Winter 2001/2
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Issue 42    

The TWA Flight 800 crash: was it missiles?

Gavin Phillips

'The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it and ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is.' - Winston Churchill

On July 17, 1996, 230 people boarded TWA Flight 800 at Kennedy airport, New York. About twelve minutes after take-off, 8.31 pm, the plane exploded and crashed into the waters off Long Island. There were no survivors. Immediately afterwards many eyewitnesses stated that they had seen a firework/flare like object rise from the surface shortly followed by Flight 800 exploding. (1) The FBI/National Transport Safety Board (NTSB hereafter) quickly discounted these reports. They instead began leaking various mechanical hypotheses to the media. (2)

Author and reporter James Sanders began investigating Flight 800 about two months after the crash. His wife Elizabeth worked for TWA as a trainer of flight attendants. Elizabeth and some other TWA employees were sharing information about the crash. They were concerned about the direction the official investigation was taking because it did not correspond with their findings. 'But what if it really was a mechanical thing after all?' Sanders asked. 'If it's mechanical, it's mechanical,' they said. 'But you have to find out.' (3)

Sanders knew that he would need a source inside the investigation. His choice was Terrell Stacey, a senior flight manager at TWA who was one of the first to be assigned to the NTSB investigation. In the fall of 1996 Elizabeth contacted Stacey and asked him if he would speak with her husband. He said that he would think about it. About two weeks later, Sanders called Stacey. Fortunately for Sanders, his call coincided with Stacey's own increasing disillusionment with the unprofessional manner in which the investigation was being handled. Sanders and Stacey began a series of meetings on October 30, 1996. Stacey told Sanders that there was plenty of speculation among senior NTSB personnel about various mechanical hypotheses but with no chain of evidence to support it. (4) Those suppositions would then be aired by NBC as the latest mechanical theory of Flight 800's demise.

Over the course of the next three months Stacey furnished Sanders with two crucial pieces of evidence. The first was a 104-page NTSB printout giving the coordinates of all Flight 800 wreckage locations. (5) When Sanders put the coordinates into his computer it gave him a diagram of the debris pattern. 'It's like skid marks on the bottom of the ocean', said Sanders. 'The diagram tells you a story of what happened.' (6) And the pattern did not match any mechanical theories. Stacey then sent Sanders two tiny pieces of red/orange residue covered foam that was found on seats only in rows 17, 18 and 19, exactly where the front of the plane broke off. (7) Sanders had one sample tested by West Coast Analytical Services, who broke it down into a list of chemical components.

Sanders was sharing information with David Hendrix, a journalist with The Press-Enterprise in Riverside, California. Sanders sent Hendrix a copy of the analysis results. Hendrix and Sanders separately asked experts within the missile industry if you would find the same elements in the exhaust from a missile. The answer was yes. (Later it was established over 98% similarity. (8) ) On March 7, 1997, Hendrix called FBI headquarters and spoke with James Kallstrom, head of the FBI investigation. Sanders also was present.

Hendrix: I'm doing a story saying there is an apparent residue trail through TWA Flight 800 that tests out as missile propellant.

Kallstrom: It's not true. There is a red residue trail. It has no connection to a missile. I'm not going to get into it. There's a logical explanation, but I'm not going to get into it.

Hendrix: The FBI took [samples] from seats in rows 17, 18 and 19. What were the results of those tests?

Kallstrom: We're not in the habit of discussing lab tests. (9)

Hendrix then read off some of the elements and percentages found in the residue. Kallstrom did not tell Hendrix, 'If you run that story Hendrix, you'll make a fool out of yourself; it's 3M seat glue, we already tested it!' Kallstrom didn't say that, because he didn't know what the official story was going to be.

The Press-Enterprise ran the story on March 10, 1997. The headline read, 'New Data Show Missile May Have Nailed TWA 800'. The first thing the FBI did was to strip the residue-covered foam off of the seats. Then the cover story was released to the press. It was glue. The NTSB's Dr. Birky wrote that NASA scientist Dr. Charles Bassett had tested the residue and the results were 'consistent with a polychloroplene 3M Scotch-Grip 1357 High-Performance contact adhesive.' (10) The report was circulated to the media alleging that this proved that Sanders' residue was glue. But this was a lie. Bassett stated in a notarised affidavit that his tests did not come to those conclusions. (11) Even though the NTSB had in their possession an identical sample of Sanders' residue, they didn't send it for testing. Instead, they collected some unknown sample, supposedly from the aircraft, and had that tested. Sanders has a taped conversation with Birky in which he refers to the prospect of analysing Sanders' residue. Birky says, 'Boy, if we had analysed it and it came out wrong, then what do we do? We could never put this thing to bed.' (12) Below is a side-by-side analysis of 3M glue (analysed at Florida State University) and Sanders' residue. As you can see, they are totally different. (13)

