe would NOT be a basically secular continent. All of the Catholic churches in Europe would NOT be merely tourist attractions, but would be JAMMED packed with active congregations, every Sunday, and Holiday
(7) In America, there would be NO dispute over the public display of Christmas and even Easter decorations. There would be NO competition with public displays of menorahs for Hanakhah.
by robertk13 » 02 Apr 2011 22:13
to mooninquirer
''...the Jews being responsible for awful things going on in the world...''
ther're not Jews but Zionists....it's a big diference... and Israel have been colonized and financed by the house of Rothschild :
''... Edmund Rothschild was President of the Jewish Colonization Assoc, which was a major Zionist group...
Carroll Quigley, professor of International Relations at the Jesuit Georgetown University, exposed the Round Table Group with his book Tragedy and Hope. The Rothschilds supported Rhodes to form De Beers. ( Later, Rhodes made seven wills which established a secret society ( the pilgrim society)modelled after the Jesuits and Masons to help bring in a One-World- Government centered upon Britain, and the Rhodes Scholarships. ..''
''...Early in the 19th century the Pope came to the Rothschilds to borrow money. The Rothschilds were very friendly with the Pope, causing one journalist to sarcasticly say "Rothschild has kissed the hand of the Pope...''
''...The Jewish Ency., Vol. 2, p.497states, ,,It is a somewhat curious sequel to the attempt to set up a Catholic competitor to the Rothschilds that at the present time (1905) the latter are the guardians of the papal treasure." Researcher Eustice Mullins writes that the Rothschilds took over all the financial operations of the worldwide Catholic Church in 1823.(40)

by mooninquirer » 03 Apr 2011 03:02
TVOW ---- you are correct, and I am sorry. But, I got angry at the outrageous statement that the Catholics are the most powerful, when that obviously is not the case. If anything, they are near the bottom of the totem pole, politically. There is political correctness for every other group, but it is a free shot at the Catholics, as the constant late night jokes illustrate. Any being a pedophile is the WORST thing one can be. The reason the treatment from the media was so brutal toward the Catholic Church, was because they opposed the war with Iraq. This is retaliation.
I actually told Jesse, the Site Administrator, last night that I was concerned about the very same thing that you just said, and I worried that it would bring down this site.
Talking about the Jews is something very difficult to avoid, in a topic like this, because so many Jews were involved, in the Manhattan Project and the Samson Option propaganda, and it is the only excuse for America to go to war with Iran. Now, I am sorry for offending Jews, but I have my limits. I am NOT going to lie and say that war with Iran is a war for oil, because that would actually encourage the war. It is a war for Israel. And Israel receives a benefit from the Samson Option blackmail. There are issues that PROVE the nuke bomb hoax, such as why America did NOT go to war with North Korea in 2003 ---- since if nuke bombs were a reality, there would have been a GREATER threat to Israel from North Korea, than from Iraq.
Many other issues. The Cold War is BIG stumbling block, and would otherwise serve as a foundation supporting the existence of nuke bombs, until you also realize that the USSR was controlled by the same people as the US. This fact went back to the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia, which was dominated by Jews.
There is the holocaust. Saying Hiroshima was NOT hit by a nuke is like saying the holocaust did not happen. But it is already very well substantiated that an awful lot of the holocaust story is a hoax ---- this is not to say all of it, but the 6 million figure is highly inflated, and no gas chambers were used to kill people. This should not be in the spirit of making fun of the people who DID die. But the Jews are using the holocaust as a justification for what they are doing to the Palestinians and other surrounding Arab countries, and it is another justification for America to go to war with Iran, in addition to the hoax that Iran is developing nuke weapons. Further, the fact that so much of the holocaust story has been hoaxed, among a people who suffer because of this hoax ( the Germans, because they have to pay reparations, and are made out to be especially barbaric ), is strong support for the nuking of Hiroshima being a hoax, among the Japanese who very, VERY greatly benefited from going along with this hoax ( it exonerated them as the bad guys among MANY other things ).
So, we should have a discussion on HOW to politely talk about these rather unavoidable issues, on the discussion of the nuke bomb hoax.
Do YOU know people who you think would otherwise want to join this forum, but are otherwise turned off by the discussion of Jews, because they are of Jewish ancestry themselves, or have Jewish girlfriends, etc. ?

