He also had a go at the conduct of the
war in Afghanistan, describing General Petraeus’ tactics of increasing
the violence and boasting of the increasing deaths as ‘profoundly
wrong’. Good job he has his gongs already:
he wouldn’t get them now!
Page 47.
the mouthpiece of the Bank of England:
‘...the Conservatives had listened carefully to what the
Governor was telling them at a number of meetings held
at the Bank, and drew up their plans accordingly.’ (p.
As the negotiations with the Lib-Dems began, the
Conservative deficit reduction plan was nonnegotiable:
‘George Osborne....believed that any government formed
would fall apart without taking the action deemed
necessary by the Bank of England. There had been a
preliminary discussion about the economy....when the
Liberal Democrats had been offered and declined
briefings with the Treasury and the Bank of England.
Governor Mervyn King had been on standby to speak to
negotiators.’ (p. 164)
A gap had opened between what the Liberal-Democrats were
saying in their election campaign and its literature and what
their leader was thinking.
‘Even during the election, Clegg had been moving on the
issue - but without telling the electorate. He later told
the BBC that he had changed his view during the general
election: “Remember between March and the actual
general election, a financial earthquake occurred on our
European doorstep.” ’(p. 168)
‘One Clegg aide said: “The thing that changed
minds was George Osborne saying that he had seen the
figures and it was quite horrific in real life as opposed to
spin life... .”
‘Clegg....had already changed his mind about the
deficit reduction plans. He was concerned about the
firestorm engulfing Greece, and worried that it would
spread across Europe, as Spain appeared vulnerable
....he felt that if an incoming government did not do
something more than the previous government, the
country would find itself pushed around by the markets.
Page 48.
Clegg said to Brown: “If doing some fiscal contractions
this year keeps the markets at bay, surely it’s worth it.”’
(pp. 182/3)
So it was just as it appeared: another group of economic
illiterates were stampeded by the Bank of England. Shades of
1966 and the governor of the Bank’s demand for big public
spending cuts – except Harold Wilson knew too much to be
bullied by the then governor, Lord Cromer.
Dodgy dossiers
The headline on the BBC News website on 12 May was ‘ Iraq
inquiry: Campbell dossier evidence questioned’; in the Daily
Mail ‘The proof that Campbell and Blair DID lie about the Iraq
War’.15 They were referring to the publication of Michael
Laurie’s e-mail to the Chilcott Inquiry (complete with
redactions). The emphases are mine.
Dear Sir John
I am writing to comment on the position taken by Alistair
Campbell during his evidence to you on the 12th of
January when he stated that the purpose of the Dossier
was not to make a case for war; I and those involved in
its production saw it exactly as that, and that was the
direction we were given.
In 2002 and 2003 I was the Director General
Intelligence Collection in the Defence Intelligence Staff,
in the rank of Major General. I reported to the Chief of
Defence Intelligence (CDI), Air Marshall Sir Joe French.
My responsibility was to command all defence
intelligence collection operations, delivering raw or
analysed intelligence to the Defence Intelligence
Page 49.
Assessment Staff, who also worked for CDI.
– 5 line redaction –
I was one removed (sic) from the discussions in the
Cabinet Office and the JIC though I attended the latter
occasionally, but not during the period in question as
CDI was always present. Obviously he would come back
from such meetings with feedback and fresh
Alistair Campbell said to the Inquiry that the
purpose of the Dossier was not “to make a case for
war”. I had no doubt at that time this was exactly its
purpose and these very words were used. The previous
paper, drafted in February and March, known to us then
also as the Dossier, was rejected because it did not
make a strong enough case. From then until September
we were under pressure to find intelligence that could
reinforce the case.
– 4 line redaction –
I recall Joe French frequently enquiring whether we
were missing something; he was under pressure. We
could find no evidence of planes, missiles or equipment
that related to WMD, generally concluding that they
must have been dismantled, buried or taken abroad.
There has probably never been a greater detailed
scrutiny of every piece of ground in any country.
During the drafting of the final Dossier, every fact
was managed to make it as strong as possible, the final
statements reaching beyond the conclusions intelligence
assessments would normally draw from such facts. It
was clear to me that there was direction and pressure
being applied on the JIC and its drafters.
In summary, we knew at the time that the purpose
Page 50.
of the Dossier was precisely to make a case for war,
rather than setting out the available intelligence, and
that to make the best out of sparse and inconclusive
intelligence the wording was developed with care. The
question that needs to be asked is, if there had been no
remit to draft the “Dossier”, would the JIC in their
normal process have produced papers that would have
come to the same assessment as the Dossier?’16
A former DIS colleague of Laurie’s, Dr Brian Jones, commented
on Laurie’s letter in The Independent on 16 May:
‘In 2002 Major-General Laurie was one of the three
most senior members of the Defence Intelligence Staff.
As a more junior member, it is interesting to learn all
these years later, that our top man, Air Marshal Sir Joe
French, explicitly told him something that was not
revealed to us lesser mortals – that the purpose of the
Iraq dossier was to make a case for war (‘Campbell
“misled” Chilcot over dossier’, 13 May). It was more than
a nod and a wink.
If that was the case, as I could only infer it was at
the time, it is even more important that the insistent
objections of DIS analysts were circumvented through a
deception apparently perpetrated on their own
colleagues by MI6 and senior Cabinet Office intelligence
officials. They claimed to have new intelligence that
overcame our reservations, but were not prepared to
disclose it to us.
Almost unnoticed, the Chilcot inquiry has recently
published important evidence from a senior MI6 officer,
identified as SIS4, which strongly indicates that the
undisclosed intelligence did no such thing. According to
SIS4, that intelligence report merely promised that the
required “golden bullet” would, hopefully, become
available within a few weeks – but unfortunately too
Page 51.
late for the dossier. It never materialised.
It may well be that Gen Laurie was not in the loop
when these matters were a hot issues in the DIS in
September 2002, or in 2003 when they hit the
headlines in the Hutton inquiry. However, it worries me
that the Chilcot committee appear to have asked him
nothing about this issue. Perhaps they already know
the answers. Perhaps they will at last publish the
intelligence report that did not provide the “golden
bullet”, or give us a clearer idea about how inadequate
it really was.’
Former ambassador Craig Murray also commented on the
publication of this letter on his blog:
‘It is five years since I published in Murder in Samarkand
and this FCO insider account, given to me in 2002 while I
was Ambassador in Tashkent:
“You’re wondering why we signed up to it? Well, I can
promise you it was awful. The pressure was
unbelievable. People were threatened with the end of
their careers. I saw analysts in tears. We felt, as a
group, absolutely shafted. Actually, we still do. You
know, I think that we are all a bit ashamed that nobody
had the guts to go public, resign and say that the WMD
thing is a myth. But MI6 really hyped it. The DIS tried to
block it, but they couldn’t.”’ 17
More accurately: the DIS tried to block it but could not do so
without someone damaging their career and no-one thought
thousands of dead people more important than their careers.
We knew that Campbell and Blair had lied. If the
purpose of the dossier wasn’t to make the case for war, what
was its purpose? The denials by Campbell and Blair were
absurd and insulting.18
17 Entry for 13 May.
18 Also worth reading on this was the comment by former BBC
chairman, Sir Christopher Bland, ‘A gross media manipulation that has
eroded public trust in Government’, The Independent 14 May 2011.
Page 52.
Obama as CIA?
While the ‘birthers’ are still trying to prove that President
Obama was not a legitimate candidate for president, and
other sections of the American right believe Obama to be a
communist/socialist/Muslim, former US intelligence officer,
Wayne Madsen, has had a second, more detailed go at
showing that, au contraire, Obama is a creature of the CIA.19
Madsen tries to show Obama’s parents were either sponsored
by the CIA (father) or worked for the agency (mother) and
that Obama himself worked for a company with CIA links. This
last is true but we don’t know any more than that. My
problem is that while making one of the guilt-by-association
moves, which is what his evidence mostly consists of, Madsen
describes someone as CIA because they were so named in
the 1968 Who’s Who in the CIA, published by East German
intelligence (or the KGB). Madsen does not want to
acknowledge the book’s provenance and tells us that the
book was published in West Berlin. This book is well known
enough to have its own Wiki entry (even I have a photocopy
of it somewhere). Not good enough, Mr Madsen. A lot of his
material is very interesting but I never trust it.
Ignoring that, Madsen doesn’t quite succeed in showing
us that Obama is some kind of CIA agent/recruit but he
certainly shows that Obama’s parents were by no means
some vaguely black-radical-hippy couple, but good corporate
citizens, who were around a number of American state
operations in the cold war (as the US saw it; imperialism as
the rest of us saw it) in the developing world. As for Obama –
he’s followed in their footsteps, has he not?
Page 53.
More bad news about mobile phones
At is a paper followed by a resolution, ‘Electromagnetic
fields from mobile phones: health effect on children and
teenagers’, by the Russian National Committee on Nonionizing
Radiation Protection .
This contains enough data to make any mobile phone
user, of any age, nervous. But this is pissing into the wind,
isn’t it? Even if irrefutable proof that mobile phones – say –
caused cancer was provided to and accepted by the
governments of the world,20 there is no way that their use is
going to be significantly curtailed. We are addicted – in many
cases, literally addicted – to our hand-held devices. Personal
observation of their use by friends and teenagers suggest
that they might be as addictive as cigarettes to some people.
Meanwhile British scientists have shown that ‘brain
activity increased significantly after using a handset for 50
minutes, in the area closest to the antenna.’ 21 As far as I
could see, this report was ignored by the mobile phone
industry which had hitherto claimed that the only impact on
the brain was a slight heating effect.
Against the wind
The Srebrenica Massacre: Evidence, Context, Politics, edited by
Edward S. Herman, foreword by Phillip Corwin, is a 300 page
study of that event and events around it, challenging the
received story. It is a free download at and its relevance has only increased with the
20 As compared to the later May report from the World Health
Organisation which concluded that they are ‘possibly carcinogenic’.
21 Martin Beckford, ‘Mobile phones do affect brain activity, study
finds’, Daily Telegraph, 22 February 2011.
Page 54.
arrest of Ratco Mladic.
‘The Institute for Policy Research & Development (IPRD) is an
independent, non-profit, transdisciplinary research
organisation promoting equality, sustainability and security.
Based in London and founded in April 2001, the IPRD operates
as a voluntary collective and global network of scholars,
scientists and researchers.’