                    3M GLUE      SANDERS RESIDUE
Aluminium [Al]      0.0082             2.800
Antimony [Sb]       none detected      0.530
Boron               0.0053             0.081
Calcium  [Ca]       0.0820            12.000
Chromium [Cr]       0.0002             0.032
Iron [Fe]           0.0108             0.100        
Lead [Pb]           0.0000            12.400
Magnesium [Mg]      0.9657            18.000
Manganese [Mn       0.0013             0.210      
Nickel [Ni]         0.0001             0.210
Silicon [Si]        0.0266            15.000
Silver [Ag]         none detected      0.032
Sodium [Na]         0.0157            none detected
Titanium [Ti]       0.0007             1.700 
Zinc [Zn]           0.2125             3.600 

The eyewitnesses

Hundreds of eyewitnesses saw a streak of light followed by Flight 800 exploding. (14) Ninety-six saw a flare/firework like object rise from the surface and a few seconds later Flight 800 exploded several times and crashed. (15) At the first public NTSB hearings held in Baltimore, December 1997, not a single eye-witness was allowed to give their account. The eyewitnesses became so incensed that the FBI/NTSB ignored or discounted their testimonies that a full-page advertisement was taken out in The Washington Times on August 15, 2000. The title read, 'We Saw TWA Flight 800 Shot Down by Missiles And We Won't Be Silenced Any Longer.' Below are a few eyewitness testimonies.

Navy Master-Chief Dwight Brumley (Ret.) used to work as a 'U.S. Navy electronic-warfare technician'. He was on board US Air Flight 217 from Charlotte, North Carolina to Providence, Rhode Island. The aircraft was flying at 21,000 feet, a few miles behind Flight 800. Brumley said:

'I noticed the flare-like object appearing to rise off of my right side looking down, probably underneath the wing, and then rising, peaking over, pitching over, and then the first explosion. One to two seconds later, the small explosion became much larger explosion and started to elongate as it started heading downward.' (16)

From his viewpoint, Brumley couldn't see Flight 800 exploding, but another passenger on the plane, James Nugent, said he saw:

'The cabin lights inside the plane a moment before it erupted into a fireball.' (17)

Lisa Perry had an excellent view of the incident. Perry wrote to the NTSB on 15 August 2000. Below is part of that letter:

'I am just one of the hundreds, and hundreds, and hundreds of eyewitnesses who were there that night. We don't need anyone theorising on the causes of the crash. Those of us who were there remember all too well what we saw in front of our own eyes. TWA 800 was taken from the sky by an assault of missiles. From whom or why, I have no idea. But this foolishness that the plane spontaneously exploded is not kidding anyone.' (18)

Major Frederick C. Meyer was with the New York National Guard's 106th rescue wing at the time of the crash. Meyer and co-pilot Chris Baur were flying an HH-60G helicopter over Gabreski airport in Westhampton Beach practising landings. Meyer had an excellent viewpoint of the incident and was the first person on the crash scene. Whilst Meyer was keeping a close lookout for a Cessna that was in the area he saw:

'A streak of light' moving very rapidly from my left-center farther to my left. It was red-orange in colour. And then for an instant I saw nothing - and then suddenly right there I saw an explosion - high velocity explosion. It was military ordnance! A second and a half to two seconds later - farther to the left but down - I saw a flash once again - high velocity explosion.'

After receiving clearance to investigate further, Meyer flew to the crash area and saw:

'A lake of fire, probably 3 acres in size, burning with flames 50 feet high. We worked around the upwind hemisphere of the lake of fire and the first thing we saw were four bodies. (19)

Meyer flew helicopters in Vietnam and knows what missiles and flak look like. On March 12, 1998, he told the Granada Forum:

'My purpose in being here tonight is to tell you that what I saw explode in the sky on July 17, 1996 was military ordnance......We're [with Donaldson] here to say it's no accident - somebody shot this aircraft down.' (20)

In order to try and explain away the hundreds of eyewitness testimonies, the CIA produced a computer-generated video of the TWA Flight 800 crash. In the CIA's video, the plane climbs about 3,000 feet after the nose section has broken off. According to the CIA, the witnesses mistook a burning, ascending 747 at over 13,500 feet for a missile-like object rising from the surface. CIA spokeswoman Carolyn Osborn said:

'There is no way a missile brought down the plane. What these eyewitnesses saw was, in fact, the burning 747 [jet] in various stages of crippled flight.' (The Press-Enterprise 25 September 1997).

