by mooninquirer » 20 May 2011 16:59
@ FirstClassSkeptic ----- you are correct that the US is broke, and things are going to get much, MUCH worse. But US troops are not going to be stuck when the dollar becomes worthless ---- US troops will then mutiny and there might be a coup d'etat.
You vastly underestimate how serious the problem of the worthlessness of the dollar is going to become, and the impossibility of elected officials doing anything to solve the problem ---- that this problem is as inevitable and unavoidable as the fact that everyone is going to die. If any elected official tried to DO anything to solve this problem, he would be voted out of office, because of the outrage ----- so the ONLY consequence is extreme inflation. Further, I do not see ANY impact of the ( supposed ) killing of Bin Laden on the war in Afghanistan, which is as bogged down as ever.
rerevisionist ----- you are very wrong, because I see and have met MANY Black Muslims in America. They were born in a different faith or Atheist, and descended from from slaves. I am NOT including Blacks from Africa, in other words. And they are NOT members of "The Nation of Islam." Many are of an ORTHODOX Muslim faith, and women wear a long head scarf every day. THAT is giving up a lot. The MEN were a VERY non-masculine wardrobe that looks like a dress. So, THAT is a deprivation. And I have seen them praying five times a day. Among what I have seen, Blacks who converted to Islam far outnumber immigrants from Muslim countries to America.
JEWS have used this fact to drum up support for the wars for Israel among White nationalists and other Whites who hate Blacks.
I think the Jews decided to write the Osama bin Laden character out of the script, and it was the Jews, independent of anything Barack Obama might have wanted, who ordered this attack. It was mainly a MEDIA event. Had Obama ordered it over the objection of the Jews, then it would NOT have been reported in the media AT ALL, and Obama would have received ZERO credit for it, a ZERO bounce. In fact, the media would retaliate against Obama by bringing out Trump once again, and presenting him as a very serious person, and ask if he thinks that copy of long form birth certificate is genuine. Donald Trump would CONSTANTLY be the guest on EVERY mainstream media talk show and news program, questioning Obama's grades in college, Larry Sinclair, Tony Rezcko in Chicago, etc.
Bin Laden remaining alive served a purpose in the past. Let's suppose the media decided to report that Bin Laden was killed in Tora Bora in 2001. [ Importantly, note the fact that whether or not the event actually occurred in irrelevant ---- the only thing that matters politically is whatever the MEDIA decides to report. And I hope you also realize that the media never has to worry about turning a profit, or losing money, because the media can get a "loan" from the banks that it does not have to pay back, regardless or credit rating. The entire Federal Reserve and banking system is a welfare program for Israel, because Zionist Jews can arbitrarily print up all the money they want to fund any revenue shortfalls caused by the greater need to spread Zionist Jewish propaganda, and to lobby politicians on behalf of Israel ] THEN, if Bin Laden were killed in 2001, there would be INTENSE partying in the streets in America, like when America had the victory over Japan. This is because the patriotism was so thick in the air, you could cut in with a knife, and the desire for revenge and bloodshed was so great. But also, Americans would feel that the MISSION WAS ACCOMPLISHED. However, the Jews ALSO wanted war with Iraq. They developed the storyline that Saddam was in cahoots with Al Qaeda and Bin Laden.
The Jews MIGHT have wanted to keep the Bin Laden character alive to stimulate a war with Iran, but I think they realized that Obama was catching a lot of flak for the war in Libya, and, in any event, fighting the Muslim world took a different form, with America backing "revolutionaries." So Bin Laden remaining alive served no useful purpose, and an excuse for war with these countries. Also, the Jews might have realized they bit off more than they could chew, with the Obama birther issue. They picked someone with easily questionable birth and citizenship to run against McCain, who they really wanted. McCain was NOT born in the US, nor even in the Canal Zone, but in a hospital in Panama outside the Canal Zone. That and many other things about Obama made him the most unelectable candidate in US history. The media ( i.e., the Jews ) CLEARLY wanted McCain to win. On Memorial Day in 2005, the media aired a 3 hour documentary about John McCain's life portraying him as a great hero. Their first pick might have been Rudy Giuliani, but when that fizzled, they put up this puppet Fred Thompson who CLEARLY had no desire to be president, yet the media treated him as a serious candidate ( his purpose was to take votes away from Huckabee ). And the media talking heads were ordered to constantly undermine Huckabee, saying things like " does anybody really think Huckabee is up to the job of being commander in chief ? " This is because Huckabee is a Christian and had a conscience, and would not want wars. Of course, the media also gave Ron Paul short shrift. ( Huckabee, who remembers the 2008 campaign , and who now works for FOX, has some inside info on the media's plan to completely DEFECATE all over him had he run again. I can understand why he chose not to, but from the general public's point of view, in makes no sense, because polls showed him with the best chance of getting the GOP nomination, and very good chances of beating Obama. It just shows that the MEDIA elect the candidate, and NOT the American people. )
Importantly, John McCain would have been VERY dangerous for America, because it is under his watch that opposing any war would look the MOST unpatriotic, AND only he would have the clout to completely PURGE the Pentagon of any brass or commissioned officers really opposed to these wars for Israel, and thus most likely to mutiny or pull a coup d'etat. The fact that the US military brass is NOT controlled by the Jews ( although they control the decision to go to war ), is one of the few things that worries the Jews. Had the Jews controlled the Pentagon brass, there would have been a bogus story that they found WMD's in Iraq. It goes without saying that there would have been a draft, rationing of food and gasoline ( as in WW II ), and full scale invasion and occupation of Iran, Pakistan, Syria, Libya, and several other countries had McCain been elected.