Thus the IPRD’s mission statement on their site,
Among those listed on its advisory board are the
Canadian, John McMurtry, whose book, Value Wars, was
reviewed in Lobster 44, Peter Dale Scott and Daniele Ganser,
whose book on the Gladio network was reviewed in Lobster
Of particular interest on the IPRD site is a study by Sam
Urquhart, Crevice Revisited: Violent Extremism and the British
Secret State, whose introduction is this:
‘In April 2007, five British Muslims were sent to jail, in
each case for at least twenty years under anti-terrorism
legislation. Their crimes were said to be heinous –
planning to set off explosive devices in packed nightclubs
and shopping centres, plotting to poison burger vans at
football matches and even contemplating the
assassination of the Prime Minister. So wicked were their
intentions that the presiding judge in the case warned
them that they may never be released. It seemed that
the British public had dodged a bullet. Efficient
intelligence and police work had quashed a plot that
could have murdered hundreds. Justice had been served
on a group of men who posed a pressing danger to
Page 55.
However, a closer examination of what was
instantly labelled the “fertiliser bomb” case suggests
that this is incorrect. Although the plotters may have
been genuine, strong evidence suggests that at all
stages of their activity, intelligence agencies monitored
their progress. Not only were they monitored, but
evidence also suggests that their training and
preparation was facilitated by individuals who now enjoy
protection by the British state. This raises serious
questions about the relationship between the British
government and terrorist networks.’
Uncle Sam’s military empire
There is an interesting essay by Nick Nurse describing his
attempts to nail down from official US sources just how many
US bases there are in the world. It appears that no-one
actually knows, in part because no-one can agree on the
definition of ‘a base’. ‘Empire of Bases 2.0 Does the Pentagon
Really Have 1,180 Foreign Bases?’ at
The most important research currently available on NATO
and all its doings is that by Rick Rozoff at and many other sites, notably Global
Research. I know nothing about Mr Rozoff, and there is little
readily accessible on the Net about him, but he makes me feel
lazy. Try his April essay on the NATO deployments against
Libya, ‘Libyan War In Third Week As NATO Takes Command’,
which lists all the countries involved and what they have
contributed so far. For example, Bulgaria and Romania have
each sent a frigate.22
Page 56.
Policing dissent in Britain
In the early days of Lobster policing was among the subjects
with which I tried to keep up to speed. But it has been many
years since I did so. However there was a very interesting
essay on changing styles in British political policing on the
Global Research site, Nathan Allonby’s ‘Britain’s police state:
London arrests based on cctv identification’. As you would
expect it is technology – especially identification software –
which is driving the train. (And input from our elected
representatives appears to be nil, as usual.) 23
Nukes for sale
In Lobster 56, in ‘Britain spinning in the Sibel Edmonds web’,24
Danny Weston wrote about the A. K. Khan nuclear
proliferation network. David Albright and Paul Brannan’s ‘The
Tinner Case: Time for a Frank, Open Evaluation’ is a 15,000
word report for ISIS (Institute for Science and International
Security) on one aspect of the story, the role of a Swiss family,
the Tinners, in the Khan network’s sale of nuclear technology
secrets, and the subsequent international politics, overt and
covert, thus generated. This is one of several detailed reports
on the Tinner case on the ISIS site; and it is presumably the
complexity of the story which explains why thus far no major
British media have found it worthy of note.
Go to and search there for
‘Tinners’ .
America’s gopher
9 Sybil Edmonds now has her own website, .
Page 57.
In his Telegraph blog Peter Oborne, that paper’s chief political
commentator, commented that President Obama’s visit ‘had
been a national embarrassment’ and that he detected ‘very
little sense that Britain is a proud, independent nation with a
distinct sense of our own values and traditions many of which
are very sharply different and, in some cases, contradictory to
Oborne was echoing the sentiments in an editorial in
the Daily Mail some months earlier by Stephen Glover titled
‘Obama’s right. There is no special relationship... and the
sooner we realise that the better’.26 Glover made the obvious
point that
‘For most of the time we are regarded with indifference:
an ally at once so loyal, dependable and uncritical that
we can be taken for granted’.
Glover noted:
‘When he became Prime Minister, David Cameron lost
little time in jumping on a plane to pay court to the
American President. He was so keen to abase himself
that he claimed that “Britain was the junior partner in
1940 when we were fighting against Hitler”. America did
not declare war on Germany until December 1941.’
In the months before the Obama visit there were examples of
the UK’s role as the loyal sidekick, courtesy of leaked State
Department cables from Wikileaks. In December a cable
revealed that UK objections in 2008 to the use of RAF Akrotiri
on Cyprus to fly American U-2 spy planes over Lebanon were
In 2009 Jon Day, the Ministry of Defence’s director
general for security policy, told US under-secretary of state
25 ‘This isn’t a special relationship, it’s sinister and sycophantic’
Page 58.
Ellen Tauscher that the UK had ‘put measures in place to
protect your interests during the UK inquiry into the causes of
the Iraq war’.28
And in 2008, according to another leaked cable, foreign
secretary David Miliband approved the use of a loophole to
manoeuvre around a proposed ban on cluster bombs, to allow
the US to keep them on British territory.29
Page 59.
Disclosure and deceit:
Secrecy as the manipulation of history,
not its concealment
Dr. T. P. Wilkinson
The declassification of official secrets is often seen as either a
challenge or a prerequisite for obtaining accurate data on the
history of political and economic events. Yet at the same time
high government intelligence officials have said that their
policy is one of 'plausible deniability'. Official US government
policy for example is never to acknowledge or deny the
presence of nuclear weapons anywhere its forces are
deployed, especially its naval forces.
The British have their ‘Official Secrets’ Act.
When the Wikileaks site was launched in 2007 and
attained notoriety for publication of infamous actions by US
forces in Iraq and Afghanistan, this platform was heralded and
condemned for its disclosures and exposures. Julian Assange
is quoted as saying that when he receives documents
classified under the UK Official Secrets Act he responds in
accordance with the letter of the law – since it is forbidden to
withhold or destroy, his only option is to publish.
The question remains for historians, investigators, and
educated citizens: what is the real value of disclosures or
Given the practice of plausible deniablity, does disclosure
or declassification constitute proof, and if so by what criteria?
Both facts and non-facts can be concealed or disclosed.
Information is not self-defining
Ultimately there remain two questions: does the secret
document (now public) really constitute the 'secret'? To what
Page 60.
'secret' does the document we use actually refer?
Is secrecy the difference between the known and
unknown, or the known and untold?
Some benefit can be found by borrowing theological
concepts. We can distinguish between a mystery revealed and
a supernatural truth which, by its very nature, lies above the
finite intelligence. But a secret is something unknowable
either by accident or on account of accessibility.
I believe that the popularised form of disclosure
embodied in Wikileaks should force us to distinguish between
those beliefs we have about the nature of official action and
the conduct of people working within those institutions and
the data produced. Wikileaks is clearly a platform for
publishing data but much of the response to these documents
is more based on mystery than on secrecy. That is to say that
the disclosures are treated as revelation in the religious sense
– and not as discovery in the sense of scientia – knowledge.
Why is this so?
Wikileaks is described as a continuation of the ethical
and social responsibility of journalism as an instrument to
educate and inform the public – based on the principle that an
informed public is essential to a democracy and selfgovernance.
By collecting, collating and disclosing documents
'leaked’ to it, Wikileaks also attacks what Assange calls the
invisible government, the people and institutions who rule by
concealing their activities from the people – and brings to light
their wrongdoing.
There are two traditions involved here that partially
overlap. In the US the prime examples are the 'muckraking
journalism’ originating in the so-called Progressive Era,
spanning from 1890s to 1920s, and more recently the
publication of the Pentagon Papers through Daniel Ellsberg.
While liberals treat both of these examples favourably, their
histories, however, are far more ambivalent than sentimentally
To understand this ambivalence, itself a sort of plausible
Page 61.
deniability, it is necessary to sketch the history of journalism in
the US – the emergence of an unnamed but essential political
actor – and some of the goals of US foreign policy since the
end of the 19th century. This very brief sketch offers what I
call the preponderance of facticity – as opposed to an
unimpeachable explanation for the overt and covert actions of
the US.
First of all it is necessary to acknowledge that in 1886 the US
Supreme Court endowed the modern business corporation
with all the properties of citizenship in the US – a ruling
reiterated with more vehemence in 2010 by another Supreme
Court decision. As of 1886, business corporations in the US
had more civil rights than freed slaves or women. By the end
of the First World War, the business corporation had eclipsed
the natural person as a political actor in the US. By 1924 US
immigration law and the actions of the FBI had succeeded in
damming the flow of European radicalism and suppressing
domestic challenges to corporate supremacy. Thus by the time
Franklin Roosevelt was elected, the US had been fully
constituted as a corporatist state. US government policy was
thereafter made mainly by and for business corporations and
their representatives.
Second, professional journalism emerged from the
conflict between partisan media tied to social movements and
those tied to business. The first journalism school was
founded in 1908 at the University of Missouri with money from
newspaper baron Joseph Pulitzer. As in all other emerging
professions at that time, it was claimed that uniform training
within an academic curriculum would produce writers who
were neutral, objective, and dispassionate – that is to say
somehow scientific in their writing. A professional journalist
would not allow his or her writing to be corrupted by bribery or
political allegiances. These professional journalists would work
for commercial enterprises but be trained to produce valuefree
texts for publication.
Page 62.
The US has always refused to call itself an empire or to
acknowledge that its expansion from the very beginning was
imperial. The dogma of manifest destiny sought to resolve this
contradiction by stipulating that domestic conquest was not
imperial. Control of the Western hemisphere has always been
defined as national security, not of asserting US domination.
Likewise, it is impossible to understand the actions of
the US government in Asia since 1910 without acknowledging
that the US is an empire and recognising its imperial interests
in the Asia–Pacific region. It is also impossible to understand
the period called the Cold War without knowing that the US
invaded the Soviet Union in 1918 with 13,000 troops along
with some 40,000 British troops and thousands of troops
recruited by the ‘West’ to support the Tsarist armies and
fascist Siberian Republic.
It is essential to bear these over-arching contextual
points in mind when considering the value of classified US
documents and their disclosure, whether by Wikileaks or Bob
Woodward. It is essential to bear these points in mind
because the value or the ambivalence of ‘leaks’ or
declassification depends entirely on whether the data is
viewed as ‘revelation’ or as mere scientific data to be
Revelation and heresy
For the most part the disclosures by Wikileaks have been and
continue to be treated as ‘revelation’ and the disclosure itself
as heresy. This is particularly the case in the batches of State
Department cables containing diplomatic jargon and liturgy.