Unfortunately for the CIA however, pilots and engineers were quick to point out that a pilot-less 747, missing it's front section, would immediately stall and drop like a brick - period. Worse still, the CIA said that they had based their calculations primarily on the testimony of onewitness, Michael Wire. (21) But the CIA never interviewed him, and Wire emphatically denies that the CIA video bears any resemblance to what he saw. (22)

Radar evidence and wreckage manipulation

Pilot Richard Russell (Ret.) worked for over 26 years with the Airline Pilots Association (APA) investigating commercial aviation accidents. Russell was given a copy of an FAA radar tape from the night of the crash. Russell says:

'What was on that tape was not an electronic glitch. This was an unidentified rogue target going some place in a big hurry. It is a target that appears for four sweeps and then disappears. This target appeared just seconds before TWA 800 blows up. Several controllers actually reported that it was a missile.' (23)

Initially the Russell tape was discounted as a fraud but when it was authenticated the FBI immediately confiscated it. (24)

An APA investigator described an extraordinary scene to Russell when he arrived at the TWA 800 crash site. Russell says,

'He was greeted by 500 police officers, several hundred FBI agents and twenty-three CIA agents. He went to the head APA official and asked, "What the hell is going on here?" The official said, "I wondered how long it would take you to figure this out." When any of the investigators attempted to photograph the area the FBI would forbid it.' (25)

According to the APA investigator, each investigator had two to six agents following them around.

'He also told me that if you would pick up a fragment and call another investigator over to look at it with obvious interest, an FBI agent would come over and take it out of your hands and you would never see it again.' (26)

The positioning of the wreckage was another problem for the NTSB/FBI because it did not correspond with their mechanical agenda. So they started changing it. TWA employee Linda Kuntz was working in the investigation as part of the Cabin Interior Group. She noticed that the NTSB was altering passenger seat locations to conform to the official theory. Linda called on the assistance of two New York policeman to help her photograph the sequence of alterations. The photographs, showing how the seat locations were being altered, were sent by TWA officials to the government. The FBI had Linda removed from the case.(27)

Sanders' friendly fire theory

Immediately after the crash the military vehemently denied that there were any military manoeuvres in the area at the time of the crash. They said that there were only two navy assets in the area, a P-3 Orion plane and the ship Normandy, about 185 miles away.(28) Both these claims were later proven to be lies. After nearly five years, several facts have been established that support the friendly fire theory.

FACT: There was a military presence in the area at the time of TWA Flight 800's crash. Sanders has a videotaped statement by an NTSB investigator saying that U.S. ships were within 'several' miles of TWA Flight 800 when it crashed. (29) Navy documents state that there were 'significant Naval units' (30) in the area of Flight 800's crash on the evening of July 17 (also confirmed by FAA and Navy radar).(31) Eyewitnesses Lisa Perry and Alice Rowe saw a large 'United States military vessel just outside the sandbar along the shore of Davis Park, Fire Island. It was about 6 or 6:30.' (32)

FACT: There were military manoeuvres being carried out in the area. James Kallstrom in a recorded interview (with Reed Irvine of Accuracy In Media) on September 14 1998 said that three of the surface radar contacts 'were Navy vessels on classified manoeuvres.' There was a Navy Cooperative Engagement Capability (CEC) exercise in the area scheduled from 10AM to 1PM of July 17. (33) (Sanders says sources told him that it was extended into the evening.) (34) CEC is a very complex system that was supposed to be able to differentiate between friendly, enemy and neutral aircraft in the very confusing airspace that you have when you are at war.

