Summer 2002
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Issue 43    

Nazi UFOs Debunked

'Nazi UFOs' is shorthand for a group of beliefs ranging from the idea that the Third Reich developed a wide range of advanced experimental aircraft at the end of WW2 to the claim that UFOs are really the craft of the Nazi elite who fled to Antarctica at the end of the war. It has been hard to avoid some version of this myth in the past 20 years. At last someone with some nous and a good sceptical eye has done some serious work on it. In Fortean Studies vol 7, (eds. Ian Simmonds and Melanie Quin; London: John Brown Publishing, 2001) that most persistent of pamphleteers, Kevin McClure, has gone through the literature on the subject in great detail and concludes that the whole thing is complete baloney, an endlessly recycled and embroidered handful of 'factoids’ none of which withstands the slightest scrutiny. From here on any writing about the subject which does not incorporate McClure’s essay will be inadequate.

Fortean Studies Volume 7 also includes in its 267 pages essays on asymmetric sociology and UFOs, 'large acquatic cryptids’, parapsychology and the philosophy of mind, Jack the Ripper, hypno-regression, the origins of British neo-paganism, historical accounts of 'Nessie’, flea circuses and 'abducting entities in Malaysia’.

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