The ‘revelation’ comprises the emotional response to scripture
generated by members of the US foreign service and the
confirmation this scripture appears to give to opinions held
about the US – whether justified or not.
Just as reading books and even the bible was a capital
offence for those without ecclesiastical license in the high
Middle Ages, the response of the US government is
Page 63.
comprehensible. It is bound to assert that Wikileaks is
criminal activity and to compel punishment. Yet there is
another reason why the US government reaction is so intense.
As argued above, the primary political actor in the US polity is
the business corporation.
In Europe and North America at least it is understood:
(1) that the ultimate values for state action are those which
serve the interests of private property; and (2) that the
business corporation is the representative form of private
property. This in turn means that information rights are in fact
property rights manifest as patents, copyrights, and trade or
industrial secrets. Since the state is the guardian of the
corporation, it argues that the disclosure of government
documents should only be allowed where the government
itself has surrendered some of its privacy rights. This is quite
different from the arguments for feudal diplomatic privilege,
even though business corporations have superseded princely
The argument for state secrecy now is that the
democratic state constituted by business corporations is
obliged to protect the rights and privileges of those citizens as
embodied in their private property rights – rights deemed to
be even more absolute than those historically attributed to
natural persons, if for no other reason than that corporations
enjoy limited liability and immortality, unlike natural persons.
When the US government says it is necessary for other states
to treat Assange as an outlaw and Wikileaks as a criminal
activity, it is appealing on one hand to the global corporate
citizenry and on the other, asserting its role – not unlike the
Roman Catholic Church of the Middle Ages – as the sole arbiter
of those rights and privileges subsumed by Democracy in the
world. Many of those who lack a religious commitment to the
American way of life have still recognised the appeal to privacy
and ultimately to private property which are now deemed the
highest values in the world – so that trade, the commerce in
private property, takes precedence over every other human
Page 64.
activity and supersedes even human rights, not to mention
civil rights.
In 1971 Daniel Ellsberg leaked the Pentagon Papers to the
New York Times, which began their publication. This leak was
treated as a landmark, although it would take several years
before the US withdrew its forces from Vietnam and many
more before hostilities were formally ended. What then was
the significance of the ‘leak’? The documents generally point
to the failures of the military, omitting the role of the CIA
almost entirely. Today it is still largely unknown that Ellsberg
was working with the CIA in counter-insurgency programs in
Did the Pentagon Papers thus serve the interests of
plausible deniability – a disclosure of secrets designed not to
reveal truth, but to conceal a larger truth by revealing smaller
On the other hand, the collection of essays, Dirty Work,
edited by Philip Agee and Lou Wolf, showed how the identity
of CIA officers could be deciphered from their official
biographies, especially as published in the Foreign Service List
and other government registers. This type of disclosure
allows the competent researcher to recognise ‘real’ Foreign
Service officers as opposed to CIA officers operating under
diplomatic cover. Agee and his colleague Lou Wolf maintained
that disclosure of CIA activities was not a matter of lifting
secrets but of recognising the context in which disparate
information has to be viewed to allow its interpretation. To put
it trivially: in order to find something you have to know the
thing for which you are searching.
In order to be meaningful, disclosures of intelligence
information must explain that intelligence information seeks to
deceive the US public. For example, the CIA and those in the
multi-agency task forces under its control produced an
enormous amount of reports and documentation to show
Page 65.
what was being done to fulfil the official US policy objectives in
Vietnam. One of these programs was called Rural
Development. This CIA program was run ostensibly by the
USAID and the State Department to support the economic and
social development of the countryside. This policy was
articulated in Washington to fit with the dominant
‘development’ paradigm – to package the US policy as aid and
not military occupation.
And yet, as Douglas Valentine shows in his book The
Phoenix Program, Rural Development was a cover for
counterinsurgency from the beginning. The Phoenix Program
only became known in the US after 1971, and then only
superficially. The information released to the US Congress and
reported in the major media outlets lacked sufficient context to
allow interpretation.
There was so little context that the same people who
worked in the Phoenix program in Vietnam as 20-year-olds
have been able to continue careers operating the same kinds
of programmes in other countries with almost no scrutiny. Two
people come to mind: John Negroponte, who is alleged to
have provided support to death squads in Honduras during
the US war against Nicaragua and later served as ambassador
to occupied Iraq, began his foreign service career in Vietnam
with one of the agencies instrumental in Phoenix. The other
person died recently: Richard Holbrooke began his career with
USAID in Vietnam, went on to advise the Indonesian
dictatorship, went to manage the ‘diplomatic’ part of the US
war in Yugoslavia and finally served as a kind of pro-consul for
Central Asia with responsibility for the counterinsurgency in
As the secret weapon in US imperial policy, the
counterinsurgency or rural development or ‘surge’ policies of
the US government never include an examination of the
professionals who managed them. It used to be said among
some critics that one could follow General Vernon Walters’
travel itinerary and predict military coups. But that was not
Page 66.
something ‘leaked’ and it did not appear in the mainstream
media analysis.
The illusion of objective neutrality
So if much of what we see ‘leaked’ is gossip in the service of
plausible deniability, what separates the important gossip
from the trivial? I suggest it is a return to consciously
interested, humanistic values in historical research. We have
to abandon the idea that the perfect form of knowledge is
embodied in the privilege of corporate ownership of ideas, and
domination of the state. We also have to abandon the illusion
of objective neutrality inherited from Positivism and
Progressivism, with its exclusionary professionalism. Until such
time as human beings can be restored to the centre of social,
political and economic history we have to recognise the full
consequences of the enfranchisement of the business
corporation and the subordination of the individual to role of a
mere consumer.
If we take the business corporation, an irresponsible
and immortal entity, endowed with absolute property rights
and absolved of any liability for its actions or those of its
officers and agents, as the subject of history it has become,
then we have to disclose more than diplomatic cables. We
have to analyse its actions just as historians have tried to
understand the behaviour of princes and dynasties in the
past. This is too rarely done and when often only in a
superficial way.
I would like to provide an example, a sketch if you will, of
one such historical analysis, taking the business corporation
and not the natural person as the focus of action.
In 1945, George Orwell referred to the threat of nuclear
war between the West and the Soviet Union as a ‘cold war’.
He made no reference to the 1918 invasion of the Soviet
Union by British troops. In 1947, US Secretary of State Bernard
Baruch gave a speech in South Carolina saying ‘Let us not be
deceived: we are today in the midst of a cold war’. The speech
Page 67.
had been written by a rich newspaperman named Herbert
Swope. In 1947, George Kennan published his containment
essay, ‘The Sources of Soviet Conduct’, in Foreign Affairs under
the name ‘X’. In it he describes a supposed innate
expansionist tendency of the Soviet Union – also no mention
of the US invasion or the devastation of WWII, which virtually
destroyed the Soviet Union’s manpower and industrial base.
In April 1950, NSC 68 is published – classified top secret
until 1975 – outlining the necessity for the US to massively
rearm to assert and maintain its role as the world’s
superpower. At the end of summer 1950, war breaks out in
Korea. President Truman declared an emergency and gets UN
Security Council approval for a war that lasts three years,
killing at least 3 million Koreans – most of whom die as a result
of US Air Force saturation bombing of Korea north of the 38th
parallel. Truman proclaims that US intervention will be used to
prevent the expansion of the Soviet Union or as Ronald
Reagan put it then – Russian aggression. After being utterly
routed by the army of North Korea, the US bombs its way to
the Yalu only to be thrown back to the 38th parallel by China.
In 1954, the US organises the overthrow of the Arbenz regime
in Guatemala and begins its aid and covert intervention in
Vietnam beginning a war that only ends in 1976. Meanwhile
Britain suppresses the Malaysian independence movement.
Between 1960 and 1968, nationalist governments have been
overthrown in Indonesia, Congo, Ghana, and Brazil.
Cuba is the great surprise amidst the literally hundreds
of nationalist, anti-colonial movements and governments
suppressed by the US. William Blum has catalogued the
enormous number of overt and covert interventions by the US
in his book Killing Hope. The amazing thing about much of what
Blum compiled is that it was not ‘secret’. It was simply not
reported or misreported. Blum makes clear – what should be
obvious – that the Soviet Union was not a party to a single
war or coup from 1945 to 1989 and that the US government
knew this.
Page 68.
Much of this early action took place when John Foster
Dulles was US Secretary of State and his brother was head of
the CIA. The Dulles brothers were intimately connected to
corporations they represented in their capacity as ‘white shoe’
lawyers in New York. In fact the founder of the OSS, the CIA’s
predecessor, William Donovan, was also a corporate lawyer
both before and after his service in the OSS. In other words
the people who have commanded these foreign policy
instruments have almost without exception been the direct
representatives of major US business corporations. In each
case the public pretext has been the threat of communism or
Soviet expansion. Yet the only consistent quality all of these
actions had was the suppression of governments that
restricted the activities of US or UK corporations. Of course,
communism has long been merely a term for any opposition to
the unrestricted rights of business corporations. One could say
people like Donovan or Dulles were seconded to government
office. However, the direct financial benefit that someone like
Dulles obtained when he succeeded in deposing Arbenz in
Guatemala came from his shareholding in United Fruit, the
instigator and financial backer of the CIA co-ordinated coup.
Perhaps the more accurate interpretation of this secret activity
is that the business corporation, which previously employed
law firms and Pinkertons, had shifted the burden of
implementing corporate foreign policy to the taxpayer and the
Now the interest of the US in Latin America has been
well researched and documented. But the persistence of the
Vietnam War and the silence about the Korean War have only
been matched by the virtual absence of debate about the
overthrow of Sukarno and the Philippine insurgency. The
Philippines became a footnote in the controversy about US
torture methods in Iraq and elsewhere as it was shown that
the ‘water cure’ was applied rigorously by American troops
when suppressing the Philippine independence movement at
the beginning of the 20th century.
Page 69.
Lack of context not knowledge
The study of each of these Asian countries – and one can add
the so-called Golden Triangle; and I would argue Afghanistan
now – has been clouded not by lack of evidence or
documentation but by lack of context. If the supposed threat
posed by communism, especially Soviet communism is taken at
face value – as also reiterated in innumerable official
documents both originally public and originally confidential –
then the US actions in Asia seem like mere religious fanaticism.