FACT: There were several warning zones in the area that were off limits to commercial/private aircraft at the time of the crash.(35) Tom Stalcup, independent investigator into Flight 800, was given previously undisclosed FAA radar data from the night of the crash. He called Kelly O'Meara of Insight magazine who in turn contacted the NTSB and obtained a copy of the database. On 20 September 20 1999 Insight published an article by O'Meara entitled, 'New Radar Data, New Questions.' O'Meara says in part:

'[the data] shows in excess of two-dozen surface vessels and aircraft detected by radar just beyond the 20-nautical-mile mark. Of interest to experts who have reviewed the data plot is that most of the surface vessels in Chart B appear to be heading in a parallel movement toward Whiskey 105, or W-105 -- a military warning area highly publicised to mariners and aviators, designed to keep commercial aircraft and surface vessels out of harm's way during military exercises. On the evening of the explosion, W-105 was activated for military exercises along with several other warning areas along the Atlantic Coast.'

Warning area W-105's northwestern boundary was within a few miles of where Flight 800 crashed. Some have said that these radar returns may have been commercial or sports fishing boats. The fact is that only larger ships provide radar returns; and why would commercial fisherman be moving in apparent formation into a military hot zone as night fell? Of particular interest to investigators is one ship, known as 'the thirty knot track'.(36) This ship was very close to the crash area, about 2.9 miles away. Instead of turning to render assistance, it moves rapidly away, right from under Flight 800's burning wreckage. Sanders writes:

'This 30-knot target continued moving south at a high rate of speed until it approached an armada of ships that could also be seen by the FAA radar.' (37)

Sanders was told by a source that if the navy was stupid enough to conduct missile firings close to Long Island, they would have an anti-missile missile backstop. Sanders says the exercise:

'....was being demonstrated real time in the White House Situation Room - there was a group of a senior bureaucrats - something went wrong and the anti-missile missile backstop, I believe, met a fraction of a second after the first missile hit flight 800.' (38)

In a terrible twist of fate, both missiles met at TWA Flight 800. Meanwhile, back in the White House, a source told Sanders, 'There was a long silence. Finally, someone said, "Oops."' (39) Immediately there was a hurried meeting between the most senior people present. They quickly announced that National Security was being invoked.

Destroying the messenger

The day following the Press-Enterprise article, Sanders sent his other residue sample to CBS so they could run independent tests on it. The FBI found out and threatened to tear CBS's studios apart if it they didn't give it to them.(40) CBS immediately handed it over. Sanders' exposé of the residue in the Press-Enterprise article had caught the FBI off-guard. Drastic action was needed to try and stop the official investigation from totally unravelling. The FBI wanted the name of Sanders' informant, referred to only as 'hanger man'. They offered the Sanders immunity from prosecution if they gave him up. (41) Sanders refused and said that he was a protected journalist's source. The FBI immediately subpoenaed Sanders' phone records, totally disregarding the strict procedures required for obtaining phone records from a journalist. (42) Incredibly, Justice Department attorneys Valerie Caproni and Benton Campbell stated, 'We can find no support for the assertion that Mr. Sanders is a member of the media.' (43)

Sanders was identified in the Press-Enterprise article as 'an author and investigative reporter'. The FBI tried to bully Elizabeth Sanders into giving them the name of Terrell Stacey. The intimidation tactics became so intense that Elizabeth had to leave her family and go into hiding for months. In April 1997 Sanders' first book on this subject, The Downing of TWA Flight 800, was published. The FBI immediately scoured the acknowledgement section and dragged many of the people in for questioning. (44)

On December 5, 1997, a warrant was issued for the Sanders' arrest. They were charged with conspiracy to illegally remove parts of aircraft wreckage and the crime of aiding and abetting the removal of such materials. James Kallstrom said:

'These defendants are charged with not only committing a serious crime, they have also increased the pain already inflicted on the victims' families.' (45)

Using the emotion of the victims' families to launch an attack on the Sanders is vile enough, but even worse is the fact that Kallstrom is guilty of exactly the same 'crime' that the Sanders were accused of. In a tawdry public relations stunt Kallstrom gave a piece of TWA Flight 800's wreckage to a family member. (46)

During the trial the Sanders were not allowed to raise First Amendment issues or introduce evidence of government corruption. Terrell Stacey made a deal with the FBI. He pled guilty to a misdemeanour in exchange for his testimony. Even though Stacey testified that he had taken the two tiny pieces of foam from the Calverton hanger 'on my own volition', (47) the jury still found the Sanders guilty on all counts. They were sentenced on 16 July 1999. Sanders was given three years probation and 50 hours of community service. His wife received one-year probation and 25 hours of community service. The case is under appeal.

Was it terrorists?