by rerevisionist » 03 Apr 2011 12:28
@mooninquirer - excellent list of hypothetical events that would be fact if Catholics were in an analogous position to 'Jews'. Much better than my list.
AND NOW.... Digression on PAPAL KNIGHTS and the HISTORY OF RADIO (but not TV) .... now read on....
by robertk13 » 16 Apr 2011 18:35
to NUKELIES [... shape of the Earth]
By the way did you know that the supposed '' Father of Radio '' Guglielmo Marconi was a Knight of Malta ?!
in this site we see a picture of Marconi with his eight pointed cross of malta aside Pope Pius XI
''...The picture was taken during the inaugural ceremonies of the first transmission from Vatican Radio on VHF.''
''...the development of radio telegraph system has served as the foundation for the establishment of numerous affiliated companies worldwide. '' ( corporations controlled by knights of Malta organization ??? )... since the beginning of radio transmission isn't it reasonnable to conclude the great interest of chivalric and religious Orders into this matter ? So who is in control of the air waves transmission around the world since 1897 ??? ''... Marconi's "Wireless Telegraph and Signal Company" was formed on 20 July 1897... ''Vatican's Zionist knights of malta....or the Jews alone ???
just reminding that the telephone is born in 1874 by alexander graham bell

by FirstClassSkeptic » 17 Apr 2011 01:48
robertk13 wrote: By the way did you know that the supposed '' Father of Radio '' Guglielmo Marconi was a Knight of Malta ?!
Did you know that Marconi stole all of his ideas from Nikoli Tesla and Mahlon Loomis? Did you know that the US Supreme court ruled that Marconi had violated Tesla's patents? But Tesla had died about six month earlier, sitting on a park bench, feeding pidgeons.
Loomis was a dentist.
I stopped at the cemetery near Terra Alta many years ago, and found his grave.
I can find two patents that might be his:
https://www.google.com/patents?id=ayxCAA ... &q&f=false
https://www.google.com/patents?id=dXFMAA ... &q&f=false
Terra Alta used to be a summer place for rich people. Because of a high altitude, it was cooler there. Terra Alta = Earth High, I think. Latin?

by FirstClassSkeptic » 17 Apr 2011 20:04
robertk13 wrote:Also l've tried to establish the take over of wireless radio transmission by papal knights since it's birth to this day...
Why would you want to take control of radio broadcasting away from the jews and give it to the papal knights?
by robertk13 » 17 Apr 2011 22:06
FirstClassSkeptic...because they don't have standing armies to defend and protect their assets....the Queen does , Monarchs of europe and the Emperor of the world Papa BENEDITTO too...
by rerevisionist » 24 May 2011 01:39

Apollo 11, photo no. AS11-37-5448 NASA
NASA said that the footage from the window of the control module (colombia) with supposedly on board, Armstrong, Aldrin buzzz, Collins' s approach the crater Schmidt ..... I said that picture is a model of the moon, and the installation comes from the studios of Disney, and shows half of a cartoon dog face - this is a computer translation of robertk13 which I found on a website. He seems to be French, assuming he's the same person.
by robertk13 » 24 May 2011 16:03
to rerevisionist ... l'm glad to hear you again...what can l say? yes l'm french...yes the corporation of canada without my consent have created with the birth certificate my PERSON and imprison me into status and parlementary acts...Yes l've listened again and again taking notes of Robert Arthur Menard's '' the magnificient deception ''...l know it's really off topic but at the end all the road lead to ROME....l live into this illusionnary faith of the catholic church, omnipresent, omnipotent (quebec) Who controls everything with the help of the Jesuit Order who controls our political and consequently our educationnal system..... the Knights of Colombus... The Salvation Army...who rape and steal my people, under the pretense of charity...,etc. YES l live into a matrix of corporate board members interest...not my society...their Society...with their commercial juridiction... facto courts...not under Oaths...
About the Apollo 11, photo no. AS11-37-5448... fascinating picture don't you agree? They are not scientists at Nasa but instead Artists...and l clearly see in this photo the artistry behind it...the beauty of it ...at first sight you don't see it...they try to deceive me with this hidden half cartoon dog face...or they simply try to tell me something here...: don't take this seriously ...it is only a Walt disney BS movie...