The government officials and military and those who work with
them are so indoctrinated that they will do anything to oppose
communism in whatever form. Thus even respected scholars of
these wars will focus on the delusions or information deficits
or ideological blinders of the actors. This leads to a confused
and incoherent perception of US relations in Asia and the
Pacific. The virtual absence of any coherent criticism of the
Afghanistan War, let alone the so-called War on Terror, is
symptomatic not of inadequate information, leaked or
otherwise. It is a result of failure to establish the context
necessary for evaluating the data available. It should not
surprise anyone that ‘counter-terror’ practices by US Forces
are ‘discovered’ in Afghanistan or Iraq, if the professional
careers of the theatre and field commanders (in and out of
uniform) are seriously examined. Virtually all those responsible
for fighting the war in Central Asia come from Special
Operations/CIA backgrounds. That is what they have been
trained to do.
If we shift our attention for a moment to the economic
basis of this region, it has been said that the war against
drugs is also being fought there. However, this is
counterfactual. Since the 1840s the region from Afghanistan to
Indochina has been part of what was originally the British
opium industry. China tried to suppress the opium trade twice
leading to war with Britain – wars China lost. The bulk of the
Hong Kong banking sector developed out of the British opium
Page 70.
trade protected by the British army and Royal Navy.
Throughout World War II and especially the Vietnam War the
opium trade expanded to become an important economic
sector in Southern Asia – under the protection of the secret
services of the US, primarily the CIA. Respected scholars have
documented this history to the present day. However it does
not appear to play any role in interpreting the policies of the
US government whether publicly or confidentially documented.
Is it because, as a senior UN official reported last year, major
parts of the global financial sector – headquartered in New
York and London – were saved by billions in drug money in
Does the fact that Japan exploited both Korea and
Vietnam to provide cheap food for its industrial labour force
have any bearing on the US decision to invade those countries
when its official Asia policy was to rebuild Japan as an Asian
platform for US corporations – before China became reaccessible
(deemed lost to the Communists in 1948)? Did the
importance of Korean tungsten for the US steel industry
contribute to the willingness of people like Preston
Goodfellow, a CIA officer in Korea, to introduce a right-wing
Korean to rule as a dictator of the US occupied zone? Is there
continuity between Admiral Dewey’s refusal to recognise the
Philippine Republic after Spain’s defeat – because the 1898
treaty with Spain ceded the archipelago to the US – and the
refusal of General Hodge to recognise the Korean People’s
Republic in Seoul when he led the occupation of Korea in
1945? As John Pilger suggests, were the million people
massacred by Suharto with US and UK support a small price to
pay for controlling the richest archipelago in the Pacific? Was
the Pol Pot regime not itself a creation of the US war against
Vietnam – by other means? Is it an accident that while the US
was firmly anchored in Subic Bay, armed and funded Jakarta,
occupied Japan and half of Korea, that the US was prepared to
bomb the Vietnamese nationalists ‘into the Stone Age’? It only
makes sense if the US is understood as an empire and its
corporate interests are taken seriously when researching the
Page 71.
history of the US attempts to create and hold an Asian empire.
The resistance to this perception can be explained and it
is not because of an impenetrable veil of secrecy. It is not
because of the accidentally or inaccessibly unknown. Rather it
is because US policy and practice in the world remains a
‘mystery’, a supernatural truth, one that of its very nature lies
above the finite intelligence. The quasi-divine status of the
universal democracy for which the USA is supposed to stand is
an obstacle of faith.
Engineering consent
In the twentieth century two conflicting tendencies can be
identified. The first was the emergence of mass democratic
movements. The second was the emergence of the
international business corporation. When the Great War
ended in 1918, the struggle between these two forces
crystallised in the mass audience or consumer on one hand
and the mass production and communication on the other. As
Edward Bernays put it:
‘This is an age of mass production. In the mass
production of materials a broad technique has been
developed and applied to their distribution. In this age
too there must be a technique for the mass distribution
of ideas.’
In his book, Propaganda, he wrote ‘The conscious and
intelligent manipulation of organised habits and opinions of
the masses…’ was necessary in a democracy, calling that
‘invisible government’. Like his contemporary Walter Lippmann,
a journalist, he believed that democracy was a technique for
‘engineering the consent’ of the masses to those policies and
practices adopted by the country’s elite – the rulers of its
great business corporations.
By the 1980s the state throughout the West – and after
1989 in the former Soviet bloc – was being defined only by
‘business criteria’, e.g. efficiency, profitability, cost
minimisation, shareholder value, consumer satisfaction, etc.
Page 72.
Political and social criteria such as participatory rights or
income equity or equality, provision of basic needs such as
education, work, housing, nutrition, healthcare on a universal
basis had been transformed from citizenship to consumerism.
The individual lost status in return for means tested access to
the ‘market’.
In order for the state to function like a business it had to
adopt both the organisational and ethical forms of the
business corporation – a non-democratic system, usually
dictatorial, at best operating as an expert system. As an
extension of the property-holding entities upon which it was
to be remodelled, the state converted its power into secretive,
jealous, and rigid hierarchies driven by the highest ethical
value of the corporation – profit.
Journalists and ‘corporate stenographers’
While historical research should not be merely deductive, it is
dependent on documents. The veracity of those documents
depends among other things on authenticity, judgements as
to the status, knowledge or competence of the author, the
preponderance of reported data corresponding to data
reported elsewhere or in other media. A public document is
tested against a private or confidential document – hence the
great interest in memoirs, diaries and private correspondence.
There is an assumption that the private document is more
sincere or even reliable than public documents. This is merely
axiomatic since there is no way to determine from a document
itself whether its author lied, distorted or concealed in his
private correspondence, too. Discrepancies can be explained
in part by accepting that every author is a limited informant or
interpreter. The assumptions about the integrity of the author
shape the historical evaluation.
In contemporary history – especially since the
emergence of industrial-scale communications – the journalist
has become the model and nexus of data collection, author,
analyst, and investigator. Here the journalist is most like a
Page 73.
scholar. The journalist is also a vicarious observer. The
journalist is supposed to share precisely those attributes of
the people to whom or about whom he reports. This has given
us the plethora of reality TV, talk shows, embedded reporters,
and the revolving door between media journalists and
corporate/state press officers. In the latter the journalist
straddles the chasm between salesman and consumer.
This is the role that the Creel Committee and the public
relations industry learned to exploit. The journalist George
Creel called his memoir of the Committee on Public Information
he chaired – formed by Woodrow Wilson to sell US entry into
World War I – How We Advertised America. The campaign was
successful in gaining mass support for a policy designed to
assure that Britain and France would be able to repay the
billions borrowed from J. P. Morgan & Co. to finance their war
against Germany and seize the Mesopotamian oilfields from
the Ottoman Empire. Industrial communications techniques
were applied to sell the political product of the dominant
financial and industrial corporations of the day.
The professional journalist, freed from any social
movement or popular ideology, had already become a
mercenary for corporate mass media. The profession eased
access to secure employment and to the rich and powerful.
The journalists’ job was to produce ideas for mass distribution
– either for the state or for the business corporation.
Supporting private enterprise was at the very least a
recognition that one’s job depended on the media owner.
Editorial independence meant writers and editors could write
whatever they pleased as long as it sold and did not challenge
the economic or political foundation of the media enterprise
itself. In sum the notion of the independent, truth-finding,
investigative journalist is naïve at best. We must be careful to
distinguish between journalists and what John Pilger has
called ‘corporate stenographers’.
This does not mean that no journalists supply us with
useful information or provide us access to meaningful data. It
Page 74.
means that journalism, as institution, as praxis, is flawed –
because it too is subordinated to the business corporation
and its immoral imperatives. Wikileaks takes as its frame of
reference the journalism as it emerged in the Positivist –
Progressive Era – a profession ripe with contradictions, as I
have attempted to illustrate. Were Wikileaks to fulfil that
Positivist–Progressive model, it would still risk overwhelming
us with the apparently objective and unbiased data – facts
deemed to stand for themselves. Without a historical
framework – and I believe such a framework must also be
humanist – the mass of data produced or collated by such a
platform as Wikileaks may sate but not nourish us. We have to
be responsible for our interpretation. We can only be
responsible however when we are aware of the foundations
and framework for the data we analyse. The deliberate choice
of framework forces us to be conscious of our own values and
commitments. This stands in contrast to a hypothetically
neutral, objective, or non-partisan foundation that risks
decaying into opportunism – and a flood of deceit from which
no mountain of disclosure can save us.
The author lectures in economic history in Cologne and
Duesseldorf and is associate director of the Institute for Advanced
Cultural Studies, Europe.
Page 75.
Murdoch, Rothschild and the nuclear lobby 1
Matthew Zarb-Cousin
In his 1956 book The Power Elite, C. Wright Mills illustrated the
way in which the elite work together, are interconnected –
both socially and in business – and therefore take each other
into account when they make decisions.....
Rupert Murdoch and the financial sector
Lord Jacob Rothschild was appointed to the board of British
Sky Broadcasting in 2003 as Senior Independent Non-
Executive Director and Deputy Chairman of Murdoch’s
organisation. (Shah 2003) Having graduated from Oxford
University, Rothschild joined the family bank N. M. Rothschild &
Sons before leaving in 1980 to pursue his own interests in the
financial sector. (Shah 2003) Rothschild co-founded Global
Asset Management and J Rothschild Assurance, now part of
the St James’s Palace Group. A less direct connection is
through Murdoch’s daughter, Elisabeth, who married the
grandson of Sigmund Freud, Matthew in 2001. (BBC 2001)
Matthew Freud is the multimillionaire owner of PR company
Freud Communications (Harris 2008) and, aside from being
Rupert Murdoch’s son-in-law, British Sky Broadcasting is one of
Freud’s clients. (Sanghera 2001)
In 1997 Freud Communications is listed as a Labour
Party sponsor, donating a sum in excess of £5,000. (Aisbitt
1998) Freud had previously sold Freud Communications in
1994, when it was known as Matthew Freud Associates, and
1 This an extract from the author’s undergraduate thesis at the
University of Birmingham, The Labour Party’s movement to the Centre: an
explanation using the Wright Mills approach.