The late Commander William Donaldson (United States Navy/Ret.; Donaldson died from a brain tumor on 22 August 2001) was instrumental in bringing the public's attention to the many large factual and logical flaws in the official version of TWA Flight 800's crash. Donaldson was a Navy pilot with over two decades of experience 'in virtually all phases of naval aviation', including 7 years as a military air crash investigator. Donaldson first began investigating the TWA 800 crash in April 1997. Donaldson did an outstanding job, demonstrating the extremely safe properties of Jet A-1 fuel that is used in commercial aircraft. Jet A-1 fuel is far safer than car gasoline. If you throw a lighted match into it at temperatures below 127 degrees Fahrenheit it will put the match out. (48) The government surmises that Flight 800 crashed due to an explosion in the nearly empty centre wing tank (CWT) ignited by an unknown source. Regarding the government's theory, Donaldson wrote:

'Such an event is literally impossible because of the extremely low volatility of aviation kerosene and the superb ignition-free design of the 747 fuel tank system.' (49)

In 1997, at JFK airport, Donaldson extracted some fuel from a 747 that had been sitting with its air conditioners running in weather conditions similar to that of Flight 800 on the day of the crash. The temperature of the fuel was only 6 degrees Fahrenheit, nowhere near flammable range. (50) Donaldson wrote:

'The NTSB would have you believe that Jet A fuel vapours are a virtual bomb waiting to go off, yet every day hundreds of 747's are sitting on hot runways in places like Saudi Arabia with empty centre tanks and none have ever exploded.' (51)

The NTSB's hypothesis that air conditioning units close to the centre wing tank raised the fuel temperature sufficiently to cause the vapours somehow to ignite totally defies logic. As many pilots have said, if air conditioners could set off fuel tanks they would have died a hundred deaths while sitting on Dallas and Riyadh runways, running the air conditioners full blast. In the entire flying history of the 747 there has never been an in-flight fuel tank explosion caused by some unknown ignition source whilst using Jet A-1 fuel. (52) There are no wires in the fuel tank to set off an explosion. Donaldson was shocked by the extremely unprofessional way the official agencies were running the investigation. Referring to the FBI/NTSB/CIA investigation he said:

'Never in my wildest dreams did I ever expect to find such rampant incompetence of several agencies. Mr. James Kallstrom stated during his final press conference that the Bureau had turned over every rock ten times. The literal truth is that they didn't even find some of the eyewitnesses. We found 140 eyewitnesses, and the FBI has never even interviewed 20 of them.' (53)

One of the most compelling pieces of evidence disproving the government's exploding CWT is a photograph taken by James Sanders of Flight 800 wreckage as part of the discovery phase of his trial. Donaldson, working for the Sanders defence as a consultant, asked him to photograph a particular area of the fuselage where the government says the explosion took place. Donaldson says:

'One of his photos shows that the bottom of that centre fuel tank is domed upward 14 inches! If the scenario offered by the NTSB is accurate, that metal surface should be domed downward, the result of an explosion inside the tank..' (54)

Donaldson pointed out that the positioning of wreckage in the debris field proves beyond any doubt that a missile struck Flight 800. He wrote:

'Either the aircraft was hit by an Amtrak metro-liner on the left side or by a powerful anti-aircraft weapon.' (55)

Donaldson's conclusions were that terrorists, most probably in two locations, shot the plane down using shoulder-fired surface to air missiles. Donaldson theorised that Clinton covered it up because the election was only 15 weeks away and he feared the American public would hold him responsible and he would lose the election.

Although Donaldson brought vitally important information to the fore, I have not found convincing answers to a number of problems with the terrorist theory. During Clinton's Presidency, one particular character trait that showed itself many times was his total preoccupation with his continued political survival. Why would he risk trying to orchestrate an enormous cover-up of a terrorist act? The many unforeseen leaks and inevitable whistle blowers exposing the cover-up would pose a far greater threat to his Presidency than simply admitting that terrorists were responsible. Covering up for terrorists would place Clinton in an enormously compromising position because presumably the terrorists could expose his cover-up at any time.

We know that there were many navy assets in the area at the time of the crash. How could terrorists in two locations find their target, make certain the missile was locked on, launch and still make a clean getaway? Why did the navy rapidly flee the area instead of searching for survivors and terrorists?