by rerevisionist » 24 May 2011 17:41
Hi Robertk13 - I'm delighted we're international, and it's nice to hear from you again. [,,,]
by EyesWideOpen » 24 May 2011 17:47
robertk13 wrote:
to rerevisionist ...l'm glad to hear you again...what can l say ? yes l'm french...yes the corporation of canada without my consent have created with the birth certificate my PERSON and imprison me into status and parlementary acts...Yes l've listened again and again taking notes of Robert Arthur Menard's '' the magnificient deception ''...l know it's really off topic but at the end all the road lead to ROME....l live into this illusionnary faith of the catholic church, omnipresent, omnipotent(quebec) Who controls everything with the help of the Jesuit Order who controls our political and consequently our educationnal system..... the Knights of Colombus... The Salvation Army...who rape and steal my people, under the pretense of charity...,etc. YEs l live into a matrix of corporate board members interest...not my society...their Society...with their commercial juridiction... facto courts...not under Oaths...
About the Apollo 11, photo no. AS11-37-5448...fascinating picture don't you agree ? they are not scientists at Nasa but instead Artists...and l clearly see in this photo the artistry behind it...the beauty of it ...at first sight you don't see it...they try to deceive me with this hidden half cartoon dog face...or they simply try to tell me something here...: don't take this seriously ...it is only a Walt disney BS movie...
You can condemn and ridicule the Catholic Church
You can condemn and ridicule the Jesuit Order
You can condemn and ridicule the Knights of Columbus
You can condemn and ridicule the Salvation Army
You CANNOT by Law in Canada condemn or ridicule the Jewish Crime Syndicate and their sick culture of lies and deceptions.

by rerevisionist » 24 May 2011 18:01
Thanks, EyesWideOpen. We may add a bit of cut-and-paste from earlier, of me, and mooninquirer:
*Catholicism and the wonders of their saints and popes would be taught in all schools and colleges
*Sufferings of Catholics would be compulsory teaching for all schoolkids.
*Catholics would get huge sums of public money for made-up past suffering.
*Businesses and the media would be controlled by Catholics. Film and TV programmes would constantly mention Catholics, Rome etc
*All criticism of Catholics would be frowned on - there would be legal action, covert police action, protests and riots etc
*The history of the Orthodox Church in Russia would be widely known
*Shady outfits - 'Mafia' etc - would all be attributed to e.g. Jews or some other group
*Catholics would have their own special passports, special legislation, huge numbers of their own little groups
*Anything Catholics wanted would be widely promoted
*All modern history would be written from a Catholic viewpoint
*Catholics where a minority would carry out military operations and be given money for it and hardly anyone would comment
if Catholics were the most powerful, then:
(1) There would be school vouchers across the board, so that parents could send their kids to Catholic school if they wanted. As it stands, many Catholic schools are CLOSING, because parents just cannot afford to send their kids there and pay the tuition, while also paying the mandatory property / school tax for public school.
(2) Abortion would be illegal. And this would be a REALITY, in every state, and it wouldn't be something that is just talked about by mainly ONE political party, the Republicans. And any politician, of any party, who DARED to even criticize a right-to-life, anti-abortion position or school vouchers, would lose the next election. This is exactly what happens when any Congressman or Senator criticizes Israel.
(3) There would be no talk in the media of pedophile priests. And anyone who DID, would have to profusely apologize. Talking about pedophile priests would be regarded as the same as talking about Jewish ritual murder. As it stands, not only do the media talk about it A LOT, but late night comedians repeatedly make jokes about pedophile priests. If Catholics were the most powerful, we might expect something like these comedians making jokes about the holocaust on late night TV, to the uproarious laughter of the audience.
(4) The Pope would NOT be kowtowing to the Jews on things like the holocaust, and there would be NO changes in the theological position of the Catholic Church, like there was with Vatican II, in which Jews were no longer to be regarded as killers of Christ.
(5) The Catholic Church would print up its own currency, completely independent of the currencies of America, the Euro, etc. Imagine it being called the "Catholica." Americans would have a greater trust in it than in the US dollar, controlled by the Federal Reserve, and everyone would be demanding to be paid in the "Catholica"
(6) Europe would NOT be a basically secular continent. All of the Catholic churches in Europe would NOT be merely tourist attractions, but would be JAMMED packed with active congregations, every Sunday, and Holiday
(7) In America, there would be NO dispute over the public display of Christmas and even Easter decorations. There would be NO competition with public displays of menorahs for Hanakhah.
ADDED LATER From TheOccidentalObserver.net Sept 22,2012 - 5.37 am. This is SpiralSun replying to a piece on a Jew ambassador presenting some nonsense in the Vatican
@dixie: Every once in a while you get a comment on here that you wonder if it is a joke or something because it is so completely clueless as to the reality of the world we live in? I had to read that one twice because I thought the writer was talking about Jews, not catholics, as having power — yet they said it the other way round. Maybe this person has never heard that AIPAC is the most powerful lobby in Washington? Maybe they have never heard of “The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy†–a book by John Mearsheimer, Professor of Political Science at the University of Chicago, and Stephen Walt, Professor of International Relations at the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University, published in late August 2007. Maybe they have never read Kevin MacDonald’s books about Jewish influences in 20th century political and academic movements? There is nothing even remotely comparable in the catholic sector. Jews are overrepresented in every power position in the country — most recently forming Google which is now taking over the internet and becoming another Jewish media monster like Hollywood (see the A&E channel documentary “Hollywood: An Empire of Their Own, for example). Media control is real power in mass democracy — maybe the only real power. Also read the writings of Kevin MacDonald on their influence in academia. Almost everything happening politically for over 100 years has gone in favor of Jews in the long run –according to their will and interests. Groups get handouts and nations get Pyrrhic victories while behind the scenes the Jews are winning the war to destroy western civilization. Ever wonder why there was a memorial to the “holocaust†for what happened to foreign Jews in a foreign country in Washington DC before there was talk about a memorial to our own fallen soldiers? (There is no memorial to Catholics persecuted by communists) It is even taboo now in our own countries to speak out for our own survival, to even mention that we might have our own interests as a people. It is illegal to associate with who we want, and our borders have been flung open to genocidal immigration — all directly and unequivocally due to jewish influences (see the works I reference above). We are as a people with our hands tied behind our backs with our heads in the guillotine. It is breathtaking to see someone so ignorant of all this. It shows the real power of the Jews.
This is why some people here think you're a spammer or troll, robertk13.
by robertk13 » 24 May 2011 21:08
to rerevisionist...have you ever heard the word CONCORDAT ?
According to the Catholic news agency Zenit : “Virtually All Countries Have Signed Concordats with Rome....The desire of countries around the world to maintain stable relations with the Vatican is greater than ever. This is reflected in the extraordinary number of “concordats†that Rome has signed with other capitals over the last few years. From 1950 to 1999, 128 concordats were signed between Rome and different States. This figure was disclosed during an international congress organized by the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross in Rome, which presented in one volume all the concordats signed over the last 50 years. In the past 9 years, 43 concordats were signed between the Vatican and other States. In part, this significant figure is due to the fact that, with the fall of the Berlin Wall, the former communist countries hastened to establish diplomatic relations with Rome, in order to change the Church’s illegal status. This has led other nations of the Middle East, Asia, and Africa to knock on Rome’s door and enter judicial agreements. This marathon has implied an average of 19 concordats a year. Prior to 1989, the Vatican signed international agreements primarily with European and Latin American countries. ''