Page 76.
he continued to run the company until 2001, when he bought
it back with money borrowed from the directors of the
company, Barclays Bank and Neil Blackley – a Merrill Lynch
media analyst – illustrating Freud’s connection to the financial
sector. (Sanghera 2001) Freud’s clients included Pepsi, KFC,
Asda and Nike. (Harris 2008)
Peter Mandelson, Minister without Portfolio from 1997
until 1998, when he became Trade and Industry Secretary,
acquired responsibility for the Millennium Dome. Despite
opposition from most of the Cabinet, Blair decided that the
project would go ahead. (Carrell 2000) The Millennium Dome
was granted £400m of lottery money, and British Sky
Broadcasting were among an array of corporate sponsors.
(Carrell 2000) Prior to Mandelson’s appointment as Secretary
of State for the DTI, Freud allegedly set about galvanising
support for him in the press, placing the story ‘Peter’s Friends’
in The Sun (owned by Rupert Murdoch’s News Corporation)
which stated that Mandelson was a friend of various
celebrities, including Tom Cruise, whom he had never met.
(Guardian 2000) Mandelson subsequently appointed Freud to
work on one of the Millennium Dome’s senior committees,
(Harris 2008) and he had a significant impact on the arena’s
content. (Guardian 2000)
Freud organised the party that celebrated Labour’s
general election victory in 2001, and played a role in recruiting
one of his clients, Spice Girl Geri Halliwell, to Labour’s party
political broadcast in 2001, and persuading Chris Evans to
campaign with Tony Blair in 2005. (Harris 2008) According to
Harris, ‘It is Freud’s talent for hosting high-powered gettogethers
that underpins the bond with Blair.’
In 2005, Blair’s former special advisor Kate Garvey
became Freud Communications’ head of public and social
affairs, (Harris 2008) and Blair’s former health secretary Alan
Milburn is paid £25,000 a year to sit on sit on the nutritional
advisory board (sic) of one of Freud’s clients, Pepsi. (Harris
Page 77.
Shortly after Elisabeth Murdoch’s 40th birthday party in
2008, Rothschild hosted a dinner at his family’s villa in Corfu,
where Peter Mandelson was also a guest. (Harris 2008)
Jacob Rothschild and the nuclear power lobby
Rothschild’s interests extend beyond the financial sector. In
2005, the newspaper Sunday Business reported, ‘N. M.
Rothschild, the London merchant bank, is leading an initiative
to finance, build and manage Britain’s next generation of
nuclear power stations.’ (Orange 2005)
Rothschild’s involvement in nuclear power was centred
on his ambition to ‘dominate the next phase of nuclear power
development’. (Orange 2005) British Nuclear Fuels plc is an
international company owned by the government, involved in
all stages of the nuclear process: designing reactors,
manufacturing fuel, decommissioning reactors and dealing with
radioactive waste. (British Nuclear Fuels 2006) In 2005,
Rothschild assembled a plan for British Nuclear Fuels plc
suggesting the means for funding nuclear power through the
private sector. (Orange 2005) In April 2006, Rothschild was
appointed by British Nuclear Fuels plc to handle the £1bn sale
of the organisation’s nuclear clean-up arm, British Nuclear
Group. (Pfeifer 2006)
By 2003 David Sainsbury had donated over £11 million to
the Labour Party. (Brennan & Hastings 1998) Mark Seddon, a
member of Labour’s National Executive Committee, referred to
Sainsbury in an interview with the BBC, in which he said:
‘In any other country I think a government minister
donating such vast amounts of money and effectively
buying a political party would be seen for what it is, a
form of corruption of the political process.’ (Brennan &
Hastings 1998)
In October 2005, having been made a Labour peer, he
declared his support for nuclear energy in the House of Lords,
saying, ‘Lady O’Cathain offered me the opportunity of…
Page 78.
agreeing that nuclear is a renewable energy source – it clearly
is so.’ (Mortished 2005). One month later, Vincent de Rivaz –
Chief Executive of EDF energy, which has at least two
contracts with British Nuclear Fuels plc (British Nuclear Group
2011) – called for the relaxation of planning and licensing
laws, arguing that if this were to happen, new nuclear power
stations could be built within ten years. (Parliament 2005) De
Rivaz’s more explicit connection with the New Labour
government was through Gordon Brown’s younger brother
Andrew, who joined EDF Energy, as head of media relations.
(He is now director of corporate communications.) Andrew
Brown previously worked for Weber Shandwick, where Philip
Dewhurst – now Director of Corporate Affairs at British Nuclear
Fuels – was the UK Chief Executive. (Private Eye 2006) Weber
Shandwick also provided consultancy services for British
Nuclear Fuels plc in 2005. (Register of members and clients
In 2009, EDF energy acquired British Energy, which owns
and operates two thirds of the UK’s nuclear power stations.
Incidentally, de Rivaz shared corporate ties with David
Sainsbury until 2010, as Sainsbury’s supermarket offered
‘Sainsbury’s Energy’ in a partnership with EDF. (Williams 2011)
The former Labour government Housing Minister, Yvette
Cooper, also has links to the nuclear industry through her
father, Tony Cooper, who is the former chairman of the
Nuclear Industry Association and is currently the director of
the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority. (Wheeler 2010a)
One might conclude that New Labour’s ties with the
nuclear lobby heavily influenced policy formulation with
regards to energy prioritisation.
Aisbitt, J. (1998) ‘Donations of More Than pounds 5,000 to
Labour in 1997’ –
Brennan, Z. & Hastings, C. (1998) ‘Lord “Midas” puts millions
Page 79.
Labour’s way’ – The Sunday Times, 30 August 1998
BBC (2001) ‘Murdoch and Freud wed’ –
British Nuclear Fuels (2006) British Nuclear Fuels plc. –
Carrell, S. (2000) ‘Page told ministers to stay away from Dome’
Guardian, author unknown (2000) ‘King of spin’ –
Harris, J. (2008) ‘Inside the court of London’s golden couple,
Elisabeth Murdoch and Matthew Freud’ –
Mortished, C. (2005) ‘Minister declares nuclear “renewable” ’
Orange, R. (2005) ‘Rothschild Champions Nuclear Joint Venture
‘ –
Parliament (2005) Uncorrected Transcript of Oral Evidence –
House of Commons – Environmental Audit Committee –
Pfeifer, S. (2006) ‘Rothschild to handle £1bn nuclear sale’ –
Private Eye, author unknown – Issue 1151, p.8 (2006)
Register of members and clients 2005
Sanghera, S. (2001) ‘Can Matthew Freud be serious?’ –
Page 80.
Shah, S. (2003) ‘Rothschild brought on board at Sky as sop to
anti-Murdoch camp’ –
Wheeler, B. (2010a) ‘Labour and the nuclear lobby’ –
Williams, J. (2011) ‘Sainsbury’s Energy ditch EDF for
partnership with British Gas’ –
Page 81.
Cultures of War:
Pearl Harbor / Hiroshima / 9-11 / Iraq
John W. Dower
New York: W.W. Norton, 2010, $29.95 (US), around £20 (UK),
Simon Matthews
John Dower is a retired Professor of History at the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology and an expert on USJapanese
relations. His book compares Al Qaeda’s surprise
attack on the US in 2001 with the Japanese surprise attack on
Pearl Harbor in 1941; the conduct of WW2 in the Pacific with
the conduct of the 2003 Iraq War; the 1945-1952 occupation
of Japan with the ongoing occupation of Iraq; and the postconflict
reconstruction of Japan with the continuing
reconstruction efforts in Iraq. This is a significant and well
written academic work that draws from a very wide variety of
sources but suffers slightly from being US centric and
somewhat high-minded.
One conclusion the author reaches early on is that just
as the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor and the six months of
runaway victories that followed stemmed from a delusion that
Japan would force an isolationist US to request peace, so the
US political and military hierarchy were similarly deluded in
2003, thinking that an intervention in Iraq needed no postinvasion
planning and would produce peace in the Middle East.
For Dower the actions of the US after 2003, a vulgar, coarser,
and significantly less competent version of its actions in Japan
Page 82.
after 1945, were a result of their adherence to an extreme
version of free market capitalism (favoured almost to the point
of being a religious belief system). He rightly questions the
legality of many of the decisions made by the US in Iraq in
recent years.
The author discusses a number of interesting points.
Firstly: the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor was not a
complete surprise to the US. The Japanese preference for
attacking without a declaration of war, as they had done
against China in 1894, 1931 and 1937, and against Russia in
1904, was well known; but for political reasons (possibly due
to the need to overcome the objections of the America First
isolationists, to whom Japan gave so much credence), the US
wanted Japan to strike first. The extent to which US opinion
has agonised subsequently over whether or not Pearl Harbor
– an event in which 2403 people were killed – could or should
have been avoided is fascinating to a non-American reader.
Compared to the atrocities inflicted by Japan on China
(200,000 killed in Nanking in 1937), and by Germany across
Europe (5.7 million dead in Poland alone after an attack
without a declaration of war), the length and verbosity of the
various US enquiries set up to determine culpability for being
‘unprepared’ at Pearl Harbour, suggest a widespread frame of
mind that takes as its starting point that America is entitled to
regard itself as invulnerable.1
This conclusion is strengthened by the author neglecting
to discuss the 1940-1941 Japanese consideration and
rejection of the option to attack the USSR instead. Had this
happened the history of the world might have been very
different: Germany at the gates of Moscow, while
simultaneously a Japanese strike deep into Siberia from their
existing occupied territories in Manchuria. In such
1 An irony here: both the US Army and Navy commanders at Pearl
Harbour were dismissed and severely criticised for being ‘surprised’ by
the Japanese attack. General MacArthur, though, who allowed his air
force to be destroyed on the ground in the Philippines, became a US
war hero.
Page 83.
circumstances the prospect of a Soviet collapse would have
been very real, followed by a quick and nasty settling of
scores between Germany and the UK. The reason Japan did
not do this – not spelt out by Dower – is that its army had
already attacked the USSR in May 1939, only to be routed at
Nomonhan by Marshal Zhukhov on 25 August 1939, an event
little known in the US, but regarded elsewhere as one of the
strategic battles of the twentieth century. Nor does he point
out that the Japanese attack on the British positions at Kota
Bharu in Malaya started two hours before Pearl Harbor and
this event is, in fact, often referred to in Japan as ‘the first
battle of the war’.2
Secondly, the book contains an extensive analysis of the
US decision to drop atomic bombs on Japan in August 1945,
and is very critical of this. At the risk of sounding slightly
flippant, the usual concerns are raised:
(1) Japan was almost defeated by that point so why use
atomic bombs?