The government's mechanical agenda

In August 2000, the NTSB announced its conclusions about the cause of TWA Flight 800's crash:

'An explosion of the centre wing fuel tank (CWT) resulting from ignition of the flammable fuel/air mixture in the tank. The source of ignition energy for the explosion could not be determined with certainty.' (56)

For us to believe the government's mechanical theory we must dismiss hundreds of eyewitness accounts, radar data, residue that is 98% compatible with rocket propellant and the location and manipulation of the wreckage. Whether it was 'friendly fire', terrorists, or a third option, the indisputable fact is that a missile, most probably two, was responsible for the crash of TWA Flight 800.

Gavin Phillips is a writer and researcher who currently spends the majority of his time trying to raise people's awareness of the pharmaceutical/medical complex's suppression of effective cancer treatments. His website address is http:///


1 James Sanders, The Downing of TWA Flight 800, New York: Zebra Books, 1997, p. 40

2 Ibid. p. 62/63

3 Ibid. p. 64

4 James Sanders, Altered Evidence, self-published, 1999, p. 83, This and The Downing of TWA Fight 800 are available at

5 Ibid. p. 83

6 Ibid. p. 119

7 Ibid. p. 102

8 Ibid. p. 123

9 Ibid. p. 113

10 Ibid. p. 126

11 James Sanders email to the author April 26 2001

12 'TWA Flight 800 Analysts Say FBI is Intentionally Obstructing Justice' October 1998. flight_800_10-98.html

13 James Sanders, Altered Evidence, p. 172

14 William Donaldson, 'The NTSB-To be or not to be?', The Washington Post, Op-Ed Section, 4 July 2000

15 Donaldson Website (Scroll down two thirds)

16 Flight 800 Independent Researchers Organization (FIRO) website, run by Tom Stalcup, 'Eyewitness Dwight Brumley: FBI Questions Answered, Four Years Later'.

17 James Sanders, Altered Evidence p. 34

18 'Letter to NTSB from Lisa Perry, August 15, 2000', posted on Michael Hull's website,

19 See Michael Hull's Website, meyer.htm

20 Ibid.

21 Letter to Senator Inhofe by Reed Irvine from Accuracy in Media 30 December 30, 2000, posted to Donaldson's Website

22 Ibid.

23 'TWA Flight 800 Analysts Say FBI is Intentionally Obstructing Justice', October 1998. See

24 Ibid.

25 Ibid.

26 Ibid.

27 James Sanders, Altered Evidence p. 86

28 James Sanders, T he Downing of TWA Flight 800 p. 96/97

29 James Sanders letter to the author, 17 February 17 2001.

30 James Sanders, Altered Evidence p. 38

31 Ibid. p. 38

32 Lisa Perry and Alice Rowe letter to William Donaldson October 17, 1998 . See

33 James Sanders, Altered Evidence p. 58

34 James Sanders letter to the author 17 February 17 2001.

35 Kelly O'Meara e-mail to the author 25 January 2001, stating, in part, that 'W-105 was hot that evening for live fire exercises. I have the Department of Defense documents to support the statement.'

36 FIRO Website, see

37 James Sanders, Altered Evidence p. 36

38 Jeff Rense, 'Sightings', radio interview with James Sanders, 18 January 18 2000.

39 James Sanders, Altered Evidence p. 43

40 Jeff Rense, 'Sightings', radio interview with James Sanders 18 January 2000

41 James Sanders, Altered Evidence p. 157

42 Kelly Patricia O'Meara, 'Feds Assault the Free Press', Insight Magazine 7 December 1998. See omera.html

43 Ibid.

44 Jeff Rense, 'Sightings', radio interview with James Sanders 18 January 18 2000.

45 Steven J. Allen, 'Journalist Or Criminal?' WorldNetDaily, 12 August 1998

46 James Sanders, Altered Evidence p. 228/9

47 Kelly Patricia 'O'Meara, 'Feds Assault the Free Press', Insight Magazine 7 December 1998. See fl800/omera.html

48 Edward Zehr, 'Going After Boeing', Washington Weekly, 15 November 1999.

49 William Donaldson, 'The NTSB-To be or not to be?', The Washington Post, Op-Ed Section 4 July 2000

50 Edward Zehr, 'Going After Boeing', Washington Weekly, 15 November 1999.

51 William Donaldson

52 'TWA Flight 800 Analysts Say FBI is Intentionally Obstructing Justice' October 1998: see

53 John F. McManus interviews William Donaldson for The New American, 25 October 25, 1999. 'The TWA 800 Shootdown.'