by rerevisionist » 24 May 2011 21:32
So what? Every country in the world (almost) has diplomatic relations with every other country. For example, Mali. Does this mean Mali rules the world? No. You haven't answered a single one of the three sets of comments posted above.
by bamzam » 24 May 2011 21:41
If you follow the Laws you'll end up in Rome, but if you follow the money you'll end up with the Jewish Banksters who are everywhere. Which one is more powerful and really pulling the strings ? I'll let the original bankster himself answer that
"Permit me to issue and control the money of the nation and I care not who makes its laws." — Mayer Amsched Rothchild
by robertk13 » 24 May 2011 23:06
to EyesWideOpen...''...You CANNOT by Law in Canada condemn or ridicule the Jewish Crime Syndicate...''
....because we are still under a Monarchial system....and this Jewish Crime Syndicate works for someone else... the wealthiest JEWs...and like it or not they are vassals of Monarchs and Emperors... like the House of Rothschild they are obliged like everyone else to follow the roman canon laws and central power under the Authority of a anointed king or emperor...etc. Without monarchial consent the Jews would probably still live in ghettos...like they did for many centuries in the monarchial system in Europe.
by robertk13 » 24 May 2011 23:27
to rerevisionist...are you trying to erase into memory a more than thousand years old Institution who has the ultimate power to overthrow any kings in europe and after 1542 in all the world ???