(2) The use of such weapons against targets that were
significantly civilian (as well as military) should not have been
considered by a civilised nation.
(3) A demonstration of the bomb should have been carried out
to which the Japanese would have been invited with a view to
persuading them that resistance was now futile.
(4) The Japanese should have been ‘warned’ about the
impending use of the weapons etc.
None of these arguments really convince. Although it is
true that Japan was considerably weakened by the late
summer of 1945, its loyalty to its imperial system and capacity
for determined resistance meant that most commentators
thought that a finish to the war in the Pacific might not come
until 1947. At the risk of venturing into what looks like moral
equivalence, is it correct to regard atomic weapons as
uniquely uncivilised? In terms of deaths, 166,000 were killed
at Hiroshima (fewer than at Nanking – see above) and 80,000
2 See The Japan Times, 12 December 2009.
Page 84.
at Nagasaki (compared to 200,000 dead in the 1944 Warsaw
uprising). The extensive fire raids on Tokyo, which dropped
conventional incendiary devices, are an interesting
comparison, with 100,000 people killed in a single day by the
US Air Force in March 1945. Unless one is of the view that all
force is wrong and that pure pacifism is the bench mark
against which all human behaviour should be judged,
considering solely the numbers of casualties, it does rather
look as if dropping the atomic bombs, in such a bloody war,
might almost be regarded as a proportionate use of force.
Could a ‘demonstration’ of the bomb have been laid on?
Where? Would the Japanese have turned up? Even if they
had, would their very different attitude toward what
constituted an acceptable level of casualties have led them to
seek an armistice? What about the practical difficulties in
arranging a test explosion? In August 1945 the uranium bomb
(later dropped on Hiroshima) had not been tested anywhere,
while the plutonium bomb (dropped on Nagasaki) had only
been tested once, in New Mexico on 17 July 1945. Suppose
the device selected for the demonstration before Japanese
and other international witnesses had failed to explode?
Apologists for the use of the bomb also point out that
both Japan and Germany had programmes of their own to
develop atomic weapons and that in this context the US
‘getting in first’ by using its own was a justified tactic.
Germany in fact had produced two one-ton composite bombs
(consisting of alternate layers of paraffin and uranium) by April
1945 and planned – had the war continued – to drop these on
Manhattan at some point in 1945/1946.
Dower is clearly right to point out that the US was
significantly more advanced in this field and that the Japanese
were really nowhere near producing either a Hiroshima or a
Nagasaki style weapon. He does not comment, however, on
Page 85.
their much more interesting efforts to produce a ‘dirty bomb’.3
This is peculiar because it is now widely known that in May
1945 a German submarine (U-234) surrendered in the US
while on passage to Japan with a cargo of uranium oxide. How
should the US have reacted to this? Taken no action? Although
they might not have known how much uranium had been
transported from Germany to Japan at that point in time, the
US was aware, from its ability to read Japanese signals
intelligence, that the Japanese Navy had a flotilla of aircraftcarrying
submarines and were considering using these to carry
out a long distance raid against a major target on the US west
cost. Would this attack have resulted in the Japanese
dropping a ‘dirty bomb’ on San Francisco? One has to consider
that even if the likelihood of such an action were judged to be
very low in mid-1945, no conscientious US commander or
politician would have ignored such a threat.
When debating these points the author answers some
of his own questions about why the bomb was dropped: there
was a determination to show the Soviets that the US was now
the leading power in the world. This view was articulated as
early as March 1944 by the head of the Manhattan Project,
General Groves (‘you realize, of course, that the main purpose
of this project is to subdue the Russians’), was repeated in
May 1945 by Secretary of State Byrnes (dropping the bomb on
Japan would ‘make the Russians more manageable’), and
retrospectively confirmed by Vannevar Bush (its use had
‘prevented Russia from sweeping over Europe after we
3 For a full discussion of these subjects see Philip Henshall, The
Nuclear Axis – Germany, Japan and the Atom Bomb Race 1939-1945 (2000)
and David Myrha, The Horten Brothers and Their All Wing Aircraft (1998),
chapter 17, ‘The German Atomic Bomb and the Horten 18’, pp, 217-
227. The French troops who captured the two prototype uranium/
paraffin bombs destroyed them.
Page 86.
The rationale behind this approach was down to the
Americans being fearful of the Soviet Union intruding into
China (a traditional area of US influence), particularly as Stalin
– in international diplomacy a stickler for punctilious adherence
to the letter of any agreement – had promised at the Yalta
Conference to attack Japan precisely three months after
defeating Germany. This meant that the Soviet land assault on
the Japanese in Manchuria would begin on either 9 or 10
August 1945. This, in turn, determined that the US ‘had’ to
have used its bombs by these dates if it were to ‘impress’ the
Russians. Accordingly Hiroshima was attacked on 6 August and
Nagasaki on the 8th.
Another book would be needed to comment on how
mistaken the US were in this respect. While it is true that
using the bomb was justifiable in a narrow military context,5
the assumptions made by the US about containing the Soviets
were offensive – given a comparison of the casualties incurred
in the field by both sides. Stalin and the USSR did not become
‘more manageable’ as a result of the US dropping two atomic
bombs. There was no Soviet plan to ‘sweep across Europe’
after the defeat of Germany.6 Stalin already knew – in detail –
about the Manhattan Project and, presumably, was familiar
also with the motivations for using the bomb to ‘subdue the
4 Dower notes that some of the European scientists, who had
assumed that they were working on a scheme that would thwart Hitler
building the first atomic weapons, were dismayed by the steady drift of
the Manhattan Project toward an anti-Soviet outcome. It is interesting
to consider at what point the US decided this. If Groves (who never
commanded troops in action) was saying this in early 1944, it may
have been the case that the US took the view in late 1943 that they
should obtain the bomb as a future bargaining chip against the USSR.
5 There may also have been humanitarian considerations in dropping
the bomb. It was suspected that the Japanese were planning a final
massacre of the remaining 120,000 Allied prisoners of war. Forcing a
Japanese surrender by the use of a fantastic weapon was considered
by some to be a way of saving these lives.
6 Those who doubt the intentions of the Soviets can now read the
Politburo minutes. These are quoted in some detail in Jurgen Rohwer
and Mikhail Monakov Stalin’s Ocean Going Fleet 1935-1953 (2001).
Page 87.
Russians’ expressed above. For their part there are many on
the Japanese side who regard the Soviet attack on Manchuria
and Korea, and not the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki,
as the final determining factor in their decision to surrender.
As the Soviets also consider this likely, the argument that the
use of atomic weapons ended the Second World War – and
saved lives – is clearly debatable.
Thirdly: the author decries the use between 1945 and
1949 of surrendered Japanese forces to ‘restore order’ by the
British, French, Dutch and Chinese in Vietnam, the East Indies
and China. He is probably right when he says this is against
international law, which determines that once an army has
surrendered it should not be used for any military purpose by
its captors. However, the circumstances prevailing in the area
in late 1945 might have looked different to those dealing with
practicalities. While part of the motive of the British, French
and Dutch in this matter may have been to quickly and cheaply
extinguish nationalist movements in their colonial possessions,
it was also true that extensive lawlessness existed at this
time across much of the Far East and China; and that a need
to keep some of the surrendered Japanese forces under arms
to accelerate a return to normalcy appeared justified. In
comparison with this, Dower does not comment on the
existence of extensive US interests in the Philippines for
decades after 1945. The reader could be forgiven for thinking
that there is a subtext at work here of European colonialism
bad, enlightened US arrangements good.
Fourthly: nowhere in the very extensive discussions in
this book about Iraq is any mention made of the significant
role played by Israel in persistently lobbying the US (and
others) that a pre-emptive war against Saddam Hussein was
justified, and in providing ‘intelligence’ of a dubious value.
Given the range of material now in the public domain, this is
simply not good enough.7
The author is on stronger ground when he points out
7 See in particular John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt, The Israel
Lobby (2007) pp. 250-253.
Page 88.
the degree of US contempt for its enemies – whether Japan in
1941 (‘slitty eyed Nips’) or any of the perceived adversaries in
the contemporary ‘War on Terror’ (‘ragheads’). In the latter
case the contempt took the form of insisting that 9/11 was
‘too sophisticated’ for al-Qaeda (according to Paul Wolfowitz)
and that someone else must be responsible (‘see if Saddam
did this’ being asked by President Bush on 12 September
2001). The propensity of senior US figures to hold such views
has been remarked on by Michael Scheuer, a former CIA
official, who is quoted on page 58 about the intellectual
proclivities of Wolfowitz, Bush and others:
‘They....cannot imagine the rest of the world does not
want to be like us; and believe that an American Empire
in the twenty first century not only is our destiny, but our
duty to mankind.’
Dower also makes the interesting point that it was the
conduct of the US occupation of Iraq, rather than solely the
war, that clearly breached international law. One example of
this was the forced privatisation of the country’s assets; or, as
Paul Bremer, head of the Coalition Provisional Authority,
would have it, altering the ‘cockeyed socialist economic theory’
that had foolishly existed before the US take-over. Whatever
one might think about Iraqi law, it decreed that national
assets – such as oil – could only be owned by the state and
that the constitution of Iraq could only be changed by the Iraqi
government. After 2003 this ceased to be the case. In these
circumstances the only basis for Mr Bremer’s actions appears
to be military force – a concept with no legal validity anywhere
in the world.
Even a partisan anti-American reader would concede
that the involvement of the US in World War II produced a
conclusion to the conflict that was preferable to allowing a
German and Japanese victory. But at the conclusion of this
depressing book we may wonder if the time has come for a
broader critique of US foreign policy and the baleful influence it
has exerted in the past century. Such an account would start
Page 89.
with the pursuit of economic liberalism by Woodrow Wilson;
his decision (while campaigning amongst various ethnic blocs
resident in the US during the mid-term elections in 1918) to
support the dismantling of Austria-Hungary, Imperial Germany
and the Ottoman Empire; the insistence by US banks on the
payment of reparations in full; the misreading of Soviet
intentions in 1947-1948 and the instigation (and continuation)
of the Cold War; the decision to undermine the 1954 Geneva
Peace Agreement on Vietnam; the absurd blockade of Cuba;
and the unprecedented support for and identification with
Israel. Why does the US behave like this? Is there a common
thread here? Is its detached geographical position, occupying
part of a continental block that is thousands of miles from
Europe-Asia-Africa a determining factor? If so, how should the
rest of the world relate to the Americans?