During the general election, several Jews, such as Phil Berg, Michael Savage, and Orly Taitz brought up the notion that Obama was not born in the US, to weaken him. The media very, very grossly underrreported how intense of a warmonger McCain is and his significant anger management problem ---- he throws near epileptic fits, throws furniture, and smashes computers in his office, etc. McCain got especially angry in August of 2008, when Russia invaded Georgia, and GW Bush did nothing ( and rightfully so ! ) That small war marked a turning point for Israel, and they no longer were invulnerable. They lost a lot of assets that they were planning to use to attack Iran.
The thing with Obama is he became a citizen of Indonesia, and therefore lost his US citizenship. The facts are indisputable, but it IS a matter of opinion what constitutes US citizenship, and just because he was born in the US does not make him a US citizen ---- he would have had to maintain it. HOWEVER, such a discussion greatly threatens the Jews, many of whom are "dual citizens of Israel." Such a thing is even MORE outrageous than Obama ( possibly ) not being born in the US ---- and THIS was why the Jews continue to encourage this speculation ( because his long form birth certificate was purposely doctored, to make it look fake ----- note all of that unnecessary, crisp bank security paper, and the cut out in the middle with the actual document curling. There is no way that a bureaucratic filing system would tolerate THAT kind a waste of paper and space, and in any event, there would be signs of folding and creasing ).
I floated the idea that a massive public awakening that Obama was not born in the US would have the same impact as a massive awakening that the moon landing was a hoax ---- because THEN the American public would question everything else that the media says. If I could come to that conclusion, then I am sure the Jews in power concluded that as well. The mainstream media kept saying that Obama was born in the US, and Lou Dobbs was even fired for questioning that. The Jews in the mainstream media just used Jews in alternative media to float the "crazy" notion Obama was not born in the US, giving Orly Taitz some face time. I think the Jews got fearful that the American public would then question everything else they have ever thought was "officially" true, including 911 and the holocaust, if everyone believed that the media lied about Obama having been born in the US.
Most importantly, the 10th year anniversary of 911 was coming up. Remember how last year the Jews in the media were so desperate to stifle discussion about the exact recounting of the events of 911, and HOW we "know" that 19 Arabs with boxcutters did it, and how WTC # 7 fell, etc., that they generated this phony debate over a mosque at ground zero, and whether a certain pastor should be allowed to publicly burn the Quran ? Both the Iman proposing that mosque and the pastor were paid off through the Council on Foreign Relations through David Rockefeller. This inane "debate" about whether these things should be allowed waged for WEEKS in the mainstream media, and the American public did not give a rat's ass about this debate. The media lost a lot of revenue ( but they can always get a "loan" they don't have to ever pay back by the Federal Reserve just funding their accounts ), but importantly, the media lost a lot of respect from the American public. The media KNOW they cannot pull another ridiculous stunt by paying off another pastor to burn a Quran etc., so they needed something more dramatic to get the American public's mind OFF of the very implausible events of that day. NOW, you wait and see ---- the media is going to debate the foreign policy consequences of killing Bin Laden, and whether he should have been buried at sea, etc. for weeks before and after Sept 11, 2011. Further, the FBI website, which famously failed to mention the 911 attacks in Bin Laden's " FBI most wanted terrorists" page, REALLY was embarrassing to the Jews, and this was a great resource in waking people up to the fact that the notion that Bin Laden was behind 911 was a MEDIA creation. They really wanted to do something to change that FBI page !