by Sorensen731 » 24 May 2011 23:29
bamzam wrote:
If you follow the Laws you'll end up in Rome, but if you follow the money you'll end up with the Jewish Banksters who are everywhere. Which one is more powerful and really pulling the strings ?
It's all clear when you realize Christianity is a Jewish invention to debilitate and control Europe and the aryans. Be kicked by your enemies, don't respond or defend..., see the jews as chosen, and "brothers"..
You can not, and should not face them with Christianity as alternative! Christianity is not ours, not European, it has nothing to do with us, with any culture of Europe, it is 100% kosher, Old Testament, the first Christians were Jewish, went to Synagogues, mutilate themselves, later they used it to prepare the communism and multiculturality we suffer now, grown in the Christian soup of fake-tolerance (you can torture animals, burn them alive, but don't you dare to be racist!). Please, don't see them as opposite, it's just like Bolshevism or WallStreetism, two sides, same coin.
To robertk13; I know about it too, but read what I said before, they are different layers of control, economic and legal, both end in the soldiers of Moses, Christians or Jews, who are still blind and follow the trap the Jews set up for us.
And slow down the "thousand years old meme", I humbly suggest to be more careful in trusting their self-proclaimed "long history" and their self-made long lists of Popes up to Adam if they want to. Check Nosovsky and Fomenko analysis or Edwin Johnson on archive.org, the Vatican/Jesuists and their kings faked all history, no offense, the pointy noses weren't far away.
Last edited by Sorensen731 on 25 May 2011 00:45, edited 2 times in total.
by robertk13 » 24 May 2011 23:38
to bamzam...and their heirs (Jewish banksters) are made Knight by the Queen
by bamzam » 24 May 2011 23:55
Sorenson, I do understand this and I was not trying to make them seem like opposites but different tentacles of the same beast. Just like any country has its legal and financial arms. Just to point out that despite all the charade and ceremony involved in the legal what we are really dealing with comes to money and preserving its value by whatever charade and ceremony necessary. I full understand the reason that these two men wear the same hat.

Robert, I hope you realize that all that pomp and ceremony is for the uninitiated masses who need to believe that the power rests with their figurehead. The reality of course is somewhat different. Did you know that the Queen of England before entering the city of London has to make a request to the Mayor of London? and when she enters London she never enters with pomp and ceremony but dressed as a commoner.

by rerevisionist » 25 May 2011 00:10
to rerevisionist...are you trying to erase into memory a more than thousand years old Institution who has the ultimate power to overthrow any kings in europe and after 1542 in all the world ???
Buddhism, Confucianism, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, and sundry other movements are more than a thousand years old. Many towns - Rome, Beijing, London, Paris, maybe Timbuktu, existed far more than a thousand years ago. There are very few monarchs - in the tradional sense - left anywhere in the world.
You haven't answered any of the points made, for example: Why isn't abortion illegal if that's what Catholics want? Why isn't Catholic dogma taught everywhere? Why is the history of the Russian Orthodox Church under Jews in the USSR censored? Why isn't there a Catholic military, secretly given details of modern weapons, for them to discuss in Latin? Why isn't the Inquisition able to carry out 9/11 style Mossad operations? Why is Poland's history under Jewish 'communism' not exposed by Polish Catholics?
The French (-Canadian?) and Spanish contributors here seem not to have noticed that the church hasn't got that much influence.