The Bilderberg Conspiracy:
Inside the world’s most powerful secret society
H. Paul Jeffers
New York: Citadel Press, 2009, $14.95 (US), p/b
Colin Challen
I feel cheated. Once again, a publisher’s desire for an eyecatching
title has led to an anticlimax. Jeffers goes out of his
way to provide a balanced judgement on the Bilderberg
group8 of high-ranking businessmen, politicians and others
who meet annually to hold secret discussions about how the
world should be run. Certainly there’s enough evidence in the
operation of the Bilderberg group to satisfy credulous
conspiracists – the secrecy, the high security, the guest lists –
but there is no evidence to support the proposition that
despite their obvious influence, the participants have sufficient
power, jointly – which implies agreement between themselves
8 Named after the Dutch hotel where it first met in the 1950s.
Page 90.
– to carry out the plans sometimes ascribed to them; such as
developing a world government for and on behalf of bankers.
That we may have a world which is plainly in the grip of
bankers and their aberrant market philosophy is not the same
Few Bilderbergers (as attendees are called) have
changed the world, despite their efforts. At one level you have
people like environmentalist Jonathan Porritt, whose influence
seems to have waned (perhaps the most important body that
he once chaired, the UK government’s Sustainable
Development Commission has been wound up), and at
another level you have some of the West’s leading
industrialists, bankers and government officials. But as we
shall see, even they don’t always share a common line. And
regardless of which party is in power in Washington, their
luminaries have flocked to Bilderberg meetings in equal
numbers: so if there’s a conspiracy going on here at all it is
merely to continue to expand the set of loosely defined values
which keep these folk in thrall – capitalism and capitalist
The Bilderberg Network would be a more apt title for a
book charting the history of this glittering nexus and its
detractors. The Bilderbergers are people who certainly know
how to network. Gordon Brown attended in 1991. His boss at
the time was John Smith, leader of the Labour Party and a
member of the Bilderberg steering committee. Another
attendee in 1991 was Bill Clinton. One can see the value to
them of these people mixing with each other, many on the
launch pad of their careers. One can imagine Clinton chatting
to his British cousins, ‘Jus’ give me a call, y’all.’ And out of such
friendships, groupthink can safely develop along with the
strengthening of tribal loyalties – or should we say ruling class
tribal loyalties. There is, after all, a certain kind of tautological
quality about Bilderberg: we are the Powerful Ones, therefore
we are powerful. Keeping that power, along with its attendant
privileges (and Jeffers does not skip over the luxury, the
Page 91.
exclusivity, etc. of the meetings) becomes important. One of
Bilderberg’s most egregious participants knew this: Conrad
Black helped many fellow Bilderbergers maintain a lifestyle of
luxury and exclusivity by creating his own faux Bilderberg setups,
this time paid for by his companies. He recruited such
luminaries as Henry Kissinger to advise his Hollinger press on
global affairs. Presumably Kissinger had his staffers read
Hollinger titles such as the Daily Telegraph and the Jerusalem
Post to tell him what to tell Hollinger was going on in the
The proceedings of the Bilderberg group are never
published, but Jeffers quotes from an ‘official report’ of the
1999 meeting.9 Here (p. 112) we learn the following:
‘The meeting then turned to “redesigning the
international financial architecture.” There was “a
general sense that the global capital markets had run a
little ahead of their regulators.” Nobody disputed the
idea that recent crises in emerging markets should be
blamed primarily on the countries concerned. But many
people thought that the recent series of dramatic upsets
also seemed to highlight failings within the international
financial system. The regulators present insisted that
these failings were now being addressed. But many of
the other participants remained sceptical.’
Of the ‘regulators’ present at the 1999 meeting, the UK had
Kenneth Clarke and Peter Mandelson,10 two people for whom
hubris is no stranger. Clarke congratulated himself for setting
the UK on a growth path in the 1990s, and Mandelson was
part of the New Labour cabal that invented the ‘no more boom
and bust’ myth – a myth based on New Labour’s commitment
to stick with Tory spending plans for two years after the 1997
9 Disappointingly, Jeffers’ book contains no references, but his
reference here to an ‘official report’ quotes directly from the minutes
of the meeting which are available at
Page 92.
election to demonstrate their ‘responsibility’ and deference to
City interests.
If there ever was such a thing as a Bilderberg
‘conspiracy’ perhaps it should be known as the conspiracy of
the complacent. At that time a prolonged, global bull market
and economic confidence was quite strong enough to see off
regional difficulties such as the Asian crisis, or a sectoral flop
like the bursting of the dot-com bubble. In such a market it is
very difficult for anyone to make mistakes, least of all the
regulators who are under even more pressure to ‘leave well
alone.’ Perhaps the real dichotomy in the 1999 Bilderberg
meeting was between those who would leave well alone and
those who wanted a little private moral hazard protectionism
against the market forces they were otherwise happy to
encourage. Either way, it’s a sloppy kind of conspiracy.
Perhaps one should regret the absence of a real
Bilderberg conspiracy. Perhaps with a little more decisiveness
from the great and the good, with clearly established goals for
good or ill, there could be a New World Order, rather than a
hotchpotch of partial solutions and wacky theories. The
obvious dangers posed by a growing population with an
exponential thirst for material wealth combined with climate
change makes the global economic outlook dire. The start of
2011 was littered with reports from the UN about what we
already know: food and energy price inflation is tied precisely
to the destabilising effects of unmitigated population growth
and climate change. So perhaps we should demand that if the
Bilderberg meetings continue, a wider public should set the
agenda. I’m not against meetings held under ‘Chatham House’
rules, where what is said can be reported publicly while
keeping the speakers’ identities secret. It is the agenda that
matters. What offends is the idea that our fate can be kicked
around in secret as if it were of no concern to outsiders. Free
discussion on issues that affect us all should be possible
without the need for secret clubs. And as we have seen, if
people like Gordon Brown feel the need to get advice from the
Page 93.
likes of Senator Ted Kennedy on when to hold a general
election in the UK, he can just pick up the phone.
Colin Challen writes at
Real Enemies:
Conspiracy Theories and American Democracy, World War 1 to
Kathryn S. Olmsted
Oxford University Press, 2009, £12.99, p/b 11
If I was going to be generous I would say ‘Close but no cigar’
to professor Olmsted’s account. She has at any rate identified
one of the central issues, expressed in her final paragraph:
‘Since the first World War officials of the U.S. government
have encouraged conspiracy theories, sometimes
inadvertently, sometimes intentionally. They have
engaged in conspiracies and used the cloak of national
security to hide their actions from the American people.
With cool calculation, they have promoted official
conspiracy theories, sometimes demonstrably false ones,
their own purposes.....If antigovernment conspiracy
theories get the details wrong – and they often do –
they get the basic issue right: it is the secret actions of
the government that are the real enemies of democracy.’
But why should I be generous? She has the time, the
academic tenure (at the University of California) and the
access to the material, and still hasn’t done a half decent job.
For the first third of the book she guides us through the
conspiracy theories generated by the US entry into WW1 (led
by a president who promised not to join the war and who did
so against the population’s wishes), WW2 (ditto); and into the
Cold War and through the McCarthy period. So far so
11 A version of this originally appeared in the Fortean Times.
Page 94.
But when we start moving through the sixties towards
the present day, it all goes off the rails. Once again Oswald,
Sirhan and Ray are presented as the assassins of the
Kennedys and King. None of the more substantial research
which suggests they were innocent is even suggested.
Olmsted says (p. 8) that her ‘goal is not to prove or disprove
the conspiracy theories discussed in this book.’ But by her
choice of which version of them to present she judges the
theories. Had she presented the minutely documented and
cautious views on JFK’s death of – say – Professor Peter Dale
Scott or former CIA officer John Newman, she could not have
so blithely dismissed the JFK researchers as ‘amateurs’.
Iran-Contra is sketched in and she flunks the central
issue of the CIA’s role in facilitating the wholesale importation
of cocaine. She notes that CIA officers (she calls them ‘agents’,
often a sign of someone not familiar with the territory) ‘turned
a blind eye’ to the import of cocaine if the dealers contributed
to the (illegal) war against Nicaragua. But it’s worse (or
better) than that. In 1982 the Agency actually went to the
Attorney General of the United States to get his permission to
ignore drug dealing. In effect the CIA, with government
permission, gave cocaine dealers in Central and South America
a ‘get out of jail free’ card: for a few thousand dollars of
support for the contras they could fly their product in
unhindered. And so the guns out and drugs back pattern
began. Iran-Contra is frequently short-handed as weaponsfor-
hostages. More significantly it was guns-for-coke.
The MJ-12 theories about alien-government contact are
presented but she forbears to tell her readers that the whole
thing was cooked-up by the US Air Force. Rather than the
more considered views of the better end of the 9-11 sceptics –
the academics or professionals (pilots, engineers, architects) –
she devotes most of her attention to the Internet
documentary, Loose Change, and the activities of the group of
9-11 widows, the so-called ‘Jersey girls’. She quotes Hilary
Page 95.
Clinton’s 1998 reference to a ‘vast right-wing conspiracy’
against her husband without mentioning that the conspiracy
has been documented in great detail and one of its leading
members has written a memoir about his role in it. And so on.
Simply because she hasn’t read the material, she gets
some of the post 1963 stuff wrong; and her presentation of
the other material is designed to reduce its impact. Her central
thesis, that state conspiracies have produced conspiracy
theories, is true; but how much more oomph it would have
carried had she been able to look the covert nature of
American politics since the Cold War in the face.
Independent Diplomat
Despatches from an Unaccountable Elite
Carne Ross
London: C. Hurst and Co., 2009, £15.00, h/b
This has been out a while (first edition was in 2006) but it is
worth a look. Ross was the indentikit young British diplomat
who began to acquire that most dreadful of professional
handicaps, politics. His memoir illustrates the bizarre
amateurism (the ‘effortless excellence’ which is so highly
prized) of the British civil service compared with their well
trained European counterparts, the stultifying nature of the
British diplomatic culture, as well as providing many telling and
occasionally comic examples of its sheer uselessness.
America’s Nazi Secret
John Loftus
Walterville, Oregon: Trineday, 2010, $24.95, p/b
This a reprint of Loftus’s earlier book The Belarus Secret
Page 96.
(Penguin 1983 in the UK), though with some passages edited
out of the original apparently restored. These restored
sections appear to be those in square brackets in the text,
though Loftus doesn’t seem to tell the reader this and I don’t
have the patience to check the entire text. Certainly some
sections in square brackets are not in the 1983 edition
For the general reader like me this is impossible to
evaluate and I don’t know anyone with the specialised
knowledge required to review this book.
Loftus was a lawyer employed by the US Department of
Justice who joined a unit in the late 1970s which was
investigating Nazi war crimes. He thus gained access to a lot
of classified files and discovered ‘the Belarus secret’: that
hundreds of Belorussian (or Byelorussian) collaborators with
the occupying Nazi forces during WW2, many of whom were
guilty of war crimes, were recruited by the US intelligence
services of the period and/or were allowed into the United
States following the end of WW2. This is the secret.
This edition has a new introduction in which Loftus
describes the long processes of official review and censorship
of his text, as well as presenting something of a political
manifesto, which contains this on p. 12 (fn 20). He writes
about Operation Safehaven:
‘....a program to trace Nazi flight-capital back to the
western investors....the Safehaven files were stolen by
Eleanor Dulles and given to the Zionist intelligence
service. They then blackmailed Nelson Rockefeller into
pressuring the Latin American nations to give the extra
votes in the UN to create the State of Israel.’ (fn 20 p.
But this startling claim is not documented.12
Unable to review this, I can merely report that the
original 1982/3 edition received a severely critical academic
12 Operation Safehaven is discussed at .
Page 97.
review which is on-line13 and, more recently, it has been
attacked in a 2006 report from Loftus’ former employer, the
Department of Justice.14
Loftus is one of the cofounders of the Intelligence
Summit which now exists as a Website15 at which some of the
usual suspects and some new ones do their best to crank up
Islam as a threat to replace communism.
The Last Circle
Danny Casolaro’s Investigation into The Octopus and the Promis
Software Scandal
Cheri Seymour
Walterville (Oregon): Trineday: 2010, $24.95 (US)
This is almost 450 pages of text and another 130 pages of
evidence and photographs, at the end which I had enjoyed
the ride but still had almost no idea of (a) what was and
wasn’t important here (never mind what was and wasn’t
true); (b) how close Danny Casolaro had got to any of this; (c)
who had killed him. One of the few clear things that emerge is
that while trying to wrestle with this enormously complex and
elusive material might have depressed someone whose life
was in good shape, never mind someone like Casolaro whose
life was falling apart, it is nonetheless pretty clear his death
was murder and not suicide. And presumably because
someone thought he was getting too close to something. But
who? And what? remain almost as opaque at the end of the
book as at the beginning. I say ‘almost’ because halfway
14 The Office of Special Investigations: Striving for Accountability in the
Aftermath of the Holocaust, by Judy Feigin, edited by Mark M Richard at
. Pages 356-366
contain the critique: basically the report claims that he was
incompetent and sloppy; citations were misread or non-existent. But
this Office has an axe to grind with Loftus....
Page 98.
through the book, into the narrative of spies and the mob and
hitmen and the theft of the PROMIS software, international
spookery, and military developments in secret on an Indian
reservation, comes a murderous, drug-dealing criminal gang
composed of ex-policemen and ex-soldiers. Well now....
Way back when this magazine began, in the days when
getting access to copies of the International Herald Tribune in
Britain seemed exciting, there was the vague notion that if we
read enough public material we would be able to reconstruct
the secret world beneath it. This book shows as well as
anything I have read that these notions were simply the views
of naive people who had never been near real criminal
investigations, nor tried to deal with people from the covert
world who were blowing smoke (let alone who might kill you if
you found something interesting). The author of this book has
been on the case, off and on, for twenty years and is still
unable to decide how many of the tales told her by this story’s
two central figures, Michael Riconosciuto and Robert Booth
Nichols are true. The core narratives here are so complex, and
the waters so muddied by people lying, as to be almost
impenetrable. The author doesn’t help by taking the reader
down all manner of interesting trails leading off the main drag
– mind control and viruses and remote viewing I remember –
with little bearing on the central story (but who was to know
where the trail would lead when the excursion began?) So I
would say this: anyone looking for a straightforward narrative
which begins with a puzzle and ends with a resolution, don’t
buy this. On the other hand, if you want a fascinating
kaleidoscope of crimes and covert operations from the dark
side of American life, facilitated by American moral hypocrisy
and funded by the largely unregulated development of the
military-industrial-intelligence complex, with enough ‘stories’ to
keep a Sunday Times ‘Insight’ team going for decades, this is
for you.
Page 99.
Bubble Machines, Vampire Squids and the Long Con That Is
Breaking America
Matt Taibbi
New York: Spiegel and Grau, 2010, $26.00 (US); (around £10
plus p and p from Amazon.co.uk), h/b
John Lanchester’s Whoops! Why everyone owes everyone and
no one can pay (published as I.O.U. in America) may be the
best account I have read of the financial crisis which began in
2008, but the three chapters on it in Taibbi’s book are much
the most entertaining. The thing about Taibbi is that where
Lanchester’s book (like the others) tries to explain how a
system failed, Taibbi thinks that Wall Street is the enemy,
bankers, financiers and hedge fund wallahs are mostly crooks,
and the financial markets are devices for fleecing the citizens.
As well as wonderful, splenetic rhetoric, there are nice
clear explanatory passages within the narrative. He educates
as well as entertaining. After reading this you will understand
the mechanics of ‘the long con’, the several subsidiary cons
that are described, several of the major episodes which
contributed to the meltdown, and the Wall St. grifters’
repertoire – CDOs and CDSs and all the rest of them.
But what rhetoric! His most famous quote, the one that
got a lot of major media attention when the essay first
appeared in Rolling Stone, was his description of Goldman
Sachs as ‘a great vampire squid wrapped around the face of
humanity, relentlessly jamming its blood funnel into anything
that smells like money’. But his essay on former Federal
Reserve Chair, Alan Greenspan, titled ‘The Biggest Asshole in
the Universe’, is nearly as brutal:
‘Former Federal Reserve chief Alan Greenspan is that
one-in-a-billion asshole who made America the
dissembling mess that it is today.....Greenspan’s rise....
is a tale of a gerbilish mirror-gazer who flattered and
bullshitted his way up the Matterhorn of American power
Page 100.
and then once he got to the top, feverishly jacked
himself off to the attentions of Wall Street for twenty
consecutive years – in the process laying the intellectual
foundation for a generation of orgiastic greed and
overconsumption and turning the Federal Reserve into a
permanent bailout mechanism for the super-rich.’ (p.
And so on. There is something worth quoting on almost every
In the other equally entertaining and lucid chapters
Taibbi discusses the Tea Party and what it means, social
security and the attempts by the Republicans to get their
hands on it, oil prices (and commodity speculation in general)
and the selling-off of American infrastructure – yes, they’re
even selling roads – to foreign capital.
Because Taibbi writes for Rolling Stone, it is tempting to
compare him to that journal’s other famous political writer, the
late Hunter S. Thompson. But Thompson’s political writing
hasn’t worn well – who now reads Fear and Loathing On the
Campaign Trail, for example? – and Taibbi is a much more
important figure (and a much better writer).
It it interesting that both he and Lanchester were not
financial journalists but just intelligent writers who educated
themselves in these fields and thus began with (and have
maintained) a critical distance from the subject – the people
and the bullshit theories – impossible for financial journalists,
none of whom, to my knowledge, have written adequate
accounts of the mess we are in. Gillian Tett’s Fool’s Gold is
about the best of them but she works for the Financial Times
and is unable or unwilling to look this vast set of frauds and
thefts in the face.
16 En passant Taibbi makes short work of the adolescent ‘philosophy’
of Greenspan’s mentor, Ayn Rand, who was given so much undeserved
prominence in the Adam Curtis documentary, ‘All Watched Over by
Machines of Loving Grace’, shown on BBC2 in late May 2011.
Page 101.
Casa Pia
The making of a modern European witch hunt
Richard Webster
The Orwell Press, £7.95 (UK), 2011, p/back
Webster’s analysis of the British children’s home paedophile
panic of the 1980s and 90s, The Secret of Bryn Estyn,17 is one
of the great solo investigations. Webster showed that the
entire series of episodes, the result of a nation-wide ‘trawling’
by the police for paedophile networks preying on the residents
of children’s homes, was a fantasy; the result of sloppy
journalism, public officials afraid of being blamed for ignoring a
scandal, and lies told by some of the former residents who
were motivated by the police promise of large compensation
for any abuse. Webster dismantles the whole thing and
concludes that many wrongful convictions ensued.
This much smaller book (Bryn Estyn was 750 pages;
this is 105) describes a similar outbreak, again in a group of
children’s homes, Casa Pia, this time in Portugal. But while in
the British witch hunt the tales of children being abused by the
Great and the Good never got beyond rumour, in Portugal a
group of public figures – politicians and Portugal’s best known
television personality among them – were accused and
eventually tried and convicted in 2010. It is as if Ken
Livingstone and Terry Wogan (among others) were found
guilty of being part of a homosexual paedophile ring in
children’s homes in London.
Once again Webster shows that the evidence is false,
the result of the same elements which caused the British
version: amplification and invention by the media; the fear and
incompetence of politicians, social workers and the
prosecuting authorities; and the lies of some children, a key
witness offered a plea bargain by the prosecution and one
politician. The fact that the major witness and some of the
17 Discussed by Simon Matthews in Lobster 52.
Page 102.
children have recanted since the verdicts has not yet
overcome the profound embarrassment of a huge section of
Portugal’s civil society at being swept along in the holy hunt
for today’s witches.
In his conclusion Webster suggests that in this secular
age the human need for ‘devils’ has resulted in paedophiles
becoming ‘the most prominent of our modern evils’; and that
‘human beings in modern cultures still seem to need the sense
that they are battling against an evil conspiracy.’ Of this
second claim I am unconvinced. Webster’s analysis of the Bryn
Estyn case and this more recent one seems to me to explain
how these mistaken beliefs came about without needing
societal need for devils or evil conspiracies. In neither case
would the nonsense have run as far as it did had journalists
been more careful, had police and lawyers been a bit more
sceptical (and more careful); and, in the case of Bryn Estyn,
certainly, had more ridicule been applied to the nonsense
about satanic child abuse, which was imported in the years
before from American Christian circles and took root here in
some Christian social workers (who believed in the literal
existence of Satan).
Page 103.