by Sorensen731 » 25 May 2011 00:38
rerevisionist wrote:
Why isn't abortion illegal if that's what Catholics want? Why isn't Catholic dogma taught everywhere?
Because the catholics, and the Christians, are useful idiots, dupes, for the Jews, they open them the door, because they are "brothers in faith almost", and "have a soul", and we should "pardon, and not defend ourselves or use violence...". That's why.
The Church did it's purpose, and now it's not needed, it was a temporary phase, now they can advance to an ever more depraved anti-world.
by robertk13 » 25 May 2011 00:42
to Sorensen731...
Judaism or Islam or christianity are eclectics. An amalgamation of many different religious cultures like the Egyptians...so when you say ''the hebrews'' you are referring prior to the exode and ''the JEWs '' or the Israelites after the exode...so the Hebrews spend 400 years in Egypt and then they were called Jews or Israelites...The point l want to make: the hebrew were Egyptionize they've adopted the egyptian culture and then became Israelites (isis ra el) under the rules of pharaohs. That's why we see into major cities Obelisks and pyramid shape or triangle shape on every churches or court of justice..,etc. The Jews are not Hebrews but Egyptians...
by Sorensen731 » 25 May 2011 01:06
robertk13 wrote:
Judaism or Islam or christianity are eclectics. An amalgamation of many different religious cultures .
The latter are, they couldn't impose a completely foreign made religion, they had to adapt to the previous one a bit, and for a time the previous values still survived informally. But it's not a "mixture", it's a several steps plan, first christianity, then mulitculturality/nihilism-atheism/feminism/communism. It's a deliberate wrong poisoned product sold, thinking on selling later the remedy and appearing as the saviour, all the time benefiting and stealing while you are ill/unable to see or defend yourself.
And the Egyptians, Akhenaton at least, had a coherent beautiful religious view, adoration of the Sun, the most logical thing to do, and many others had respect for Nature that Jewish creations destroyed.
How did I end debating this ... anyway, why do you trust face value their book?
by robertk13 » 25 May 2011 02:15
to rerevisionist:
' Why is the history of the Russian Orthodox Church under Jews in the USSR censored?''
... but not abolished... Lenin was baptised on 28 April 1870 at the local church of St. Nicholas into the Russian Orthodox Church.Stalin was not a Jew, nor Malenkov, nor Khrushchev, nor Brezhnev, nor Andropov, nor Chernenko, nor Gorbachev
to rerevisionist ...
'' Why isn't abortion illegal if that's what Catholics want? ''
because in secret that's exactly what they want ....Church....kirk.........Circe
to rerevisionist...
'' Why isn't Catholic dogma taught everywhere? ''
because Catholic dogma is taught everywhere remember it's pagan, eclectic religion, universal
to rerevisionist...
'' Why isn't there a Catholic military, secretly given details of modern weapons, for them to discuss in Latin? ''
[MOD: the point here is that US weapons experts give away classified information, to Jews who discuss it in the Hebrew language]
??????????????????????????????????????????? l don't stand under
to rerevisionist...
'' Why isn't the Inquisition able to carry out 9/11 style Mossad operations? ''
l do not stand under ?
to rerevisionist...
'' Why is Poland's history under Jewish 'communism' not exposed by Polish Catholics? ''
because communism is not jewish - communism is a Catholic plot - read the Three Secrets of Fátima
by EyesWideOpen » 25 May 2011 02:47
The Pope kneels before the Satanic State of Israhell and spreads the Satanic LIE that Jesus was a "Jew". Jesus was an Aryan/Adamic man who actually hated (as God did) the Satanic seedline of Cain who had usurped the identity of the House of Israel (who were put in charge of protecting the Adamic Race (known today as Caucasians/Europeans). Which is why Jesus came to the LOST Sheep of the House of Israel (their identity had been lost and stolen).
So-called "Jews" are really Edomites and Canaanites (Biblically) who have race mixed with all the other Nations they have sucked off.
"Jews" are in no way Hebrew, Israelites or of the pure Adamic Race, most especially not the House of Israel. So-called "Jews" are a mongrelized and diseased sickness, marked with the satanic DNA of Cain and Esau from long ago. They are trying their hardest to pretend to be Israelites through inbreeding but their father is the Devil, the father of all lies. The so-called Jew and their entire culture is a lie and deception.
The "Jew" knows Jesus and Hitler very well. They are soon to know another, yet unnamed, leader...
Last edited by EyesWideOpen on 25 May 2011 03:11, edited 1 time in total.
by robertk13 » 25 May 2011 04:20
to EyesWideOpen...are you serious...are you out of your mind....
in the Bible...
there is no historical human being that ever existed... it's all a metaphor... anthropomorphic conception or representation of as human to a deity...
Jesus is the Sun
mary is the queen of heaven
Moses represents justice , the Law giver, the King
the 12 tribes, the 12 diciples, the 12 signs of the Zodiac...etc.
Jehovah is not The God...he is the Usurper...he appeared into the second creation Gen 2:4
please stop being so rude and hateful to people you don't stand under (understand)

by rerevisionist » 25 May 2011 13:00
I looked at, in fact downloaded, Menard's 2 hour video. It's the exact opposite of what a good informational video should be (such as One Third of the Holocaust and Eric Hunt's The Last Days of the Big Lie - both masterpieces in their way). Menard on the other hand doesn't get to the point, if there is a point. He's a sort of audio equivalent of spam.
As far as I can tell, you're French Canadian with a dislike of Catholicism, and believe the British monarchy runs Canada, and I suppose the Roman Catholic Church does nothing to help. You don't seem to have even basic knowledge of anything, or, if you do, can't produce evidence. Also you refuse to reply to any questions put to you. It's your life, but there are limits to the amount of spam a site can tolerate. You've also of course said nothing directly about nuclear issues.

by FirstClassSkeptic » 27 May 2011 21:06
How does this thread keep reviving when I keep locking it?

by rerevisionist » 27 May 2011 23:46
Lol - sorry. I thought I'd clicked the 'lock' button by mistake, and unlocked it. ... OK, lock is now in again!